Get ready for MEGA NIÑO:

As usual Old Fraud fails to read the link and observe where the depth and source of heat is no longer sufficient to continue to propagate temp rise. Bob Tisdale clearly points this out in not only empirical evidence graphs but shows why this current El Niño is done. I just happen to agree with his assessment which is totally contrary to the hype from NOAA.
Climate, silly ass. This El Nino exceeds any in the past. And the effects exceed any in the past. Just as the 1997-98 El Nino did. A series of ever stronger El Nino's is to be expected in a warming world.

Wait, you're saying the climate has changed and now 50F is the new norm for winter in NY?

Is that what you mean?

It was this warm last year too, then in January it was -4F. Was that a record El Nino too??
Let me guess (I've been doing a lot of that today). You believe Billy Boy actually knows what he's talking about. You think Billy Boy really is a certified, mail order meteorologist and has a degree in atmospheric physics. So, when Billy Boy's el Nino predictions failed one after the other after the other after the other after the other... you chalked it up to false reporting by those god-forsaken, conspiring climate scientists who were doing their best to make Billy Boy look bad and destroy the world economy.

Yep, Frankie Boy believes all of that, right along with his hollow moon.

How bad does it suck for you and your cult that there's far more scientific evidence backing the idea that the Moon is hollow than there is that a 120PPM increase in CO2 will alert the climate on planet Earth
Not at all because that is not the case. How bad does it suck for you have to lie to keep up your side of this debate?

Another 0.1deg C drop in region 3-4, Region 3 dropped 0.3 Deg C (rapid decline)... heat is gone...and this is on its way out.. Winds aloft are already changing with a southern shift.
And the empirical evidence says.....


While Cricks Model is shown a failure... You would think these alarmist liar drones would get tired of playing with broken shit that gets debunked faster than they can post up their lies.
My, my Silly Billy is continuing to be Silly Billy. The scientists at NOAA predicted that the El Nino would peak at the end of this year. And that is exactly what we are seeing.

The latest weekly SST departures are:
Niño 4 1.7ºC
Niño 3.4 2.8ºC
Niño 3 2.9ºC
Niño 1+2 2.3ºC

The ensemble of the models predicts an El Nino until at least June. And some models predict it continuing through September.

Now we are seeing the inevitable cool down phase of a super El Nino, you want to tell us that you were right all along. What a liar you are, Silly Billy, we have your posts to prove you were 180 degrees off this whole time, and that the meteorologists were spot on.
There hasn't been anything here in So Cal to speak of. They had us looking to bail water as early as Thanksgiving.

So far, nada

All the weather patterns seem to be mid-California north. Getting fringes of them here in Vegas.

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