GoPro CEO makes $285 million last year

That approach worked so well in France...Forget France s 75 And 100 Tax Tax Rate In Hawaii Hits 367 000 - Forbes

Truth is, I have no issue with anyone making a boatload of cash. More incentive to emulate their success.

Uh, it is when they destroy the middle class in the process.

Here's some reference materials of what happens when you have just the very poor and the very rich.

France - 1787
Russia - 1917
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979

The rich didn't do really well in those scenarios.
Trickle Down. Yeah, that's proven to be effective!
Since "trickle down" appears to be the limit of your understanding on the subject any response is futile. But we try: punish business creators and you get less business. Less business equals fewer jobs. Fewer jobs equals less demand for labor. Less demand for labor equals lower wages. Lower wages equals stagnation.
I have summed up the results of eight years' of Democrat policies in one paragraph.
The intentions of the policy are to make the rich richer and then maybe, just maybe the rich will shed some largess upon those who made them rich by granting higher wages and benefits.

But do the rich do that? Or do they sequester their wealth in off shore accounts to avoid taxation? And once that wealth is off shore, does it circulate through the economy creating opportunity? Or does it fund off shore business? Does it flow to China?

Face it. Coddling the rich does only that. It does not precipitate downward to the workers who are responsible for the cash flow to the wealthy.
He's right. You don't understand it.

If, as you say, you want to improve the middle class wage situation, that means you have to have jobs that pay middle class wages. The poor certainly do NOT provide any wages, let alone in the middle class range.

And while your at it, try getting your head around the notion that the middle class also loses jobs when the country becomes so regulated that a business can't sneeze without violating 3 dozen federal regulations.
They dont get that. They think this guy can only be doing well because that guy is doing poorly. It's a zero sum game with them. So they want to punish the people with stuff. They really dont give a shit if the people without stuff dont benefit. Fuck them. They only care about sticking it to da Man.
So they are totally clueless on the idea that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. You cannot punish this guy without also punishing that guy. If this guy does better, that guy also does better. This guy might do 3 times better while that guy might only do 50% better. Which sucks. But the alternative is that guy does 50% worse while this guy does maybe 25% worse.
Libs are stupid, is the bottom line.
What you don't get is if this nation does not work for EVERYONE it fails to work for anyone. Coddling the rich is worthless to the average worker. The rich care only to accumulate wealth, they will not demonstrate any largess. And how did they accumulate that wealth? By exploiting the labor of others and a compliant Conservative legislature granting them disproportionate tax advantages and turning a blind eye to their wealth being removed from circulation in off shore accounts and tax loopholes.
You understand your post is at least ironic, of not self contradictory, right?
That approach worked so well in France...Forget France s 75 And 100 Tax Tax Rate In Hawaii Hits 367 000 - Forbes

Truth is, I have no issue with anyone making a boatload of cash. More incentive to emulate their success.

Uh, it is when they destroy the middle class in the process.

Here's some reference materials of what happens when you have just the very poor and the very rich.

France - 1787
Russia - 1917
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979

The rich didn't do really well in those scenarios.
You understand America c.2015 is nothing like any of those countries, right, you little Marxist bitch?
Rich people fired your ass.

NO, rich people ran the company I worked for into the ground. It's not quite the same thing.

And now we vote in people who WILL fuck them. Even Republicans are starting to talk populist .

God you continue to be the most naïve mofu on the forums. The banks run the financial sysem......doesn't matter who is in power. The fix is in from the establishment in both parties dummy:coffee:
Since "trickle down" appears to be the limit of your understanding on the subject any response is futile. But we try: punish business creators and you get less business. Less business equals fewer jobs. Fewer jobs equals less demand for labor. Less demand for labor equals lower wages. Lower wages equals stagnation.
I have summed up the results of eight years' of Democrat policies in one paragraph.
The intentions of the policy are to make the rich richer and then maybe, just maybe the rich will shed some largess upon those who made them rich by granting higher wages and benefits.

But do the rich do that? Or do they sequester their wealth in off shore accounts to avoid taxation? And once that wealth is off shore, does it circulate through the economy creating opportunity? Or does it fund off shore business? Does it flow to China?

Face it. Coddling the rich does only that. It does not precipitate downward to the workers who are responsible for the cash flow to the wealthy.
He's right. You don't understand it.

If, as you say, you want to improve the middle class wage situation, that means you have to have jobs that pay middle class wages. The poor certainly do NOT provide any wages, let alone in the middle class range.

And while your at it, try getting your head around the notion that the middle class also loses jobs when the country becomes so regulated that a business can't sneeze without violating 3 dozen federal regulations.
They dont get that. They think this guy can only be doing well because that guy is doing poorly. It's a zero sum game with them. So they want to punish the people with stuff. They really dont give a shit if the people without stuff dont benefit. Fuck them. They only care about sticking it to da Man.
So they are totally clueless on the idea that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. You cannot punish this guy without also punishing that guy. If this guy does better, that guy also does better. This guy might do 3 times better while that guy might only do 50% better. Which sucks. But the alternative is that guy does 50% worse while this guy does maybe 25% worse.
Libs are stupid, is the bottom line.
What you don't get is if this nation does not work for EVERYONE it fails to work for anyone. Coddling the rich is worthless to the average worker. The rich care only to accumulate wealth, they will not demonstrate any largess. And how did they accumulate that wealth? By exploiting the labor of others and a compliant Conservative legislature granting them disproportionate tax advantages and turning a blind eye to their wealth being removed from circulation in off shore accounts and tax loopholes.
You understand your post is at least ironic, of not self contradictory, right?
I understand that Trickle Down economic theory is ineffective and those who champion it do not care one whit for the economy, but merely love the wealthy and their furtherance at accumulating as much for themselves as possible.
Yes. We are trying to raise wages for those at the bottom by increasing opportunities for those at the top to make money. You understand we're all in this together, right? You can't punish the top earners to benefit the bottom earners. It doesnt work that way.
Democrats are intent on making everyone equal--poor and miserable.
Trickle Down. Yeah, that's proven to be effective!
Since "trickle down" appears to be the limit of your understanding on the subject any response is futile. But we try: punish business creators and you get less business. Less business equals fewer jobs. Fewer jobs equals less demand for labor. Less demand for labor equals lower wages. Lower wages equals stagnation.
I have summed up the results of eight years' of Democrat policies in one paragraph.
The intentions of the policy are to make the rich richer and then maybe, just maybe the rich will shed some largess upon those who made them rich by granting higher wages and benefits.

But do the rich do that? Or do they sequester their wealth in off shore accounts to avoid taxation? And once that wealth is off shore, does it circulate through the economy creating opportunity? Or does it fund off shore business? Does it flow to China?

Face it. Coddling the rich does only that. It does not precipitate downward to the workers who are responsible for the cash flow to the wealthy.
He's right. You don't understand it.

If, as you say, you want to improve the middle class wage situation, that means you have to have jobs that pay middle class wages. The poor certainly do NOT provide any wages, let alone in the middle class range.

And while your at it, try getting your head around the notion that the middle class also loses jobs when the country becomes so regulated that a business can't sneeze without violating 3 dozen federal regulations.
They dont get that. They think this guy can only be doing well because that guy is doing poorly. It's a zero sum game with them. So they want to punish the people with stuff. They really dont give a shit if the people without stuff dont benefit. Fuck them. They only care about sticking it to da Man.
So they are totally clueless on the idea that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. You cannot punish this guy without also punishing that guy. If this guy does better, that guy also does better. This guy might do 3 times better while that guy might only do 50% better. Which sucks. But the alternative is that guy does 50% worse while this guy does maybe 25% worse.
Libs are stupid, is the bottom line.
They also don't understand the law of unintended consequences. They think I'm sticking up for the rich because I want to be rich. What I am doing is sticking up for everyone, the rich included. Americans didn't used to single out a class of people because they wanted more then they were willing to provide for themselves.

Then there is the oppression factor. If the government can do this to the mightiest of us, what chance do any of us have against them when they come for us? I know they don't think that their warfare will touch them, after all, its just 'them'. But when that enemy is gone, then the next target down the line becomes the new boogerman...which will be the middle class......because the poor have such a fucking HUGE wage gap between what the middle class makes and what they make.....and so on and so on...

Big fleas have little fleas
Upon their backs to bite them
And little fleas have lesser fleas
So ad infinitum.

There will always be someone who has more, and there will always be these clowns, claiming how unfair it is.
Trickle Down. Yeah, that's proven to be effective!
Since "trickle down" appears to be the limit of your understanding on the subject any response is futile. But we try: punish business creators and you get less business. Less business equals fewer jobs. Fewer jobs equals less demand for labor. Less demand for labor equals lower wages. Lower wages equals stagnation.
I have summed up the results of eight years' of Democrat policies in one paragraph.
The intentions of the policy are to make the rich richer and then maybe, just maybe the rich will shed some largess upon those who made them rich by granting higher wages and benefits.

But do the rich do that? Or do they sequester their wealth in off shore accounts to avoid taxation? And once that wealth is off shore, does it circulate through the economy creating opportunity? Or does it fund off shore business? Does it flow to China?

Face it. Coddling the rich does only that. It does not precipitate downward to the workers who are responsible for the cash flow to the wealthy.
He's right. You don't understand it.

If, as you say, you want to improve the middle class wage situation, that means you have to have jobs that pay middle class wages. The poor certainly do NOT provide any wages, let alone in the middle class range.

And while your at it, try getting your head around the notion that the middle class also loses jobs when the country becomes so regulated that a business can't sneeze without violating 3 dozen federal regulations.
They dont get that. They think this guy can only be doing well because that guy is doing poorly. It's a zero sum game with them. So they want to punish the people with stuff. They really dont give a shit if the people without stuff dont benefit. Fuck them. They only care about sticking it to da Man.
So they are totally clueless on the idea that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. You cannot punish this guy without also punishing that guy. If this guy does better, that guy also does better. This guy might do 3 times better while that guy might only do 50% better. Which sucks. But the alternative is that guy does 50% worse while this guy does maybe 25% worse.
Libs are stupid, is the bottom line.
What you don't get is if this nation does not work for EVERYONE it fails to work for anyone. Coddling the rich is worthless to the average worker. The rich care only to accumulate wealth, they will not demonstrate any largess. And how did they accumulate that wealth? By exploiting the labor of others and a compliant Conservative legislature granting them disproportionate tax advantages and turning a blind eye to their wealth being removed from circulation in off shore accounts and tax loopholes.
False premise. It isn't an all or nothing game.
The intentions of the policy are to make the rich richer and then maybe, just maybe the rich will shed some largess upon those who made them rich by granting higher wages and benefits.

But do the rich do that? Or do they sequester their wealth in off shore accounts to avoid taxation? And once that wealth is off shore, does it circulate through the economy creating opportunity? Or does it fund off shore business? Does it flow to China?

Face it. Coddling the rich does only that. It does not precipitate downward to the workers who are responsible for the cash flow to the wealthy.
He's right. You don't understand it.

If, as you say, you want to improve the middle class wage situation, that means you have to have jobs that pay middle class wages. The poor certainly do NOT provide any wages, let alone in the middle class range.

And while your at it, try getting your head around the notion that the middle class also loses jobs when the country becomes so regulated that a business can't sneeze without violating 3 dozen federal regulations.
They dont get that. They think this guy can only be doing well because that guy is doing poorly. It's a zero sum game with them. So they want to punish the people with stuff. They really dont give a shit if the people without stuff dont benefit. Fuck them. They only care about sticking it to da Man.
So they are totally clueless on the idea that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. You cannot punish this guy without also punishing that guy. If this guy does better, that guy also does better. This guy might do 3 times better while that guy might only do 50% better. Which sucks. But the alternative is that guy does 50% worse while this guy does maybe 25% worse.
Libs are stupid, is the bottom line.
What you don't get is if this nation does not work for EVERYONE it fails to work for anyone. Coddling the rich is worthless to the average worker. The rich care only to accumulate wealth, they will not demonstrate any largess. And how did they accumulate that wealth? By exploiting the labor of others and a compliant Conservative legislature granting them disproportionate tax advantages and turning a blind eye to their wealth being removed from circulation in off shore accounts and tax loopholes.
You understand your post is at least ironic, of not self contradictory, right?
I understand that Trickle Down economic theory is ineffective and those who champion it do not care one whit for the economy, but merely love the wealthy and their furtherance at accumulating as much for themselves as possible.
OK so you didnt understand that your post was ironic, if not moronic.
And as I wrote, "trickle down theory" is about as sophisticated as you are capable of. Therefore there is no arguing with someone who's sole point is "rich people screw everyone else."
Have a nice day.
Trickle Down. Yeah, that's proven to be effective!
Since "trickle down" appears to be the limit of your understanding on the subject any response is futile. But we try: punish business creators and you get less business. Less business equals fewer jobs. Fewer jobs equals less demand for labor. Less demand for labor equals lower wages. Lower wages equals stagnation.
I have summed up the results of eight years' of Democrat policies in one paragraph.
The intentions of the policy are to make the rich richer and then maybe, just maybe the rich will shed some largess upon those who made them rich by granting higher wages and benefits.

But do the rich do that? Or do they sequester their wealth in off shore accounts to avoid taxation? And once that wealth is off shore, does it circulate through the economy creating opportunity? Or does it fund off shore business? Does it flow to China?

Face it. Coddling the rich does only that. It does not precipitate downward to the workers who are responsible for the cash flow to the wealthy.
He's right. You don't understand it.

If, as you say, you want to improve the middle class wage situation, that means you have to have jobs that pay middle class wages. The poor certainly do NOT provide any wages, let alone in the middle class range.

And while your at it, try getting your head around the notion that the middle class also loses jobs when the country becomes so regulated that a business can't sneeze without violating 3 dozen federal regulations.
They dont get that. They think this guy can only be doing well because that guy is doing poorly. It's a zero sum game with them. So they want to punish the people with stuff. They really dont give a shit if the people without stuff dont benefit. Fuck them. They only care about sticking it to da Man.
So they are totally clueless on the idea that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. You cannot punish this guy without also punishing that guy. If this guy does better, that guy also does better. This guy might do 3 times better while that guy might only do 50% better. Which sucks. But the alternative is that guy does 50% worse while this guy does maybe 25% worse.
Libs are stupid, is the bottom line.
They also don't understand the law of unintended consequences. They think I'm sticking up for the rich because I want to be rich. What I am doing is sticking up for everyone, the rich included. Americans didn't used to single out a class of people because they wanted more then they were willing to provide for themselves.

Then there is the oppression factor. If the government can do this to the mightiest of us, what chance do any of us have against them when they come for us? I know they don't think that their warfare will touch them, after all, its just 'them'. But when that enemy is gone, then the next target down the line becomes the new boogerman...which will be the middle class......because the poor have such a fucking HUGE wage gap between what the middle class makes and what they make.....and so on and so on...

Big fleas have little fleas
Upon their backs to bite them
And little fleas have lesser fleas
So ad infinitum.

There will always be someone who has more, and there will always be these clowns, claiming how unfair it is.
See, the left can't understand the dynamics of wealth and its creation.
They think wealth is something sitting out there that gets picked up. The wealthy happened to be in the right place at the right time. But it wasnt anything special they did. So they dont deserve the money they picked up. A nd they only have it because someone else didnt get to it faster. So there is an element of randomness about it. Bill Gates is wealthy but it might as well have been Zeke who is wealthy. It was some accident that caused it.
So since the wealthy only got that way by accident, society, in the form of government, is perfectly entitled to right an obvious wrong and redistribute that wealth in a way that is more fair, by taxing and spending. Nothing happens by doing this except movign wealth to where it rightfully belongs. Wealth wont be destroyed or created by the gov'ts actions because wealth just sits out there.
They seriously believe this.
Conservatives think that if they rig the lottery of wealth, they too will become wealthy.

As such a small minority of citizens actually have wealth, and such an overwhelmingly large majority of citizens do not have wealth, why rig the game to benefit that tiny minority? Tax cuts, tax advantages, the ability to remove wealth from the system and hide it away overseas.

Meanwhile, Conservatives, hoping they hold that golden ticket to the tiny minority, cut entitlements, educational opportunities, benefits and the social safety net for that majority.

Unfairness, greed, ignorance and glee. These are the watermarks of Conservative policies.
Conservatives think that if they rig the lottery of wealth, they too will become wealthy.

As such a small minority of citizens actually have wealth, and such an overwhelmingly large majority of citizens do not have wealth, why rig the game to benefit that tiny minority? Tax cuts, tax advantages, the ability to remove wealth from the system and hide it away overseas.

Meanwhile, Conservatives, hoping they hold that golden ticket to the tiny minority, cut entitlements, educational opportunities, benefits and the social safety net for that majority.

Unfairness, greed, ignorance and glee. These are the watermarks of Conservative policies.
Wow total demonstration of what I wrote. Wealth is just a game that you win randomly and wealthy people just managed to manipulate the system.
Really sad.
Trickle Down. Yeah, that's proven to be effective!
Since "trickle down" appears to be the limit of your understanding on the subject any response is futile. But we try: punish business creators and you get less business. Less business equals fewer jobs. Fewer jobs equals less demand for labor. Less demand for labor equals lower wages. Lower wages equals stagnation.
I have summed up the results of eight years' of Democrat policies in one paragraph.
The intentions of the policy are to make the rich richer and then maybe, just maybe the rich will shed some largess upon those who made them rich by granting higher wages and benefits.

But do the rich do that? Or do they sequester their wealth in off shore accounts to avoid taxation? And once that wealth is off shore, does it circulate through the economy creating opportunity? Or does it fund off shore business? Does it flow to China?

Face it. Coddling the rich does only that. It does not precipitate downward to the workers who are responsible for the cash flow to the wealthy.
He's right. You don't understand it.

If, as you say, you want to improve the middle class wage situation, that means you have to have jobs that pay middle class wages. The poor certainly do NOT provide any wages, let alone in the middle class range.

And while your at it, try getting your head around the notion that the middle class also loses jobs when the country becomes so regulated that a business can't sneeze without violating 3 dozen federal regulations.
They dont get that. They think this guy can only be doing well because that guy is doing poorly. It's a zero sum game with them. So they want to punish the people with stuff. They really dont give a shit if the people without stuff dont benefit. Fuck them. They only care about sticking it to da Man.
So they are totally clueless on the idea that WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. You cannot punish this guy without also punishing that guy. If this guy does better, that guy also does better. This guy might do 3 times better while that guy might only do 50% better. Which sucks. But the alternative is that guy does 50% worse while this guy does maybe 25% worse.
Libs are stupid, is the bottom line.
What you don't get is if this nation does not work for EVERYONE it fails to work for anyone. Coddling the rich is worthless to the average worker. The rich care only to accumulate wealth, they will not demonstrate any largess. And how did they accumulate that wealth? By exploiting the labor of others and a compliant Conservative legislature granting them disproportionate tax advantages and turning a blind eye to their wealth being removed from circulation in off shore accounts and tax loopholes.

The American rich are the most generous in the world. Many, if not most, give much of their wealth away. America leads the world in the establishment of foundations, and its not even close.
Conservatives think that if they rig the lottery of wealth, they too will become wealthy.

As such a small minority of citizens actually have wealth, and such an overwhelmingly large majority of citizens do not have wealth, why rig the game to benefit that tiny minority? Tax cuts, tax advantages, the ability to remove wealth from the system and hide it away overseas.

Meanwhile, Conservatives, hoping they hold that golden ticket to the tiny minority, cut entitlements, educational opportunities, benefits and the social safety net for that majority.

Unfairness, greed, ignorance and glee. These are the watermarks of Conservative policies.

Tax cuts don't remove money from the system...they don't put it in a warehouse like Scrooge McDuck as Mark Steyn always points out....they put their money investments which create jobs..............the left is so create even more tax money ....that is what Reagan's tax cuts did, they doubled the amount of money going to the government.....sadly....the democrats in control spent over 2 times that much defeating the tax cuts.....
or warren buffet and bill gates....who hide their money in their foundations and pay low taxes on the profits they make from those investments.........and yet call on other people to pay more in taxes....democrats...what hypocrites.....
Conservatives think that if they rig the lottery of wealth, they too will become wealthy.

As such a small minority of citizens actually have wealth, and such an overwhelmingly large majority of citizens do not have wealth, why rig the game to benefit that tiny minority? Tax cuts, tax advantages, the ability to remove wealth from the system and hide it away overseas.

Meanwhile, Conservatives, hoping they hold that golden ticket to the tiny minority, cut entitlements, educational opportunities, benefits and the social safety net for that majority.

Unfairness, greed, ignorance and glee. These are the watermarks of Conservative policies.

Tax cuts don't remove money from the system...they don't put it in a warehouse like Scrooge McDuck as Mark Steyn always points out....they put their money investments which create jobs..............the left is so create even more tax money ....that is what Reagan's tax cuts did, they doubled the amount of money going to the government.....sadly....the democrats in control spent over 2 times that much defeating the tax cuts.....
Libs think rich people just stuff cash into their mattresses.

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