Going down the drain...

While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
In America, we have a government which is outlined in the USC. That means that we have a president and other leaders. A handful of humans who have a lot of power.

Give us names of the humans that YOU would have be our leaders.

Senate Maj Leader:
Senate Min Leader:
House Speaker:
House Minority Leader:

While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.
I can’t agree. The government shut down the economy. They should have bailed out the people, while the shut down was in effect. They didn’t.
Actually the states shut down the economy.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.
Excellent column by Paul Craig Roberts.

I sometimes wonder if we aren’t living through the most ignorant of times. We are surrounded by government failure...enormous government scams, racketeering, and corruption. Big business is no better.

We have become a banana republic and the world’s wealthiest third world nation, but no leader dares speak of it.

America Is Drowning in Problems
By Paul Craig Roberts
May 23, 2020
It is as difficult to understand the liberal and progressive belief in government as it is to understand the libertarian belief in the efficacy of the invisible hand that allegedly causes private greed to serve the public’s interest. Humans are a built-in failure machine. Their time perspective is short term. They are always surprised by the unintended consequences of their own thoughtless actions and inactions.

Throughout America, state, local, and federal government epitomize failure. Trillions of dollars have been poured into weapons systems that cannot be used without destroying the United States along with the rest of the world, while dams fail, bridges collapse, communities deteriorate, and homelessness grows. The government in Washington spends time, effort, and money manufacturing enemies to justify the budget of the military/security complex, while jobs and the US economy are offshored, the environment is degraded, and health care needs go unaddressed. The US rivals third world countries in terms of the percentage of its population that has no savings, no access to health care, and no prospects for advancement in life.

But we can blow up the world several times over and make mindless interventions in the natural environment that multiply the destructive power of storms, heavy rains, and other natural phenomena.

Another election approaches and yet again there is no acknowledgement of the real problems our country faces or any interest in discussing what to do about them. America and the Western World in general are simply going to drown in their unaddressed problems just as New Orleans drowned in Hurricane Katrina.
America Is Drowning in Problems - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
I love me some Paul Craig Roberts.

His best work: The Tyranny of Good Intentions

Excellent column by Paul Craig Roberts.

I sometimes wonder if we aren’t living through the most ignorant of times. We are surrounded by government failure...enormous government scams, racketeering, and corruption. Big business is no better.

We have become a banana republic and the world’s wealthiest third world nation, but no leader dares speak of it.

America Is Drowning in Problems
By Paul Craig Roberts
May 23, 2020
It is as difficult to understand the liberal and progressive belief in government as it is to understand the libertarian belief in the efficacy of the invisible hand that allegedly causes private greed to serve the public’s interest. Humans are a built-in failure machine. Their time perspective is short term. They are always surprised by the unintended consequences of their own thoughtless actions and inactions.

Throughout America, state, local, and federal government epitomize failure. Trillions of dollars have been poured into weapons systems that cannot be used without destroying the United States along with the rest of the world, while dams fail, bridges collapse, communities deteriorate, and homelessness grows. The government in Washington spends time, effort, and money manufacturing enemies to justify the budget of the military/security complex, while jobs and the US economy are offshored, the environment is degraded, and health care needs go unaddressed. The US rivals third world countries in terms of the percentage of its population that has no savings, no access to health care, and no prospects for advancement in life.

But we can blow up the world several times over and make mindless interventions in the natural environment that multiply the destructive power of storms, heavy rains, and other natural phenomena.

Another election approaches and yet again there is no acknowledgement of the real problems our country faces or any interest in discussing what to do about them. America and the Western World in general are simply going to drown in their unaddressed problems just as New Orleans drowned in Hurricane Katrina.
America Is Drowning in Problems - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
People are 10 times as stupid before Microsoft. I thought the Computer Age was going to edumacate us further.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
In America, we have a government which is outlined in the USC. That means that we have a president and other leaders. A handful of humans who have a lot of power.

Give us names of the humans that YOU would have be our leaders.

Senate Maj Leader:
Senate Min Leader:
House Speaker:
House Minority Leader:

Oh brother. The people have little power in the USA. Almost none. Now if you’re a billionaire, you’ve got tremendous power in a nation of, by, and for the extreme wealthy.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
Though the question was aimed elsewhere, my answer is: under the Articles of Confederation.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
Though the question was aimed elsewhere, my answer is: under the Articles of Confederation.

That is common. The modern American conservative victim often points to a time before they were even alive when asked this question.
Oh brother. The people have little power in the USA. Almost none. Now if you’re a billionaire, you’ve got tremendous power in a nation of, by, and for the extreme wealthy
And that is a function of giving too much power to government.

When government is limited, it's no longer useful to the filthy rotten rich. When government is no more than a tool to protect the rights of the individual, it dulls the billionaire influence. There's no way ultimately to stop that influence because money is influence, but it certainly will help.

Excellent column by Paul Craig Roberts.

I sometimes wonder if we aren’t living through the most ignorant of times. We are surrounded by government failure...enormous government scams, racketeering, and corruption. Big business is no better.

We have become a banana republic and the world’s wealthiest third world nation, but no leader dares speak of it.

America Is Drowning in Problems
By Paul Craig Roberts
May 23, 2020
It is as difficult to understand the liberal and progressive belief in government as it is to understand the libertarian belief in the efficacy of the invisible hand that allegedly causes private greed to serve the public’s interest. Humans are a built-in failure machine. Their time perspective is short term. They are always surprised by the unintended consequences of their own thoughtless actions and inactions.

Throughout America, state, local, and federal government epitomize failure. Trillions of dollars have been poured into weapons systems that cannot be used without destroying the United States along with the rest of the world, while dams fail, bridges collapse, communities deteriorate, and homelessness grows. The government in Washington spends time, effort, and money manufacturing enemies to justify the budget of the military/security complex, while jobs and the US economy are offshored, the environment is degraded, and health care needs go unaddressed. The US rivals third world countries in terms of the percentage of its population that has no savings, no access to health care, and no prospects for advancement in life.

But we can blow up the world several times over and make mindless interventions in the natural environment that multiply the destructive power of storms, heavy rains, and other natural phenomena.

Another election approaches and yet again there is no acknowledgement of the real problems our country faces or any interest in discussing what to do about them. America and the Western World in general are simply going to drown in their unaddressed problems just as New Orleans drowned in Hurricane Katrina.
America Is Drowning in Problems - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
I love me some Paul Craig Roberts.
His best work: The Tyranny of Good Intentions
This WAS a good article by the usually interesting Paul Craig Roberts. The full linked article was better than just the excerpted portion, in my opinion.

But the associated LewRockwell interview I thought was quite terrible, which I think shows the inadequacy of just complaining about and badmouthing “the system,” without ever taking responsibility for specific policies. Irresponsible complaining about government institutions, though often justified, like complaining only about capitalism or “the other” party, or the “foreign enemy,” these are chronic weaknesses of our ultra- individualistic society, much encouraged by our most degenerate elites.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.

Ahh. A time when you cannot speak from personal experience. Perfect.

You didn’t answer. Do you want to legalize narcotics? Assisted suicide? Don’t tell me that you want the government to put people in jail for getting high.
Oh brother. The people have little power in the USA. Almost none. Now if you’re a billionaire, you’ve got tremendous power in a nation of, by, and for the extreme wealthy
And that is a function of giving too much power to government.

When government is limited, it's no longer useful to the filthy rotten rich. When government is no more than a tool to protect the rights of the individual, it dulls the billionaire influence. There's no way ultimately to stop that influence because money is influence, but it certainly will help.

WTF! Why is it some still talk about limited government? Come on man! You are whistling past the graveyard. I would love to see our government limited, but let’s stick with reality.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.

Ahh. A time when you cannot speak from personal experience. Perfect.

You didn’t answer. Do you want to legalize narcotics? Assisted suicide? Don’t tell me that you want the government to put people in jail for getting high.
I think you are already too high.
Legal narcotics are not really needed. Assisted suicide how do you plan to tell it from murder? And if you claim because of a doctor there have been murders by doctors.
Do you want more legislation on guns?
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
So you are trying to claim there is no one wanting more laws of any kind? Really? You can't be serious. We have people every day yelling for more environmental regulations, more gun control, more reasons for people to be placed in jail.

I want to legalize narcotics and make assisted suicide legal. Do you?

When was our federal government small enough for your liking?
I could say not long after 1776 or the day after tomorrow.
I have no doubt there are a large number of things that you want legalized, there are probably a lot more that you want legislated out of existence.

Ahh. A time when you cannot speak from personal experience. Perfect.

You didn’t answer. Do you want to legalize narcotics? Assisted suicide? Don’t tell me that you want the government to put people in jail for getting high.
I think you are already too high.
Legal narcotics are not really needed. Assisted suicide how do you plan to tell it from murder? And if you claim because of a doctor there have been murders by doctors.
Do you want more legislation on guns?

I own three firearms. My son is a LEO.

I want crazy people to be prevented from killing people with guns and I want little kids to be kept away from firearms so they can’t accidentally kill themselves and their little friends.

What gun regulations do you approve of? Give me a short list.
While the,fellow may have a point or two that I agree with in general I hate that kind of sentiment. It is always so very easy to point out how this or that is wrong but it is all very different and many times harder to actually come up with solutions to the problem.
You have so many with diametrically opposite views. You have those that want daddy government to hold their hand and guide them from cradle to grave.
You have those that want less government intervention in their lives, want less regulation.
You have those that are somewhere in between.
Everyone of them thinking that their ideas and their view of the world is the only correct one and all others are wrong.

The people who you believe want government to hold their hand and guide them....generally don’t.

If you’d come to terms with that reality, you might have a starting point for a discussion.
Usually it is exactly people that get offended by that concept who are the ones wanting more and larger government.

That is pablum. You are about to move the goalposts aren’t you? Wanting an effective government is not the same as needing to have daddy hold my hand

When was the government small enough for your liking? Give me a date.
You'd have to go back to 1933 at least.........and in a crisis the Gov't exploded in size in basic violation of the enumerated powers...........


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