Greenland Melt

Where on earth did you get such a stupid idea?

That is, who fed you such a crazy lie? And why did you fall for it?

Don't worry, it wasn't directed at you. We already know you have no proof of 120ppm of CO2 driving climate. So your further comments aren't important until that proof is provided. bye.

How long are you going to use that excuse to shit yourself and run every time it gets pointed out you're just making shit up again?

I'd ask you to find your balls and address the issues, but that's usually not possible for deniers, since the denier cult now requires its acolytes to become eunuchs before joining. However, perhaps you could convince a vet to implant a set of neuticles, after which you can explain why you think there's no sea level rise.

hahahahahahahaahaha..........................what issue, the one where you show us 120PPM CO2 drives climate? Yeah let us know when you have that. Otherwise you know what you can do with those balls.
So in other words you do not are a link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate.

I just need to show the smoking guns. That would be the outgoing longwave radiationn decreasing in the greenhouse gas absorption bands, and downward longwave increasing.

And I have shown it. Several times. The deniers, alas, either pretended not to see it, or said it was all faked. Denied reality, in other words, hence why they're called deniers.

So just run back to your cult, Kosh, and pretend with all the others that the data we keep showing doesn't actually exist.

yep and the proof it drives climate. send that one out.
But we have shown the absorption spectrum of CO2, and how in the real world it is changing the heat balance. We've proven our case, now you need to come up with a refutation.

Now, you can refuse to do so, and keep yammering your cult myths instead. Nobody's stopping you. It means the whole planet will keep laughing at you, but you seem to enjoy the ridicule, since being a martyr earns you so many brownie points with your religious cult.

Let's gets back to the data, since that's what deniers hate most. Here are the sea levels as measured by satellite altimetry. This would be what deniers are calling "no sea level rise".

But we have shown the absorption spectrum of CO2, and how in the real world it is changing the heat balance. We've proven our case, now you need to come up with a refutation.

Now, you can refuse to do so, and keep yammering your cult myths instead. Nobody's stopping you. It means the whole planet will keep laughing at you, but you seem to enjoy the ridicule, since being a martyr earns you so many brownie points with your religious cult.

Let's gets back to the data, since that's what deniers hate most. Here are the sea levels as measured by satellite altimetry. This would be what deniers are calling "no sea level rise".


ew..nice try, the thing is you don't know that the absorption produces the heat you think it does. See the earth has already proven differently. So that evidence is what we're looking for. Like how much absorption causes one degree C change in how much PPM. You have that? So someone did that experiment right? shows 120PPM drives the climate.

BTW, you know the chart is in cm's right? As I already pointed out in another thread, you're showing 2 and 3/4 inch rise since 1992.
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The icelandic sagas and the history of Norway happen to be a hobby of mine. Your statement is complete crap. The settlements of Greenland failed, repeatedly.

The Norse settlements of Greenland existed for over 500 years and were prosperous enough to send out colonization efforts of their own. Further they were able to support 12 churches, a cathedral, and a monastery! For someone who claims to study it you sure don't know shit about it.
So in other words you do not are a link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate.

I just need to show the smoking guns. That would be the outgoing longwave radiationn decreasing in the greenhouse gas absorption bands, and downward longwave increasing.

And I have shown it. Several times. The deniers, alas, either pretended not to see it, or said it was all faked. Denied reality, in other words, hence why they're called deniers.

So just run back to your cult, Kosh, and pretend with all the others that the data we keep showing doesn't actually exist.

So in other words I get AGW religious scripture over any actual science.
But we have shown the absorption spectrum of CO2, and how in the real world it is changing the heat balance. We've proven our case, now you need to come up with a refutation.

Now, you can refuse to do so, and keep yammering your cult myths instead. Nobody's stopping you. It means the whole planet will keep laughing at you, but you seem to enjoy the ridicule, since being a martyr earns you so many brownie points with your religious cult.

Let's gets back to the data, since that's what deniers hate most. Here are the sea levels as measured by satellite altimetry. This would be what deniers are calling "no sea level rise".


Yes right out of the AGW scriptures..

Go figure that one.

Still zero scientific evidence that CO2 drives climate.

One chart that trumps AGW scripture:


People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth.
How did humanity manage to survive back when it was warm enough for Vikings to farm in Greenland in areas in which farming is still impossible today? They set up settlements as far north as Godthab. The pasture land of greenland was better than those in either norway or iceland.

Dr Masters is a screaming hysteric with zero historical perspective.

How Dare you post something like this? :evil:

Are you implying that this is part of Nature's natural cycles and NOT Mankind's fault? :evil:
The icelandic sagas and the history of Norway happen to be a hobby of mine. Your statement is complete crap. The settlements of Greenland failed, repeatedly.

You should change your name to would suit you better...crock of shit that is.
How did humanity manage to survive back when it was warm enough for Vikings to farm in Greenland in areas in which farming is still impossible today? They set up settlements as far north as Godthab. The pasture land of greenland was better than those in either norway or iceland.

Dr Masters is a screaming hysteric with zero historical perspective.

There were more Deniers! back then
Yes right out of the AGW scriptures.

So I post real data on sea level, and Kosh just handwaves it away. Poor addled Kosh could not have illustrated any better what a brainwashed cultist he is. That's why we call them deniers, because they auto-deny any data that contradicts their cult's dogma.

Seriously Kosh, your fellow cultists all know by now what a loyal cultist you are. You don't have to keep proving it by digging your head even deeper into the sand. Closing your eyes and covering your ears will be quite sufficient to keep out that annoying real world.

Now, you won't convince anyone you're not a brainless parrot by doing all those cut-and-pastes concerning topics that you clearly don't understand yourself. If you understood them, you'd know why you cult website has failed so very badly at the science.

We could try to tell you where you're screwing up, but frankly, it's a waste of time, as you lack the brainpower necessary to understand. And there's no shame in that, as long as you understand what you don't understand. That's why I don't lecture brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery. What you're doing essentially is lecturing brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery.
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Yes right out of the AGW scriptures.

So I post real data on sea level, and Kosh just handwaves it away. Poor addled Kosh could not have illustrated any better what a brainwashed cultist he is. That's why we call them deniers, because they auto-deny any data that contradicts their cult's dogma.

Seriously Kosh, your fellow cultists all know by now what a loyal cultist you are. You don't have to keep proving it by digging your head even deeper into the sand. Closing your eyes and covering your ears will be quite sufficient to keep out that annoying real world.

Now, you won't convince anyone you're not a brainless parrot by doing all those cut-and-pastes concerning topics that you clearly don't understand yourself. If you understood them, you'd know why you cult website has failed so very badly at the science.

We could try to tell you where you're screwing up, but frankly, it's a waste of time, as you lack the brainpower necessary to understand. And there's no shame in that, as long as you understand what you don't understand. That's why I don't lecture brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery. What you're doing essentially is lecturing brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery.

dude, I already pointed out you're fear mongering is a 2 and 3/4 inches rise over 23 years and 25/32'nd rise since 2008. So your point is useless here. find something else to pound your chest with. You're nothing but a fear mongering k00k. BTW, where's that experiment that shows 120PPM CO2 drives climate hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

BTW you act here you already attempted brain surgery on yourself. hah!!!!!
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Yes right out of the AGW scriptures.

So I post real data on sea level, and Kosh just handwaves it away. Poor addled Kosh could not have illustrated any better what a brainwashed cultist he is. That's why we call them deniers, because they auto-deny any data that contradicts their cult's dogma.

Seriously Kosh, your fellow cultists all know by now what a loyal cultist you are. You don't have to keep proving it by digging your head even deeper into the sand. Closing your eyes and covering your ears will be quite sufficient to keep out that annoying real world.

Now, you won't convince anyone you're not a brainless parrot by doing all those cut-and-pastes concerning topics that you clearly don't understand yourself. If you understood them, you'd know why you cult website has failed so very badly at the science.

We could try to tell you where you're screwing up, but frankly, it's a waste of time, as you lack the brainpower necessary to understand. And there's no shame in that, as long as you understand what you don't understand. That's why I don't lecture brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery. What you're doing essentially is lecturing brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery.


Of all the carbon emitted into the atmosphere each year, 210 billion tons are from natural sources, and only 6.3 billion tons are from man's activity. Man's burning of fossil fuel, therefore only accounts for 3 percent of total emissions of CO2.
LMAO.....Antarctic sea ice largest on record!!!

Why is Antarctic sea ice growing?

Now isn't that something?

Yes it is. It's growing because it's sliding off the Antarctic coastline at five times its normal pace and it's doing that because of warm sea water lapping away at it's grounding line. As you well know, the grounding line is now unstoppably receding into areas where the base rock below the ice is below sea level.

You know you get a lot of grief here for being stupid. Surely you're smart enough to have read and understood and recall what's happening in Antarctica. It is NOT what a denier wants to bring up these days (not that anything is). The Antarctic glaciers sliding inexorably into the Amundsen Sea is NOT a good thing.

PS, the topic of this thread is Greenland. Not Antarctica. Greenland.

He is a buffoon, the town idiot, so to speak. He's jacking off and drooling on himself after every stupid post.
Yes right out of the AGW scriptures.

So I post real data on sea level, and Kosh just handwaves it away. Poor addled Kosh could not have illustrated any better what a brainwashed cultist he is. That's why we call them deniers, because they auto-deny any data that contradicts their cult's d6ogma.

Seriously Kosh, your fellow cultists all know by now what a loyal cultist you are. You don't have to keep proving it by digging your head even deeper into the sand. Closing your eyes and covering your ears will be quite sufficient to keep out that annoying real world.

Now, you won't convince anyone you're not a brainless parrot by doing all those cut-and-pastes concerning topics that you clearly don't understand yourself. If you understood them, you'd know why you cult website has failed so very badly at the science.

We could try to tell you where you're screwing up, but frankly, it's a waste of time, as you lack the brainpower necessary to understand. And there's no shame in that, as long as you understand what you don't understand. That's why I don't lecture brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery. What you're doing essentially is lecturing brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery.


Of all the carbon emitted into the atmosphere each year, 210 billion tons are from natural sources, and only 6.3 billion tons are from man's activity. Man's burning of fossil fuel, therefore only accounts for 3 percent of total emissions of CO2.

Doesn't mean anything.

Analogous process is unemployment. Each month the change in employment is published. The actual number of people that became unemployeed is ten times as many. And the number of people that got jobs is ten times as well. It isn' t important. What is important is the difference between the two.

Same with body temperature. Normal is 98.6. If you have a temp of 100.4. Gosh, that's only 2.8%

See the problem? You don't know the difference between the numbers and what is being measured.

If your not clear on this, you can experiment by eating rat poison. Just 2 or 3% of your body weight.

Come back when you are done.

Then we can discuss why your IQ that is 3% below normal is significant
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So I post real data on sea level, and Kosh just handwaves it away. Poor addled Kosh could not have illustrated any better what a brainwashed cultist he is. That's why we call them deniers, because they auto-deny any data that contradicts their cult's d6ogma.

Seriously Kosh, your fellow cultists all know by now what a loyal cultist you are. You don't have to keep proving it by digging your head even deeper into the sand. Closing your eyes and covering your ears will be quite sufficient to keep out that annoying real world.

Now, you won't convince anyone you're not a brainless parrot by doing all those cut-and-pastes concerning topics that you clearly don't understand yourself. If you understood them, you'd know why you cult website has failed so very badly at the science.

We could try to tell you where you're screwing up, but frankly, it's a waste of time, as you lack the brainpower necessary to understand. And there's no shame in that, as long as you understand what you don't understand. That's why I don't lecture brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery. What you're doing essentially is lecturing brain surgeons on how to do brain surgery.


Of all the carbon emitted into the atmosphere each year, 210 billion tons are from natural sources, and only 6.3 billion tons are from man's activity. Man's burning of fossil fuel, therefore only accounts for 3 percent of total emissions of CO2.

Doesn't mean anything.

Analogous process is unemployment. Each month the change in employment is published. The actual number of people that became unemployeed is ten times as many. And the number of people that got jobs is ten times as well. It isn' t important. What is important is the difference between the two.

Same with body temperature. Normal is 98.6. If you have a temp of 100.4. Gosh, that's only 2.8%

See the problem? You don't know the difference between the numbers and what is being measured.

If your not clear on this, you can experiment by eating rat poison. Just 2 or 3% of your body weight.

Come back when you are done.

Then we can discuss why your IQ that is 3% below normal is significant

And you ignore the fact that at a concentration of 200ppm or less NOTHING grows on this planet. CO2 is essential to life on this planet and to date you have failed to show that CO2 drives climate. In fact all empirical data shows the exact opposite.

You don't even have correlation to fall back on. That train left the station 17 years ago.


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