GOP Debate Thread

Wow, Kelly was very sympathetic to Holder in asking Perry about Fast and Furious. Overall, I would say that if any other network had been as hard on the candidates as Fox is being tonight they would have been accused of left-wing bias.

Also, Perry is repeating the absurd claim about Hezbollah penetrating the US through Mexico.

They are...

Hezbollah Working with Cartels « Liveshots
The cartels wouldn't be any help if it wasn't for the stupid fucking "war" on (some) drugs.

One stupid federal policy feeding another idiotic federal policy.......
Now Wallace is chasing Mitt. I would swear these people are liberal moderators! CBS and ABC did a beter job in fairness, sorry to say.
I love the way he's baiting Paul into defending Iran. It's showing how wierd Paul is.

That's what I see the moderators as doing...baiting the candidates. Don't like it, but they are handling it well, except for Paul. Should be interesting to see the polls in Iowa after this.

People are not willing to have Ron Paul (defender if Iran). Romney has too many bad decisions hanging over him. Gingrich is falling from his past indiscretions . Santorum just hit one out of the park to very loud applause. Bachmann is being intentionally ignored and I think she's hanging back to let some attrition happen. Why the hell is Huntsman still there?
Winner of todays debate so far is Santorum. I think he surprises in Iowa. They will get in there and pick him on the last second decision.
Why do Republicans hate gay people?

Why do Republicans care about fetuses but not children?

Why do Republicans want to start more wars?

Why do Republicans think there is "sanctity" to straight people, but not gay people?

They aren't answering these questions.
Wow, Kelly was very sympathetic to Holder in asking Perry about Fast and Furious. Overall, I would say that if any other network had been as hard on the candidates as Fox is being tonight they would have been accused of left-wing bias.

Also, Perry is repeating the absurd claim about Hezbollah penetrating the US through Mexico.

They are...

Hezbollah Working with Cartels « Liveshots

It's hard to factcheck during the debate, but your source seems to be saying that an alleged Hezbollah agent is accused of "rubbing shoulders" with drug cartels in Mexico. My recollection is that the assertion in the debate was much stronger, than Hezbollah was in fact menacing the US through Mexico. If the assertion was simply that Hezbollah had contact with Mexico then I misheard and I withdraw my characterization.
Why do Republicans hate gay people?

Why do Republicans care about fetuses but not children?

Why do Republicans want to start more wars?

Why do Republicans think there is "sanctity" to straight people, but not gay people?

They aren't answering these questions.
Why are you such a stupid asshole?

You haven't answered that question since August of '09.
Bachmann: I am a serious candidate for President and my facts are accurate.

Ouch, two dubious claims in a single sentence.
Why do Republicans hate gay people?

We don't. Stop lying

Why do Republicans care about fetuses but not children?

We do care about children. All children. Why do you want to murder them and then enslave them to government? Maybe you should stop lying sometime.

Why do Republicans want to start more wars?

Start wars? no. but finsih them and prevent them. Heck yeah.

Why do Republicans think there is "sanctity" to straight people, but not gay people?

There is nothing sacred about homsexuality.

They aren't answering these questions.

No. you just conveniently ignore the answers because they prove you a liar.
Perry earns some sympathy points for acknowledging how badly he's been beaten up in the debates. Also, for having such a cute widdle puppy in his twitter pic.
Ill have to say this was a win for Rick Perry just because he didn't implode again.

I think Romney, Newt, Bachmann, and Santorum all did excellent.

I think Huntsman was underwelming

And Paul did great except the question on Iran.

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