Global Warming


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
An Inconvenient Truth
Here is an inconvenient truth its fucking cold as fuck in south Carolina
Oh well, you see that's perfectly explainable by the laws of AGW. We renamed it "Climate Change" so whether it get's really hot or really cold we can say "See we told you so". Hope that helps. Sincerely Al Gore
Here is an inconvenient truth its fucking cold as fuck in south Carolina
Same in Alabama.

Fuck you guys too I hope it turns into the artic circle there for stealing Ohio states number 4 th spot

I hope Alabama turns into an artic tundra wher you guys have to hunt seals to eat ...

View attachment 169503

You notice where it's not as cold as heck?

Palm springs, I so hope lil Kim gives them climate warming like those little bitches has never seen...:)
Here is an inconvenient truth its fucking cold as fuck in south Carolina
Arent you right wing clowns at least a little embarrassed you dont understand what global warming is? :)
If someone can explain it without using climate models that are never right and fudged or outright faked data then sure I'll bite.
Its pretty simple genius. If you need pictures go watch this movie called "the Day After Tomorrow". Basically global warming is a slowed down version of that.
Trump doesn't believe in climate change, and since he is personally responsible for no commercial airline deaths in the last 4 or 5 years, or so, ya gotta believe in him. After all, he has, the best words....
Here is an inconvenient truth its fucking cold as fuck in south Carolina
Arent you right wing clowns at least a little embarrassed you dont understand what global warming is? :)
If someone can explain it without using climate models that are never right and fudged or outright faked data then sure I'll bite.
Its pretty simple genius. If you need pictures go watch this movie called "the Day After Tomorrow". Basically global warming is a slowed down version of that.
The Day After Tomorrow had tsunamis how the fuck does that work if there is a global warming freeze. Backing your argument with a scientifically retarded movie and we are the ones who should be embarrassed ?
Here is an inconvenient truth its fucking cold as fuck in south Carolina
Arent you right wing clowns at least a little embarrassed you dont understand what global warming is? :)

Actually we do understand what it is- Phones and failed science, just like global cooling was in the 70’s.
If you cons understood what it was why do you say its cold in S. Carolina and New Orleans like thats contradictory to global warming? :)
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Here is an inconvenient truth its fucking cold as fuck in south Carolina
Arent you right wing clowns at least a little embarrassed you dont understand what global warming is? :)
If someone can explain it without using climate models that are never right and fudged or outright faked data then sure I'll bite.
Its pretty simple genius. If you need pictures go watch this movie called "the Day After Tomorrow". Basically global warming is a slowed down version of that.
The Day After Tomorrow had tsunamis how the fuck does that work if there is a global warming freeze. Backing your argument with a scientifically retarded movie and we are the ones who should be embarrassed ?
So the movie is way over your head and now you want me to show you something even more complex? :)
Here is an inconvenient truth its fucking cold as fuck in south Carolina
Arent you right wing clowns at least a little embarrassed you dont understand what global warming is? :)

I know who's sock you are , how come you are not embarrassed?
You should be embarrassed you think I am a sock but then again you are a silly empty headed conservative.

I already know give it up I saw it in the DMZ...

Don't worry your secret is with me

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