"God, please help me to hate white people"

Confederate Soldier

Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2021
Southerner trapped in a yankee state

What kind of bull crap is this?


I'm all for equality, I hate everyone equally! :rolleyes:
Another racist black who sees white supremacy in most whites. She should go to Japan and see what they think of blacks. Actual signs in store windows banning blacks from entering. There are also signs that ban whites from entering their establishments. Despite Middle-East Arabs claiming that Islam is non-discriminating, black Muslims in Southern Sudan had been getting murdered by Muslim Arabs. The reason: The blacks were just that....black. Hell....black Africans in Africa aren't fond of American blacks. Reason: They consider them a lazy and negative culture, negative attributes which they have no respect for.
White supremacists (KKK, Nazis, et cetera) amount to a miniscule number of whites, as the vast majority of whites don't give a damn about a person's skin color. As Candace Owens said in a testimony before Congress, "There are a hundred things that blacks should be concerned about and white supremacy isn't one of them." She's an intelligent and independent woman who isn't afraid to speak out against the falsity of the claim that white supremacy is rampant.
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Blacks are the most racist people on the planet, have been for decades.

We need a program to send the ones that either already do or are praying to hate white people, like the jackass racist bitch in this article, back to Africa. Since they all call themselves "African American," then they can go back to their "home land." It almost makes you wonder, since these black racists hate whitey so bad, why don't they go back to Africa on their own accord?
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Another racist black who sees white supremacy in most whites. She should go to Japan and see what they think of blacks. Actual signs in store windows banning blacks from entering. There are also signs that ban whites from entering their establishments. Despite Middle-East Arabs claiming that Islam is non-discriminating, black Muslims in Southern Sudan had been getting murdered by Muslim Arabs. The reason: The blacks were just that....black. Hell....black Africans in Africa aren't fond of American blacks. Reason: They consider them a lazy and negative culture, negative attributes which they have no respect for.
White supremacists (KKK, Nazis, et cetera) amount to a miniscule number of whites, as the vast majority of whites don't give a damn about a person's skin color. As Candace Owens said in a testimony before Congress, "There are a hundred things that blacks should be concerned about and white supremacy isn't one of them." She's an intelligent and independent woman who isn't afraid to speak out against the falsity of the claim that white supremacy is rampant.

I have never been to Japan.

But I have read that it is a peaceful nation (and stunningly beautiful).

I hope that it stays that way.

It can do so only with a homogeneous population that shares common cultural values.

I fear for Japan since it plans to allow in 300,000 immigrants in the next five years.

So if some business establishments do not welcome certain groups, I can understand why.
The prayer then turns to a hopeful note. She recognizes that God will not allow her to hate white people. He continues to call her to love her neighbor as herself – even if that neighbor is white. She also recognizes the many ways that God has delivered her from racism and the prayer ends with a note of confidence that God will continue to do this as she continues her quest to make white people less racist.

Imprecatory Psalms, contained within the Book of Psalms of the Hebrew Bible (תנ"ך), are those that imprecate – that is, those that invoke judgment, calamity or curses upon one's enemies or those perceived as the enemies of God.
The prayer then turns to a hopeful note. She recognizes that God will not allow her to hate white people. He continues to call her to love her neighbor as herself – even if that neighbor is white. She also recognizes the many ways that God has delivered her from racism and the prayer ends with a note of confidence that God will continue to do this as she continues her quest to make white people less racist.

Imprecatory Psalms, contained within the Book of Psalms of the Hebrew Bible (תנ"ך), are those that imprecate – that is, those that invoke judgment, calamity or curses upon one's enemies or those perceived as the enemies of God.
And who granted her authority to proclaim others enemies of God?
The prayer then turns to a hopeful note. She recognizes that God will not allow her to hate white people. He continues to call her to love her neighbor as herself – even if that neighbor is white. She also recognizes the many ways that God has delivered her from racism and the prayer ends with a note of confidence that God will continue to do this as she continues her quest to make white people less racist.

Imprecatory Psalms, contained within the Book of Psalms of the Hebrew Bible (תנ"ך), are those that imprecate – that is, those that invoke judgment, calamity or curses upon one's enemies or those perceived as the enemies of God.
And who granted her authority to proclaim others enemies of God?
Any person can do that.
She should put her money where her huge mouth is, and take her ugly, weary, disgusting ass back to africa.

That would really help make America great again.

We're weary of people like you, too, beyotch.
missmooglow said:
The prayer then turns to a hopeful note. She recognizes that God will not allow her to hate white people. He continues to call her to love her neighbor as herself – even if that neighbor is white. She also recognizes the many ways that God has delivered her from racism and the prayer ends with a note of confidence that God will continue to do this as she continues her quest to make white people less racist.

would you post that part of the prayer that then 'turns to a hopeful note, because I HAVE NEVER seen that part. You got it??

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