Global Warming Creates 'Brutal' arctic surge and plunging temperatures

It’s about long term trends of the climate, not yesterday’s storm.
It’s about long term trends of the climate, not yesterday’s storm.

You mean long term trends like how according to Gore all the world's coastal cities would be under water due to the melting polar ice caps...?!

It’s about long term trends of the climate, not yesterday’s storm.

You mean long term trends like how according to Gore all the world's coastal cities would be under water due to the melting polar ice caps...?!

Al Gore is an idiot, we all agree on that.

Not too worry, there's plenty of idiots willing to step into his shoes.
Majority of Americans unwilling to pay $10 per month to address climate change despite high belief in global warming
This is not a Democrat or Republican issue. It affects us all and plenty of Republicans accept climate science, including Ben Sasse. My suspicion is that Trump would as well if renewables were presented to him in money-making terms. But Democrats are not interested in working with Trump on any issue, even life and death ones. Their record on climate change is abysmal by the way.​
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Mao et al 2019 Show an Upcoming 1-Deg C + Decline in Global Land Surface Temperatures by the Early 2100s


What is coming is not what your AGW gods have lied to you about.. There is 1.5 deg C cooling coming and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.
It’s about long term trends of the climate, not yesterday’s storm. is about fleecing gullible people like you, and diminishing your life in order for the elite to feel good about themselves...when you are freezing your ass off because the local windmills are frozen and the solar panels create 1/1000th the electicity in the winter....... they will be toasty warm in their coal powered, electrified homes...
It’s about long term trends of the climate, not yesterday’s storm.
You obviously have no concept of how the earth cools... Its not warming that is coming, it is massive cooling... This is just the start and its lasted three years now. The trend is now becoming undeniable.

Yep....the next ice age is starting.....I heard the authors of this book years ago.......they stated we are entering a cooling period, much like if not worse than, the little ice age.....

Singer and Avery present―in popular language supported by in-depth scientific evidence―the compelling concept that global temperatures have been rising mostly or entirely because of a natural cycle. Using historic data from two millennia of recorded history combined with the natural physical records found in ice cores, seabed sediment, cave stalagmites, and tree rings, Unstoppable Global Warming argues that the 1,500 year solar-driven cycle that has always controlled the earth's climate remains the driving force in the current warming trend.

Trillions of dollars spent on reducing fossil fuel use would have no effect on today's rising temperatures. The public policy key, Singer and Avery propose, is adaptation, not fruitless attempts at prevention. Further, they offer convincing evidence that civilization's most successful eras have coincided with the cycle's warmest peaks. With the added benefit of modern technology, humanity can not only survive global climate change, but thrive.
It’s about long term trends of the climate, not yesterday’s storm.
You obviously have no concept of how the earth cools... Its not warming that is coming, it is massive cooling... This is just the start and its lasted three years now. The trend is now becoming undeniable.

Yep....the next ice age is starting.....I heard the authors of this book years ago.......they stated we are entering a cooling period, much like if not worse than, the little ice age.....

Singer and Avery present―in popular language supported by in-depth scientific evidence―the compelling concept that global temperatures have been rising mostly or entirely because of a natural cycle. Using historic data from two millennia of recorded history combined with the natural physical records found in ice cores, seabed sediment, cave stalagmites, and tree rings, Unstoppable Global Warming argues that the 1,500 year solar-driven cycle that has always controlled the earth's climate remains the driving force in the current warming trend.

Trillions of dollars spent on reducing fossil fuel use would have no effect on today's rising temperatures. The public policy key, Singer and Avery propose, is adaptation, not fruitless attempts at prevention. Further, they offer convincing evidence that civilization's most successful eras have coincided with the cycle's warmest peaks. With the added benefit of modern technology, humanity can not only survive global climate change, but thrive.
IF you do the math and look at the slope of change over the last 8,000 years were on schedule for the next ice age to start.


The next step down is glacial phase... And they last 90,000+ years. Like I said, if you do the math were in deep Do-Do...
Inter-Glacial periods last between 8,000 and 14,000 years. Were currently at about 11,600...

Holecene 2.JPG

Were on the cusp of where we fall into a new glacial cycle. No one knows if this is it but the indicators and progression modeling tells us were on the line and about to fall into glacial cycle.
Falls into Glacial cycles come with little warning; Generally we see a 1-2 deg C rise (spike) before rapid fall, which is what we observed the last 65 years.

CO2 and Ice Ages.JPG

And they come with 2 - 4 deg C drops in less than 20 years...
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I love threads like this one that show the earths cooling system in high gear.


Blue lines are cold air exiting the arctic and red lines are heat being drawn to the arctic. The high pressure extends to the stratosphere in the arctic region so heat circulating there is rapidly dissipated to space in the thin atmosphere of the polar region. The rapidly cooled air is then dumped into the mid latitudes.

This is why it is called a Paradoxical Presentation. The arctic warms while the mid-latidues cool rapidly and massive record cold is pushed southward. This is the earth cooling itself and is a response to lower solar output.

This is why we are getting massive arctic blasts
It’s about long term trends of the climate, not yesterday’s storm.

You mean long term trends like how according to Gore all the world's coastal cities would be under water due to the melting polar ice caps...?!

Al Gore is an idiot, we all agree on that.

Not too worry, there's plenty of idiots willing to step into his shoes.
Majority of Americans unwilling to pay $10 per month to address climate change despite high belief in global warming
Who are you kidding? It will be more then 10 dollars a month. Much more. At least for those who pay the bills.
It’s about long term trends of the climate, not yesterday’s storm.
On a planet that's 4 billion years old the only trend we can has been 150 years. laughing now.
Ok, once more for the slow of thinking:

The polar jet stream is an effect of the temperature differential between the arctic and the temperate zones. A warmer arctic mean less temperature differential which in turns leads to a weaker polar jet. The weaker polar jet stream wanders more than a strong polar jet, allowing these polar vortex disruptions that bring arctic temperatures to portions of the US that don't normally see them.

This isn't brain surgery kids, it's an easily observable effect.
Ok, once more for the slow of thinking:

The polar jet stream is an effect of the temperature differential between the arctic and the temperate zones. A warmer arctic mean less temperature differential which in turns leads to a weaker polar jet. The weaker polar jet stream wanders more than a strong polar jet, allowing these polar vortex disruptions that bring arctic temperatures to portions of the US that don't normally see them.

This isn't brain surgery kids, it's an easily observable effect.
Yes it is... And you got it wrong. The stronger polar jet, as we see today, is being pushed out from tight constraint (where a weak polar jet would be kept) by the thinning atmosphere and cooling at high altitude. The temperature gradient widens in cooling causing larger lows and highs in the arctic. These are pushed southward by the thinning polar atmosphere and weakening equatorial jet.

Your totally upside down and inside out to the facts..
Ok, once more for the slow of thinking:

The polar jet stream is an effect of the temperature differential between the arctic and the temperate zones. A warmer arctic mean less temperature differential which in turns leads to a weaker polar jet. The weaker polar jet stream wanders more than a strong polar jet, allowing these polar vortex disruptions that bring arctic temperatures to portions of the US that don't normally see them.

This isn't brain surgery kids, it's an easily observable effect.
Yes it is... And you got it wrong. The stronger polar jet, as we see today, is being pushed out from tight constraint (where a weak polar jet would be kept) by the thinning atmosphere and cooling at high altitude. The temperature gradient widens in cooling causing larger lows and highs in the arctic. These are pushed southward by the thinning polar atmosphere and weakening equatorial jet.

Your totally upside down and inside out to the facts..
Lol, are you seriously just rejecting the facts and substituting your own made up crap?

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