GOP Debate: November 10, 2015

Kasich talks about how great he was. Bull crap. SSI is screwd, Debt is high.....he was in on all of it.
Carly almost destroyed Hewlett-Packard - before they fired her.

She says she got caught up in the Nasdaq .COM bust. Some truth in that too. But to hear her talk on Crony Capitalism...........feels like having Mike Vick dog-sit for you.
Carly almost destroyed Hewlett-Packard - before they fired her.

She says she got caught up in the Nasdaq .COM bust. Some truth in that too. But to hear her talk on Crony Capitalism...........feels like having Mike Vick dog-sit for you.

Yes, she tries to blame it on the Nasdaq, but experts have carefully reviewed that - and they prove it false.
Rubio is sooo nauseating.

When the GOP used to understand that you have to spend money to make money, I used to vote for them now and again. Now that they believe you can actually cut your way to prosperity, they've totally lost me.

They say they're all about free market solutions and are pro-business, but their plans simply do not reinforce this.
Trump is learning a lot, watch his face. But Trump is the best candidate for President because he has the popular vote, he has the skills and experience to hire the people who know what their talking about so he himself doesn't have to know it all. I'm all for the Corporate States of America.
Now that they believe you can actually cut your way to prosperity, they've totally lost me.

We all know there is a LOT of cutting they could be doing. The waste is almost beyond belief. The cost, perks and retirement of GOVT employees is growing out of control. Make them live like us.

I look forward to an exciting and substantive debate. I hope the moderators can keep it under control.

Overall, I think Rubio is the strongest candidate. I just think he's a little on the young side. Unfortunately for him, in today's GOP climate where the base is more radical than ever, he might not be crazy enough to win the nomination. The GOP base longs for a rhetorical firebrand, a real bomb-thrower who's more willing to alienate people than work with them.

Although I respect your opinion of Rubio, my opinions of him are quite different. When I see him - I see a pretentious little chipmunk with big ears. When I hear him - I hear a pretentious little chipmunk with big ears. I don't like him!
Listen to what Rubio is saying

I see lots of potential in Rubio plus a potential direction for the GOP through him.

Rubio may renew the Republican party, bring it back from the abyss of political irrelevancy. He is one of the few to watch on the GOP side.
Carly is lying about Obamacare. We need universal healthcare - SINGLE PAYER like Medicare!

No, she's not, it's a failing system, but never intended to provide healthcare, it was to increase the power of the Fed. gov't over you!


The high risk pool would have the government up your ass deciding if you can even have the coverage after being on a waiting list for 6 months to a year.
The price of health care is killing America. I do agree with Carley on that.
Obama care may have problems with it, but it is a start to expose the corruptness and to allow people to afford healthcare amidst the corruption.
The right wants to stop healthcare for the people yet let the medical / big pharma steal right in front of our faces.

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