GOP Debate: November 10, 2015

Does Carly Fiorina ride a broom? She looks like a witch and sounds like a bitch.
Wrong witch, Squawpuss!

Great White Whale speak with forked tongue1

So Lakhota can understand what you're saying about the Beast.
What an amazing achievement. 2 full hours later and not one single detail about what any of them would do to grow the economy and raise stagnant middle and working class wages.

That's almost more amazing than karaoke singers who can sing an entire song offbeat and out of tune.
They said they would get out of the way. They would get rid of unnecessary Federal Regulations. They said they would lower the cost of doing business in America. What they didn't say was Democratic talking points that we, Conservatives, don't give a fuck about. And you just proved your opinion in this debate doesn't matter because you aren't voting in the primary.

You clearly listened carefully. That's why your reply was so detailed and specific.

Get out of the way? Does that equal Laissez-faire? Something else?
Get rid of which unnecessary regulations and how?
Lower the cost of doing business? You mean slash the corporate tax rate that most corporations don't come close to paying?

Al you got was talking points. And you loved it.
i just got Direct TV, but i dont have Fox Biz yet, did i miss anything good? did Sarah Palin flash any body parts?

Well, she tried to sound intelligent. So basically, flashing a boob.
well I am just waking up over here in Florida, so did Sarah Palin flash any other body parts or brought up any countries she could see from her house?
So far in this debate, we've learned the best way to raise wages is to absolutely not raise wages because......uhhh, environmental regulations & tax cuts.
You havent learned anything. That's the problem around here. The libtards get schooled every day on history, the economy and politics and tomorrow they come back and repeat the same nonsense.
  • Ted Cruz Wins the Night
    National Review ^ | November 11, 2015 | Rich Lowry
    Ted Cruz had a terrific night. He had a stand-out answer on immigration and wages, and made his own fortune by getting into an argument with John Kasich on bank bailouts, enunciating the anti-bailout position forcefully and repeatedly (although I don't really believe he wouldn't bail out a major financial institution in the midst of a financial panic if he were president). He was pointed, eloquent, and, of course, very conservative. Marco Rubio was very good, as well. But I thought Rubio was slightly better than Cruz last time, and that Cruz was slightly better this time. Rubio just felt...
Rand Paul won the debate, Trump second & Rubio third

This statement by Rand Paul put him on top!:

We have to decide what is conservative and what isn’t conservative. Is it fiscally conservative to have a trillion-dollar expenditure? We’re not talking about giving people back their tax money. He’s talking about giving people money they didn’t pay. It’s a welfare transfer payment.

So here’s what we have. Is it conservative to have $1 trillion in transfer payments — a new welfare program that’s a refundable tax credit? Add that to Marco’s plan for $1 trillion in new military spending, and you get something that looks, to me, not very conservative.

How is it conservative to add a trillion dollars in military expenditures? You can not be a conservative if you’re going to keep promoting new programs that you’re not going to pay for.
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FOX 5 wants to know: who do you think won this debate? Take our poll:

Thank you for voting!
Donald Trump 50.69% (623 votes)

Rand Paul 17.98% (221 votes)

Marco Rubio 10.66% (131 votes)

Ted Cruz 7.73% (95 votes)

Ben Carson 4.15% (51 votes)

Carly Fiorina 3.66% (45 votes)

John Kasich 3.5% (43 votes)

Jeb Bush 1.63% (20 votes)

Trump's supporters would vote him the winner if he took a shit on stage.
"GOP Debate: November 10, 2015"

Nothing new was offered or learned – just further confirmation that all of the candidates are wrong on most of the issues, and that the GOP agenda is wrong for America.
If every candidate recited the alphabet backwards you would take it that they were wrong and the GOP agenda is wrong for America.

Where are all those Republican JOBS - now and in the future? They ain't got a clue! They can't govern! Just bash Obama!

The Killer Question: seven years under President Obama, the U.S. has added an average of 107,000 jobs a month. Under President Clinton, the economy added about 240,000 jobs a month. Under George W. Bush, it was only 13,000 a month. If you win the nomination, you'll probably be facing a Democrat named Clinton. How are you going to respond to the claim that Democratic presidents are better at creating jobs than Republicans?​

The Killer Question Republicans Couldn't Answer Tuesday Night

Where are all those Republican JOBS - now and in the future? They ain't got a clue! They can't govern! Just bash Obama!

The Killer Question: seven years under President Obama, the U.S. has added an average of 107,000 jobs a month. Under President Clinton, the economy added about 240,000 jobs a month. Under George W. Bush, it was only 13,000 a month. If you win the nomination, you'll probably be facing a Democrat named Clinton. How are you going to respond to the claim that Democratic presidents are better at creating jobs than Republicans?​

The Killer Question Republicans Couldn't Answer Tuesday Night
The question of course is absurd. The average job creation under Bush was much higher for most of his presidency. Take out the losses during hte Democratic Congressional recession and Bush is head and shoulders above Obama. Like on everything else.

Where are all those Republican JOBS - now and in the future? They ain't got a clue! They can't govern! Just bash Obama!

The Killer Question: seven years under President Obama, the U.S. has added an average of 107,000 jobs a month. Under President Clinton, the economy added about 240,000 jobs a month. Under George W. Bush, it was only 13,000 a month. If you win the nomination, you'll probably be facing a Democrat named Clinton. How are you going to respond to the claim that Democratic presidents are better at creating jobs than Republicans?​

The Killer Question Republicans Couldn't Answer Tuesday Night
The question of course is absurd. The average job creation under Bush was much higher for most of his presidency. Take out the losses during hte Democratic Congressional recession and Bush is head and shoulders above Obama. Like on everything else.

Actually, no, job creation under his first term was very poor also.

What DOES skew the numbers is including the first 6 months of Obama's term....which really does lower his numbers tremendously, even though he had nothing to do with it.

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