Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

My proof is my most of my posts here. Plus my voting record of either actual conservative candidates like Ron Paul, or write ins for fiscal conservatives.
Quote one where you attacked democrat spending.

FFS, spending is why I've never cast one vote for a democrat. And haven't voted for a Republican president since Reagan. But that was before the internet. Before we had easy access to how much they were actually spending.
I wouldn't give Reagan my vote now. For the same reason I wouldn't give a democrat or Trump my vote now.

Yeah, right. What the hell is FFS?

You never voted for Any Republican. You aren't fooling anyone.
If you're a fiscal & constitutional conservative, like myself, you've probably seen Trumps record of spending, increasing the size and scope of government and reauthorizing unconstitutional legislation. And you probably didn't like the idea of him assaulting our 2A with the bump stock ban. And you probably didn't like the idea of him either getting his butt kicked by Pelosi, or caving to her.
Not to mention all easily debunked lies that he told, just to get his uneducated followers to support him even more.
Things like:
Lock her up. Which he didn't even try
Make Mexico pay for the wall.... Not even possible.
Balance the budget in 4 years, that he didn't even try.
Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible.

Just to name a few.

But if you're a die hard Trump supporter, all those lies were simply ignored. And why wouldn't they? Discussing them would mean they know Trump is lying and that they're overlooking those lies. And that in itself would cancel out all those things they said about Obama and Biden's lies being overlooked by their followers.

So where do FC/CC (fiscal and constitutional conservatives) go when there's no one to really support, except DeSantis. DeSantis has a good conservative record. But since the left and the Trump worshippers are aligned with each other now, one is surely to get cancelled by republican Trump supporters. Leaving us sort of standing alone, like the libertarian party.

I and many others have been treated like and called a liberal from Trumpbots, because we don't support someone as liberal as Trump. Trump has taken his supporters so far left of center, they don't even realize the whole "pot calling the kettle black."

And what does this do to the few conservatives congressmen and senators, who also don't support Trump? Well, I'll tell you.
What happens to them is the same thing that happened to the moderate democrats when the radical progressives took over in about 2019.
Trump supporters are telling us to shut up and sit down. Our voices don't matter. And if we speak up, their tribe will attack us and "cancel" us to the point that no one will even bother listening to reason.

The Trump tribe is the 2023 cancel culture. And it's going to be just as insane as the lefts version of it. Look at what they're doing to DeSantis. Calling him a groomer, a RINO, an establishment politician. Even with the record he has against the woke mob, Disney, the alphabet people and even the covid establishment.

1. "Lock her up".
This was nothing more than a rally cry, none of us who voted for Trump actually believed Hillary was going to be arrested and jailed. This sold t-shirts and was a popular meme at Trump gatherings during the 2016 campaign, but nothing more.

2. "Make Mexico pay for the wall".
I don't have any percentages, but I'm doubting a majority of Trump voters actually believed Mexico would be paying for a wall, border security etc. So was it an out and out lie by Trump? Maybe, or maybe he actually believed he could convince Mexico that they should pay for at least some of our border security. I for one never for a moment believed a wall would go up paid exclusively by Mexico. What it meant for me, was unlike Dimocrats, we might actually have a president that not only wasn't going to invite the third-world in, but a president that might actually look for ways of stopping the onslaught of these people invading our borders and sovereignty.

3. "Balance the budget in 4 years".
When did he make this claim? I remember him saying under his plan the budget would be balanced in 10 years, but I don't remember him saying it would be balanced in 4.

4. "Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible."
That one I believe he did claim he'd do, and I can't believe anyone with an IQ above 50 would have ever thought that would have even remotely been possible in a 100 years let alone 8., since the country has been running a national debt since 1790. Was it a lie, or was Trump this stupid about the impossibility concerning the debt? Don't know, maybe, or maybe some of both. At the time, I looked at his claim as nothing more than bloviating about how great an economic wizard he believed he was.
And yet in one of the greatest economies we ever had, gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon on a national level.

When Trump took office, the Obama era oil bust cycle had ended and the boom cycle had began. So prices were falling as it always does during a boom cycle. In the middle of this boom cycle, Russia and Saudi Arabia were in an oil price war, which drove the prices down even farther. So far that it was cheaper for US oil companies to import than to produce.

As a liar, you quickly run to after covid hit to tell us about nobody driving. Well guess what? They were driving plenty before that because before covid, we had over a million jobs than Americans that could do them.

LMAO.. A liar? Really? Because there were a LOT of employee's who had gotten tested positive for covid and couldn't go to work. There were a LOT of businesses closed down. Even in Texas, if you're business wasn't considered "essential," then you had to close your doors. Even my little town was like a ghost town.
During Covid, there was more than 1 million jobs closed. Covid, regardless of what you think of the virus, had a HUGE impact on our economy.
The biggest booming business at the time were the hospitals. They were flooded

Tax cuts are a conservative thing. Tax increases are a liberal thing.

Tax cuts with spending increases is a liberal Republican thing. And it's economically retarded.
BTW, serious question. When the tax cuts that eliminated tax deduction made it revenue neutral to the governments income, how can you possibly even call it a tax cut? Because just cutting taxes would reduce the amount of taxes the government collected. But since they collected the same amount, then where's the actual tax cut?
All that's doing is shifting taxes around and calling it a tax cut. Like sliced cheese. If you look on the label, it's not actually cheese. It's called "food stuff." It looks like cheese. People call it cheese. But it's not.
And besides, the taxes only got cut less than 5%. That's crumbs.
Obama cut taxes on the middle class. Just a smidgen less than Trumps. And like Trump, Obama increased borrowing and spending. Which made our USD value even less. Which means it took more to buy the same things. So honestly, what good is having a tax cut when you're going to devalue the dollar and make us pay more for things we have to have?
There's no savings in any of that. It's just smoke and mirrors.
This band-aid you speak of was overwhelmingly supported by our Border Patrol. But that was only one part of stopping illegals. Trump created nearly a half-dozen new border policies because even he knew the wall couldn't do it alone. If you knew anything about it you wouldn't have made such a stupid comment. After he beat the commies in Congress and courts, once his policies got going, it reduced border crossings by 90%.

Sure it was supported. That's less of any area that's gotta be monitored as closely. But it doesn't even address the real problem. And that's why they come here. No president wants to address that because that would mean revamping our entire monetary system.

$15 per day in Mexico vs. $15 hr here in the USA.
If companies in Mexico were paying quadruple+ what they're paying here in the USA, we'd be invading them.
Where the USD value comes into play here, is that that $15 hr now pays for about the same thing that $5hr paid for back in the 60's.
While the Peso has had a slow decline, our USD, since the 80's has had a massive decline. It's lost 75% of is buying power just since Reagan. But Mexican can live on $8hr here and send $7hr back home and their family lives very well.
If a middle class wage here was say $8hr, Mexicans couldn't do that. There'd be very little reason for them to come here.
There'd be very little reason for American companies to move to Mexico, or import the parts they need from Mexico. Because US companies could afford to make them here. Like we did before the Reagan Republicans (CINO's) infiltrated and destroyed the fiscal conservatives we used to have in our GOP.
Quote one where you attacked democrat spending.

Good grief dude. I'm attacking liberals of BOTH parties. This isn't so much about R or D's. It's about the liberals who have infiltrated the GOP and has taken it left of center.
And about those of you who don't even realize it.

Yeah, right. What the hell is FFS?

For Fucks Sake.
You never voted for Any Republican. You aren't fooling anyone.

You're a damn liar, dude. I've voted for Republicans in plenty of primaries. But the RNC doesn't want fiscal conservatives nominee's. So they get thrown under the bus during the primaries.
Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Justin Amash (write in), If I lived elsewhere in this country, I'd be damn proud to cast a vote for Thomas Massie, Mike Lee, Chip Roy and several of those in the Freedom caucus.

You can check your state here. Anyone with a 95% liberty score, is probably a fiscal conservative.
There's also the NewAmerican Freedom Index. Although it's a little harder to navagate. But still have accurate scores.

If you don't believe these scores to be accurate, just check out a few of the democrats scores and see for yourself.

P.S. You lying about who I voted for, is just you lying. Why lie about things you don't have to lie about? Because you're trying to "cancel me?"
1. "Lock her up".
This was nothing more than a rally cry, none of us who voted for Trump actually believed Hillary was going to be arrested and jailed. This sold t-shirts and was a popular meme at Trump gatherings during the 2016 campaign, but nothing more.

Y'all know that now. But according to the history of this forum, that's NOT what Trump supporters were saying then.
2. "Make Mexico pay for the wall".
I don't have any percentages, but I'm doubting a majority of Trump voters actually believed Mexico would be paying for a wall, border security etc. So was it an out and out lie by Trump? Maybe, or maybe he actually believed he could convince Mexico that they should pay for at least some of our border security. I for one never for a moment believed a wall would go up paid exclusively by Mexico. What it meant for me, was unlike Dimocrats, we might actually have a president that not only wasn't going to invite the third-world in, but a president that might actually look for ways of stopping the onslaught of these people invading our borders and sovereignty.

Again, according to the historical posts here (and all over the internet) Trump supporters believe Trump was going to make Mexico pay for the wall.
And yes, it was an all out lie. Just like Trump doing now by saying he's going to build cities and get rid of the deep state. This is what salesmen do.

But Trump couldn't even get his own party behind the wall idea. Because it's just a bandaid.
Now they're reporting that the cartels are flying their drugs into Canada and bringing them across the northern border.
This problem is only going to be solved when they address the divide between the USD value and the PESO.
And get really hard on druggies in this country.
FYI, even if they blocked 100% of the cocaine, crack and meth from coming into the USA, homeless druggies are still going to be a major problem. They're still going to get their drugs.
Instead of marijuana fields, the DEA will have to start destroying popi fields.
3. "Balance the budget in 4 years".
When did he make this claim? I remember him saying under his plan the budget would be balanced in 10 years, but I don't remember him saying it would be balanced in 4.

I'm looking and just can't seem to find that video. So I've gotta say you may have me on that one. I don't make things like this up. So I know I seen it somewhere. But, atm, i'll just have to say I'm wrong.

4. "Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible."
That one I believe he did claim he'd do, and I can't believe anyone with an IQ above 50 would have ever thought that would have even remotely been possible in a 100 years let alone 8., since the country has been running a national debt since 1790. Was it a lie, or was Trump this stupid about the impossibility concerning the debt? Don't know, maybe, or maybe some of both. At the time, I looked at his claim as nothing more than bloviating about how great an economic wizard he believed he was.

Trump is a salesman. Say's he's going to put the national debt at zero in 8 years. But his first budget proposal increased spending. The first spending bill he signed into law, increased spending. And every spending bill after that.
I don't give Trump too much flack on his covid spending. Except for all the money that went to places that had zero to do with covid. (which was a lot)
When Trump took office, the Obama era oil bust cycle had ended and the boom cycle had began. So prices were falling as it always does during a boom cycle. In the middle of this boom cycle, Russia and Saudi Arabia were in an oil price war, which drove the prices down even farther. So far that it was cheaper for US oil companies to import than to produce.

LMAO.. A liar? Really? Because there were a LOT of employee's who had gotten tested positive for covid and couldn't go to work. There were a LOT of businesses closed down. Even in Texas, if you're business wasn't considered "essential," then you had to close your doors. Even my little town was like a ghost town.
During Covid, there was more than 1 million jobs closed. Covid, regardless of what you think of the virus, had a HUGE impact on our economy.
The biggest booming business at the time were the hospitals. They were flooded

Tax cuts with spending increases is a liberal Republican thing. And it's economically retarded.
BTW, serious question. When the tax cuts that eliminated tax deduction made it revenue neutral to the governments income, how can you possibly even call it a tax cut? Because just cutting taxes would reduce the amount of taxes the government collected. But since they collected the same amount, then where's the actual tax cut?
All that's doing is shifting taxes around and calling it a tax cut. Like sliced cheese. If you look on the label, it's not actually cheese. It's called "food stuff." It looks like cheese. People call it cheese. But it's not.
And besides, the taxes only got cut less than 5%. That's crumbs.
Obama cut taxes on the middle class. Just a smidgen less than Trumps. And like Trump, Obama increased borrowing and spending. Which made our USD value even less. Which means it took more to buy the same things. So honestly, what good is having a tax cut when you're going to devalue the dollar and make us pay more for things we have to have?
There's no savings in any of that. It's just smoke and mirrors.

Sure it was supported. That's less of any area that's gotta be monitored as closely. But it doesn't even address the real problem. And that's why they come here. No president wants to address that because that would mean revamping our entire monetary system.

$15 per day in Mexico vs. $15 hr here in the USA.
If companies in Mexico were paying quadruple+ what they're paying here in the USA, we'd be invading them.
Where the USD value comes into play here, is that that $15 hr now pays for about the same thing that $5hr paid for back in the 60's.
While the Peso has had a slow decline, our USD, since the 80's has had a massive decline. It's lost 75% of is buying power just since Reagan. But Mexican can live on $8hr here and send $7hr back home and their family lives very well.
If a middle class wage here was say $8hr, Mexicans couldn't do that. There'd be very little reason for them to come here.
There'd be very little reason for American companies to move to Mexico, or import the parts they need from Mexico. Because US companies could afford to make them here. Like we did before the Reagan Republicans (CINO's) infiltrated and destroyed the fiscal conservatives we used to have in our GOP.

I just got done explaining to you that gasoline was under $3.00 a gallon during our best economic times, and what do you do, you go back to after covid. How typical.

DumBama only cut SS deductions slightly. That's different than having an across the board tax cut. By doing so all he did was rob SS to pay for them, and now SS is going broke faster. When Trump cut corporate taxes, it put us in line with our foreign competitors. The results were a booming economy.

As for oil, fracking made a breakthrough during DumBama's second term. That's when the prices actually dropped. The idea that Trump supported more drilling on public land put the market in a tailspin. OPEC wouldn't dare cut production under Trump because they knew Trump would support more US drilling. We were not only energy independent, we were the worlds energy exporter.

Migrants come here only when they can get in like now. They don't come here if they know there is no possibly way to get in. Trump's stay in Mexico policy assured they would never be caught and released into our society never to be seen again so they gave up. They come here for more than just jobs. They come here for a variety of reasons such as having anchor babies so they'd always be considered US citizens.
I just got done explaining to you that gasoline was under $3.00 a gallon during our best economic times, and what do you do, you go back to after covid. How typical.

Did you miss the part where I thoroughly explained why gas was under $3 per gallon? It wasn't because of anything Trump did. He's just the president. And US oil/gas is not state owned.
DumBama only cut SS deductions slightly. That's different than having an across the board tax cut. By doing so all he did was rob SS to pay for them, and now SS is going broke faster. When Trump cut corporate taxes, it put us in line with our foreign competitors. The results were a booming economy.

You're joking right? LMAO.. How can you possibly post something to easy to debunk.
Obama slightly cut income taxes. Plus the he and the dems extended the W tax cuts that were set to expire.
Obama’s deal revived the inheritance tax that had been eliminated in 2010, but had been set to return to higher level. It applied a 35% tax rate to estates worth over $5 million for individuals.1

"Obama also signed legislation cutting taxes in 2009 and 2013. In 2009, $288 billion were cut as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.2

In 2013, Obama approved the permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts for those below a certain income level as part of the fiscal cliff package."

Link Plus there's a TON of info on the Obama era tax cuts.

As for oil, fracking made a breakthrough during DumBama's second term. That's when the prices actually dropped. The idea that Trump supported more drilling on public land put the market in a tailspin. OPEC wouldn't dare cut production under Trump because they knew Trump would support more US drilling. We were not only energy independent, we were the worlds energy exporter.

Man, you're more of a Trumpbot that I thought.
Choke on this, dude.

Trump calls on Russia and Saudi Arabia to cut oil production

Don't like the Politico article. Then here's one from Fox.

Trump plays key role in brokering historic oil deal

Migrants come here only when they can get in like now. They don't come here if they know there is no possibly way to get in. Trump's stay in Mexico policy assured they would never be caught and released into our society never to be seen again so they gave up. They come here for more than just jobs. They come here for a variety of reasons such as having anchor babies so they'd always be considered US citizens.

LMAO.. OMG dude. Seriously? Mexicans, South American and all sorts have been coming here since the dawn of time. They were having this discussion/problem back when the democrats were the pro border security party. Back when the GOP railed on Clinton wanted a huge fence on our southern border. Even then they called it a big bandaid.

Bro, I seriously thought you was more independent and move savvy to political BS. It seems you're just eat up with it. When did you become such a Trump worshipper?

All of this stuff I listed above is easy to find.
You just don't understand my posts because you're a Trump loyalist. If you dug into his actual record, not the one he says he has, but the one he actually has, you'll see that Trump isn't the least bit conservative.

Serious, that short list I provided in this thread, and the others l've posted on other threads (that you've commented on), how in TF, can you honestly say Trump is a conservative? Because you're listening to what Trump says instead of researching Trumps actual record?

FFS, the Platinum Plan he pushed through isn't even borderline socialism. It's dead in the face socialism. No actual conservative would even think of such a plan.
^^^ another feeble attempt by the left to drive a wedge between Trump and the GOP, pathetic.
Did you miss the part where I thoroughly explained why gas was under $3 per gallon? It wasn't because of anything Trump did. He's just the president. And US oil/gas is not state owned.

You're joking right? LMAO.. How can you possibly post something to easy to debunk.
Obama slightly cut income taxes. Plus the he and the dems extended the W tax cuts that were set to expire.
Obama’s deal revived the inheritance tax that had been eliminated in 2010, but had been set to return to higher level. It applied a 35% tax rate to estates worth over $5 million for individuals.1

"Obama also signed legislation cutting taxes in 2009 and 2013. In 2009, $288 billion were cut as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.2

In 2013, Obama approved the permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts for those below a certain income level as part of the fiscal cliff package."
Link Plus there's a TON of info on the Obama era tax cuts.

Man, you're more of a Trumpbot that I thought.
Choke on this, dude.

Trump calls on Russia and Saudi Arabia to cut oil production

Don't like the Politico article. Then here's one from Fox.

Trump plays key role in brokering historic oil deal

LMAO.. OMG dude. Seriously? Mexicans, South American and all sorts have been coming here since the dawn of time. They were having this discussion/problem back when the democrats were the pro border security party. Back when the GOP railed on Clinton wanted a huge fence on our southern border. Even then they called it a big bandaid.

Bro, I seriously thought you was more independent and move savvy to political BS. It seems you're just eat up with it. When did you become such a Trump worshipper?

All of this stuff I listed above is easy to find.

The only reason DumBama extended GW's tax cuts is because the economy was in bad shape. Had he allowed them to expire it would have kept the economy down for years afterwards which he didn't want on his watch.

The Trump administration supported energy development on federal land, including gas and oil drilling in national forests and near national monuments and parks.[5][6] Soon after taking office, Trump began to implement his "America First Energy Plan" and signed executive orders to approve two controversial oil pipelines.[7] In 2018, the Department of the Interior announced plans to allow drilling in nearly all U.S. waters, the largest expansion of offshore oil and gas leasing ever proposed.[8] In 2019, the Administration completed plans for opening the entire coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling.[9]

In September 2019, the Trump administration replaced the Obama-era Clean Power Plan with the Affordable Clean Energy rule, which did not cap emissions.[13] In April 2020, he issued his new vehicle emissions standards, which were projected to result in an additional billion tons of carbon dioxide, increasing annual U.S. emissions by about one-fifth.[14] In 2020, environmentalists feared that a successful reelection of Trump could have resulted in severe and irreversible changes in the climate.

The only reason DumBama extended GW's tax cuts is because the economy was in bad shape. Had he allowed them to expire it would have kept the economy down for years afterwards which he didn't want on his watch.

He didn't just extend the tax cuts. He made them permanent. You can't spin that. The tax cuts were minimal anyways. It's not like he did some great feat.
But that's not even the point. I know you're trying to change the point, but we're talking about tax cuts with spending increases. That's liberal and it's retarded. And it's exactly what Trump and Obama both did.
Why? Because they're both liberals.

The Trump administration supported energy development on federal land, including gas and oil drilling in national forests and near national monuments and parks.[5][6] Soon after taking office, Trump began to implement his "America First Energy Plan" and signed executive orders to approve two controversial oil pipelines.[7] In 2018, the Department of the Interior announced plans to allow drilling in nearly all U.S. waters, the largest expansion of offshore oil and gas leasing ever proposed.[8] In 2019, the Administration completed plans for opening the entire coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling.[9]

Again, you're trying to change the subject. Oil field layoffs started just after Trump struck a deal with Saudi Arabia to reduce oil production. You said this was impossible, and yet I proved it happened.
And now that you know Trump did that, how are you going to address it? By changing the subject? Or own up to it.
It's your choice.

In September 2019, the Trump administration replaced the Obama-era Clean Power Plan with the Affordable Clean Energy rule, which did not cap emissions.[13] In April 2020, he issued his new vehicle emissions standards, which were projected to result in an additional billion tons of carbon dioxide, increasing annual U.S. emissions by about one-fifth.[14] In 2020, environmentalists feared that a successful reelection of Trump could have resulted in severe and irreversible changes in the climate.[15]

Irrelevant facts.

They'll just find a different way. They always do. They always will. Why? Because border security is just a bandaid.
Mr. Just print more money isn't smart enough to come up with a solution. Like a democrat, his solution is to just throw more money at it (the border)

I'm all for a wall. Just don't put the damn thing on our side of the river. He didn't mind taking Americans land. Which is why the wall didn't go up in funded and approved places, because Americans don't want to be cut off from the river. Half of that river is ours,
He didn't just extend the tax cuts. He made them permanent. You can't spin that. The tax cuts were minimal anyways. It's not like he did some great feat.
But that's not even the point. I know you're trying to change the point, but we're talking about tax cuts with spending increases. That's liberal and it's retarded. And it's exactly what Trump and Obama both did.
Why? Because they're both liberals.

Again, you're trying to change the subject. Oil field layoffs started just after Trump struck a deal with Saudi Arabia to reduce oil production. You said this was impossible, and yet I proved it happened.
And now that you know Trump did that, how are you going to address it? By changing the subject? Or own up to it.
It's your choice.

Irrelevant facts.

They'll just find a different way. They always do. They always will. Why? Because border security is just a bandaid.
Mr. Just print more money isn't smart enough to come up with a solution. Like a democrat, his solution is to just throw more money at it (the border)

I'm all for a wall. Just don't put the damn thing on our side of the river. He didn't mind taking Americans land. Which is why the wall didn't go up in funded and approved places, because Americans don't want to be cut off from the river. Half of that river is ours,

They may find different ways since it's impossible to keep them all out, but he reduced border crossings tremendously in his one term. Dementia reversed all of Trump's successful policies which is why we have a problem today. Eminent Domain has been used by government and now businesses alike to advance our society. While some may not like the wall, others welcomed it with open arms to stop the illegals crossing their property and destroying their water supply and land. Farmers got sick of finding dead bodies all over their property.

As for oil Trump did strike a deal with OPEC to cut production to stop the market from crashing. That was when oil was at it's highest level and lowest price after Covid hit. Again, gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon nationally under Trump even during our best economic times. As the Wiki article pointed out he got rid of stupid environmental regulations and replaced them with pro-energy policies like opening up the Keystone.

As for spending again, Trump served half his term with a Democrat led House, you know, that group that makes out spending bills? Most of the spending that took place under the Republican Congress was for increasing our military spending which we needed. Under the Democrat led Congress we were faced with the worst pandemic anybody alive in this country has ever seen and because Trump focused on the economy, we had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries except China where the virus originated from. Dementia spent just as much as Trump so far during this time of his presidency but its all pork and vote buying. Trump didn't do that.

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