God Hates Cowards

Should the Churches advocate for and against party platform planks?

  • Yes, it would be nice to know which party policies the church favors

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • No, it's mixing church and state

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Yes, it's simple free speech

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • No, the IRS states that no taxes = no political influence.

    Votes: 10 35.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
When the government actively promotes atheism, and the Bishops and Evangelicals cower in their pulpits, who is left to speak for those who attend church regularly, and contribute to their churches? WTF are they doing with those contributions? I have yet to see one pro-life commercial, or in favor of traditional marriage, or promoting general religious freedom, and more specifically those policies that hinder religious freedom.

The churches can't recommend candidates, but they surly can advocate for one party's policies over another's.

The churches are not to pick between candidates, but to advocate for policies.

Lets vote on "free speech" from the pulpits.
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When the government actively promotes atheism, and the Bishops and Evangelicals cower in their pulpits, who is left to speak for those who attend church regularly, and contribute to their churches? WTF are they doing with those contributions? I have yet to see one pro-life commercial, or in favor of traditional marriage, or promoting general religious freedom, and more specifically those policies that hinder religious freedom.

The churches can't recommend candidates, but that surly can advocate for one party's policies over another's.

The churches are not to pick between candidates, but to advocate for policies.

Lets vote on "free speech" from the pulpits.

Exactly correct.
When the government actively promotes atheism, and the Bishops and Evangelicals cower in their pulpits, who is left to speak for those who attend church regularly, and contribute to their churches? WTF are they doing with those contributions? I have yet to see one pro-life commercial, or in favor of traditional marriage, or promoting general religious freedom, and more specifically those policies that hinder religious freedom.

The churches can't recommend candidates, but that surly can advocate for one party's policies over another's.

The churches are not to pick between candidates, but to advocate for policies.

Lets vote on "free speech" from the pulpits.

Thou shall not bear false witness-9th Commandment of the Ten Commandments.
When the government actively promotes atheism, and the Bishops and Evangelicals cower in their pulpits, who is left to speak for those who attend church regularly, and contribute to their churches? WTF are they doing with those contributions? I have yet to see one pro-life commercial, or in favor of traditional marriage, or promoting general religious freedom, and more specifically those policies that hinder religious freedom.

The churches can't recommend candidates, but that surly can advocate for one party's policies over another's.

The churches are not to pick between candidates, but to advocate for policies.

Lets vote on "free speech" from the pulpits.

Churches are free to Preach all they want. They just can't continue to claim tax Exempt status if they do.
Churches are free to Preach all they want. They just can't continue to claim tax Exempt status if they do.

Actually the law specifically states that they can't advocate for a "candidate". My OP says that the church should advocate more for "party policies" and not specific candidates. Both parties have good & bad policies to speak to.

All I want them to say is, that "on the whole, I believe that the ____ party policies are more in keeping with church teaching".
Churches are free to Preach all they want. They just can't continue to claim tax Exempt status if they do.

Actually the law specifically states that they can't advocate for a "candidate". My OP says that the church should advocate more for "party policies" and not specific candidates. Both parties have good & bad policies to speak to.

All I want them to say is, that "on the whole, I believe that the ____ party policies are more in keeping with church teaching".

Actually "on the whole", they would weigh the entire teachings of God and then as mortals determine which teachings of God were more important than other teachings. So in a sense they would be judging God. That in itself would be defying the Word of God.
Churches are free to Preach all they want. They just can't continue to claim tax Exempt status if they do.

Actually the law specifically states that they can't advocate for a "candidate". My OP says that the church should advocate more for "party policies" and not specific candidates. Both parties have good & bad policies to speak to.

All I want them to say is, that "on the whole, I believe that the ____ party policies are more in keeping with church teaching".

Actually "on the whole", they would weigh the entire teachings of God and then as mortals determine which teachings of God were more important than other teachings. So in a sense they would be judging God. That in itself would be defying the Word of God.

As opposed to letting the government, and those who bribe the DC whores, having free rein to buy any policy that they want to buy?? You need to consider what "freedom of religion" actually means.
Churches are free to Preach all they want. They just can't continue to claim tax Exempt status if they do.

Actually the law specifically states that they can't advocate for a "candidate". My OP says that the church should advocate more for "party policies" and not specific candidates. Both parties have good & bad policies to speak to.

All I want them to say is, that "on the whole, I believe that the ____ party policies are more in keeping with church teaching".

Are so "confused" or "conflicted" that you need your CHURCH to tell you who to vote for, and what your own core political beliefs are? :confused:
Are so "confused" or "conflicted" that you need your CHURCH to tell you who to vote for, and what your own core political beliefs are?

Actually, my bitch is that the churches preach theology and take our contributions, but when it really matters as to which policies the government enacts, the whiny preachers hide in their basements. There is no confusion, only cowardice.
Actually the law specifically states that they can't advocate for a "candidate". My OP says that the church should advocate more for "party policies" and not specific candidates. Both parties have good & bad policies to speak to.

All I want them to say is, that "on the whole, I believe that the ____ party policies are more in keeping with church teaching".

Actually "on the whole", they would weigh the entire teachings of God and then as mortals determine which teachings of God were more important than other teachings. So in a sense they would be judging God. That in itself would be defying the Word of God.

As opposed to letting the government, and those who bribe the DC whores, having free rein to buy any policy that they want to buy?? You need to consider what "freedom of religion" actually means.

What kind of answer is that? Does any mortal man have the right to weigh God's judgement as to what is the most important? Simply answer the question.
Should the Churches advocate for and against party platform planks?

Let me guess....your middle name is 'Oxy'.
Actually "on the whole", they would weigh the entire teachings of God and then as mortals determine which teachings of God were more important than other teachings. So in a sense they would be judging God. That in itself would be defying the Word of God.

As opposed to letting the government, and those who bribe the DC whores, having free rein to buy any policy that they want to buy?? You need to consider what "freedom of religion" actually means.

What kind of answer is that? Does any mortal man have the right to weigh God's judgement as to what is the most important? Simply answer the question.

I answered it. The "mortal" atheists who bribe the DC whores currently buy the right to tell us what parts of our religions we can and cannot practice. What don't you understand? Its a simple answer.
When the government actively promotes atheism, and the Bishops and Evangelicals cower in their pulpits, who is left to speak for those who attend church regularly, and contribute to their churches? WTF are they doing with those contributions? I have yet to see one pro-life commercial, or in favor of traditional marriage, or promoting general religious freedom, and more specifically those policies that hinder religious freedom.

The churches can't recommend candidates, but they surly can advocate for one party's policies over another's.

The churches are not to pick between candidates, but to advocate for policies.

Lets vote on "free speech" from the pulpits.

You'll remain with things how they are, and you'll like it.
Serious students of history see the great peril in allowing churches to have too big a role in secular government. History is filled with horrific examples of religious terror and it always starts small and works up to things like the Taliban, I know that extreme example is Islam but a hell of a lot of people have been murdered in the name of Jesus Christ, a hell of a lot of now vanished governments have been brought to ruin by letting the preachers run things, forgive us if we don't take your word that it won't happen again this time.
Churches are free to Preach all they want. They just can't continue to claim tax Exempt status if they do.

Actually the law specifically states that they can't advocate for a "candidate". My OP says that the church should advocate more for "party policies" and not specific candidates. Both parties have good & bad policies to speak to.

All I want them to say is, that "on the whole, I believe that the ____ party policies are more in keeping with church teaching".

Actually "on the whole", they would weigh the entire teachings of God and then as mortals determine which teachings of God were more important than other teachings. So in a sense they would be judging God. That in itself would be defying the Word of God.

but I am sure they can find a scripture to justify their defying another scripture if it suits their purpose.
Serious students of history see the great peril in allowing churches to have too big a role in secular government. History is filled with horrific examples of religious terror and it always starts small and works up to things like the Taliban, I know that extreme example is Islam but a hell of a lot of people have been murdered in the name of Jesus Christ, a hell of a lot of now vanished governments have been brought to ruin by letting the preachers run things, forgive us if we don't take your word that it won't happen again this time.

Yes even to the point of having the romans crucify Jesus.
The accepted church of the day WAS who got the Romans to crucify christ. They even chose to free Barabus over Jesus.
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I wanted to vote for 2 AND 4.

But I think the IRS should be ruthless and aggressive with their rule. It would help pay the deficit and ease cuts.

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