Genital mutilation victims break their silence: 'This is demonic'


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Genital mutilation victims break their silence: 'This is demonic'
CDC says at least 500,000 females in U.S. have undergone genital mutilation, or are at risk of having it done.

Wonder how many nimrods actually think this is a conspiracy

JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE JUST POSTED THIS........ and this is where I am at on this post LOL

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Overstatement of what the CDC wrote. Quit being a hissy. There is no conspiracy. FGM can be made to seems 1/2 million women and girls are at rick, when in face LEO does it jobs magnficiently. How many actually have been affected? 2 or 22 or 222 or 2222 out of a half million. Tell the truth, MW, or I will.
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Why is there no concern for the genital mutilation of males, which is practically standard practice in the US?

I dunno, but I'll tell you what a long time ago I saw a baby getting circumsized and swore If I ever had a son he would never get that done to him.

That pain omg, and that poor baby screaming bloody murder.......

They say men who still haven't been circumsized have a totally different feeling when getting it on it suppose to be more sensitive to well I guess that little dance , you know mattress dancing.
Why is there no concern for the genital mutilation of males, which is practically standard practice in the US?

I dunno, but I'll tell you what a long time ago I saw a baby getting circumsized and swore If I ever had a son he would never get that done to him.

That pain omg, and that poor baby screaming bloody murder.......

They say men who still haven't been circumsized have a totally different feeling when getting it on it suppose to be more sensitive to well I guess that little dance , you know mattress dancing.
I'm just curious to see; if this female genital muilation issue gains traction; how that might spill over into the circumcision debate.
They say men who still haven't been circumsized have a totally different feeling when getting it on it suppose to be more sensitive to well I guess that little dance , you know mattress dancing.
I dont know of any studies but locker room talk is that uncircumcised guys tend to have premature conclusions, you know, "50 pump wonders".

Circumcision reduces the sensitivity of the male genitalia and prolongs performance. It also helps to protect against picking up an STD and giving it to others.
There is a huge difference between removing the hood over a clitoris vrs removing the entire clitoris.

The former is female circumcision while the latter is mutilation.
Male circumcision does not remove all feeling. Female circumcision does.

Removal of the penis completely removes all sensation which is why liberals support total genital removal. If the goal is gender neutrality, FGM dovetails nicely with liberal goals.
Genital mutilation victims break their silence: 'This is demonic'
CDC says at least 500,000 females in U.S. have undergone genital mutilation, or are at risk of having it done.

Wonder how many nimrods actually think this is a conspiracy
It's the Dawoodi Bohra sect

There are more than a million Bohras in the world, most of whom live in India. No one knows how many there are in the U.S., but it’s estimated there are about 25,000 and that they have about 20 mosques and gathering places.

Patwa, who is part of the activist group Speak Out on FGM, said that given its clandestine nature, it’s hard to estimate how many people perform female circumcisions in the U.S. But there are a small number in the Bohra community who are known by elders and tend to be clustered around large cities with Bohra mosques, she said.

When many Bohra girls are age 6 to 8, their parents approach — or are approached by — a “secret network” of female elders about getting the girls cut. There is then an informal vetting process to make sure a request is legitimate and not an attempt to expose any activities, Patwa said.
“Everybody knows somebody who has gotten their daughter cut ... but nobody wants to rat out their family members or friends,” she said.

A spokesman for the Syedna, the Bohras’ religious head in Mumbai, India, could not be reached for comment. The two men vying to succeed the Syedna, his half brother and the son of a former Syedna, have different views on female circumcision. The half brother says it is time to end the practice of female circumcision. The former Syedna’s son, whom most Bohras accept as their new leader, says the tradition must continue and notes that Bohra men are also circumcised.

“Men have to do it, and even women have to do it,” Syedna Muffadal Saifuddin said in a speech last year.
New Haven woman’s activism, doctor’s arrest highlight female circumcisions in US
Genital mutilation victims break their silence: 'This is demonic'
CDC says at least 500,000 females in U.S. have undergone genital mutilation, or are at risk of having it done.

Wonder how many nimrods actually think this is a conspiracy
It's the Dawoodi Bohra sect

There are more than a million Bohras in the world, most of whom live in India. No one knows how many there are in the U.S., but it’s estimated there are about 25,000 and that they have about 20 mosques and gathering places.

Patwa, who is part of the activist group Speak Out on FGM, said that given its clandestine nature, it’s hard to estimate how many people perform female circumcisions in the U.S. But there are a small number in the Bohra community who are known by elders and tend to be clustered around large cities with Bohra mosques, she said.

When many Bohra girls are age 6 to 8, their parents approach — or are approached by — a “secret network” of female elders about getting the girls cut. There is then an informal vetting process to make sure a request is legitimate and not an attempt to expose any activities, Patwa said.
“Everybody knows somebody who has gotten their daughter cut ... but nobody wants to rat out their family members or friends,” she said.

A spokesman for the Syedna, the Bohras’ religious head in Mumbai, India, could not be reached for comment. The two men vying to succeed the Syedna, his half brother and the son of a former Syedna, have different views on female circumcision. The half brother says it is time to end the practice of female circumcision. The former Syedna’s son, whom most Bohras accept as their new leader, says the tradition must continue and notes that Bohra men are also circumcised.

“Men have to do it, and even women have to do it,” Syedna Muffadal Saifuddin said in a speech last year.
New Haven woman’s activism, doctor’s arrest highlight female circumcisions in US

I think we should be careful to not engage in religious bigotry here. Just because you dont agree with their way of living does not give you the right to judge them....etc....etc....etc.

Why are feminists so quiet about this?
I think we should be careful to not engage in religious bigotry here. Just because you dont agree with their way of living does not give you the right to judge them....etc....etc....etc.

Has nothing to do with "religion" ---- nor did the post claim it did. This is a social construct. It has no religious function.

Why are feminists so quiet about this?

"Quiet"? :wtf:

You know who exposed this practice to the western world about 40 years ago?

Germaine Greer.

"Quiet", holy shit what a maroon. "If I haven't heard of it --- it doesn't exist". Arrogant fuck.
Genital mutilation victims break their silence: 'This is demonic'
CDC says at least 500,000 females in U.S. have undergone genital mutilation, or are at risk of having it done.

Wonder how many nimrods actually think this is a conspiracy
It's the Dawoodi Bohra sect

There are more than a million Bohras in the world, most of whom live in India. No one knows how many there are in the U.S., but it’s estimated there are about 25,000 and that they have about 20 mosques and gathering places.

Patwa, who is part of the activist group Speak Out on FGM, said that given its clandestine nature, it’s hard to estimate how many people perform female circumcisions in the U.S. But there are a small number in the Bohra community who are known by elders and tend to be clustered around large cities with Bohra mosques, she said.

When many Bohra girls are age 6 to 8, their parents approach — or are approached by — a “secret network” of female elders about getting the girls cut. There is then an informal vetting process to make sure a request is legitimate and not an attempt to expose any activities, Patwa said.
“Everybody knows somebody who has gotten their daughter cut ... but nobody wants to rat out their family members or friends,” she said.

A spokesman for the Syedna, the Bohras’ religious head in Mumbai, India, could not be reached for comment. The two men vying to succeed the Syedna, his half brother and the son of a former Syedna, have different views on female circumcision. The half brother says it is time to end the practice of female circumcision. The former Syedna’s son, whom most Bohras accept as their new leader, says the tradition must continue and notes that Bohra men are also circumcised.

“Men have to do it, and even women have to do it,” Syedna Muffadal Saifuddin said in a speech last year.
New Haven woman’s activism, doctor’s arrest highlight female circumcisions in US

I think we should be careful to not engage in religious bigotry here. Just because you dont agree with their way of living does not give you the right to judge them....etc....etc....etc.

Why are feminists so quiet about this?

Well this right here is the United States of 'Merica and just like they said in Reynolds:
... Laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious belief and opinions, they may with practices. Suppose one believed that human sacrifices were a necessary part of religious worship; would it be seriously contended that the civil government under which he lived could not interfere to prevent a sacrifice? Or if a wife religiously believed it was her duty to burn herself upon the funeral pile of her dead husband; would it be beyond the power of the civil government to prevent her carrying her belief into practice?

So here, as a law of the organization of society under the exclusive dominion of the United States, it is provided that plural marriages shall not be allowed. Can a man excuse his practices to the contrary because of his religious belief?

Page 98 U. S. 167

To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and, in effect, to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself. Government could exist only in name under such circumstances.

A criminal intent is generally an element of crime, but every man is presumed to intend the necessary and legitimate consequences of what he knowingly does. Here, the accused knew he had been once married, and that his first wife was living. He also knew that his second marriage was forbidden by law. When, therefore, he married the second time, he is presumed to have intended to break the law. And the breaking of the law is the crime. Every act necessary to constitute the crime was knowingly done, and the crime was therefore knowingly committed. Ignorance of a fact may sometimes be taken as evidence of a want of criminal intent, but not ignorance of the law. The only defence of the accused in this case is his belief that the law ought not to have been enacted. It matters not that his belief was a part of his professed religion; it was still belief, and belief only.
Reynolds v. United States 98 U.S. 145 (1878)

This being the United States we got a law. Bitches broke the law.

I don't know if they are being all that quiet. An article was run by a former editor of Mother Jones that had FGM preformed on her from the same sect. I posted this last night and it was the second thread posted here (Jake said). Everyone of these clowns need to be put in prison.
Genital mutilation victims break their silence: 'This is demonic'
CDC says at least 500,000 females in U.S. have undergone genital mutilation, or are at risk of having it done.

Wonder how many nimrods actually think this is a conspiracy
Liberals are leading us to this, they want us to accept this, those liberal morons like Bernie Sanders in three of his poor little ivory towers houses telling us how good being poor is whilst he lives well above the poverty line. But he condescends to tell he understands US? People he has nothing to do with? Feel the burn, Bernie.
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They say men who still haven't been circumsized have a totally different feeling when getting it on it suppose to be more sensitive to well I guess that little dance , you know mattress dancing.
I dont know of any studies but locker room talk is that uncircumcised guys tend to have premature conclusions, you know, "50 pump wonders".

Circumcision reduces the sensitivity of the male genitalia and prolongs performance. It also helps to protect against picking up an STD and giving it to others.

That's what they want us to believe, imagine men way before our time who never had that done. Keeping it clean etc. Prevents any of that occuring. Now STD's the risk are the same with it or without it.

Myth 2: It doesn't hurt the baby.

Reality check: Wrong. In 1997, doctors in Canada did a study to see what type of anesthesia was most effective in relieving the pain of circumcision. As with any study, they needed a control group that received no anesthesia. The doctors quickly realized that the babies who were not anesthetized were in so much pain that it would be unethical to continue with the study. Even the best commonly available method of pain relief studied, the dorsal penile nerve block, did not block all the babies' pain. Some of the babies in the study were in such pain that they began choking and one even had a seizure (Lander 1997).

Myth 3: My doctor uses anesthesia.

Reality check: Not necessarily. Most newborns do not receive adequate anesthesia. Only 45% of doctors who do circumcisions use any anesthesia at all. Obstetricians perform 70% of circumcisions and are least likely to use anesthesia - only 25% do. The most common reasons why they don't? They didn't think the procedure warranted it, and it takes too long (Stang 1998). A circumcision with adequate anesthesia takes a half-hour - if they brought your baby back sooner, he was in severe pain during the surgery.

Myth 4: Even if it is painful, the baby won't remember it.

Myths about Circumcision You Likely Believe
Male circumcision does not remove all feeling. Female circumcision does.
How does removing the hood over the clitoris remove all feeling?
Because it is not the hood that is removed but the entire clitoris.
No, it is not.
From the OP article:
The Bohras do this, she said, by cutting the hood — or tip — off of the clitoris, which was done to her. Today, she said, the Bohras are changing their story about why they practice genital cutting, claiming the ritual is for cleanliness and religious reasons.
There is a huge difference between removing the hood over a clitoris vrs removing the entire clitoris.

The former is female circumcision while the latter is mutilation.

Check this out should we be shocked of course not lol

Reality check: Actually, world-wide, only 30% of men are circumcised, and most of these men are Muslim (WHO 2007). Most modern, Westernized countries have rates well below 20%. In the United States about 25 years ago, around 85% of babies were circumcised. The rates have dropped substantially to 32% in 2009, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control (El Becheraoui 2010).
Genital mutilation victims break their silence: 'This is demonic'
CDC says at least 500,000 females in U.S. have undergone genital mutilation, or are at risk of having it done.

Wonder how many nimrods actually think this is a conspiracy

I do understand your question- since you normally post idiotic Conspiracy Crap- I can see how you might assume that people will assume that every thread of yours is just more Konspiracy Krap.

Even a broken clock gets it right twice a day.

Female Genital mutilation is a scourge- and I look forward to the prosecution of those parents and doctors who participate in it in the United States.

I wish that Trump had not proposed cutting funding for the U.N. agency that was fighting FGM- this should be addressed all around the world.

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