“German Home Secretary on migrants,We have underestimated the role of religion”


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2015
And life for Christian refugees among Muslim migrants is “still unbearable.”

“For instance, a recently arrived refugee was confronted with these words written on the wall in his refugee shelter: ‘The time has come to cut off the heads of all non-believers!'”

No one should be surprised if Muslims act according to Qur’anic imperatives: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur’an 47:4). But apparently no one in Germany was or is prepared for that."

German Home Secretary on migrants: “We have underestimated the role of religion”

Ya think?
File this under 'NO SHIT!'

They have been fighting a HOLY WAR for hundreds of years, and you seriously thought religion did not / was not going to be a factor?!


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