Going down the drain...

While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
Though the question was aimed elsewhere, my answer is: under the Articles of Confederation.

That is common. The modern American conservative victim often points to a time before they were even alive when asked this question.
Because we understand that is when the power of the gov't grew to points that should have been violations of the constitution.............Our Gov't violates the hell out of the enumerated powers now......

States should have ruled themselves........with DADDY FED .....not being DADDY.....
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.

What we laugh at is you leftists never ending trust in government despite the overwhelming evidence against that trust.
Here's a little exercise I like to show leftists. Everytime you use the word government insert politicians instead. Because that's what it really is. Then see if your arguments sound feasible.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.

Ahh. A time when you cannot speak from personal experience. Perfect.

You didn’t answer. Do you want to legalize narcotics? Assisted suicide? Don’t tell me that you want the government to put people in jail for getting high.
I think you are already too high.
Legal narcotics are not really needed. Assisted suicide how do you plan to tell it from murder? And if you claim because of a doctor there have been murders by doctors.
Do you want more legislation on guns?

I own three firearms. My son is a LEO.

I want crazy people to be prevented from killing people with guns and I want little kids to be kept away from firearms so they can’t accidentally kill themselves and their little friends.

What gun regulations do you approve of? Give me a short list.
Heard this before..........you would punish the innocent for the acts of criminals..........how your side does it.

The Dems want guns out of this country.........too bad.....oh well.........they have done it in most of the world.......and not here.........boo fucking hoo.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.

Ahh. A time when you cannot speak from personal experience. Perfect.

You didn’t answer. Do you want to legalize narcotics? Assisted suicide? Don’t tell me that you want the government to put people in jail for getting high.
I think you are already too high.
Legal narcotics are not really needed. Assisted suicide how do you plan to tell it from murder? And if you claim because of a doctor there have been murders by doctors.
Do you want more legislation on guns?

I own three firearms. My son is a LEO.

I want crazy people to be prevented from killing people with guns and I want little kids to be kept away from firearms so they can’t accidentally kill themselves and their little friends.

What gun regulations do you approve of? Give me a short list.
Heard this before..........you would punish the innocent for the acts of criminals..........how your side does it.

The Dems want guns out of this country.........too bad.....oh well.........they have done it in most of the world.......and not here.........boo fucking

I do not want guns out of the country.
NO drowned because of their own stupidity.They spent federal monies earmarked for flood/ocean control on building casinos.I would suggest that the OP look at state by state federal funding and how they are being used.The problem lies with the states not the federal government.My state which shall remain nameless is constantly upgrading it's infra structure.
Do you think my OP is only addressing the federal government?
no, but I'm saying federal monies have always been available to the states.
The States can’t run huge deficits like the federal government can.

The government both state and fed, shut down the economy over a virus. The economic destruction wasn’t caused by criminal acts, as in 2008.

However, what did the federal government do with the CARES Act? It purposely enriched the rich at the expense of the rest of us. Amazingly, the Senate passed it 96-0. None of the so called progressives were willing to call out the fraud.

Dore and Ratigan spell it out. Fed Chairman says government should bailout the people. Congress refused to listen.

Get a job.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.

Ahh. A time when you cannot speak from personal experience. Perfect.

You didn’t answer. Do you want to legalize narcotics? Assisted suicide? Don’t tell me that you want the government to put people in jail for getting high.
I think you are already too high.
Legal narcotics are not really needed. Assisted suicide how do you plan to tell it from murder? And if you claim because of a doctor there have been murders by doctors.
Do you want more legislation on guns?

I own three firearms. My son is a LEO.

I want crazy people to be prevented from killing people with guns and I want little kids to be kept away from firearms so they can’t accidentally kill themselves and their little friends.

What gun regulations do you approve of? Give me a short list.
Heard this before..........you would punish the innocent for the acts of criminals..........how your side does it.

The Dems want guns out of this country.........too bad.....oh well.........they have done it in most of the world.......and not here.........boo fucking

I do not want guns out of the country.
Many politicians from the left do want them gone.......you know it.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.

Ahh. A time when you cannot speak from personal experience. Perfect.

You didn’t answer. Do you want to legalize narcotics? Assisted suicide? Don’t tell me that you want the government to put people in jail for getting high.
I think you are already too high.
Legal narcotics are not really needed. Assisted suicide how do you plan to tell it from murder? And if you claim because of a doctor there have been murders by doctors.
Do you want more legislation on guns?

I own three firearms. My son is a LEO.

I want crazy people to be prevented from killing people with guns and I want little kids to be kept away from firearms so they can’t accidentally kill themselves and their little friends.

What gun regulations do you approve of? Give me a short list.
Heard this before..........you would punish the innocent for the acts of criminals..........how your side does it.

The Dems want guns out of this country.........too bad.....oh well.........they have done it in most of the world.......and not here.........boo fucking

I do not want guns out of the country.
Many politicians from the left do want them gone.......you know it.

No. I don’t know that.
In the Great Depression.........caused by the markets betting on BS.......bets that they couldn't back up...............DESTROYED this Nation.........

In times OF CHAOS...........POLITICIANS SAW OPPORTUNITY.........GAVE POWER TO THEMSELVES.....and TOO MUCH POWER to the Gov't...........VIOLATED THE ENUMERATED POWERS..........when FDR got stopped by the courts......he tried to pack the courts..............

Now..........times of CHAOS......they doing more BS...........FEAR MONGERING..............OUR GOV'T HAS TOO MUCH POWER........PERIOD.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.

Ahh. A time when you cannot speak from personal experience. Perfect.

You didn’t answer. Do you want to legalize narcotics? Assisted suicide? Don’t tell me that you want the government to put people in jail for getting high.
I think you are already too high.
Legal narcotics are not really needed. Assisted suicide how do you plan to tell it from murder? And if you claim because of a doctor there have been murders by doctors.
Do you want more legislation on guns?

I own three firearms. My son is a LEO.

I want crazy people to be prevented from killing people with guns and I want little kids to be kept away from firearms so they can’t accidentally kill themselves and their little friends.

What gun regulations do you approve of? Give me a short list.
Heard this before..........you would punish the innocent for the acts of criminals..........how your side does it.

The Dems want guns out of this country.........too bad.....oh well.........they have done it in most of the world.......and not here.........boo fucking

I do not want guns out of the country.
Many politicians from the left do want them gone.......you know it.

No. I don’t know that.
Then you aren't looking.
Humans are a built-in failure machine.

Specious premise ... it that were true, we couldn't have gone from hunter gathers to a global civilization in a scant few thousand years.
Humans are a built-in failure machine.

Specious premise ... it that were true, we couldn't have gone from hunter gathers to a global civilization in a scant few thousand years.
Lots of failure along the way.

Significant net positive. You can measure individual humans as successes or failures but, as a species, we're undeniable successes.

That being said, what successes we've made as a species came from individual humans.
Humans are a built-in failure machine.

Specious premise ... it that were true, we couldn't have gone from hunter gathers to a global civilization in a scant few thousand years.
Lots of failure along the way.

Significant net positive. You can measure individual humans as successes or failures but, as a species, we're undeniable successes.
You have a low bar for success.
Other than the deficit I'm relatively happy with how things in the country have gone in my lifetime and the progress made. But then I lean towards the left and have seen our 2 party political choice after 1964 as somewhat like a Miller beer - a pick between liberal and liberal lite.
Other than the deficit I'm relatively happy with how things in the country have gone in my lifetime and the progress made. But then I lean towards the left and have seen our 2 party political choice after 1964 as somewhat like a Miller beer - a pick between liberal and liberal lite.
This time around you get to pick from two dumb fucks. Neither of them are liberal and the D candidate is to the right of the R candidate.
NO drowned because of their own stupidity.They spent federal monies earmarked for flood/ocean control on building casinos.I would suggest that the OP look at state by state federal funding and how they are being used.The problem lies with the states not the federal government.My state which shall remain nameless is constantly upgrading it's infra structure.
Do you think my OP is only addressing the federal government?
no, but I'm saying federal monies have always been available to the states.
The States can’t run huge deficits like the federal government can.

The government both state and fed, shut down the economy over a virus. The economic destruction wasn’t caused by criminal acts, as in 2008.

However, what did the federal government do with the CARES Act? It purposely enriched the rich at the expense of the rest of us. Amazingly, the Senate passed it 96-0. None of the so called progressives were willing to call out the fraud.

Dore and Ratigan spell it out. Fed Chairman says government should bailout the people. Congress refused to listen.

Get a job.

Don’t need to. I’m retired and living the good life. Traveling the country in a luxury motorhome with my bride.

Unlike you, I’m awake to the problems facing millions of Americans.
Humans are a built-in failure machine.

Specious premise ... it that were true, we couldn't have gone from hunter gathers to a global civilization in a scant few thousand years.
Lots of failure along the way.

Significant net positive. You can measure individual humans as successes or failures but, as a species, we're undeniable successes.
You have a low bar for success.

As a species, human beings live longer, are more secure, have more comfortable lives, have more access to education, information, and entertainment, and are financially more secure than at any other time in human history. By any empirical measure, humans are a success.

How do you measure success?

How can you be both a libertarian and a misanthrope?
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.

Ahh. A time when you cannot speak from personal experience. Perfect.

You didn’t answer. Do you want to legalize narcotics? Assisted suicide? Don’t tell me that you want the government to put people in jail for getting high.
I think you are already too high.
Legal narcotics are not really needed. Assisted suicide how do you plan to tell it from murder? And if you claim because of a doctor there have been murders by doctors.
Do you want more legislation on guns?

I own three firearms. My son is a LEO.

I want crazy people to be prevented from killing people with guns and I want little kids to be kept away from firearms so they can’t accidentally kill themselves and their little friends.

What gun regulations do you approve of? Give me a short list.
So you are saying that you are like most of the left. You want to limit those people that legally carry, own and use guns responsibly in a misguided belief that criminals and the criminally insane will follow the law.
You want to remove everything that could possibly result in a child being killed. Good lets start with getting rid of cars, parents and baths because those kill kids.

You are basically saying that you want law upon law upon law. In other wards you want the government to grow. Do you want single payer healthcare? Do you want higher minimum wage? All part of wantin government more in your life.

Wanting drugs to be legalized tells me you have never had a friend addicted to heroine or seen a freind die from an overdose.
If more people saw what drinking and driving did they would want alcohol criminalized.
Humans are a built-in failure machine.

Specious premise ... it that were true, we couldn't have gone from hunter gathers to a global civilization in a scant few thousand years.
Lots of failure along the way.

Significant net positive. You can measure individual humans as successes or failures but, as a species, we're undeniable successes.
You have a low bar for success.

As a species, human beings live longer, are more secure, have more comfortable lives, have more access to education, information, and entertainment, and are financially more secure than at any other time in human history. By any empirical measure, humans are a success.

How do you measure success?

How can you be both a libertarian and a misanthrope?
Let’s see...we’re polluting the planet, government everywhere is criminal and corrupt, the extreme wealthy transnational capitalists run everything, a large percentage of the world’s population live in squalor, poverty, and disease. Wars can break out at any moment causing massive loss of life. The Empire controls the world and is prepared to mass murder any nation who opposes it. Corruption exists in nearly every industry including healthcare, big business, academia, science, etc.

...but yeah, some of us have it pretty good.
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Throughout America, state, local, and federal government epitomize failure.

Yep...pretty much
Local and state varies by degree .....but yeah pretty much

Tons of jobs out there ..i seeing help wanted everywhere ...half the frigging proletariat ain't goin back until the feds 600 dollars a week extra runs out

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