General Strike, a very real possibility

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

They will get all back pay owed to them.

You're not very bright, or too biased to give a damn & consider all of the consquences: Miss a car payment, miss a home payment, miss a due date on the credit card? All have a costs associated with missing a due date; one or more penalties for late payments also include a big dip in the consumer's credit score.

They better start calling the Dem Congressional hostage takers.
Isn't your tiny trump proud of his shutdown? Aren't you proud of your orange messiah's shutdown?

You sure seem fascinated with Trump's size. I mean you can't hardly mention his name without some reference to his genitalia and the size of said genitalia. It's disturbing.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.
All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

If government workers strike that would be the best thing for our country, because then Trump could IMMEDIATELY fire them for refusing to return to work, just as Reagan did with the air traffic controllers.

Of course we realize that being mentally ill wastrels, liberals would sue but it wouldn't matter, it's plainly obvious that the President can sue federal civil service employees outright if they refuse to go to work.

But nobody has to work without pay.

I don't agree with making them work with delayed paychecks either, but these stupid shut downs happen all the time, and these people never went on strike in the past, why is only now with the bad orange man in the White House that people who buy the way have not a of yet missed one paycheck are talking about striking?

If I were Trump , if they strike not only would fire them if they refused an order to return to work, I would prosecute them for violating the Hatch Act, because it is plainly obvious that this is a political statement.

How does the Hatch Act fit with sec. 7 & 8 of the National Labor and Relations Act?

"The NLRA makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an employee because of that employees union activities or affiliation. Also, employers cannot threaten or coerce employees for engaging in union activity nor can they make promises to employees in exchange for their not engaging in union activities. For other acts that violate the NLRA, click here."

What? You can't define violating the law a "union activity" , I would hope we can both agree that civil service employees should be completely silent as to their political stances. I mean Imagine if you went to the IRS because you were being audited and the agent auditing you said "Oh, you're a liberal. Well prepare thy anus for this audit" that wouldn't be appropriate.

Neither is protesting what is sadly a normal state of affairs (IE a government shutdown) simply because it's Trump. You know that's the major reason they are talking about striking. Every one of those assholes lived through the Obama era shut down just fine, and they will survive this one too. Difference is, there was no talk of a strike when it was Obama.

The ONLY reason for talk of strike now is because it has become fashionable to protest Trump by all means necessary, and that is fine for private citizens but civil service employees should not be taking sides. That's the entire point of the Hatch Act.

I ask that you be reasonable and look beyond that you hate Trump and enjoy seeing him "got" by any means necessary and instead think about what the facts are. And those facts are that civil service employees should not be taking part in action designed to make a political statement.

Grow up and a knock of your sanctimonious crap. Then, consider and respond to post #8 above.

In it I wrote: Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Working under these conditions is not a "political statement" and focus on the bold last sentence, wherein I didn't claim Trump has violated a rule, reg or law.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.
All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

On the other hand, anyone realize that 25% of the government is shut down and it really hasn't affected their lives at all? This might be evidence to suggest that we have 25% too much government
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.
So you are withholding peoples paychecks in order to prevent Trump from getting a win? Thats pretty despicable.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.

Did you call it blackmail and extortion when Obama shut down the government over the ACA? If the answer is no, and I strongly suspect it is, then shut the fuck up.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.

So you are withholding peoples paychecks in order to prevent Trump from getting a win? Thats pretty despicable.

You're very stupid, but that goes with your love for Trump. I don't withhold anyone's paycheck, and you seem to lack the basic skills of cognition.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.

Did you call it blackmail and extortion when Obama shut down the government over the ACA? If the answer is no, and I strongly suspect it is, then shut the fuck up.

Obama didn't shut down the government, and you ought to STFU until you research the issues you so smugly post.

A little history first:

Government shutdowns in the United States - Wikipedia

Grow up!
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.

So you are withholding peoples paychecks in order to prevent Trump from getting a win? Thats pretty despicable.

You're very stupid, but that goes with your love for Trump. I don't withhold anyone's paycheck, and you seem to lack the basic skills of cognition.
Why are you so scared to address the fact that dems are withholding federal paychecks just so Trump doesnt get a win?
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.
Democrats threw the employees under the bus in favor of illegal aliens
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Well all your Dems need to do is approve $5 billion for the border. They would rather aid illegals than pay federal workers.
I dispute your assumption that Federal Employees are American Workers. Except for truly essential services (military, courts)...they are parasites who feed on real American Workers.

In other news, manufacturing job growth for Real American Workers is soaring in the Trump Era.
i never fed on anyone....i went out there even in fucking pouring rain to deliver peoples mail,even though i would get yelled at because someones mail got wet...

The Post Office now basically serves as a taxpayer subsidized delivery arm of Amazon. It's not what it was when you were working.
i was there when Amazon started.....and were does it takes tax payer money?.........

This is from an article behind the firewall on WSJ.:

A Treasury-led task force is proposing that the U.S. Postal Service charge more for certain package deliveries, going after Inc. and other online retailers that President Trump has said benefit at the post office’s expense.

The Postal Service hasn’t priced package deliveries with profitability in mind, according to the task force’s report released Tuesday. It said the agency should be able to charge market-based prices for mail and package items that aren’t deemed essential services. The report, requested by Mr. Trump in April, recommended raising prices for many types of commercial package deliveries, a growing business for the Postal Service.


Also, the Postal Service is already planning to hit Amazon, FedEx and UPS with significant price increases. The agency has received approval to raise prices on its Parcel Select service between 9.3% and 12.3%, starting early next year. Under that service, large shippers sort packages themselves and deposit them directly into the Postal Service for home delivery.

Tuesday’s report didn’t provide details on how much more USPS should be charging customers. It recommends rethinking the definition of what qualifies for the Postal Service’s so-called universal-service obligation, a legal requirement that it deliver everywhere in the U.S. Senior administration officials on Tuesday made clear that strictly commercial packages—as well as commercial mail such as catalogs—shouldn’t be covered by universal service.

That would mean those services wouldn’t be covered by government protections such as price caps. But administration officials insisted that any solutions shouldn’t disadvantage rural areas by treating them differently from urban areas.

Many of the report’s recommendations could be implemented by the Postal Service’s existing leadership, senior administration officials said. Those changes “would affect the entire e-commerce market,” one administration official said.

The USPS was reviewing the recommendations and will take “all appropriate actions within our control” to fulfil its mission of providing fast and reliable service to all American businesses and consumers, Postmaster General Megan Brennan said in a statement.

The American Postal Workers Union sharply criticized the report. APWU President Mark Dimondstein said the recommendations would slash universal service, reduce delivery days and “hurt business and individuals alike.”

USPS leaders have long advocated for greater leeway in setting some rates, including on so-called market-dominant products like first-class mail where it has a virtual monopoly. The agency and some big businesses have also called for a legislative overhaul that would change how it accounts for USPS retirees’ future health benefits, a calculation that makes up the bulk of annual losses.

The report rejects the idea of scaling back the Postal Service’s obligation to pre-fund its huge retiree health liabilities. “The Task Force does not believe that this general policy should change or that the liability for USPS retiree health benefits should be shifted to the taxpayers,” the report says.

Art Sackler, manager of the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, which represents companies and other groups that rely on the postal system, said any proposal must address overhauling the pre-funding of retiree health benefits. “The existing mail and packaging price caps remain fully functional if retiree health pre-funding is adequately addressed through bipartisan legislation that enjoys broad stakeholder support,” he said.

The Treasury-led study also generally steers clear of privatization, and plays down the idea of allowing the Postal Service to get into banking-type services, given its “narrow expertise and capital limitations.”

The Postal Service faces significant financial challenges. It has been losing money for more than a decade and is on an unsustainable path, the report says. The USPS is forecast to lose tens of billions of dollars over the next decade and currently has $89 billion in liabilities versus $27 billion in assets, for a net deficit of $62 billion.

Revenue has been declining in the shift toward digital correspondence. Many officials worry that a taxpayer-funded bailout will be required without action.

Postal Service Review Proposes Sweeping Changes Likely to Hit Amazon
all that is telling me is they should let the people who they pay to run the place run it without govt micromanaging....nothing like people who know very little of the goings on in the business telling those that actually run the place,what they can and cant do....

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm actually saying that the USPS is a giant mess. The private sector can provide services much more cost effectively without a giant government pension liability.
It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

They will get all back pay owed to them.

You're not very bright, or too biased to give a damn & consider all of the consquences: Miss a car payment, miss a home payment, miss a due date on the credit card? All have a costs associated with missing a due date; one or more penalties for late payments also include a big dip in the consumer's credit score.

They better start calling the Dem Congressional hostage takers.
Isn't your tiny trump proud of his shutdown? Aren't you proud of your orange messiah's shutdown?

Democraps are despicable vermin responsible for the shutdown.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

The Feds spend $4T per year. The Dems are holding a small ratio of Federal Employees hostage for a mere $5.6B.

Trump can get a lot of mileage from well as the fact that the shutdown has absolutely ZERO impact on those of us who pay all of the taxes to support this massive bloated monstrosity in the first place.

You truly are ignorant, and I'm beginning to suspect your ignorance is not willful. If you can, think about those taxpayers who you claim have not been inconvenienced by Trump's behavior.

How about that sandwich shop on the corner opposite a Federal Building which is usually full of customers from 1130 to 1330 every work day? How about the Bar & Grill usually crowded for lunch and at happy hour, the Coffee Shops, pastry shops, donuts and bagel purveyors all in walking distance to Fed. Workers?

How about Federal Employee who reside in the suburbs where they by goods and services, attend movies, two and three star restaurants, fast food and take out too.

How about the Democrats quit being fuckheads and pay those people?
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.

So you are withholding peoples paychecks in order to prevent Trump from getting a win? Thats pretty despicable.

You're very stupid, but that goes with your love for Trump. I don't withhold anyone's paycheck, and you seem to lack the basic skills of cognition.

Why are you so scared to address the fact that dems are withholding federal paychecks just so Trump doesnt get a win?

I'm not scared, I won't address a false narrative, as if it is credible. Why won't you address this:

Are you in denial?
Are you a damn liar?
Are you a fool?
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

The Feds spend $4T per year. The Dems are holding a small ratio of Federal Employees hostage for a mere $5.6B.

Trump can get a lot of mileage from well as the fact that the shutdown has absolutely ZERO impact on those of us who pay all of the taxes to support this massive bloated monstrosity in the first place.

You truly are ignorant, and I'm beginning to suspect your ignorance is not willful. If you can, think about those taxpayers who you claim have not been inconvenienced by Trump's behavior.

How about that sandwich shop on the corner opposite a Federal Building which is usually full of customers from 1130 to 1330 every work day? How about the Bar & Grill usually crowded for lunch and at happy hour, the Coffee Shops, pastry shops, donuts and bagel purveyors all in walking distance to Fed. Workers?

How about Federal Employee who reside in the suburbs where they by goods and services, attend movies, two and three star restaurants, fast food and take out too.

How about the Democrats quit being fuckheads and pay those people?

Idiot-Gram ^^^ How about the Mexican Government pay for the Wall? Trump promised, he wouldn't lie, would he?
Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

They will get all back pay owed to them.

You're not very bright, or too biased to give a damn & consider all of the consquences: Miss a car payment, miss a home payment, miss a due date on the credit card? All have a costs associated with missing a due date; one or more penalties for late payments also include a big dip in the consumer's credit score.

They better start calling the Dem Congressional hostage takers.

Isn't your tiny trump proud of his shutdown? Aren't you proud of your orange messiah's shutdown?

Democraps are despicable vermin responsible for the shutdown.

Serious question: Did you quit school before high school?
All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.

So you are withholding peoples paychecks in order to prevent Trump from getting a win? Thats pretty despicable.

You're very stupid, but that goes with your love for Trump. I don't withhold anyone's paycheck, and you seem to lack the basic skills of cognition.

Why are you so scared to address the fact that dems are withholding federal paychecks just so Trump doesnt get a win?

I'm not scared, I won't address a false narrative, as if it is credible. Why won't you address this:

Are you in denial?
Are you a damn liar?
Are you a fool?

Do you have any videos of democrats also taking responsibility for the shutdown, or are there no honest people on the left?

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