Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

You are NOT a Conservative, fiscal or Constitutional!
For a start, you don't talk(write) like one.
Next, you appear to not have any real economic clue, or are blatantly lying on the matter.

For example;

Payment of US national debt​

On January 8, 1835, president Andrew Jackson paid off the entire national debt, the only time in U.S. history that has been accomplished.[14][15] However, this and other factors, such as the government giving surplus money to state banks, soon led to the Panic of 1837, in which the government had to resume borrowing money.[14]

1836 to 1910​

In 1836 debt began again (the debt on January 1, 1836 was $37,000).[16][17]

Another sharp increase in the debt occurred as a result of the Civil War. The debt was just $65 million in 1860, but passed $1 billion in 1863 and reached $2.7 billion by the end of the war. During the following 47 years, there were 36 surpluses and 11 deficits. During this period 55% of the national debt was paid off.

Since then, both major parties have played their roles in growing the Debt, via Deficits. As a general rule of thumb, the Democrats do so by running Debt to pay for social programs at the cost of Defense, the Republicans tend to make good on cuts to Defense with rebuilding such while trying to slow down social program funding. Challenge to both is that in recent decades those unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare have grown in percentage now needing to be paid for.

Main point is, the process was in play long before Reagan came into office. More recent "villian" would be FDR, than LBJ, both Democrats. By the time Reagan came to office, USA Defense had been under funded to point of danger in dealing with a growing Soviet Russian military threat so had to renew better funding to Defense while also trying to keep up with social programs. Then Clinton flipped back to under fund Defense to boast Social, and our military was short on bombs, bullets, and spare parts, etc. when 9/11(2001) hit and we needed to start the WOT.

Further challenge in recent decades is that the POTUS, of either party, gets the budget from Congress just before the Fiscal Year will end, so if they don't sign off under duress, much of the Federal Government goes into November unfunded resulting in "Shut Downs" which throws much of the Nation and our Economy into turmoil. Often leaves a POTUS in the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" sort of Catch 22.

I doubt you'll bother to look or understand these figures, but for other's to reference, here's the OBM US Debt Clock for the present. Note in the upper right there is a "Time Clock" function that allows looking at figures going back in increments to 1980 to get some gauge on how it's grown from one Admin to another.

"US Federal Debt to GDP Ratio" is one of the important data points to consider and understand how things have spun out of control.
If I wasn't a fiscal and constitutional conservative, I wouldn't be objecting to liberals and liberal republicans spending, debt, taxes and inflation. I'd be claiming that Trump, Biden and Obama were fine and dandy.

From you're very own link. Notice the national debt all the way up to the 80's. Slow and steady growth. In the 70, I was young and made about $3 per hour. And had money in my pocket. Not much, but I was a teen and didn't need much. But I could still buy gas for my pick up, some nice shoes now and then. A stereo for my truck. etc etc etc.. You know, teenager stuff. My older brother made $8 per hour and lived pretty large.

If you knew your US Constitution, you'd know that Congress determines the Budget. The POTUS can recommend/suggest what it should be, but lacking a line item veto,when it comes to his(her) desk, it's sign off or shutdown. Unfortunately, not signing and shutting down much of the Fed Guv'mint means even more expense when finally caving in on the excessive budget, i.e. even more money to spend that we don't really have.

Caving is what Trump did best. Had he vetoed more than on spending bill, you might have a point. But that's all he vetoed. If the government shuts down because of over spending, or overrides his veto, then it's on the House and Senate. Not the president.
I want a strong conservative leader, who's not going to cave to big spending liberals.
There's nothing wrong with a president getting on national TV and explaining what's in the bill that he opposes and why he's vetoing a spending bill. That he objects to the billions of our tax dollars going overseas to fund things like gender studies and border fences. That's what a conservative president would do.
Note that neither of your heroes; Clinton, Obama and now Biden have done anything to balance the budget or pay off the Debt, only greatly increased both. The fact that you've only focused on Reagan and GOP POTUS underscores that your are a disinformation agent of the Regressive Left and Dumbocrats. Your credibility was shot before the end of the first paragraph of your OP.

LMAO.. You keep throwing out those liberals like I support them. Again, "If you have to lie to make a point, then you really don't have one." Do you?
Seriously, if you're going to make up crap to try and discredit me and my conservative principles, at least use facts. Otherwise you're just exposing yourself as part of the Trump cancel culture and proving my point made in the OP.
The first part of starting to build a house is the pass over of $50,000 - $100,000 in fees and permits to the "Deep State" bureaucracy before you can even " start with the dirt work".
Fairly clear you are just blowing methane out your rectum, which tries to pass for your brain. :rolleyes:

I'm still waiting on a link to back up your claim that it's $50K to $100K for permits to build a house.

Lying to make a point (that you don't really have?)
You replied to my point. What was yours?

Nothing huh? You’re just bored and want to argue about nothing.
My reply was to note that your post made no point. But you already knew that.

Dismissing you is not seeking an argument. The fact is that you truly are pointless.
My reply was to note that your post made no point.
How exactly does this post not have a point?

“No. What I’m saying is that you conspiracy theorist sore loser crybabies will whine baseless claims of election fraud after every one of your losses.”

The point should be pretty self-explanatory.
Y'all know that now. But according to the history of this forum, that's NOT what Trump supporters were saying then.

Again, according to the historical posts here (and all over the internet) Trump supporters believe Trump was going to make Mexico pay for the wall.
And yes, it was an all out lie. Just like Trump doing now by saying he's going to build cities and get rid of the deep state. This is what salesmen do.

But Trump couldn't even get his own party behind the wall idea. Because it's just a bandaid.
Now they're reporting that the cartels are flying their drugs into Canada and bringing them across the northern border.
This problem is only going to be solved when they address the divide between the USD value and the PESO.
And get really hard on druggies in this country.
FYI, even if they blocked 100% of the cocaine, crack and meth from coming into the USA, homeless druggies are still going to be a major problem. They're still going to get their drugs.
Instead of marijuana fields, the DEA will have to start destroying popi fields.

I'm looking and just can't seem to find that video. So I've gotta say you may have me on that one. I don't make things like this up. So I know I seen it somewhere. But, atm, i'll just have to say I'm wrong.

Trump is a salesman. Say's he's going to put the national debt at zero in 8 years. But his first budget proposal increased spending. The first spending bill he signed into law, increased spending. And every spending bill after that.
I don't give Trump too much flack on his covid spending. Except for all the money that went to places that had zero to do with covid. (which was a lot)
Trump has always been good a good salesman. He knows the secret. Tell people what they want to hear.
Because it was simply (as you knew and intended when you posted it) just a nonsense claim…
How is it nonsense?

You don’t think people will whine baseless claims of election fraud next time their candidate loses? Are you serious?
You’re not serious.
Of course I’m serious.

Do you honestly think that people won’t whine baseless claims of election fraud next time their candidate loses?

You can answer the question this time. I’ll be happy to bookmark it and show you when it inevitably happens.
If you're a fiscal & constitutional conservative, like myself, you've probably seen Trumps record of spending, increasing the size and scope of government and reauthorizing unconstitutional legislation. And you probably didn't like the idea of him assaulting our 2A with the bump stock ban. And you probably didn't like the idea of him either getting his butt kicked by Pelosi, or caving to her.
Not to mention all easily debunked lies that he told, just to get his uneducated followers to support him even more.
Things like:
Lock her up. Which he didn't even try
Make Mexico pay for the wall.... Not even possible.
Balance the budget in 4 years, that he didn't even try.
Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible.

Just to name a few.

But if you're a die hard Trump supporter, all those lies were simply ignored. And why wouldn't they? Discussing them would mean they know Trump is lying and that they're overlooking those lies. And that in itself would cancel out all those things they said about Obama and Biden's lies being overlooked by their followers.

So where do FC/CC (fiscal and constitutional conservatives) go when there's no one to really support, except DeSantis. DeSantis has a good conservative record. But since the left and the Trump worshippers are aligned with each other now, one is surely to get cancelled by republican Trump supporters. Leaving us sort of standing alone, like the libertarian party.

I and many others have been treated like and called a liberal from Trumpbots, because we don't support someone as liberal as Trump. Trump has taken his supporters so far left of center, they don't even realize the whole "pot calling the kettle black."

And what does this do to the few conservatives congressmen and senators, who also don't support Trump? Well, I'll tell you.
What happens to them is the same thing that happened to the moderate democrats when the radical progressives took over in about 2019.
Trump supporters are telling us to shut up and sit down. Our voices don't matter. And if we speak up, their tribe will attack us and "cancel" us to the point that no one will even bother listening to reason.

The Trump tribe is the 2023 cancel culture. And it's going to be just as insane as the lefts version of it. Look at what they're doing to DeSantis. Calling him a groomer, a RINO, an establishment politician. Even with the record he has against the woke mob, Disney, the alphabet people and even the covid establishment.
Everything you say is true. The problem is, the Donor Class had so completely captured the Republican Party, and its leaders had dragged America into endless wars, export of jobs, import of illegal aliens (cheap labor for the fields and chicken-gutting plants) ... while holding the allegiance of the base by pretending to wage the 'culture war' .... that a space was opened up for someone who would say, "Enough!" and appear credible in doing so.

And Trump was that man. He could honestly say he couldn't be bought, because he, as a billionaire, had been doing the buying. And although his main concern is himself, his concern about the rapid decline of America was genuine.

So ... he got the allegiance of the Republican base.

People who post on the internet are probably far better read, far more rational in their political beliefs, than the average person. This applies to both Left and Right, although it's generally true that 'Liberals read, conservatives watch TV'. [ Liberals Read, Conservatives Watch TV ] This is just the reality.

Most people don't want to look at disconfirming evidence, or have nuanced views. And in a way, they're right. In a war, you demonize the enemy. It's a psychological advantage to do so. This is true for both Left and Right.

How wonderful it would have been, had history given us another Churchill, or a Lincoln, to lead the side that does not want to see their country destroyed. But she must have decided that we've had enough favors.

So we got Trump. And the only rational response is to start with this proposition: you go to war with the army (and generals) you've got. Maybe along the way, we can bring up less narcissistic, more intelligent, patriots to assume the leadership of the Right. But we'll have to do that from within the existing conservative movement, and at the moment, many of them are mesmerized by Mr Trump. (Perhaps not as many as you might think ... but a large number at any rate.)

It's just where we are. What thoughtful patriots should be doing is to organize, or take part in existing organizations, and initiate classes in the history of conservative thought. We need to put special emphasis on the concept of the Rule of Law ... one of the first things to go, in a populist upsurge. (The Left have abandoned it completely.)

Our aim must be to forge a movment which is Power-Centred, Rule-of-Law-committed, and Populist. (A good man to consult on this is Francis Buckley, who has written a series of excellent books on what the Republican Party must become in order to win.)
Of course I’m serious.

Do you honestly think that people won’t whine baseless claims of election fraud next time their candidate loses?

You can answer the question this time. I’ll be happy to bookmark it and show you when it inevitably happens.
No. You’re a very unserious troll.
Everything you say is true. The problem is, the Donor Class had so completely captured the Republican Party, and its leaders had dragged America into endless wars, export of jobs, import of illegal aliens (cheap labor for the fields and chicken-gutting plants) ... while holding the allegiance of the base by pretending to wage the 'culture war' .... that a space was opened up for someone who would say, "Enough!" and appear credible in doing so.

And Trump was that man. He could honestly say he couldn't be bought, because he, as a billionaire, had been doing the buying. And although his main concern is himself, his concern about the rapid decline of America was genuine.

So ... he got the allegiance of the Republican base.

People who post on the internet are probably far better read, far more rational in their political beliefs, than the average person. This applies to both Left and Right, although it's generally true that 'Liberals read, conservatives watch TV'. [ Liberals Read, Conservatives Watch TV ] This is just the reality.

Most people don't want to look at disconfirming evidence, or have nuanced views. And in a way, they're right. In a war, you demonize the enemy. It's a psychological advantage to do so. This is true for both Left and Right.

How wonderful it would have been, had history given us another Churchill, or a Lincoln, to lead the side that does not want to see their country destroyed. But she must have decided that we've had enough favors.

So we got Trump. And the only rational response is to start with this proposition: you go to war with the army (and generals) you've got. Maybe along the way, we can bring up less narcissistic, more intelligent, patriots to assume the leadership of the Right. But we'll have to do that from within the existing conservative movement, and at the moment, many of them are mesmerized by Mr Trump. (Perhaps not as many as you might think ... but a large number at any rate.)

It's just where we are. What thoughtful patriots should be doing is to organize, or take part in existing organizations, and initiate classes in the history of conservative thought. We need to put special emphasis on the concept of the Rule of Law ... one of the first things to go, in a populist upsurge. (The Left have abandoned it completely.)

Our aim must be to forge a movment which is Power-Centred, Rule-of-Law-committed, and Populist. (A good man to consult on this is Francis Buckley, who has written a series of excellent books on what the Republican Party must become in order to win.)

I'm guessing there's a lot of GOP congressmen and senators who are simply holding onto Trump for two reaons.
1. The Trump Cancel culture is just as viscous as the lefts. Enough to get them unseated from committee's and possibly lose elections (IE Justin Amash)
2. ATM, there's just no one else to turn to. If DeSantis declares he's in the race, we might see several Trump defectors. But Trumps created a swamp of his own. Filled with a lot of liberal Republicans like himself. People like Lindsey Graham and Kevin McCarthy.

I was excited when the 9 stepped up against McCarthy. And was shocked to see Trump side with the swamp. (well, kind of sort of). A lot of people I know where excited to see the swamp get some competition. But once Trump made his stand with McCarthy, I knew the swamp was going to win.

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