Hillary Represents the White Middle-Class


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
Hillary Represents the white middle class while Bernie represents everyone in the middle class. It is an expression I heard. Does anyone think this is accurate?
Hillary is the top 1% of the 1%. She has NO idea what it means to WORK for a living. Sanders on the other hand is worth LESS than a half million dollars. That IS middle class.
Hillary Represents the white middle class while Bernie represents everyone in the middle class. It is an expression I heard. Does anyone think this is accurate?

They are politicians and while Bernie does a better job than most of promoting his brand of populism, they are driven by a bad mix of greed, ego and narcissism.

"Listen, I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops." - Jeffery Pelt, The Hunt for Red October
Hillary Represents the white middle class while Bernie represents everyone in the middle class. It is an expression I heard. Does anyone think this is accurate?

Yo, Hillary represents the "White Supremacy" of today! Just look at the History of the Racist Political Party? The Democrat Party, this is why they keep the Blacks in their place!!!

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Hillary is a Limosine liberal

Bernie Sanders ideas, although popular, are a bit too left for the middle class. Sanders represent the working poor.

Neither represents the middle class. Try O'Malley or Webb.
Hillary Represents the white middle class while Bernie represents everyone in the middle class. It is an expression I heard. Does anyone think this is accurate?

Polled voters don't feel that way. Black voters prefer Hillary to Bernie.

What poll are you referring to because I seen black lives matter protest Hillary?

All of them. All the polls show Hillary beating Bernie among blacks.
Hillary represents Hillary and no one else. It has always been about her but that is what I've come to expect from our two party political system.
Clinton represents Clinton

and Sanders is some old fogey who admires Castro and want's to bring us into that Socialist Utopia like Cuba, Venezuela

the Progressive/Socialist party of the United states doesn't believe in giving their people/base/sheep much of a choice, do they?

slap the loser (Clinton) they kicked to the curb the last time for THE thug Obama and some 100 year old socialist.

just wow

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