Biden Administration Blocks Rescue of Persecuted Christians from Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Administration Blocks Rescue of Persecuted Christians from Afghanistan

Just as the Obama administration did to the Christians of Syria.​
28 Sep 2021 ~~ By Raymond Ibrahim
The Biden administration is preventing the rescue of persecuted Christian minorities from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, where they face certain and likely gruesome death.
This information surfaced on August 26, 2021, during an interview between Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Through his charity, the Nazarene Fund, Beck had managed to charter planes to airlift 5,100 Christians out of Afghanistan and into neighboring nations. Before long, however, U.S. officials intervened and prevented the escape of a batch of 500 Christians, mostly women and children, who were ordered outside of the airport’s protection zone: “I have pictures of them pleading to get back through the gate,” Beck continued:
On the other hand, because U.S. and Western leadership are very careful not to show interest in Christian minorities—a sentiment that goes hand in hand with Western acquiescence to Islamic sensibilities—they are more prone to turn a blind eye to the persecution of Christians than even some Muslim governments.
Worst of all, not only has the U.S. exacerbated and then totally ignored the plight of Christians in Afghanistan, it is now going out of its way to prevent others, as noted by Beck, from helping to evacuate Christians to other nations willing to accept them.
The numbers were even more perplexing when examined in full context. Although the U.S. government had acknowledged that ISIS was committing genocide against Christians in Syria due solely to their religious identity, it brought into the United States only those who by definition were not in any way being targeted by ISIS — Sunni Muslims, of whom ISIS, a Sunni organization, identifies with and does not attack. Despite these two all-important facts — and despite the fact that Sunnis were about 75% of Syria's population, and Christians about 10% — 99% of those brought to America were Sunni Muslims and under 0.5% were Christian. As CNS news noted in 2016, “Record 499 Syrian Refugees Admitted to US So Far in May Includes No Christians.”
In other words, even if one were to operate under the assumption that refugee status should have been made available to all Syrians, regardless of who was and was not being persecuted, there should have been 20 times more Christians and about one-quarter fewer Sunnis granted refugee status under Obama.
This, of course, leads to another pattern established by Obama and continued by Biden: while preventing true victims of Islamic terror from escape or entry into the US, the Biden administration is granting refugee status to countless, un-vetted male Muslims from Afghanistan—not a few of whom share in the same worldview as ISIS and the Taliban.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer witnessed a stolen election, a false flag attack on his country's Reichstag Capitol, and a methodical genocide of believers in God. It is all a bit familiar.
This is nauseating and all too familiar, with Soros engineering a resurgence of the evil he willingly joined at 14 years old in Wiemar Germany. Mao has come back to life in China, but now we also have nations like North Korea armed with nuclear weapons -- the typical result of yet another conflict that was never resolved under a Democrat president. And, of course, we have the advent of nuclear Islam.
Why did Biden intentionally sentence all of those Christians to death with the same depraved indifference that Obama did by looking the other way as ISIS slaughtered their way through Syria and Iraq? Because both of them serve evil because they are evil. They don't want Christians voting against them but perhaps even more, they want these mass murders of Christians to paralyze other Christians with fear. Every campaign they initiate is designed to create intense fear. Fear is control and control is power. The left is using every opportunity to create an exhaustive matrix of paralyzing fears. Fear of being ostracized. Fear of losing one's job, home, food, etc.
If killing one of us caused the rest of us to grovel in submission, they would probably only kill a few thousand more just for fun, but when killing small numbers doesn't work, they gleefully kill millions. Whatever it takes. Hate advises them. Death rewards them. Power intoxicates them, and no one is safe when they are in one, including their own comrades.
Our president claims he's is a Christian in the Roman Catholic Faith, yet his actions show a dearth of faith in his words and actions. His hypocrisy overshadows each and every decision he's made as president.

It's an ordinary Joe Biden WAR CRIME!!!

DJT in 2024.

Biden Administration Blocks Rescue of Persecuted Christians from Afghanistan

Just as the Obama administration did to the Christians of Syria.​
28 Sep 2021 ~~ By Raymond Ibrahim
The Biden administration is preventing the rescue of persecuted Christian minorities from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, where they face certain and likely gruesome death.
This information surfaced on August 26, 2021, during an interview between Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Through his charity, the Nazarene Fund, Beck had managed to charter planes to airlift 5,100 Christians out of Afghanistan and into neighboring nations. Before long, however, U.S. officials intervened and prevented the escape of a batch of 500 Christians, mostly women and children, who were ordered outside of the airport’s protection zone: “I have pictures of them pleading to get back through the gate,” Beck continued:
On the other hand, because U.S. and Western leadership are very careful not to show interest in Christian minorities—a sentiment that goes hand in hand with Western acquiescence to Islamic sensibilities—they are more prone to turn a blind eye to the persecution of Christians than even some Muslim governments.
Worst of all, not only has the U.S. exacerbated and then totally ignored the plight of Christians in Afghanistan, it is now going out of its way to prevent others, as noted by Beck, from helping to evacuate Christians to other nations willing to accept them.
The numbers were even more perplexing when examined in full context. Although the U.S. government had acknowledged that ISIS was committing genocide against Christians in Syria due solely to their religious identity, it brought into the United States only those who by definition were not in any way being targeted by ISIS — Sunni Muslims, of whom ISIS, a Sunni organization, identifies with and does not attack. Despite these two all-important facts — and despite the fact that Sunnis were about 75% of Syria's population, and Christians about 10% — 99% of those brought to America were Sunni Muslims and under 0.5% were Christian. As CNS news noted in 2016, “Record 499 Syrian Refugees Admitted to US So Far in May Includes No Christians.”
In other words, even if one were to operate under the assumption that refugee status should have been made available to all Syrians, regardless of who was and was not being persecuted, there should have been 20 times more Christians and about one-quarter fewer Sunnis granted refugee status under Obama.
This, of course, leads to another pattern established by Obama and continued by Biden: while preventing true victims of Islamic terror from escape or entry into the US, the Biden administration is granting refugee status to countless, un-vetted male Muslims from Afghanistan—not a few of whom share in the same worldview as ISIS and the Taliban.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer witnessed a stolen election, a false flag attack on his country's Reichstag Capitol, and a methodical genocide of believers in God. It is all a bit familiar.
This is nauseating and all too familiar, with Soros engineering a resurgence of the evil he willingly joined at 14 years old in Wiemar Germany. Mao has come back to life in China, but now we also have nations like North Korea armed with nuclear weapons -- the typical result of yet another conflict that was never resolved under a Democrat president. And, of course, we have the advent of nuclear Islam.
Why did Biden intentionally sentence all of those Christians to death with the same depraved indifference that Obama did by looking the other way as ISIS slaughtered their way through Syria and Iraq? Because both of them serve evil because they are evil. They don't want Christians voting against them but perhaps even more, they want these mass murders of Christians to paralyze other Christians with fear. Every campaign they initiate is designed to create intense fear. Fear is control and control is power. The left is using every opportunity to create an exhaustive matrix of paralyzing fears. Fear of being ostracized. Fear of losing one's job, home, food, etc.
If killing one of us caused the rest of us to grovel in submission, they would probably only kill a few thousand more just for fun, but when killing small numbers doesn't work, they gleefully kill millions. Whatever it takes. Hate advises them. Death rewards them. Power intoxicates them, and no one is safe when they are in one, including their own comrades.
Our president claims he's is a Christian in the Roman Catholic Faith, yet his actions show a dearth of faith in his words and actions. His hypocrisy overshadows each and every decision he's made as president.
So you want Christians from Afganistan coming here but not Mexican Christians?
So you want Christians from Afganistan coming here but not Mexican Christians?

I think they are jumping the gun at the chance to dislike Biden and assuming they are Americans. I don't know.

I don't want him importing anyone else though regardless of their religious beliefs. We have too people just trucked in from other countries as it is. We can't even fix our own problems, we shouldn't be taking on the problems of other countries.
I think they are jumping the gun at the chance to dislike Biden and assuming they are Americans. I don't know.

I don't want him importing anyone else though regardless of their religious beliefs. We have too people just trucked in from other countries as it is. We can't even fix our own problems, we shouldn't be taking on the problems of other countries.
Except one thing. It seems like small business' can't find workers right now. Perhaps we need poor immigrants to come in and fill those jobs. At first I said no. Those companies have to pay better. Then people will come to work for them. But now places are paying $15 hr and still can't find help.

I'm not saying I want more immigrants. I do not. I think we are already overpopulated.
Except one thing. It seems like small business' can't find workers right now. Perhaps we need poor immigrants to come in and fill those jobs. At first I said no. Those companies have to pay better. Then people will come to work for them. But now places are paying $15 hr and still can't find help.

I'm not saying I want more immigrants. I do not. I think we are already overpopulated.
And you don't see two conflicting statements here? Are you drunk?
Meanwhile, the dipshit Biden [mal]adminsitration is waving thousands of illegals across our border every day. Not to mention unvetted Afghanis.

The shit show continues, now in month nine.

—The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday denied U.S. landing rights for a charter plane carrying more than 100 Americans and U.S. green card holders evacuated from Afghanistan, organizers of the flight said.

"They will not allow a charter on an international flight into a U.S. port of entry," Bryan Stern, a founder of non-profit group Project Dynamo, said of the department's Customs and Border Protection agency.

Stern spoke to Reuters from aboard a plane his group chartered from Kam Air, a private Afghan airline, that he said had been sitting for 14 hours at Abu Dhabi airport after arriving from Kabul with 117 people, including 59 children.

His group is one of several that emerged from ad hoc networks of U.S. military veterans, current and former U.S. officials and others that formed to bolster last month's U.S. evacuation operation, which they saw as chaotic and badly organized.

DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


And you don't see two conflicting statements here? Are you drunk?
I see it. I'm just saying, if business' can't find workers they are going to start lobbying our government to start importing more refugees from shit holes. They would love to be here in America working at Tim Horton for $15 hr.

Biden Administration Blocks Rescue of Persecuted Christians from Afghanistan

Just as the Obama administration did to the Christians of Syria.​
28 Sep 2021 ~~ By Raymond Ibrahim
The Biden administration is preventing the rescue of persecuted Christian minorities from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, where they face certain and likely gruesome death.
This information surfaced on August 26, 2021, during an interview between Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Through his charity, the Nazarene Fund, Beck had managed to charter planes to airlift 5,100 Christians out of Afghanistan and into neighboring nations. Before long, however, U.S. officials intervened and prevented the escape of a batch of 500 Christians, mostly women and children, who were ordered outside of the airport’s protection zone: “I have pictures of them pleading to get back through the gate,” Beck continued:
On the other hand, because U.S. and Western leadership are very careful not to show interest in Christian minorities—a sentiment that goes hand in hand with Western acquiescence to Islamic sensibilities—they are more prone to turn a blind eye to the persecution of Christians than even some Muslim governments.
Worst of all, not only has the U.S. exacerbated and then totally ignored the plight of Christians in Afghanistan, it is now going out of its way to prevent others, as noted by Beck, from helping to evacuate Christians to other nations willing to accept them.
The numbers were even more perplexing when examined in full context. Although the U.S. government had acknowledged that ISIS was committing genocide against Christians in Syria due solely to their religious identity, it brought into the United States only those who by definition were not in any way being targeted by ISIS — Sunni Muslims, of whom ISIS, a Sunni organization, identifies with and does not attack. Despite these two all-important facts — and despite the fact that Sunnis were about 75% of Syria's population, and Christians about 10% — 99% of those brought to America were Sunni Muslims and under 0.5% were Christian. As CNS news noted in 2016, “Record 499 Syrian Refugees Admitted to US So Far in May Includes No Christians.”
In other words, even if one were to operate under the assumption that refugee status should have been made available to all Syrians, regardless of who was and was not being persecuted, there should have been 20 times more Christians and about one-quarter fewer Sunnis granted refugee status under Obama.
This, of course, leads to another pattern established by Obama and continued by Biden: while preventing true victims of Islamic terror from escape or entry into the US, the Biden administration is granting refugee status to countless, un-vetted male Muslims from Afghanistan—not a few of whom share in the same worldview as ISIS and the Taliban.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer witnessed a stolen election, a false flag attack on his country's Reichstag Capitol, and a methodical genocide of believers in God. It is all a bit familiar.
This is nauseating and all too familiar, with Soros engineering a resurgence of the evil he willingly joined at 14 years old in Wiemar Germany. Mao has come back to life in China, but now we also have nations like North Korea armed with nuclear weapons -- the typical result of yet another conflict that was never resolved under a Democrat president. And, of course, we have the advent of nuclear Islam.
Why did Biden intentionally sentence all of those Christians to death with the same depraved indifference that Obama did by looking the other way as ISIS slaughtered their way through Syria and Iraq? Because both of them serve evil because they are evil. They don't want Christians voting against them but perhaps even more, they want these mass murders of Christians to paralyze other Christians with fear. Every campaign they initiate is designed to create intense fear. Fear is control and control is power. The left is using every opportunity to create an exhaustive matrix of paralyzing fears. Fear of being ostracized. Fear of losing one's job, home, food, etc.
If killing one of us caused the rest of us to grovel in submission, they would probably only kill a few thousand more just for fun, but when killing small numbers doesn't work, they gleefully kill millions. Whatever it takes. Hate advises them. Death rewards them. Power intoxicates them, and no one is safe when they are in one, including their own comrades.
Our president claims he's is a Christian in the Roman Catholic Faith, yet his actions show a dearth of faith in his words and actions. His hypocrisy overshadows each and every decision he's made as president.
We have Muslim Americans and Jewish Americans. We even have Atheist Americans. Would you be ok if Biden blocked Jews, Muslims or Atheists?

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