GOP sounds alarm over struggle with Gen Z voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

This is true. Many of the repub policies are out of step with the young generations. But to be fair, the Dems also need to instill some young blood in their leadership ranks. Still, Jeffries as the Minority Leader is the House is a good step forward.

This is true. Many of the repub policies are out of step with the young generations. But to be fair, the Dems also need to instill some young blood in their leadership ranks. Still, Jeffries as the Minority Leader is the House is a good step forward.
They are going to have a very tough time in 2024, mail out votes have ruined their chances for potentially multiple cycles.

This is true. Many of the repub policies are out of step with the young generations. But to be fair, the Dems also need to instill some young blood in their leadership ranks. Still, Jeffries as the Minority Leader is the House is a good step forward.
"Any kid who doesnt support democrats doesnt have a heart. Any adult who supports democrats doesnt have a brain." - Wise Man
Why, cuz dems say the GOP is against it? Bitch, please! :laugh:
The solution is simple. Increase the taxable income for social security deductions from the present $160,200 to #300,000. But the repubs will not go for that. It will be going after too many upper incomes.

The repubs will try to increase the retirement age for....wait for it....generation Z....the ones that already hate repubs.
The solution is simple. Increase the taxable income for social security deductions from the present $160,200 to #300,000. But the repubs will not go for that. It will be going after too many upper incomes.

The repubs will try to increase the retirement age for....wait for it....generation Z....the ones that already hate repubs.
Gen Z didnt work as young adults, so they have a lot of catching up to do. They owe this nation a life time of tax money.

This is true. Many of the repub policies are out of step with the young generations. But to be fair, the Dems also need to instill some young blood in their leadership ranks. Still, Jeffries as the Minority Leader is the House is a good step forward.
The left, aka the young, aren't too enamored w/Jeffries either.

Afterall, he is Establishment, hand-picked by Nancy herself.

I hope he surprises us.
They are going to have a very tough time in 2024, mail out votes have ruined their chances for potentially multiple cycles.
They have finally become aware of this and realize they will never stop this tactic so now they are mobilizing to fight fire with fire. Their best defense is going to be the economic destruction caused by the current regime. Even kids will be tired of suffering by 2024.
Republicans sounded no alarm. Somebody named Caroline Vakil of "The Hill" wants to create a diversion from the many Biden scandals.
Let them. Every incentive to develop a similar strategy is only going to help.
"Any adult receiving Social Security and on Medicare who supports the GOP is nuts." Anyone with a Brain
Uh huh... first, we already know nothing like this would ever become law but those young people have a lot more to gain than oldsters. Bottom line is we can tackle it now or wait for the collapse. The only part of this I disagree with is the solvency lasting another decade. Our economy may well implode before the 2024 election.

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