Zone1 Get rid of the ignore feature.

I don't care if someone has reasons why they disagree with long as they are having a truthful dialog and believe what they are saying.

But the trolls and those that don't add substance to their conversation.....nope....don't care if I ever hear from them again. And how they treat others other than me is also a deciding factor.
I don't have any feelings whatsoever....just ask my ex wife....she'll corroborate. But I don't want to waste my time during a recreational activity to engage with those who add nothing but angst.
Needless to say that I don't really do politics. I put up real discussion questions over real current issues (like current Federal problems) and they get ignored mostly. Proving I'm not wrong about engaging in political discourse. The Republicans are not endorsing things I care anything about(mostly just spewing hate) and the Democrats are promoting moral turpitude. Third parties? mean nutballs led by egomaniacs?

So while I tend to avoid most of avoiding politics....I still have the option to ignore the sheer volume of trolls on this forum.
I tried ignore one period since 1999 sports boards. Right here on USMB. It quickly becomes an echo chamber quickly.

I undId it all. I want to know every enemy combatant. I pray to God they all get much deserved payback for destroying this country.
It's my guess that so many people have so many other people on ignore that it has slowed the board down too much.

I say we at least clear it off and start over or just do away with it. People need to learn how to talk out their differences .
I would absolutely give it a shot. I have quite a few far left wingers on ignore right now. The reason is quite simple. I make a thread, and somebody who I have never interacted with before comes in who is a Democrat and starts to act very aggressive and Uses foul language …. Never actually debating the points but just attacking personally.

Greatest example of all is criticism of BLM and how the far left react to it by simply calling people racist. This shows these far left wingers to be either racist themselves or mentally deficient.

In response I know you can say hey have tough skin be able to take an insult. The problem is people could do that but honestly there’s another argument to be made that it’s not healthy to both parties.

if some black person or Indian denigrated white people I aint gonna call them the N-word or some insult toward Indians in general … but you better believe that some portion of the far left including BLM supporters will willingly call Trump supporters crackers or pigs or some sort of an insult that they think can be used against law-enforcement or white people in general.

I think the other option is for the moderators simply to delete posts that include personal attacks. so in this idea get rid of the ignore option but just delete bad posts that include nothing but personal attacks.

Deleting posts would not be done to prevent Free speech. But to make sure that we have productive conversations. It’s actually a matter of staying on topic, being polite, and having a productive discussion board. You could have freedom of speech, and people can simply follow the topic whatever it is.
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I have a question for the moderators. If two members have each other on ignore can they ever undo it or will they never be able to acknowledge each other's presence here?
I don’t think so, because I have seen ignored members post a thread before. And surely some of those people that I have an ignore have me on ignore

When ignored poster makes a post you can see it( not what they wrote precisely , but the fact that they have made a post)for may be a few minutes. It’ll say something like “post made by ignored member”, but then that whole thing goes away after some time. And after a few minutes you don’t even see their avatar …. I don’t know if you get that, but I usually post from my phone and sometimes I see people I have on ignore make a post in a thread but I don’t see any of the post material. I can just see their avatar.

best thing is for people to just concentrate on the topics?? . Again for me, I can take an insult but I just don’t feel like dealing with trolling. I’ll happily deal with somebody who opposes my viewpoints and we could have a productive conversation. I want to have productive conversations. I hate wasting my time. It’s not about being able to handle an insult or not. I don’t want my time wasted… so that’s why I put far left wingers on Ignore in the first place.
I have dozens of people on ignore. Maybe one or two of them are Trump supporters? I know one of them definitely is and I have them on ignore because they launched all sorts of personal attacks against me …because of my position and supporting unions and I don’t even understand that I support police unions.

And there’s a reason for just about everyone of them being on ignore… I just looked at the list with exception about two people who I can’t remember why I had an ignore. I can give you a reason for everyone of them.

By the way, the funny thing is before I read this thread I consider creating my own thread saying I’m going to take everyone off ignore and go from there.

Most of the ignored posters are related to my positions on the Russia Ukraine war, Donald Trump, and Black Lives Matter. It is incredibly simple. …

…What happens is I make a post or thread, and the ignored member comes in to interact with me for the first time ever and they start calling me all sorts of names. OK what would you do about this? Do you want to keep wasting your time conversing with these types of people where no productive conversation is actually had? Or do you put them on ignore.

We could even say to people who troll others why are they wasting their time doing this? . …

Bc anytime I make a post it is sincere. It is what I honestly feel about the topic even if people disagree with me and think I’m not right, that’s my honest sincere views. If a black person says that all white people are privileged. I don’t call that black person a n word …. I will disagree with him, but I won’t called in the N-word. That same respect is not offered by far left wingers when I say Christopher Columbus was a beautiful man so call me a cracker or racist or something insane. They don’t give a damn that Black people own slaves. Indians owned slaves did the same things that white people did in history.

why would I interact with any BLM supporter or somebody who says that white people are born privileged, but then says nothing about the fact that Black people in Indians also owned slaves throughout history … my time is worthy and I have better things to do. I don’t care about insult over the Internet again it’s all about my time and productiveness

See, I don’t use the words cocksucker or faggots to describe LGBT people either. I don’t use the word cracker or pig to describe white people or police officers.

Words matter, they have an effect on people. But more important is our time and what we’re doing with it are we being productive and I see zero production I see zero benefit in replying to somebody who simply gives me the middle finger or says F you Orr says you’re racist. If they can’t bring anything to the table, don’t respond to them.


The other option is for the moderators to delete posts that clearly offer no response other than trolling + personal attacks.
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I've only been here at USMB since 2019, but if I were an Old School member....speaking for myself, as someone who voted for Obama in 2008 ......being a Trump supporter now, I'm sure there would be people I put on ignore 10 or 15 years ago that I would be friends with now....and vice versa.
Back in January, i turned off my ignore just to see what every Marxist/Demofascist was talking about. That was over 100 ignored. Today i have over 134 on ignore. Nothing has changed with their stupidity.
Back in January, i turned off my ignore just to see what every Marxist/Demofascist was talking about. That was over 100 ignored. Today i have over 134 on ignore. Nothing has changed with their stupidity.

Nor will it ever. If they haven't seen the truth, they are beyond being able to, thanks to the DNC and "media". They've done their jobs admirably.

What I have found, the reference to the ignore feature is usually by people announcing they are doing so as they threaten to hold their breath until they turn blue.

I have one poster who has given me at least 50-60 thumbs down in the last few days pulling that fake shit now.
If I want to ignore someone, I just ignore them. Announcing that you have someone on ignore is an admission of surrender. Check out, for example, the previous post.

Still, if it's what people want to do, it's a useful feature. And it's not going to slow the board down. It probably does the opposite, since it means less data has to be sent out.

Or it's an admission that the ignoree is basically a troll, a hack, or like you, a complete moron not worthy of the O2 you use up every breath you take.
I can usually spot predictably low-value posters as soon as they show up and those are the ones I tend to put in the hole where I ultimately forget that they even exist.

Interestingly, the majority of em end up getting banned or just stop posting completely shortly thereafter their arrival. The latter phenomenon being more often. I suppose it's possible that they may come around to realizing that some platforms are just so far derailed from reality's tracks on their own that there's really no need to set up troll camp and initiate the intended train wreck.

My intuition about people and posers in general is usually pretty good. It's a natural skillset that actually paid rather well when I was working in the field.
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Low value posters are the ones who, for example, see a post and they say fuck you to Guy. Or they use that emoticon thing that has the middle finger.

I don’t interact with any white man or black man who hates them South Orr thinks that there are people were the victims of history. When you talk like that, let’s see if one is a black man or white man if they think they can go up to another adult now get in their face and tell them you don’t know what it’s like to be me because you ain’t my skin color that’s grounds for one getting knocked the hell out, especially if it’s one of those rich elite Americans, who thinks that they can go up to a working class adult now and tell them you don’t know what it’s like to be me because of my skin color or because of my racial background.

The truth of the matter is that any person in this country who thinks that they have it bad because of their skin color is a monster, or they are on drugs. Those who have it bad in America are those dying of cancer those who are in a hospital bed suffering from gunshot wounds. Those who can’t even talk or are blind…

honestly, I’m not sure whether to laugh at these far left guys or just ignore them.

The other side of the argument will be for the experiment of getting rid of the ignore button that if it brings more traffic to the site. Think about that for the moderators of this website you want as much traffic as you can get.

I love that this site respects freedom of speech compared to other political forms where a lot of political forms ran by leftists are forms where they will ban people who have different opinions.
Back in January, i turned off my ignore just to see what every Marxist/Demofascist was talking about. That was over 100 ignored. Today i have over 134 on ignore. Nothing has changed with their stupidity.
Daaaaaam 134 on the ignore . Here I thought I had a pretty high ignore this wrt like 39 people

I can’t blame you one bit. We’re dealing with people on the far left who on a daily basis deny what is staring them in the face. Like the fact that the far left is the most violent threat to America right now, but they keep talking about January 6. They don’t talk about the hundreds of separate violent events instigated by the far left since 2020 including the BLM riots. Only the far left uses positions of power to cancel middle-class people. If the far left sees a man on Facebook criticize BLM he will try to get that Man fired from his job. That’s different from regular every day Americans boycotting anti-American companies like Budweiser that support children being able to get a sex change operation

That’s the massive difference. The far left has no problem destroying good people’s lives because of political differences. And they support children getting sex change operations without parents consent, they support men being able to compete in women’s sports. These are problems.

I don’t blame you one bit. When you have far leftists who see a person that they have never interacted with before make a post and then that far left says “fuck you” . What else am I gonna do.

Here’s how it goes for the left wing troll

Point 1- Gun ownership was higher in the past compared to what it is now in America… and there were not the mass school shootings in the American past that we have today.

Response from the far left “ fuck you “

Point 2 - the economy is really bad right now, Joe Biden is not a good leader…Black Lives Matter is dividing the country. They don’t do a thing for poor white people or poor Black people. What do democrats have to say to help uplift poor Black people in poor white people.?

Far left response “ fuck you racist “

Meanwhile, as this conversation goes on millions of Americans are either homeless or have no money they can barely afford anything.
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