GOP prepares bill that will addess seperating children from parents

Mexico has no responsibility illegal immigration over our border - that's up to us. Just like we're not responsible for any of our people who try to leave our country and go into Canada. Or Mexico.

At least you are willing to acknowledge it's illegal immigration in that statement ...
You better work harder at keeping your story straight ... :thup:


I've never called it anything else. Perhaps you need to improve your reading skills.
Who's talking about letting people illegally enter? I have no issue with good border control. Try another tactic.

Someone who legally enters the country is not detained for a hearing ... Try another tactic


Yes. They are. They get a hearing which determines their deportation. Keep trying.
Yes. They are. They get a hearing which determines their deportation. Keep trying.

That's what I said ... They are here illegally ... We can make them wait on the other side.
If they don't qualify, that's Mexico's problem (to wit we can be gracious and give them a hand with some FEMA Trailers) ...
You want it all and are willing to ignore the law to get what you want.

All I am suggesting is that perhaps you can garner more sympathy for your nefarious desires ...
If you start referring to them as voluntarily displaced foreign nationals.

Yes. They are. They get a hearing which determines their deportation. Keep trying.

That's what I said ... They are here illegally ... We can make them wait on the other side.
If they don't qualify, that's Mexico's problem (to wit we can be gracious and give them a hand with some FEMA Trailers) ...
You want it all and are willing to ignore the law to get what you want.

All I am suggesting is that perhaps you can garner more sympathy for your nefarious desires ...
If you start referring to them as voluntarily displaced foreign nationals.

What nefarious desires are you talking about?
What nefarious desires are you talking about?

Just the things you are willing to overlook to accomplish what you want.
I mean hey ... That's fine if you feel justified ... But there's a reason you feel the need to justify things.

What nefarious desires are you talking about?

Just the things you are willing to overlook to accomplish what you want.
I mean hey ... That's fine if you feel justified ... But there's a reason you feel the need to justify things.

What are you talking about? What is it you think I want? I have a feeling you are wrong but please enlighten me.
What are you talking about? What is it you think I want? I have a feeling you are wrong but please enlighten me.

You said you wanted to protect the children ...
If you need to be enlightened about that, then read your fricken posts ... :thup:

What are you talking about? What is it you think I want? I have a feeling you are wrong but please enlighten me.

You said you wanted to protect the children ...
If you need to be enlightened about that, then read your fricken posts ... :thup:

I can read my posts but I can’t read your delusional mind attempting to cloak every word with cryptic significance. And I won’t bother :)
If those parents love their children they should not brake the law in the first place....

I can read my posts but I can’t read your delusional mind attempting to cloak every word with cryptic significance. And I won’t bother :)

Your inability to get the point isn't my problem ... But perhaps I can assist you.

Your desire to help the children doesn't outweigh the negligence you engage in attempting to help them.
You can dress it up anyway you want it ... But the facts remain the same.

You are promoting the idea of allowing foreign nationals to dictate domestic policy by your proxy.
I don't give a damn what you think about it ... That's just wrong ... And the children don't have anything to do with it.

so Trump is going to preside over correcting another injustice that Obama ignored?

thanks for letting us know :beer:

What injustice you ignorant fool.

When certain illegal immigrants broke the criminal law & were arrested,there children were taken because they were IN JAIL.

Trump has decided to charge every person coming into this country, illegal or refugee.

You must be Trumpette for being so stupid not to know the difference.
If those parents love their children they should not brake the law in the first place....

Next time you are caught speeding, lets take your kids.

These parents are risking everything to give their kids a better life.

Yep, punish the children because they chose to be born in a poor, dangerous country.
If those parents love their children they should not brake the law in the first place....

Next time you are caught speeding, lets take your kids.

These parents are risking everything to give their kids a better life.

Yep, punish the children because they chose to be born in a poor, dangerous country.

I'll be sure to let some inner city families know that if they are born in the hood and want a better life ...
They can break into your house and stay as long as they want.


If those parents love their children they should not brake the law in the first place....

Next time you are caught speeding, lets take your kids.

These parents are risking everything to give their kids a better life.

Yep, punish the children because they chose to be born in a poor, dangerous country.

I'll be sure to let some inner city families know that if they are born in the hood and want a better life ...
They can break into your house and stay as long as they want.



I would help them.

If I couldn't, I certainly would not take their children.
so Trump is going to preside over correcting another injustice that Obama ignored?

thanks for letting us know :beer:

Yes. The pictures of children in cages was from 2014 but no protests from the left.

People need to stop breaking laws because getting arrested separates them from their families. And it's no one's fault but their own.

Better yet, let's protest Mexico's nasty policy of not allowing the children to enter the country with the parents when they are deported and return home. It's totally Mexico's fault.

What congress should be working on is a bill that clarifies the citizenship clause. If parents are not citizens, neither are the children. They should be considered aliens born in the U.S. but not our citizens. Of course, if the parents hadn't sneaked through the border to begin with, we wouldn't have this problem.

Time for Mexico to step up and allow parents to bring the kids there and make them citizens.
If those parents love their children they should not brake the law in the first place....

What a completely idiotic thing to say. As if having broken the law justifies anything we do to them. You sound evil! Really, truly disgusting.
"oh well! Their parents broke the law, so anything we do to them is fair game!"

You people saying this are disgusting and should have your citizenship revoked. You do not represent America do not deserve to be Americans.

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