'Good Night, Pa'

MAGA is so bad that they lose to a stroke victim

No, the Democrats are so corrupt, they funded a brain impaired, tumor addled, Peter Pan just for political aspirations. Oz only lost by 3 points. Hey but it will be fun watching Fetidman being told how to vote.
I never argued he was a good candidate.

See the difference?
Your implication was that it’s the fault of the Republicans that Democrats voted for a brain-damaged man who wants to let murderers out of prison. The fact that they voted for such a pro-criminal idiot shows that the caliber of candidates doesn’t matter.All that counts is the D after his name.
Fetterman got 50%, Oz got 47.1%, not exactly a mandate. More like suspicious when you consider Fetterman can't understand anything anyone says without a computer system and a transcriptionist. In the debate Fetterman was an embarassment. The dumb shit said 'good night' instead of 'good evening.' His brain is muddled. Oz walked all over him in the debate and, IMO, gave him too much lee way. Still, he's a Democrat and apparently, Democrats hold political place-holders over what's good for We The People.

Exits polls showed people wanted to elect a Pennsylvanian. It's as simple as that. Republicans decided to go with the Cult of Personality.
Your implication was that it’s the fault of the Republicans that Democrats voted for a brain-damaged man who wants to let murderers out of prison. The fact that they voted for such a pro-criminal idiot shows that the caliber of candidates doesn’t matter.All that counts is the D after his name.

I'd ask if you had a link about him wanting to let murderers out of jail, but we know you don't have one.
Blood Libels are okay when THEY do it.

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