George Santos criminally charged by DOJ

I d ok t care what you may have posted about Santos. He’s an irrelevancy. Like you.
He has been the deciding vote in some instances. Like for House Speaker.

So he is hardly irrelevant. That's why McCarthy let him get away with shitting on his face.
I’m not. You’re just lying again. I had already noted that Santos is a liar. Like you are. But when you ascribed that to MAGA republicans I noted that you were lying.

I can’t help your lack of comprehension or your lack of integrity.

You’re quite stupid and very plodding in your dishonesty and your consistently cheap rhetoric.

So I've cited MAGA liars and indicted MAGA fraud after MAGA liar and indicated MAGA fraud, all the way up to Trump himself, the creator of the MAGA brand.

But you still try and pretend that pathological lying isn't baked into the MAGA ideal?

Santos merely did what Trump showed him. Lie continually.

And its worked out as well for both of them: 13 indictments for MAGA padawan Santos. 34 counts counts for MAGA creator Trump.
Laughing....dude, you've spent two pages trying to convince us that the 13 indictments aren't newsworthy because no one knows who George Santos is and no one cares.

Despite it being breaking news even on NewsMax. With even NewsMax anchors acknowledging how this story has legs and coverage will continue.

Your desperation to avoid the topic is coming off you in greasy sheets.
I don't care.... he is not my representative... if he is crooked I want him out even more than you do... can you say the same about yourself and Joe Biden?....
Laughing....dude, you've spent two pages trying to convince us that the 13 indictments aren't newsworthy because no one knows who George Santos is and no one cares.

Despite it being breaking news even on NewsMax. With even NewsMax anchors acknowledging how this story has legs and coverage will continue.

Your desperation to avoid the topic is coming off you in greasy sheets.
Hey, moron. Yes, sky, I’m addressing you, you cretin. There weren’t 13 indictments. There was one. It has 13 counts or charges.

Words have meaning even of that offends you and contradicts your ignorant and meager grasp of what those words do mean.
I don't care.... he is not my representative... if he is crooked I want him out even more than you do... can you say the same about yourself and Joe Biden?....

And this is where your break from reality comes in. You don't care. So, in your world, if you don't care....NO ONE cares.

That's not how reality works. You keep conflating your personal opinions and personal perspectives as defining objective reality for everyone. This bizarre MAGA obsession with feelings as doesn't serve you.

Its how you duped yourself into believing that no one knows who George Santos is or cares about his 13 indictments. Or any of the conspiracy horseshit you've swallowed.
Hey, moron. Yes, sky, I’m addressing you, you cretin. There weren’t 13 indictments. There was one. It has 13 counts or charges.

Words have meaning even of that offends you and contradicts your ignorant and meager grasp of what those words do mean.

Um, Back....that wasn't a reply to you.

You'll wait your turn. I'll get to your impotent rage and pseudo-legal gibberish when it suits me.
He has been the deciding vote in some instances. Like for House Speaker.

So he is hardly irrelevant. That's why McCarthy let him get away with shitting on his face.
He is irrelevant. I don’t care if he stays or goes. I also don’t care about the criminal charge against him. I don’t care if he’s convicted except that to whatever extent he’s truly guilt, I want Justice to be done.

Yes. He lies. I think he has a screw loose. Now let’s see you address the lies and the feeble-minded nature of our incumbent Potato.
And this is where your break from reality comes in. You don't care. So, in your world, if you don't care....NO ONE cares.

That's not how reality works. You keep conflating your personal opinions and personal perspectives as defining objective reality for everyone. This bizarre MAGA obsession with feelings as doesn't serve you.

Its how you duped yourself into believing that no one knows who George Santos is or cares about his 13 indictments. Or any of the conspiracy horseshit you've swallowed.
Santos is not my representative... but dirty Joe is our president... so aren't you the one breaking from reality?....
Um, Back....that wasn't a reply to you.

You'll wait your turn. I'll get to your impotent rage and pseudo-legal gibberish when it suits me.
I can reply to any of your dishonest and inaccurate posts skyturd. So take another big bite out of your own shot sandwich. Chew completely. Then choke on it. 👍

I’ll coo ok tinie to Poo t out your numerous errors of fact and logic when I wish.

One indictment, you ignorant twit. Just one. Not 13. You getting this, you retard? :abgg2q.jpg: :itsok:
I will.... first Biden will back out of the 24 race and he will watch as his family gets grilled by the IRS... and then he will watch his son go to prison.... Hunter will be poor and meth addicted by the end of this process....
Do you whack off to this wet dream every night?
He is irrelevant. I don’t care if he stays or goes. I also don’t care about the criminal charge against him. I don’t care if he’s convicted except that to whatever extent he’s truly guilt, I want Justice to be done.

Again, relevance isn't defined by what you 'care' about. That's not how objective reality work. Your emotions and feelings don't establish objective reality.

Back in the real world, George Santos and his federal fraud indictments are breaking news. First, because its yet ANOTHER republican indicted on fraud charges. Second, because the House GOP needs every last vote they can get. McCarthy addressed this issue directly....because its very relevant.

You can ignore all of this and pretend it doesn't exist. But who gives a shit? Its still breaking news and quite relevant, regardless of if you close your eyes.

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