Global Warming. Here's the thing.


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2021
What if there is nothing to human caused global warming, but we did something about it anyway. What's the worst that could happen. We live more equitably within our ecological environment. But what is the worst that can happen if human caused global warming is real. As I think it is. And accelerating. As I think it is also. The worst is that humans don't have long for this planet. You decide. Which approach is best.
What if there is nothing to human caused global warming, but we did something about it anyway. What's the worst that could happen. We live more equitably within our ecological environment. But what is the worst that can happen if human caused global warming is real. As I think it is. And accelerating. As I think it is also. The worst is that humans don't have long for this planet. You decide. Which approach is best.
We would be better off learning how to live with the climate changing...because we have never been able to control it and we never will....but we always have been able to adapt to change so lets do that while we work on doing whatever it is you think we should do....
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What if there is nothing to human caused global warming, but we did something about it anyway. What's the worst that could happen. We live more equitably within our ecological environment. But what is the worst that can happen if human caused global warming is real. As I think it is. And accelerating. As I think it is also. The worst is that humans don't have long for this planet. You decide. Which approach is best.
Why do you want the planet to be colder when we are in the middle of an ice age?
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What if there is nothing to human caused global warming, but we did something about it anyway. What's the worst that could happen. We live more equitably within our ecological environment. But what is the worst that can happen if human caused global warming is real. As I think it is. And accelerating. As I think it is also. The worst is that humans don't have long for this planet. You decide. Which approach is best.
Pascal's wager isn't a scientific argument.....It's a religious argument.

Prima facie evidence that the warmers are a pseudo-scientific cult.

It is the sun.


I strongly urge you to look closely at the vertical scale on these graphs before concluding that the sun has made ANY significant change in the last century. I am NOT suggesting the people who graphed these data had ANY intention to deceive, but these are what are known as "whoopee graphs". If the vertical scale went from, say, 0 to 1400 W/m^2) the variability would be essentially invisible.



I strongly urge you to look closely at the vertical scale on these graphs before concluding that the sun has made ANY significant change in the last century. I am NOT suggesting the people who graphed these data had ANY intention to deceive, but these are what are known as "whoopee graphs". If the vertical scale went from, say, 0 to 1400 W/m^2) the variability would be essentially invisible.

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More proof that northern hemisphere glaciation controls the earth's climate but I am guessing that you won't be able to make the connection until it is explained to you at which point you will violently object to it for no good reason.

There's a reason large solar forcing is not consistent with observed climate change and it has nothing to do with CO2.
You believe that TSI data to be "proof" that northern hemisphere glaciation controls the Earth's climate. Has that been your position all along? I have a hard time debating deniers because they seem to change their position as to what CO2 does or does not do and what does or does not actually affect the climate. NH glaciation is a new one on me. Please do explain - particularly how the TSI data prove that to be the case.
You believe that TSI data to be "proof" that northern hemisphere glaciation controls the Earth's climate. Has that been your position all along? I have a hard time debating deniers because they seem to change their position as to what CO2 does or does not do and what does or does not actually affect the climate. NH glaciation is a new one on me. Please do explain - particularly how the TSI data prove that to be the case.
Even Nasa believes northern hemisphere glaciation controls the Earth's climate. Must have something to do with the highest and lowest average temperatures are in sync with the northern hemisphere hot and cold seasons and not the southern hemisphere hot and cold seasons. You seriously need to learn some actual science and stop focusing on unreliable computer models.

My position has been consistent; CO2 does not drive climate change. Throughout earth's history CO2 is a proxy for temperature. Unlike today though CO is leading and sea level rise and temperature are not following it because CO2 is a minor green house gas.
I see democrats concerned about global warming and other pollution. I see republicans who couldn't care less about the environment as long as they can drive big diesel trucks. That doesn't argue well for the right side of the political spectrum.
I see your world consists of reading daily Kos instead of going outside. Try to get outside, take a hike in the woods. You city slickers are hilarious in your concrete jungle cages.
I think you're hilarious when you think you know anything about anyone here. You may be the first person in my several years to have ever called me a "city slicker".
Waste trillions of dollars.
Wreck our economy.

We live more equitably within our ecological environment.

Define "equitably".

But what is the worst that can happen if human caused global warming is real.

We should build more nuclear reactors.

Wasting trillions of dollars is nothing new to the U.S. Next, our economy is already in shambles. Inless you think that being able to get a job at a fast food place makes for a good economy. Next, equitably means not destroying our environment. Next, nuclear power is for idiots. Idiots like human caused global warming deniers themselves. Mankind shouldn't be creating pollution that will remain dangerous for far longer than humans have even existed. And when things go wrong with them, such as it did in Chernobyl and Fukushima, all of the money in the world can't clean up the mess. That doesn't sound very economical to me.
We would be better off learning how to live with the climate changing...because we have never been able to control it and we never will....but we always have been able to adapt to change so lets do that while we work on doing whatever it is you think we should do....

Well we sure as hell were able to control it to the degree of causing it to get hotter at an ever accelerating rate.

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