Geraldo Rivera Just Called Dan Bongino A Son-Of-A-Bitch and A Punk On Hannity- - Film At Eleven!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Cage fighting has taken a new face. We can now tune into Hannity's TV program and be guaranteed another round of bitch-slapping between two grown men, one of which has been a law officer and another who thinks he knows everything about policing because he's the world's most experienced reporter.

Video to follow.

The program will be repeated on Fox News at 2:00 AM. I'll try to capture it on video, though I'm almost sure the "bitch" part will be bleeped out. Just read his lips.

Meanwhile, here are some links from previous rounds between these two.

Bongino, Geraldo Clash in Wild Shouting Match Over Whether U.S. Should Have Killed Soleimani

Bongino Absolutely BLASTS Geraldo For Pushing Chinese Propaganda On Hannity (Video)

Geraldo Rivera To Dan Bongino: ‘You’re Lucky You’re Not In Front Of Me, Big Guy’

Geraldo and Bongino get into shouting match over wall: 'Tell your friends Nancy and Chuckie to get their a** out of bed'

Dan Bongino Schools Geraldo on Police Shootings, Says 'You Don't Know What You're Talking About'

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Geraldo is my go-to guy for objective news ...

Cage fighting has taken a new face. We can now tune into Hannity's TV program and be guaranteed another round of bitch-slapping between two grown men, one of which has been a law officer and another who thinks he knows everything about policing because he's the world's most experienced reporter.

Video to follow.

The program will be repeated on Fox News at 2:00 AM. I'll try to capture it on video, though I'm almost sure the "bitch" part will be bleeped out. Just read his lips.

Meanwhile, here are some links from previous rounds between these two.

Bongino, Geraldo Clash in Wild Shouting Match Over Whether U.S. Should Have Killed Soleimani

Bongino Absolutely BLASTS Geraldo For Pushing Chinese Propaganda On Hannity (Video)

Geraldo Rivera To Dan Bongino: ‘You’re Lucky You’re Not In Front Of Me, Big Guy’

Geraldo is an odd fellow. He's got a bit of a temper and I don't think he would back down from a scrap.

Who knows how much is for show and ratings, but, I'd still have think Dan is going to have the upper hand on age, training and his experience alone.

Nice to see the passion I suppose. Though, I see too much violence every night being an NHL fan (though far less today than even 10 years ago) so let's hope peace prevails.
To the moderator that moved this thread to the MEDIA forum, thanks! I should have known better!
Cage fighting has taken a new face. We can now tune into Hannity's TV program and be guaranteed another round of bitch-slapping between two grown men, one of which has been a law officer and another who thinks he knows everything about policing because he's the world's most experienced reporter.

Video to follow.

The program will be repeated on Fox News at 2:00 AM. I'll try to capture it on video, though I'm almost sure the "bitch" part will be bleeped out. Just read his lips.

Meanwhile, here are some links from previous rounds between these two.

Bongino, Geraldo Clash in Wild Shouting Match Over Whether U.S. Should Have Killed Soleimani

Bongino Absolutely BLASTS Geraldo For Pushing Chinese Propaganda On Hannity (Video)

Geraldo Rivera To Dan Bongino: ‘You’re Lucky You’re Not In Front Of Me, Big Guy’

Geraldo and Bongino get into shouting match over wall: 'Tell your friends Nancy and Chuckie to get their a** out of bed'

Dan Bongino Schools Geraldo on Police Shootings, Says 'You Don't Know What You're Talking About'

Here is a portion of the Bongino/Rivera segment from Hannity last night. The entire segment was too large a file (over 600 MB) to download here. I divided it into two parts. Even this short part (less than 40 seconds) was two big at 43.9 MB, so I compressed it to 10.7 MB.

Rest assured; Geraldo was a puerile ass throughout the entire 8 minute segment. Bongino sure knows how to yank his chain!
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