CDZ GOP Mixed Messages on Trump and Racism

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Nov 1, 2015
Washington, D.C.
Paul Ryan could not have been more clear. Trump's citing Judge Curiel's heritage as being the sole reason why he is incapable of doing his job of impartially assessing the facts and circumstances of the Trump U. case before him (and presumably any other case that comes before him), is, as Spkr. Ryan stated the very definition of a racist's remark, a racist's line of reasoning. I applaud the Speaker for having publicly and unequivocally having said so, for to do otherwise is to (1) show one's own abject stupidity, (2) imply that the most of the rest of us are too stupid to ourselves know blatantly racist remarks/thinking when we see or hear them, and/or (3) to give a furtive "wink and nod" embrace of approbation to racists in the GOP, or some combination of the three.

What is yet unsettling, however, is that alongside his luculent denotation of the nature of Trump's remarks, Spkr. Ryan stopped short of delivering an excoriating and direct condemnation of Trump himself. Moreover, just days later, he reconfirmed his support for Trump. Other GOP leaders have done the same. That they have is deeply troubling to me as I consider the integrity of the GOP and its key leaders.

I don't know how your company works, but in mine, were an employee or principal in the firm to have made such a remark about anyone -- a colleague, a client or a third party -- that person would have had to pen their resignation or be summarily fired, at their option. They'd be gone in the space of hours.

I'm not saying that there are no racists in the firm. (I don't know if there are any; I presume there are none.) I'm saying that once there arises the plausible perception that an individual is a racist, bigot, gay-hater, sexist (either direction), ageist, XYZ religion hater, etc. who harbors feelings or beliefs that any of those types of characteristics are impediments to another's competency and capability to do their job well, they have to go. Period. Indeed, people have been let go for less.

So when I hear the wealth of GOP leaders rightly call Trump's remark for what it is. I say, "Right on." Then I ask myself, "Who other than a racist makes racist remarks like that? Who other than someone who actually believes as true the sort of claim as Trump made would utter such a claim?" Anyone in their right mind, and anyone having half the sense God gave a goose, could have foreseen the rancor and remonstrations that followed remarks such as Trump's and therefore realized nothing encomiastic would come of it.

Accordingly, though I applaud the GOP leaders for what they have said, what they've largely not said and done -- retract their imprimatur of him -- is actually more disconcerting than is their outcry commendable. What am I to think of grown men and women, ostensibly respectable people who hold among the land's highest offices, who "half step" like that? Who puts party loyalty ahead of loyalty for their nation's values? I can see who appears to be doing it right now.

Frankly, it doesn't make me feel good about a large segment of our society, and I'm a white male who has a very long ancestral lineage in the U.S. If I, someone who has little to no personal reason to be distraught by racist remarks, thoughts or acts against non-whites, can see the mixed message being sent overtly and tacitly by the GOP's leadership, I know damn well, that folks who are non-white have to be near apoplectically incensed. At the very least, the dichotomous obliquity between words and deeds has to give them pause when evaluating the veracity of the GOP's claims to want to be more inclusive and welcoming. Those folks know when they are being given the "okey doke," and that's what the GOP leaders' actions and words look like.

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Trump will skewer himself repeatedly before convention.

He cannot shut the fuck up when criticizing without going all bripat on everyone he thinks who hates him.
I fully expect an effort to get the Rules Committee to open the first ballot to nominations for anyone received a delegate.

The second ballot will be open to any candidate.
I fully expect an effort to get the Rules Committee to open the first ballot to nominations for anyone received a delegate.

The second ballot will be open to any candidate.

One can only hope. Mr. Priebus has been conspicuously silent (at least on CNN and PBS Newshour) over the "judge" remarks. One can only hope he's orchestrating some sort of means for the GOP to give the lie to the "presumptive" in "presumptive nominee."
Almost unanimously everyone who personally knows Donald trump says he is not a racist. Did he make what in today's environment is a racist remark, yes he did, and as William the Wie said, he tripled down on stupid and I make no bones that I went through a hand wringing and teeth mashing moment, but to draw a line from trumps remarks to gas ovens or even constitutional destruction is liberal hyperbole. Racism has been the most used tool of democrats for fifty years and as we can see this year racism will be remodeled to fit the Donald, unfortunately with the Donald's help. As far,as,I know, there is no history of Donald being a member of the KKK or any history of Donald punishing an employee because of his race. He will have to put his brain in gear before he puts his mouth in motion. He is not a racist just as he is not a politician.

But this episode reveals what is a huge,problem for America. The people that make,the best leaders do not make the best politicians and vice versa, as Obama has so clearly demonstrated. For me, if I want a problem solved I want the person of whatever persuasion that is the best at fixing the problem. As long as they do not physically harm other people or do child,porn I am not concerned with their lives. If you are gay, if you cheat on your spouse, if you are a Wicca member, if you smoke pot, if you don't manage your money well I don't care. Can you make things happen, fix things, and solve a problem. Americans who want to get things done are going to have to accept flawed individuals and stop being so prissy. The liberal claim that there is a vast, I say vast, reservoir of closet racists, almost exclusively in the Republican Party that Donald trump will empower with his rhetoric to take us back to some nazi style era is just patently false. who has not experienced sensitivity training? And I think categorizing Americans who lean right or call themselves republican as latent racists is a form of racism on its own.

For those people,that want a perfect candidate and are so outraged by trumps intemperate remarks, which they claim show he is not fit for the office, let me ask a question. What is worse and what is a greater disqualifier for office? A racist comment by a candidate or a history of serial lying by the leader of our country? The offence is in the eye of the beholder.
Or New York GOP but he wanted no to lose his campaign even there is four candidates with Trump, Clinton, Stein and Johnson now 4 pieces even two high are Trump and Hillary.

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