FBI to conduct internal investigation over the Flynn matter. snicker snicker


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Anyone going to be really surprised on how this is going to turn out.

Nope... not impressed. Investigating themselves, doesn't work. It's already established Wray is a deep state cover man for the FBI, so this is nothing more than a joke, a diversion, window dressing, a shuck 'n jive.
Looks like that Durham investigation has Wray by the short hairs and Jensen is adding to the bon fire that is now started. This appears to be an attempt to stop criminal prosecutions of current staff, which would further damage the FBI's credibility.
Nope... not impressed. Investigating themselves, doesn't work. It's already established Wray is a deep state cover man for the FBI, so this is nothing more than a joke, a diversion, window dressing, a shuck 'n jive.

He is a tramp man, so tramp must be the deep state boss.
Anyone going to be really surprised on how this is going to turn out.

They say sunlight is the best disinfectant for Corona, Vampires, And Crooked Politicians.

I want to show you how sunlight will affect FAKE NEWS, DEEP STATE, Schumer, Pelosi, Village Idiot AOC, Schifty and all the rest of the swam scum.

The beginning of the scene scene is how they look now, the middle will be coming soon, and the End..Well it will be the End .
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Nope... not impressed. Investigating themselves, doesn't work. It's already established Wray is a deep state cover man for the FBI, so this is nothing more than a joke, a diversion, window dressing, a shuck 'n jive.

He is a tramp man, so tramp must be the deep state boss.
I have no idea who "tramp" is, but the fact remains, Wray is a deep state shyster that's been stone walling all attempts to obtain documents, and he's been running cover to protect corrupt and guilty people within the FBI.

Those are the facts, deal with it.
CYA is standard operating procedure inside the beltway. I think he knows the FBI is going to come out looking like shit in Durham's report, not mention the Senate's investigation, so he's jumping on the bandwagon. From what I can tell, he's been stone-walling and obstructing wherever possible, so this is Wray's opportunity to find a scapegoat and fire the bastard. "See there, I fired somebody"! Somebody who probably should have been fired long ago.
Anyone going to be really surprised on how this is going to turn out.

Let them do it, that still won't stop the Durham findings that they will have to answer for also correct ?? It will be funny, because it's like they are falling into their own traps in which they love to set, where as their investigation will be tested against the Durham findings.

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