Globalism vs. Nationalism-The New Civil War


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Globalism vs. Nationalism-The New Civil War

The Motivation to Attack Trump and Nationalist Movement
All wars and revolutions first start in the mind. And from this perspective, America is already embroiled in a civil war. This civil war can be accurately characterized as the globalists vs. the nationalists. Before these bipolar opposites related to governance are analyzed, let’s first look at the prime directives of the globalists because they are the least understood by the general public.

The New World Order seeks to enslave humanity in the following manner:

  1. The evisceration of all national boundaries and native cultures to make it easier to impose the globalist ..
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If only sheep would take the time to read articles such as this. If only the sheep could understand and realize how real the New World Order is. If they learned more about just this one issue we would have a nation of no zombies walking around.

This is at the heart of why we see our Country beginning to go under as well as many other Countries. Those who do not want to play the NWO games and become a one world nation are the very Countries suffering in multiple ways. Ways most either don't care about because it's over there ( but coming here to the US) but they don't know that, believe etc.

They prefer to follow the MSM brainwashing them into anyone who supports Trump is in the Russian operative they are that out of it.
It's not new.

It is just a current issue again with China and Germany continuing to abuse fair trade policy.

The boogie man used to be Japan. So China and Germany are the only thing that is new.
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It's not new.

It is just a current issue again with China and Germany continuing to abuse fair trade policy.

The boogie man used to be Japan. So China and Germany are the only thing that is new.

They've been planning this NWO bs for a looong time. It's just blowing open on Obama's watch.

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