Government mandated COVID vaccination and the rule of law . . . strict scrutiny


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

I thought it would be interesting to discuss a government mandated vaccine and the rule of law.

The fact is, legally speaking, any government mandated vaccine, in order to not violate personal protected rights guaranteed under our system of law, must meet a “strict scrutiny” standard so as to not violate the personal rights of those mandated to receive the vaccine.

Under our system of law the mandate must be narrowly tailored which means it must be written precisely to impose as few restrictions as possible, may not be overly broad in its application, e.g., requiring those with natural immunity to receive the vaccine, or force the vaccine upon those who may suffer an adverse reaction, and, the safety and reliability of the product in achieving the government’s stated interest must be established with some certainty.

Fortunately, here in Florida, a judge has imposed an injunction on a government covid vaccine mandate until and if the government can meet the strict scrutiny standard. The case is: DARRIS FRIEND V CITY OF GAINESVILLE . . . Case No. 01-2021-CA-2412 LINK
Since the injunction, the local government has dropped its vaccine mandate! No surprise there as a one-size-fits-all mandate would never hold up in court under strict scrutiny, which is designed to protect our fundamental guaranteed protections, one of which is the right to privacy, another being free to refuse unwanted medical treatments.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story

I thought it would be interesting to discuss a government mandated vaccine and the rule of law.

The fact is, legally speaking, any government mandated vaccine, in order to not violate personal protected rights guaranteed under our system of law, must meet a “strict scrutiny” standard so as to not violate the personal rights of those mandated to receive the vaccine.

Under our system of law the mandate must be narrowly tailored which means it must be written precisely to impose as few restrictions as possible, may not be overly broad in its application, e.g., requiring those with natural immunity to receive the vaccine, or force the vaccine upon those who may suffer an adverse reaction, and, the safety and reliability of the product in achieving the government’s stated interest must be established with some certainty.

Fortunately, here in Florida, a judge has imposed an injunction on a government covid vaccine mandate until and if the government can meet the strict scrutiny standard. The case is: DARRIS FRIEND V CITY OF GAINESVILLE . . . Case No. 01-2021-CA-2412 LINK
Since the injunction, the local government has dropped its vaccine mandate! No surprise there as a one-size-fits-all mandate would never hold up in court under strict scrutiny, which is designed to protect our fundamental guaranteed protections, one of which is the right to privacy, another being free to refuse unwanted medical treatments.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story
Can you show me where the government mandated a vaccine?
Can you show me where the government mandated a vaccine?


Aren't we heading there, Mr. Lib? A few major cities have mandates in place:

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I thought it would be interesting to discuss a government mandated vaccine and the rule of law.

The fact is, legally speaking, any government mandated vaccine, in order to not violate personal protected rights guaranteed under our system of law, must meet a “strict scrutiny” standard so as to not violate the personal rights of those mandated to receive the vaccine.

Under our system of law the mandate must be narrowly tailored which means it must be written precisely to impose as few restrictions as possible, may not be overly broad in its application, e.g., requiring those with natural immunity to receive the vaccine, or force the vaccine upon those who may suffer an adverse reaction, and, the safety and reliability of the product in achieving the government’s stated interest must be established with some certainty.

Fortunately, here in Florida, a judge has imposed an injunction on a government covid vaccine mandate until and if the government can meet the strict scrutiny standard. The case is: DARRIS FRIEND V CITY OF GAINESVILLE . . . Case No. 01-2021-CA-2412 LINK
Since the injunction, the local government has dropped its vaccine mandate! No surprise there as a one-size-fits-all mandate would never hold up in court under strict scrutiny, which is designed to protect our fundamental guaranteed protections, one of which is the right to privacy, another being free to refuse unwanted medical treatments.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story
Precision upper cervical spesific only chiropractic is needed for all. Israel discovered this: Natural immunity is better. Upcspine, TheSpecific, Upper Cervical heath Centers, NUCCA. The government needs to help people financially who cannot afford to be evaluated, and treated. Each person is an individual. Don't be evaluated the day of an acsident. wait 4 - 5 days. Take it easy after an adjustment of the top bone on the spine. The body needs to get used to being balanced. Immunity can be increased as much as 200%. Problems can begin the moment you are born.


Aren't we heading there, Mr. Lib? A few major cities have mandates in place:

Jay Inslee, King of WA, mandated masks and we told him that mandates weren't laws and we don't mask. Simple.

I thought it would be interesting to discuss a government mandated vaccine and the rule of law.

The fact is, legally speaking, any government mandated vaccine, in order to not violate personal protected rights guaranteed under our system of law, must meet a “strict scrutiny” standard so as to not violate the personal rights of those mandated to receive the vaccine.

Under our system of law the mandate must be narrowly tailored which means it must be written precisely to impose as few restrictions as possible, may not be overly broad in its application, e.g., requiring those with natural immunity to receive the vaccine, or force the vaccine upon those who may suffer an adverse reaction, and, the safety and reliability of the product in achieving the government’s stated interest must be established with some certainty.

Fortunately, here in Florida, a judge has imposed an injunction on a government covid vaccine mandate until and if the government can meet the strict scrutiny standard. The case is: DARRIS FRIEND V CITY OF GAINESVILLE . . . Case No. 01-2021-CA-2412 LINK
Since the injunction, the local government has dropped its vaccine mandate! No surprise there as a one-size-fits-all mandate would never hold up in court under strict scrutiny, which is designed to protect our fundamental guaranteed protections, one of which is the right to privacy, another being free to refuse unwanted medical treatments.


"If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?"___ Justice Story

That's nice, that's great and sincerely—thanks for sharing, I mean that. However, how long do Americans have left until even the courts uniformly side with the vaccine cult? I can't help but see these various rulings as nothing more than political theater aimed at making the average American feel the system is still working somehow in their favor. Give it a few more months. If the vast majority of the American population still has not been vaccinated you can bet the courts will no longer seek to protect our rights.

I am and remain extremely skeptical. Governments around the world have to let us great unwashed masses believe we are gaining some ground in the vaccine/COVID mandate struggle. I believe these small victories are false and simply handed out to the masses to keep us all from "revolting" in unison. Remember, the frog in the pot never hops out if the water is boiled slowly enough. The gloves will come off if nations around the world do not manage to vaccinate a certain very, very high percentage of their populations. What does that mean exactly? The gloves will come off? I wager we're about to find out. Huey Lewis was wrong in this particular situation; the Power of Love ain't gonna cut it . . .
I am and remain extremely skeptical. Governments around the world have to let us great unwashed masses believe we are gaining some ground in the vaccine/COVID mandate struggle. I believe these small victories are false and simply handed out to the masses to keep us all from "revolting" in unison. Remember, the frog in the pot never hops out if the water is boiled slowly enough. The gloves will come off if nations around the world do not manage to vaccinate a certain very, very high percentage of their populations. What does that mean exactly? The gloves will come off? I wager we're about to find out. Huey Lewis was wrong in this particular situation; the Power of Love ain't gonna cut it . . .
I will never underestimate the power of governments to overstep their bounds, but I find it encouraging that many governments around the world are saying "Enough!" Examples are Sweden and Norway. For crying out loud, the virus has a survival rate over 99% and the majority of that less than one percent are infirm. It is a scam to misdirect your attention from the movement toward a one world government and the great reset.
I will never underestimate the power of governments to overstep their bounds, but I find it encouraging that many governments around the world are saying "Enough!" Examples are Sweden and Norway. For crying out loud, the virus has a survival rate over 99% and the majority of that less than one percent are infirm. It is a scam to misdirect your attention from the movement toward a one world government and the great reset.

I hope you are correct and wish I had your level of faith in our fellow human beings.
That's nice, that's great and sincerely—thanks for sharing, I mean that. However, how long do Americans have left until even the courts uniformly side with the vaccine cult? I can't help but see these various rulings as nothing more than political theater aimed at making the average American feel the system is still working somehow in their favor. Give it a few more months. If the vast majority of the American population still has not been vaccinated you can bet the courts will no longer seek to protect our rights.
You could very well be right. The vast majority of our fellow citizens have been brainwashed in government schools, so much so that they do not even know when their rights are being violated. Instead of slapping down government tyrants, they seem to act as sheep and comply, even to their own destruction.

In any event, I think the following video may help some posters to understand the importance of applying the protections of "strict scrutiny" to a government, one-size-fits-all, covid vaccine mandate:




Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?
Ah, so it's in your imagination.


That doesn't really affect the rest of us, though.
WTF are you talking about lol? You asked the question. How is it in your state and urban centers?

Everyone has to wear a mask to go to a public place in the urban centers in my state. I guess you're pro mask, pro vaccine, and Dem. The Dems have around 96% vaccination rate. If it worked, then the two jabs, so far, should have had a positive effect. I'm starting to turn anti-vaxx since covid-19 just keeps rising in my state.

Rn we can't go inside a public place w/o a mask and more people aren't staying at home since getting the vax and having their vax card. In the urban centers, one has to have a mask and their vax card. The two vaccinations and covid-19 still rising shows that it's not having an effect. People will start ignoring it if the numbers don't turn around.
Here's the reason why not getting the covid-19 vax or natural immunity is better.


WARNING: If you're in one of high risk categories, then getting the vax may be better as you can't do anything if you die from it before natural immunity.

WTF are you talking about lol? You asked the question. How is it in your state and urban centers?

Everyone has to wear a mask to go to a public place in the urban centers in my state. I guess you're pro mask, pro vaccine, and Dem. The Dems have around 96% vaccination rate. If it worked, then the two jabs, so far, should have had a positive effect. I'm starting to turn anti-vaxx since covid-19 just keeps rising in my state.

Rn we can't go inside a public place w/o a mask and more people aren't staying at home since getting the vax and having their vax card. In the urban centers, one has to have a mask and their vax card. The two vaccinations and covid-19 still rising shows that it's not having an effect. People will start ignoring it if the numbers don't turn around.
When did we switch from vaccines to masks?
You can't be straight with anyone and answer normal questions? May as run along lil kiddie. I guess you can still wear a mask on Oct 31st and get candy.
Well known conservitard "discussion" techniques. First, change the subject. Second, accuse the other side of doing what you are guilty of.

Now, we were discussing vaccines mandates. I reminded you they didn't exist. You switched to masks somewhere along the line after that, and now you accuse me of running away.

You're following the RWNJ script perfectly.
Well known conservitard "discussion" techniques. First, change the subject. Second, accuse the other side of doing what you are guilty of.

Now, we were discussing vaccines mandates. I reminded you they didn't exist. You switched to masks somewhere along the line after that, and now you accuse me of running away.

You're following the RWNJ script perfectly.
Got damned? First, you're incapable of answering my questions like most people having a normal conversation lol. Why has the covid-19 nos continued to rise when people got two injections?

Furthermore, if I want to see a Warriors game in San Francisco, then I have to show my vaccination card and wear a mask. I guess you couldn't figure this out by reading my links. Typical libtard tardness. I proved it :cool:.
Since mRNA is new on the broad scale, does anyone know if you could even get a second mRNA treatment for a completely different illness? It would kind of suck if millions blew their only shot on a virus with a 99+% survivability. One more reason I won't get the covid treatment.

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