Get Your Experimental Vaccine Injected ASAP!!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: “There are things, even if you’re vaccinated, that you’re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...”

President Asterisk:“In terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, we’re for a vaccine, but we don’t trust him at all, nor do you.”

VP Kamala ‘working while on my knees’ Harris:”If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

Seems to be a unified message - don’t get vaccinated.

While you're at it, ask your doctor if Rybelsus is right for you.

The doctors get big payouts from big pharma to promote their drugs with tons of side effects.
Yeah sad world we live in when even doctors who have taken an oath to save lives that even they give in to greed and thank money will buy them happiness,they have reserved their spot in hell. Thank god for the patriot doctors exposing these criminal doctors who don’t get taken in by greed.
While you're at it, ask your doctor if Rybelsus is right for you.

The doctors get big payouts from big pharma to promote their drugs with tons of side effects.
Yeah sad world we live in when even doctors who have taken an oath to save lives that even they give in to greed and thank money will buy them happiness,they have reserved their spot in hell. Thank god for the patriot doctors exposing these criminal doctors who don’t get taken in by greed.

Yes there still are many good doctors and the sad thing is most of the time the good doctors licenses are taken away and called quacks that go against the agenda. We do live in an upsidedown world. For those that don't know, here is a good article for them to start with, if they chose to research this:

It’s no secret that pharmaceutical companies spend plenty of money on doctors and scientists—upwards of over a billion dollars annually in the U.S. This money can range from offering doctors free pens and dinners to paying them to give talks at sponsored conferences and events. And there’s been steady evidence these payments can subtly influence how doctors behave, both in their interactions with patients and in the research they carry out.

Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: “There are things, even if you’re vaccinated, that you’re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...”

President Asterisk:“In terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, we’re for a vaccine, but we don’t trust him at all, nor do you.”

VP Kamala ‘working while on my knees’ Harris:”If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

Seems to be a unified message - don’t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: “There are things, even if you’re vaccinated, that you’re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...”

President Asterisk:“In terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, we’re for a vaccine, but we don’t trust him at all, nor do you.”

VP Kamala ‘working while on my knees’ Harris:”If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

Seems to be a unified message - don’t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Well I hate to say this but you and Claudette won’t be around 2 to five years from now,the vaccine is designed to slowly kill you off in thst time frame,hundreds are dying worldwide from it within weeks of getting it,some within days.
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: “There are things, even if you’re vaccinated, that you’re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...”

President Asterisk:“In terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, we’re for a vaccine, but we don’t trust him at all, nor do you.”

VP Kamala ‘working while on my knees’ Harris:”If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

Seems to be a unified message - don’t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Why did you bother getting it when Joe and Harris said it’s not safe and the guru says your never going out to eat or to the movies ever again with or without the shot?
While you're at it, ask your doctor if Rybelsus is right for you.

The doctors get big payouts from big pharma to promote their drugs with tons of side effects.
Yeah sad world we live in when even doctors who have taken an oath to save lives that even they give in to greed and thank money will buy them happiness,they have reserved their spot in hell. Thank god for the patriot doctors exposing these criminal doctors who don’t get taken in by greed.

Yes there still are many good doctors and the sad thing is most of the time the good doctors licenses are taken away and called quacks that go against the agenda. We do live in an upsidedown world. For those that don't know, here is a good article for them to start with, if they chose to research this:

It’s no secret that pharmaceutical companies spend plenty of money on doctors and scientists—upwards of over a billion dollars annually in the U.S. This money can range from offering doctors free pens and dinners to paying them to give talks at sponsored conferences and events. And there’s been steady evidence these payments can subtly influence how doctors behave, both in their interactions with patients and in the research they carry out.

Exactly,big pharma they only prescribe drugs because it only masks the problem,they get rid of the problem but only temporarily so you keep coming back for more so they can make money off friend he has colon cancer,he is okay now but he won’t be in the future if he takes chemo as they want him to. He is planning on taking my advise and take these great natural herb products that had he been taking them from the beginning,he never would have got cancer in the first place.I used to get sick all the time,now sense taking these,I never do anymore,have never for over ten years now been back to the hospital.

doctors will not prescribe these herbs to their patients if I tell them about it because they will lose their license if they do so,they have to do what the medical establishment has taught them,to recommend chemo.

I knew the medical establishment was not looking out for us but I did not know it was this bad where doctors will lose their license if they recommend herbs to heal instead of chemo.the fact I did not even know about that,I would wager there are very few posters on this site that do,just a handful or so like you besides me are aware of it probably.cause without bragging,I usually know things like that that at least half the board doesn’t.
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While you're at it, ask your doctor if Rybelsus is right for you.

The doctors get big payouts from big pharma to promote their drugs with tons of side effects.
Yeah sad world we live in when even doctors who have taken an oath to save lives that even they give in to greed and thank money will buy them happiness,they have reserved their spot in hell. Thank god for the patriot doctors exposing these criminal doctors who don’t get taken in by greed.

Yes there still are many good doctors and the sad thing is most of the time the good doctors licenses are taken away and called quacks that go against the agenda. We do live in an upsidedown world. For those that don't know, here is a good article for them to start with, if they chose to research this:

It’s no secret that pharmaceutical companies spend plenty of money on doctors and scientists—upwards of over a billion dollars annually in the U.S. This money can range from offering doctors free pens and dinners to paying them to give talks at sponsored conferences and events. And there’s been steady evidence these payments can subtly influence how doctors behave, both in their interactions with patients and in the research they carry out.

Exactly,big pharma they only prescribe drugs because it only masks the problem,they get rid of the problem but only temporarily so you keep coming back for more so they can make money off friend he has colon cancer,he is okay now but he won’t be in the future if he takes chemo as they want him to. He is planning on taking my advise and take these great natural herb products that had he been taking them from the beginning,he never would have got cancer in the first place.I used to get sick all the time,now sense taking these,I never do anymore,have never for over ten years now been back to the hospital.

doctors will not prescribe these herbs to their patients if I tell them about it because they will lose their license if they do so,they have to do what the medical establishment has taught them,to recommend chemo.

I knew the medical establishment was not looking out for us but I did not know it was this bad where doctors will lose their license if they recommend herbs to heal instead of chemo.the fact I did not even know about that,I would wager there are very few posters on this site that do,just a handful or so like you besides me are aware of it probably.cause without bragging,I usually know things like that that at least half the board doesn’t.
Letting the corporations into our government basically put the foxes in charge of the hen house. Big pharma gets by FDA scrutiny the same way big oil gets past the EPA. Drug companies buy the cures and hide them in a vault just like the fossil fuel industry buys up patents for cars that get 100mpg. Follow the money.
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: “There are things, even if you’re vaccinated, that you’re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...”

President Asterisk:“In terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, we’re for a vaccine, but we don’t trust him at all, nor do you.”

VP Kamala ‘working while on my knees’ Harris:”If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

Seems to be a unified message - don’t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Well I hate to say this but you and Claudette won’t be around 2 to five years from now,the vaccine is designed to slowly kill you off in thst time frame,hundreds are dying worldwide from it within weeks of getting it,some within days.
Why does someone want me killed off? Millions have already gotten their shots, if you're right this country will be empty soon.
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: “There are things, even if you’re vaccinated, that you’re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...”

President Asterisk:“In terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, we’re for a vaccine, but we don’t trust him at all, nor do you.”

VP Kamala ‘working while on my knees’ Harris:”If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

Seems to be a unified message - don’t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Why did you bother getting it when Joe and Harris said it’s not safe and the guru says your never going out to eat or to the movies ever again with or without the shot?
I doubt you're correctly quoting anyone but regardless, I'm more afraid of the virus than the vaccine. Simple really.
Trust us, we are from the government!

Dr. Fauci: “There are things, even if you’re vaccinated, that you’re not going to be able to do in society. For example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate...”

President Asterisk:“In terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, we’re for a vaccine, but we don’t trust him at all, nor do you.”

VP Kamala ‘working while on my knees’ Harris:”If Donald Trump tells us we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

Seems to be a unified message - don’t get vaccinated.

Just waiting on my 2nd shot. I'm confident the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of Covid so it's a no-brainer.

I can't speak for Harris or anyone else but I didn't trust Trump to give us honest information and not to pressure the FDA, CDC, etc. to get a vaccine out even if it was unsafe. I'm convinced those agencies actually did what they were supposed to do.
Why did you bother getting it when Joe and Harris said it’s not safe and the guru says your never going out to eat or to the movies ever again with or without the shot?
I doubt you're correctly quoting anyone but regardless, I'm more afraid of the virus than the vaccine. Simple really.
Direct quotes and links in OP.
Applauding you for getting it. In the next few weeks so many will have been vaccinated and cases plummeting (not really related) that the pressure will be on the elite rulers to cut restrictions or face a pitchfork mob.
Applauding you for getting it. In the next few weeks so many will have been vaccinated and cases plummeting (not really related) that the pressure will be on the elite rulers to cut restrictions or face a pitchfork mob.
I'm ready to resume living normally. Which other vaccines do you refuse to take?
While you're at it, ask your doctor if Rybelsus is right for you.

The doctors get big payouts from big pharma to promote their drugs with tons of side effects.
Yeah sad world we live in when even doctors who have taken an oath to save lives that even they give in to greed and thank money will buy them happiness,they have reserved their spot in hell. Thank god for the patriot doctors exposing these criminal doctors who don’t get taken in by greed.

Yes there still are many good doctors and the sad thing is most of the time the good doctors licenses are taken away and called quacks that go against the agenda. We do live in an upsidedown world. For those that don't know, here is a good article for them to start with, if they chose to research this:

It’s no secret that pharmaceutical companies spend plenty of money on doctors and scientists—upwards of over a billion dollars annually in the U.S. This money can range from offering doctors free pens and dinners to paying them to give talks at sponsored conferences and events. And there’s been steady evidence these payments can subtly influence how doctors behave, both in their interactions with patients and in the research they carry out.

Exactly,big pharma they only prescribe drugs because it only masks the problem,they get rid of the problem but only temporarily so you keep coming back for more so they can make money off friend he has colon cancer,he is okay now but he won’t be in the future if he takes chemo as they want him to. He is planning on taking my advise and take these great natural herb products that had he been taking them from the beginning,he never would have got cancer in the first place.I used to get sick all the time,now sense taking these,I never do anymore,have never for over ten years now been back to the hospital.

doctors will not prescribe these herbs to their patients if I tell them about it because they will lose their license if they do so,they have to do what the medical establishment has taught them,to recommend chemo.

I knew the medical establishment was not looking out for us but I did not know it was this bad where doctors will lose their license if they recommend herbs to heal instead of chemo.the fact I did not even know about that,I would wager there are very few posters on this site that do,just a handful or so like you besides me are aware of it probably.cause without bragging,I usually know things like that that at least half the board doesn’t.
Letting the corporations into our government basically put the foxes in charge of the hen house. Big pharma gets by FDA scrutiny the same way big oil gets past the EPA. Drug companies buy the cures and hide them in a vault just like the fossil fuel industry buys up patents for cars that get 100mpg. Follow the money.

Exactly, Here are some examples:

A Kaiser Health News analysis shows that hundreds of people have glided through the “revolving door” that connects the drug industry to Capitol Hill and to the Department of Health and Human Services.

Azar was confirmed Wednesday as HHS secretary, joining other former drug industry alumni in top positions.

Nearly 340 former congressional staffers now work for pharmaceutical companies or their lobbying firms, according to data analyzed by KHN and provided by Legistorm, a nonpartisan congressional research company. On the flip side, the analysis showed, more than a dozen former drug industry employees now have jobs on Capitol Hill—often on committees that handle health care policy.

In many cases, former congressional staffers who now work for drug companies return to the Hill to lobby former co-workers or employees.

I am not a fan of the daily beast, but they do a good job on this article.
While you're at it, ask your doctor if Rybelsus is right for you.

The doctors get big payouts from big pharma to promote their drugs with tons of side effects.
Yeah sad world we live in when even doctors who have taken an oath to save lives that even they give in to greed and thank money will buy them happiness,they have reserved their spot in hell. Thank god for the patriot doctors exposing these criminal doctors who don’t get taken in by greed.

Yes there still are many good doctors and the sad thing is most of the time the good doctors licenses are taken away and called quacks that go against the agenda. We do live in an upsidedown world. For those that don't know, here is a good article for them to start with, if they chose to research this:

It’s no secret that pharmaceutical companies spend plenty of money on doctors and scientists—upwards of over a billion dollars annually in the U.S. This money can range from offering doctors free pens and dinners to paying them to give talks at sponsored conferences and events. And there’s been steady evidence these payments can subtly influence how doctors behave, both in their interactions with patients and in the research they carry out.

Exactly,big pharma they only prescribe drugs because it only masks the problem,they get rid of the problem but only temporarily so you keep coming back for more so they can make money off friend he has colon cancer,he is okay now but he won’t be in the future if he takes chemo as they want him to. He is planning on taking my advise and take these great natural herb products that had he been taking them from the beginning,he never would have got cancer in the first place.I used to get sick all the time,now sense taking these,I never do anymore,have never for over ten years now been back to the hospital.

doctors will not prescribe these herbs to their patients if I tell them about it because they will lose their license if they do so,they have to do what the medical establishment has taught them,to recommend chemo.

I knew the medical establishment was not looking out for us but I did not know it was this bad where doctors will lose their license if they recommend herbs to heal instead of chemo.the fact I did not even know about that,I would wager there are very few posters on this site that do,just a handful or so like you besides me are aware of it probably.cause without bragging,I usually know things like that that at least half the board doesn’t.

That is for sure. I will never forget when my grandmother was on about 12 different pills. I was only young at the time, so I didn't think to ask her to try natural remedies. But I did ask her why she had to take so many. And I remember her saying that she needs to take a pill to counteract another pill and to counteract another pill until it is all counteracted. I remember even as a kid thinking that was crazy.
Because I'm basically an altruistic human being who believes in putting the needs of my fellow human (or animal) before my own. And, knowing, as I do, that the vaccine is in short supply and there are always those more needy than myself.

I have chosen to put off taking the vaccine until I know all those who need it or want it can get theirs ahead of me.



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