Get Your Experimental Vaccine Injected ASAP!!

It's an experimental drug. It is not FDA approved. Just jab a shitload of chemicals in your body and hope you don't get the flu. Then on top of that, we have Fauce, who can't seem to stick to one story.

Yeah, I'm tired of the cat and mouse games too. Therefore they can shove their vacine right up their ass. I won't do it. Period. It takes YEARS of testing to pass a drug. This took a few weeks? Nah. Those who want to take it, by all means do whatever floats your boat.
Do you actually know whatā€™s in it? Itā€™s dead simple. ā€œA shitload of chemicalsā€ is pretty far from the truth.
Then by all means get the vaccine. Why insist on me following along, or anyone else for that matter? Google it. I did. Different ingredients from different companies and so far, nobody know which one you will be getting. I'll pass.
Vaccine isnā€™t very useful if no one gets it.

Google will return true information just as readily as false information. ā€œGoogle itā€ doesnā€™t cut it.

Which chemical are you worried about and why?
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: ā€œThere are things, even if youā€™re vaccinated, that youā€™re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...ā€

President Asterisk:ā€œIn terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, weā€™re for a vaccine, but we donā€™t trust him at all, nor do you.ā€

VP Kamala ā€˜working while on my kneesā€™ Harris:ā€If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, Iā€™m not taking it.ā€

Seems to be a unified message - donā€™t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Why did you bother getting it when Joe and Harris said itā€™s not safe and the guru says your never going out to eat or to the movies ever again with or without the shot?
I doubt you're correctly quoting anyone but regardless, I'm more afraid of the virus than the vaccine. Simple really.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Then no amount of explanation from me for your previous question will satisfy you if you have that mindset.:lmao: I stopped taking the flu shot vaccine over ten years ago,I refuse to take ANY kind of vaccine unless a doctor friend of mine I know who knows all about the covid virus hoax scam prescribed it to me,then that is the ONLY time I would take any.
Last edited:
It's an experimental drug. It is not FDA approved. Just jab a shitload of chemicals in your body and hope you don't get the flu. Then on top of that, we have Fauce, who can't seem to stick to one story.

Yeah, I'm tired of the cat and mouse games too. Therefore they can shove their vacine right up their ass. I won't do it. Period. It takes YEARS of testing to pass a drug. This took a few weeks? Nah. Those who want to take it, by all means do whatever floats your boat.
Do you actually know whatā€™s in it? Itā€™s dead simple. ā€œA shitload of chemicalsā€ is pretty far from the truth.
Then by all means get the vaccine. Why insist on me following along, or anyone else for that matter? Google it. I did. Different ingredients from different companies and so far, nobody know which one you will be getting. I'll pass.
Vaccine isnā€™t very useful if no one gets it.

Google will return true information just as readily as false information. ā€œGoogle itā€ doesnā€™t cut it.

Which chemical are you worried about and why?

Faucet mouth Fauci says even when vaccinated, you can still spread the virus......

Pj Media

'Fire Fauci' Trends on Twitter as His Mixed Messages and Inconsistencies Finally Get Called Out

By Matt Margolis Feb 24, 2021

For months now Dr. Fauci has been saying that even if youā€™re vaccinated, you should still follow social-distancing measures because you can still spread the virus. ā€œI would recommend to people to not to abandon all public health measures just because youā€™ve been vaccinated,ā€ Fauci told CNNā€™s Jake Tapper in November. ā€œBecause even though for the general population it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you donā€™t necessarily know for you how effective it is.ā€

Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: ā€œThere are things, even if youā€™re vaccinated, that youā€™re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...ā€

President Asterisk:ā€œIn terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, weā€™re for a vaccine, but we donā€™t trust him at all, nor do you.ā€

VP Kamala ā€˜working while on my kneesā€™ Harris:ā€If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, Iā€™m not taking it.ā€

Seems to be a unified message - donā€™t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Well I hate to say this but you and Claudette wonā€™t be around 2 to five years from now,the vaccine is designed to slowly kill you off in thst time frame,hundreds are dying worldwide from it within weeks of getting it,some within days.
Why does someone want me killed off? Millions have already gotten their shots, if you're right this country will be empty soon.
Bill gates himself whose fingerprints are all over the distribution of the vaccine has publicly said himself WE NEED POPULATION CONTROL.The elite are on their way to getting what they want,hundreds around the world have already died within weeks of taking it,you just donā€™t hear about it from the CIA controlled media of course.
Last edited:
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: ā€œThere are things, even if youā€™re vaccinated, that youā€™re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...ā€

President Asterisk:ā€œIn terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, weā€™re for a vaccine, but we donā€™t trust him at all, nor do you.ā€

VP Kamala ā€˜working while on my kneesā€™ Harris:ā€If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, Iā€™m not taking it.ā€

Seems to be a unified message - donā€™t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Why did you bother getting it when Joe and Harris said itā€™s not safe and the guru says your never going out to eat or to the movies ever again with or without the shot?
I doubt you're correctly quoting anyone but regardless, I'm more afraid of the virus than the vaccine. Simple really.
Direct quotes and links in OP.
Applauding you for getting it. In the next few weeks so many will have been vaccinated and cases plummeting (not really related) that the pressure will be on the elite rulers to cut restrictions or face a pitchfork mob.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::cuckoo:
It's an experimental drug. It is not FDA approved. Just jab a shitload of chemicals in your body and hope you don't get the flu. Then on top of that, we have Fauce, who can't seem to stick to one story.

Yeah, I'm tired of the cat and mouse games too. Therefore they can shove their vacine right up their ass. I won't do it. Period. It takes YEARS of testing to pass a drug. This took a few weeks? Nah. Those who want to take it, by all means do whatever floats your boat.
Do you actually know whatā€™s in it? Itā€™s dead simple. ā€œA shitload of chemicalsā€ is pretty far from the truth.
Then by all means get the vaccine. Why insist on me following along, or anyone else for that matter? Google it. I did. Different ingredients from different companies and so far, nobody know which one you will be getting. I'll pass.
Vaccine isnā€™t very useful if no one gets it.

Google will return true information just as readily as false information. ā€œGoogle itā€ doesnā€™t cut it.

Which chemical are you worried about and why?
I googled and duckduckgo'd. Nothing worries me and why is a moot point. I won't take it. Period. Now get off my back.
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: ā€œThere are things, even if youā€™re vaccinated, that youā€™re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...ā€

President Asterisk:ā€œIn terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, weā€™re for a vaccine, but we donā€™t trust him at all, nor do you.ā€

VP Kamala ā€˜working while on my kneesā€™ Harris:ā€If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, Iā€™m not taking it.ā€

Seems to be a unified message - donā€™t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Why did you bother getting it when Joe and Harris said itā€™s not safe and the guru says your never going out to eat or to the movies ever again with or without the shot?
I doubt you're correctly quoting anyone but regardless, I'm more afraid of the virus than the vaccine. Simple really.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Then no amount of explanation from me for your previous question will satisfy you if you have that mindset.:lmao: I stopped taking the flu shot vaccine over ten years ago,I refuse to take ANY kind of vaccine unless a doctor friend of mine I know who knows all about the covid virus hoax scam prescribed it to me,then that is the ONLY time I would take any.
3 of my doctors said its bullshit. Its a fucking flu. I trust my doctors more than I trust strangers on the internet determined to talk me in to something I have no desire to do, OR what big pharma has to say, OR Fauci that can't seem to make up his mind, OR Gates being anywhere near a lab.

So those that think this shot is going to save all means do whatever you want to do. Just stop telling the rest of us who refuse to take it FOR WHATEVER REASON. Its nunya.
It's an experimental drug. It is not FDA approved. Just jab a shitload of chemicals in your body and hope you don't get the flu. Then on top of that, we have Fauce, who can't seem to stick to one story.

Yeah, I'm tired of the cat and mouse games too. Therefore they can shove their vacine right up their ass. I won't do it. Period. It takes YEARS of testing to pass a drug. This took a few weeks? Nah. Those who want to take it, by all means do whatever floats your boat.
Do you actually know whatā€™s in it? Itā€™s dead simple. ā€œA shitload of chemicalsā€ is pretty far from the truth.
Then by all means get the vaccine. Why insist on me following along, or anyone else for that matter? Google it. I did. Different ingredients from different companies and so far, nobody know which one you will be getting. I'll pass.
Vaccine isnā€™t very useful if no one gets it.

Google will return true information just as readily as false information. ā€œGoogle itā€ doesnā€™t cut it.

Which chemical are you worried about and why?
I googled and duckduckgo'd. Nothing worries me and why is a moot point. I won't take it. Period. Now get off my back.
This is why we canā€™t have nice things.

ā€œWhyā€ matters. It always matters.
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: ā€œThere are things, even if youā€™re vaccinated, that youā€™re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...ā€

President Asterisk:ā€œIn terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, weā€™re for a vaccine, but we donā€™t trust him at all, nor do you.ā€

VP Kamala ā€˜working while on my kneesā€™ Harris:ā€If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, Iā€™m not taking it.ā€

Seems to be a unified message - donā€™t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Well I hate to say this but you and Claudette wonā€™t be around 2 to five years from now,the vaccine is designed to slowly kill you off in thst time frame,hundreds are dying worldwide from it within weeks of getting it,some within days.

Interesting. Where is the evidence that the vaccine kills you off in 2-5 years? Will i come back as a zombie after i die?

Hundreds around the world are dying from the vaccine after weeks? I wonder how many ppl died of covid during that exact same period around the world.
Iā€™m going by what the best doctors around the country have said in videos. Yes hundreds around the world are indeed dying after the vaccine,there are many good alternative news sites out there not controlled by the corporations that the msm are controlled by,that have let these doctors have their voices heard that have said this.they are the same patriotic doctors that have exposed the corona virus hoax not being deadly as the msm media and government claim it to be.doctors from around the world as well support these doctors here in the stars that have spoken out.
Covid is a hoax,the yearly flu virus is five times more dangerous than the covid virus.these patriotic doctors have exposed how the hospitals receive up to $60;000 for ruling practically every kind of death as being from covid,the hospitals are ruling every cause of death in the world as a covid death like a gunshot wound to the head or a fatal car accident as covid.the yearly flu virus we have had for decades now,all of a sudden,the hospitals are no longer saying there is a flu virus killing people anymore as they have for decades now :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :rofl: :rofl: Iā€™m serious, I canā€™t make this shot up.Iā€™m not clever like,this is all coming from the mouths of the best doctors in the country who have are right in the middle of all this.
It's an experimental drug. It is not FDA approved. Just jab a shitload of chemicals in your body and hope you don't get the flu. Then on top of that, we have Fauce, who can't seem to stick to one story.

Yeah, I'm tired of the cat and mouse games too. Therefore they can shove their vacine right up their ass. I won't do it. Period. It takes YEARS of testing to pass a drug. This took a few weeks? Nah. Those who want to take it, by all means do whatever floats your boat.
Do you actually know whatā€™s in it? Itā€™s dead simple. ā€œA shitload of chemicalsā€ is pretty far from the truth.
Then by all means get the vaccine. Why insist on me following along, or anyone else for that matter? Google it. I did. Different ingredients from different companies and so far, nobody know which one you will be getting. I'll pass.
Vaccine isnā€™t very useful if no one gets it.

Google will return true information just as readily as false information. ā€œGoogle itā€ doesnā€™t cut it.

Which chemical are you worried about and why?

Faucet mouth Fauci says even when vaccinated, you can still spread the virus......

Pj Media

'Fire Fauci' Trends on Twitter as His Mixed Messages and Inconsistencies Finally Get Called Out

By Matt Margolis Feb 24, 2021

For months now Dr. Fauci has been saying that even if youā€™re vaccinated, you should still follow social-distancing measures because you can still spread the virus. ā€œI would recommend to people to not to abandon all public health measures just because youā€™ve been vaccinated,ā€ Fauci told CNNā€™s Jake Tapper in November. ā€œBecause even though for the general population it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you donā€™t necessarily know for you how effective it is.ā€

Everything heā€™s saying is grounded in science. There is concern that a vaccinated individual could still be infected and be infectious. The studies on the vaccines demonstrated they protected the individual from clinically relevant disease, but werenā€™t designed to determine if they reduce spread.

Hence, those who are vaccinated should still take precautions to be sure they arenā€™t spreading it to others.

Just in the last few weeks we are getting data that shows vaccines reduce the transmission so expect this recommendation to change soon.

When you know what youā€™re talking about, you donā€™t say things that arenā€™t known to be true. And when you donā€™t know if something is true, you play it safe.
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: ā€œThere are things, even if youā€™re vaccinated, that youā€™re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...ā€

President Asterisk:ā€œIn terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, weā€™re for a vaccine, but we donā€™t trust him at all, nor do you.ā€

VP Kamala ā€˜working while on my kneesā€™ Harris:ā€If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, Iā€™m not taking it.ā€

Seems to be a unified message - donā€™t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Why did you bother getting it when Joe and Harris said itā€™s not safe and the guru says your never going out to eat or to the movies ever again with or without the shot?
I doubt you're correctly quoting anyone but regardless, I'm more afraid of the virus than the vaccine. Simple really.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Then no amount of explanation from me for your previous question will satisfy you if you have that mindset.:lmao: I stopped taking the flu shot vaccine over ten years ago,I refuse to take ANY kind of vaccine unless a doctor friend of mine I know who knows all about the covid virus hoax scam prescribed it to me,then that is the ONLY time I would take any.
3 of my doctors said its bullshit. Its a fucking flu. I trust my doctors more than I trust strangers on the internet determined to talk me in to something I have no desire to do, OR what big pharma has to say, OR Fauci that can't seem to make up his mind, OR Gates being anywhere near a lab.

So those that think this shot is going to save all means do whatever you want to do. Just stop telling the rest of us who refuse to take it FOR WHATEVER REASON. Its nunya.
You win first prize for best damn post on this thread,could not have said it any better myself word for word.the people on here who have said they are taking the vaccine and are that brainwashed and ignorant to be more afraid of the virus hoax than the deadly vaccine,I feel sorry for them that they would trust all the evil people and organizations YOU mentioned over the best doctors all over the world who have been meeting each other from around the country to get the word out.

my doctor friend he is as muchaware of the virus hoax being bullshit as we the two of us are,if it was up to him,he would not wear the mask but he of course has to in his line of work to keep his license.
It's an experimental drug. It is not FDA approved. Just jab a shitload of chemicals in your body and hope you don't get the flu. Then on top of that, we have Fauce, who can't seem to stick to one story.

Yeah, I'm tired of the cat and mouse games too. Therefore they can shove their vacine right up their ass. I won't do it. Period. It takes YEARS of testing to pass a drug. This took a few weeks? Nah. Those who want to take it, by all means do whatever floats your boat.
Do you actually know whatā€™s in it? Itā€™s dead simple. ā€œA shitload of chemicalsā€ is pretty far from the truth.
Then by all means get the vaccine. Why insist on me following along, or anyone else for that matter? Google it. I did. Different ingredients from different companies and so far, nobody know which one you will be getting. I'll pass.
Vaccine isnā€™t very useful if no one gets it.

Google will return true information just as readily as false information. ā€œGoogle itā€ doesnā€™t cut it.

Which chemical are you worried about and why?
I googled and duckduckgo'd. Nothing worries me and why is a moot point. I won't take it. Period. Now get off my back.
This troll is a shill from China or Langley that has penetrated this site best to put him on ignore as I did years ago,done feed the troll.
While you're at it, ask your doctor if Rybelsus is right for you.

The doctors get big payouts from big pharma to promote their drugs with tons of side effects.
Yeah sad world we live in when even doctors who have taken an oath to save lives that even they give in to greed and thank money will buy them happiness,they have reserved their spot in hell. Thank god for the patriot doctors exposing these criminal doctors who donā€™t get taken in by greed.

MDs arenā€™t immune to indoctrination, in fact, maybe even more suceptible as they spend more time in an academic environment than most. They can be just as hard headed and non-sensical as the average Democrat an, just like many scientists, they go with the flow of the left because they donā€™t want to be ostracized. Doctors didnā€™t speak out in mass due solely to politics when the CDC willingly misled(lied) to the American public about the dangers of HCL. I knew at that point that all hope was lost.
Exactly,oh yeah my best friends dad was an MD,a great caring guy.He always meant well and tried to help people,he actually cured people from cancer because he did not use the traditional kinds of treatment the medical establishment used,well he still used them but he also used some other kinds they did not teach as well.

HOWEVER he was indoctrinated by them as was my best friend being his son.My best friend and his doctor dad always took the vaccine and always told me I should take it and I did for a few years after they talked with me about it,that was before I was awake though and did not know about alternative media sites where I saw doctors from around the country not indoctrinated by the medical establishment exposing them. My best friend worships his father so much so he still takes the flu virus vaccine every year,I canā€™t reason with him on that but he wonā€™t take the covid vaccine thankfully,he IS aware of that.

what Iā€™m about to tell you is comical,my best friends father the doctor,when I first learned about the jfk assassination over 20 years ago learning I had been lied to my whole life about who really killed him,I tried to talk to him for years about it and get him to read material on it from some really great researchers,he refused and would just tell me LA,I just go by what the Warren commission tells me and thatā€™s good enough for me. :uhoh3: :rofl: :rofl: :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

his son,my best friend,could not even convince him he was wrong.well guess what? I think he heard it from some doctors who exposed the lies of the lone gunman theory of the governments because in the last couple years of his life,he finally admitted to me he no longer believed oswald killed jfk and I was correct there were multiple shooters.:rofl::lmao::biggrin: It took him nearly the majority of his life to come around on thst one,sense it took him over 50 years later after it happened to finally realise he had been lied to we made the joke that sense we knew he only had a couple more years left in his life,we made the joke that it was to bad he did not have another fifty or sixty more years left in his life because it would obviously take thst long as well fir him to come to grips with reality that he had been indoctrinated his whole life as well on the flu shots as well.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
No thank you. Y'all can have mine.

Exactly. These new mRNA technologies are too dangerous and tens of thousands are having adverse reactions, deaths, and injuries. This is just with the first two shots. Studies in 2012 show mass die off when the vaccinated subject actually encounters the real virus. Both phizer and moderna are experimental vaccines and the test subjects are the ones being vaccinated.
Just make it up as you go along.

Hey...don't take it. You won't be missed. Hell the world will be a better place without you

As foul mouthed as you are....and wishing for horrible things to happen to people, I'll wish you nothing but the best.
It's an experimental drug. It is not FDA approved. Just jab a shitload of chemicals in your body and hope you don't get the flu. Then on top of that, we have Fauce, who can't seem to stick to one story.

Yeah, I'm tired of the cat and mouse games too. Therefore they can shove their vacine right up their ass. I won't do it. Period. It takes YEARS of testing to pass a drug. This took a few weeks? Nah. Those who want to take it, by all means do whatever floats your boat.
Do you actually know whatā€™s in it? Itā€™s dead simple. ā€œA shitload of chemicalsā€ is pretty far from the truth.
Then by all means get the vaccine. Why insist on me following along, or anyone else for that matter? Google it. I did. Different ingredients from different companies and so far, nobody know which one you will be getting. I'll pass.
Vaccine isnā€™t very useful if no one gets it.

Google will return true information just as readily as false information. ā€œGoogle itā€ doesnā€™t cut it.

Which chemical are you worried about and why?

Faucet mouth Fauci says even when vaccinated, you can still spread the virus......

Pj Media

'Fire Fauci' Trends on Twitter as His Mixed Messages and Inconsistencies Finally Get Called Out

By Matt Margolis Feb 24, 2021

For months now Dr. Fauci has been saying that even if youā€™re vaccinated, you should still follow social-distancing measures because you can still spread the virus. ā€œI would recommend to people to not to abandon all public health measures just because youā€™ve been vaccinated,ā€ Fauci told CNNā€™s Jake Tapper in November. ā€œBecause even though for the general population it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you donā€™t necessarily know for you how effective it is.ā€

Everything heā€™s saying is grounded in science. There is concern that a vaccinated individual could still be infected and be infectious. The studies on the vaccines demonstrated they protected the individual from clinically relevant disease, but werenā€™t designed to determine if they reduce spread.

Hence, those who are vaccinated should still take precautions to be sure they arenā€™t spreading it to others.

Just in the last few weeks we are getting data that shows vaccines reduce the transmission so expect this recommendation to change soon.

When you know what youā€™re talking about, you donā€™t say things that arenā€™t known to be true. And when you donā€™t know if something is true, you play it safe.

Your pretzel level reply is hilarious since being vaccinated is protecting you and others.....

Pfizer vaccine not only prevents you from getting sick but also stops you from spreading the virus: Israel studies
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: ā€œThere are things, even if youā€™re vaccinated, that youā€™re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...ā€

President Asterisk:ā€œIn terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, weā€™re for a vaccine, but we donā€™t trust him at all, nor do you.ā€

VP Kamala ā€˜working while on my kneesā€™ Harris:ā€If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, Iā€™m not taking it.ā€

Seems to be a unified message - donā€™t get vaccinated.

I got my second dose today!!!! Whoopie! I'm told that I may not feel like pruning stuff this weekend though )-:
It's an experimental drug. It is not FDA approved. Just jab a shitload of chemicals in your body and hope you don't get the flu. Then on top of that, we have Fauce, who can't seem to stick to one story.

Yeah, I'm tired of the cat and mouse games too. Therefore they can shove their vacine right up their ass. I won't do it. Period. It takes YEARS of testing to pass a drug. This took a few weeks? Nah. Those who want to take it, by all means do whatever floats your boat.
Do you actually know whatā€™s in it? Itā€™s dead simple. ā€œA shitload of chemicalsā€ is pretty far from the truth.
Then by all means get the vaccine. Why insist on me following along, or anyone else for that matter? Google it. I did. Different ingredients from different companies and so far, nobody know which one you will be getting. I'll pass.
Vaccine isnā€™t very useful if no one gets it.

Google will return true information just as readily as false information. ā€œGoogle itā€ doesnā€™t cut it.

Which chemical are you worried about and why?

Faucet mouth Fauci says even when vaccinated, you can still spread the virus......

Pj Media

'Fire Fauci' Trends on Twitter as His Mixed Messages and Inconsistencies Finally Get Called Out

By Matt Margolis Feb 24, 2021

For months now Dr. Fauci has been saying that even if youā€™re vaccinated, you should still follow social-distancing measures because you can still spread the virus. ā€œI would recommend to people to not to abandon all public health measures just because youā€™ve been vaccinated,ā€ Fauci told CNNā€™s Jake Tapper in November. ā€œBecause even though for the general population it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you donā€™t necessarily know for you how effective it is.ā€

Everything heā€™s saying is grounded in science. There is concern that a vaccinated individual could still be infected and be infectious. The studies on the vaccines demonstrated they protected the individual from clinically relevant disease, but werenā€™t designed to determine if they reduce spread.

Hence, those who are vaccinated should still take precautions to be sure they arenā€™t spreading it to others.

Just in the last few weeks we are getting data that shows vaccines reduce the transmission so expect this recommendation to change soon.

When you know what youā€™re talking about, you donā€™t say things that arenā€™t known to be true. And when you donā€™t know if something is true, you play it safe.

Your pretzel level reply is hilarious since being vaccinated is protecting you and others.....

Pfizer vaccine not only prevents you from getting sick but also stops you from spreading the virus: Israel studies
No shit. See how the article you posted is from February 22nd? How the hell is Fauci supposed to know about that article in November 2020? You think he can predict the future?

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