Granny Thug Thrown In Jail For Not Paying Trash Bill - About Damn Time!


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"An Alabama police department drew outrage after its police chief announced the arrest of an 82-year-old woman who did not pay her trash bill on social media. Valley Police Chief Mark Reynolds claimed the department’s hands were tied on whether to handcuff Martha Louis Menefield after a magistrate signed off on her arrest for failure to pay trash, adding that the 82-year-old woman “was treated respectfully by our officers in the performance of their duties.” The chief said Menefield was cited for non-payment of trash services in June, July and August."

This may sound harsh but rules are rules. She has habitually not paid trash fees and the police had to honor the judge's order to arrest. Where are her family or friends? They couldn't help this woman pay her trash bill? This is the problem with these free-loaders; they expect to just suck from the government tit and not pay their fair share.


What will she be allowed to get away with next? Not paying her grazing fees for years; have an armed stand-off with police and expecting the media to treat her like a hero?? Did she expect people would come from around the country to help her fend off the cops? Ridiculous....she had to be stopped before things got out of hand.
You could show your compassion & just pay it yourself Buffy but that doesn't allow the same virtue signal & faux outrage opportunities.
Steve Bannon never STOLE anything! He was merely holding those funds until they had the contractors and materials lined up to BUILD THE DAMN WALL !!
Please forgive me for my are right....when they arrested Bannon on that Chinese billionaires yacht - they were just sailing off to Home Depot to buy materials and stuff
You could show your compassion & just pay it yourself Buffy but that doesn't allow the same virtue signal & faux outrage opportunities.
How much did you kick in on Bundy's grazing fees tho??

Because surely you weren't on here virtue signaling and chest pumping and jerking off on Gasden flags over it huh?

"An Alabama police department drew outrage after its police chief announced the arrest of an 82-year-old woman who did not pay her trash bill on social media. Valley Police Chief Mark Reynolds claimed the department’s hands were tied on whether to handcuff Martha Louis Menefield after a magistrate signed off on her arrest for failure to pay trash, adding that the 82-year-old woman “was treated respectfully by our officers in the performance of their duties.” The chief said Menefield was cited for non-payment of trash services in June, July and August."

This may sound harsh but rules are rules. She has habitually not paid trash fees and the police had to honor the judge's order to arrest. Where are her family or friends? They couldn't help this woman pay her trash bill? This is the problem with these free-loaders; they expect to just suck from the government tit and not pay their fair share.

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What will she be allowed to get away with next? Not paying her grazing fees for years; have an armed stand-off with police and expecting the media to treat her like a hero?? Did she expect people would come from around the country to help her fend off the cops? Ridiculous....she had to be stopped before things got out of hand.

"An Alabama police department drew outrage after its police chief announced the arrest of an 82-year-old woman who did not pay her trash bill on social media. Valley Police Chief Mark Reynolds claimed the department’s hands were tied on whether to handcuff Martha Louis Menefield after a magistrate signed off on her arrest for failure to pay trash, adding that the 82-year-old woman “was treated respectfully by our officers in the performance of their duties.” The chief said Menefield was cited for non-payment of trash services in June, July and August."

This may sound harsh but rules are rules. She has habitually not paid trash fees and the police had to honor the judge's order to arrest. Where are her family or friends? They couldn't help this woman pay her trash bill? This is the problem with these free-loaders; they expect to just suck from the government tit and not pay their fair share.

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What will she be allowed to get away with next? Not paying her grazing fees for years; have an armed stand-off with police and expecting the media to treat her like a hero?? Did she expect people would come from around the country to help her fend off the cops? Ridiculous....she had to be stopped before things got out of hand.
So in your opinion, cops should refuse to do their job when told to arrest someone? Who exactly are you blaming for this? The cops?
Question here. Did she actually have trashed picked up by ...what entity? city or private company? I admit i didn't read it. I'm just thinking about the paying of taxes recently.....taxation without representation. I seem to remember something in history class about that a long time ago. hmmm.

Your home is not your own...and you have no say in when and how much the taxes go just get the bill...and if you don't pay, your home/property is taken from you by people who arbitrarily tax you on it and profit from it and do nothing for it....they don't provide contractual services in corresponding monetary value...they do nothing to help you improve YOUR land...that's on you. Something seems wrong here and in need of fixing.
The judge should have looked for some alternative arrangements or suggestions. I don't know, a private company? Maybe her neighbours allow her to put her garbage bags in their pile?

She didn't murder anyone, she is 82, have some sympathy.

"An Alabama police department drew outrage after its police chief announced the arrest of an 82-year-old woman who did not pay her trash bill on social media. Valley Police Chief Mark Reynolds claimed the department’s hands were tied on whether to handcuff Martha Louis Menefield after a magistrate signed off on her arrest for failure to pay trash, adding that the 82-year-old woman “was treated respectfully by our officers in the performance of their duties.” The chief said Menefield was cited for non-payment of trash services in June, July and August."

This may sound harsh but rules are rules. She has habitually not paid trash fees and the police had to honor the judge's order to arrest. Where are her family or friends? They couldn't help this woman pay her trash bill? This is the problem with these free-loaders; they expect to just suck from the government tit and not pay their fair share.

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What will she be allowed to get away with next? Not paying her grazing fees for years; have an armed stand-off with police and expecting the media to treat her like a hero?? Did she expect people would come from around the country to help her fend off the cops? Ridiculous....she had to be stopped before things got out of hand.

She got a warrant for her arrest for not appearing in court.

"An Alabama police department drew outrage after its police chief announced the arrest of an 82-year-old woman who did not pay her trash bill on social media. Valley Police Chief Mark Reynolds claimed the department’s hands were tied on whether to handcuff Martha Louis Menefield after a magistrate signed off on her arrest for failure to pay trash, adding that the 82-year-old woman “was treated respectfully by our officers in the performance of their duties.” The chief said Menefield was cited for non-payment of trash services in June, July and August."

This may sound harsh but rules are rules. She has habitually not paid trash fees and the police had to honor the judge's order to arrest. Where are her family or friends? They couldn't help this woman pay her trash bill? This is the problem with these free-loaders; they expect to just suck from the government tit and not pay their fair share.

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What will she be allowed to get away with next? Not paying her grazing fees for years; have an armed stand-off with police and expecting the media to treat her like a hero?? Did she expect people would come from around the country to help her fend off the cops? Ridiculous....she had to be stopped before things got out of hand.
Well this is Govt for you. You owe them money, they will arrest you by force. This is why so many people believe in limited Govt.....and you demafacsit want them in charge of your health care, retirement, and basic human needs....sort of scary

"An Alabama police department drew outrage after its police chief announced the arrest of an 82-year-old woman who did not pay her trash bill on social media. Valley Police Chief Mark Reynolds claimed the department’s hands were tied on whether to handcuff Martha Louis Menefield after a magistrate signed off on her arrest for failure to pay trash, adding that the 82-year-old woman “was treated respectfully by our officers in the performance of their duties.” The chief said Menefield was cited for non-payment of trash services in June, July and August."

This may sound harsh but rules are rules. She has habitually not paid trash fees and the police had to honor the judge's order to arrest. Where are her family or friends? They couldn't help this woman pay her trash bill? This is the problem with these free-loaders; they expect to just suck from the government tit and not pay their fair share.

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What will she be allowed to get away with next? Not paying her grazing fees for years; have an armed stand-off with police and expecting the media to treat her like a hero?? Did she expect people would come from around the country to help her fend off the cops? Ridiculous....she had to be stopped before things got out of hand.
So when is Hunter Biden and the big guy going to jail for not paying their taxes in time? Or is it you just hate old grandmas?

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