Gen. Flynn case about to blow up in Dimwinger's faces.

For reasons I have aLready given
He lied to the FBI. That's a crime.

The FBI agents involved said in their reports that he did NOT lie.

And further investigation determined that he DID lie.

Is that why the FBI admitted it lied about Flynn’s 302?

The ones that lied were the Obama freaks in the FBI railroading this guy.

Facts have no affect on Bulldog, Faun and the like.
Totally impervious to facts.

You act as if convincing me will change the reality of the situation. It won't. Flynn is guilty, and he will still be guilty even if I believed all the crap you are spouting. The fact is that no amount of whining from you will change anything.
You are obviously too angry to think clearly on this subject

He must always be too angry.
I've never witnessed anything rational coming from him.
When speaking of this disaster in our WH how can one be rational now? It's been tried and those repubs with heads hard as rocks refuse to see the forest for the trees

The President has been spectacular
Against all odds
Against all resistance.
Against faggot fucking faggot fuckers like you working 24/7/365 to undermine him.

That is what rational people see.
Maybe rational people see this president politically bashing and using his position as President of the country, to divide and bully near half the country, from the day he took office.... And all you are really seeing are countrymen standing up to the asshole bully?

You know what, if he really was like you say, he would use the surveillance capabilities that he has under his control now
I mean how hard would it be to track people like you, through social media, Alexa, etc...………….
Then permanently imprison or eliminate ya'll.
That's what I would do.
That may just be me -
You should really hope that I don't get elected.

I'm pretty sure that isn't something to lose any sleep over.
You don't have to agree for it to be true.
Nor do you

Agreed. There is just one set of facts, and it doesn't depend on what anybody believes. The fact is that Flynn lied and was convicted of it.
Stalins right hand man once said

“Show me the man and I will find the crime”

a lesson the Deep State has taken to heart
I'm sorry for your paranoia problems.
Like the man said, if they really are out to get you it aint paranoia

And the Deep State will crush anyone that gets in its way

Right, and unicorns fart rainbows.
And further investigation determined that he DID lie.

Is that why the FBI admitted it lied about Flynn’s 302?

The ones that lied were the Obama freaks in the FBI railroading this guy.
What was the lie on the 302?

Everything, it was fabricated. They couldn’t even get their story on who took the notes. The notes were written in a manner not consistent with an interview dialogue.
That is simply not true. :rolleyes:
Uh-huh. Click your heels three times, and repeat “that’s simply not true, that’s simply not true, that’s simply not true..”

Don't you think you would be better off telling the judge instead of whining about it on the internet?
The Michael Flynn smoking gun: FBI headquarters altered interview summary

Having proudly served in the FBI for 25 years, I bristled at insulting accusations of an onerous deep state conspiracy. Some obvious mistakes made during the investigation of the Trump campaign were quite possibly the result of two ham-handedly overzealous FBI headquarters denizens, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, clumsily seeking to impress each other with ever-increasing levels of loathing for then-candidate Donald Trump.

FBI employees are entitled to their own political views. But senior-level decision-makers who express them on government devices, while overseeing a supremely consequential investigation into a political campaign, simply do not possess the requisite judgment and temperament for the job.

Their stunning text message exchanges and talk of an onerous “insurance policy” in the event Trump were to win prove how ill-suited they were for their positions in James Comey’s cabinet. What other steps might they have taken that have yet to be discovered? The inspector general is soon set to release a report into FBI actions in the effort to surveil the Trump campaign. Attorney General Bill Barr’s Justice Department is conducting its own review, and U.S. Attorney John Durham recently expanded his investigation into the case as well, by converting the review into a full-blown criminal investigation. Barr has faced backlash from critics of his investigation, who ironically have referred to it as a witch hunt.

But as we anxiously await the expected reports, there recently appeared some fairly explosive allegations into potential investigator misconduct that have not received the attention they deserve. With her filing of a blistering Motion to Compel against federal prosecutors in the Michael Flynn case just made public, Sidney Powell has upended my adherence to Hanlon’s Razor. Powell is the attorney for former national security adviser and retired Army Lt. Gen. Flynn, who pled guilty to one count of lying to FBI agents during the special counsel investigation. Powell’s motion seeks to unravel a case many feel was biased from its inception.

One of the most damning charges contained within Powell’s 37-page court brief is that Page, the DOJ lawyer assigned to the office of then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, may have materially altered Flynn’s interview FD-302, which was drafted by Strzok. FBI agents transfer handwritten interview notes onto a formal testimonial document, FD-302, within five days of conducting an interview, while recollections are still fresh.

It is unheard of for someone not actually on the interview itself to materially alter an FD-302. As an FBI agent, no one in my chain of command ever directed me to alter consequential wording. And as a longtime FBI supervisor, I never ever directed an agent to recollect something different from what they discerned during an interview. Returning a 302 for errors in grammar, punctuation, or syntax is appropriate. This occurs before the document is ultimately uploaded to a particular file, conjoined with the original interview notes which are safely secured inside a 1-A envelope, and secured as part of evidence at trial.

With this in mind, this related text message exchange from Strzok to Page dated Feb. 10, 2017, nauseated me:

"I made your edits and sent them to Joe. I also emailed you an updated 302. I’m not asking you to edit it this weekend, I just wanted to send it to you."
Powell charges that Page directed Strzok to alter his Flynn interview 302. As in most instances in life, words matter. The change in wording was instrumental in moving Flynn from a target to a subject. One recalls how critical wording was in the FBI’s decision not to argue that DOJ charge Hillary Clinton with a crime in the private email server investigation. Comey elected not to use “gross negligence” to characterize Clinton's actions — which would have been the required language in the mishandling of classified information statute — and instead settled upon the more benign and non-indictable “extreme carelessness."

Later, it was determined that none other than Strzok was the impetus behind the recrafting of Comey’s words.

Powell’s motion requests that Flynn’s case be dismissed. Central to this appeal are details surrounding Flynn’s first interview by the FBI on Jan. 24, 2017. Recall also how Comey famously told NBC’s Nicolle Wallace, in front of an audience, that Flynn was visited by FBI agents at the White House in chaotic early days of Trump transition because, in Comey’s words, “I sent them.”

Comey received warm laughter for his quip from an appreciative audience, reveled in the adulation, and further elaborated, providing this shockingly partisan move:

"Something we've — I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation — a more organized administration. In the George W. Bush administration, for example, or the Obama administration. The protocol, two men that all of us perhaps have increased appreciation for over the last two years. And in both those administrations there was process. And so, if the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House Counsel and there'd be discussions and approvals and it would be there. And I thought, it's early enough, let's just send a couple of guys over. And so, we placed a call to Flynn, said, hey, we're sending a couple of guys over. Hope you'll talk to them. He said, sure. Nobody else was there. They interviewed him in a conference room in the Situation Room, and he lied to them. And that’s what he’s now pled guilty to."
So, did an accomplished 3-star general actually misrepresent the truth? Or, was his recollection of events later spun to be a mendacious accounting by overzealous investigators who followed their boss’s lead, while circumventing established protocol in an ambush-style interview? What apparently followed was a “tweaking” of the accounting to ensure Flynn be charged with Title 18 USC § 1001 – something I have long argued was never charged by any U.S. Attorney’s Office during my time serving in the FBI unless we wanted to threaten it and employ as leverage.

Setting aside valid arguments that the FBI acted inappropriately — treating the Trump White House differently than they would have treated Bush’s or Obama’s, as the hubristic Comey proudly admits — Powell’s charges of egregious government misconduct are certainly deserving of the court’s consideration. The withholding of clearly exculpatory material related to revelations that “important substantive changes were made to the Flynn 302” may well be central to the findings of Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Durham, as well.​
Is that why the FBI admitted it lied about Flynn’s 302?
The ones that lied were the Obama freaks in the FBI railroading this guy.
What was the lie on the 302?
Lol, will you actually read the answer or just go back into your hiding hole?

FBI Agents Manipulated Flynn 302 Interview. His Case Must Be Dismissed. It Was A Setup.
The most significant evidence against the FBI validated in Powell’s brief was the circumstances surrounding Flynn’s first interview with the FBI on Jan. 24, 2017 and the manipulation of the interview report, known as a 302, from that interview. The interview was conducted by now fired FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, whose texts messages later revealed he was vehemently anti-Trump and current FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka, who has never spoken publicly on the matter. In December, 2017 this reporter revealed that it was Strzok who had interviewed Flynn and that the interview itself was a set-up.

Powell noted that “on February 10, 2017, the news broke—attributed to ‘senior intelligence officials’—that Mr. Flynn had discussed sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, contrary to what Vice President Pence had said on television previously.”

Then, according to documents, “overnight, the most important substantive changes were made to the Flynn 302.”

“Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘FLYNN stated he did not’—in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote. This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on this issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

On Feb. 13, 2017 Flynn resigned as National Security Advisor.....

The interview regarded Flynn’s conversation with with then Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, which occurred in December, 2016, as previously published by this reporter. His private conversation was being monitored by the FBI, which had a FISA warrant on the Russian ambassador. The contents of conversation, from highly classified transcripts, were leaked to David Ignatius with the Washington Post, and he published the story in early January.

Powell reveals in her filing that she has requested the records of FBI spy Stefan Halper, who worked as a contractor for the Pentagon Office of Net Assessment (ONA) and director James Baker. Halper, who is a professor had and spied on several of Trump’s campaign aids, may have information.

According to Powell “ONA Director Baker regular lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius.Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius.”

Flynn Was Tricked
Flynn was also tricked into the interview with the FBI. It’s no exaggeration. Former FBI Director James Comey admitted it whole heartedly with a smile on his face and a satisfaction that comes from a man who truly is a narcissist. Flynn’s interview with Strzok and Pientka occurred at a chaotic time when the Trump White House was still settling in and very disorganized, as Comey suggested in an interview.

Interestingly, Comey admitted to Congress later during a hearing that the agents at the time didn’t believe that Flynn lied in his interview. None of it mattered. They were setting him up. They already had the transcripts of his phone conversations but chose not to tell him, hoping they’d trip him up in the interview. When they couldn’t trip him up, somebody manipulated the 302 report of their interview with him. Even though they had no evidence Flynn had lied, they didn’t care. The prosecutors and FBI have the power of the purse and the ability to threaten and strong arm those they want to prosecute. That’s what they did.

The prosecutors threatened that they would drag his son Michael Flynn Jr., whose wife had just given birth to their first child, into a major legal mess, several sources with direct knowledge told me. Further, Flynn had already paid his previously high priced attorneys an substantial amount of money and his finances were depleted. He eventually had to sell his home and ended up spending more than $1 million for his defense that has left him in debt....

In her brief Powell reveals that the FBI has never granted access to the original 302. She also lists serious discrepancies with the 302 that was submitted by the agents, text messages that reveal the 302 was more than likely altered and more importantly the revelation that numerous text messages between Strzok and his paramour FBI lawyer Lisa Page have still not been released by the FBI or Justice Department. Page worked directly for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. McCabe is currently under a criminal probe.

“This was the most important interview the FBI did—carefully orchestrated by the Director (James Comey) and Deputy Director (McCabe) after many internal discussions, and extensive meeting of the upper crust of the FBI for no valid purpose,” Powell’s brief states. “The original 302 is not ‘missing.’ If the government will not produce it, it could only have been deliberately destroyed, and this prosecution should be dismissed on that basis alone.”

Powell alleges that the manipulation of the 302s by FBI officials is compounded by evidence in text messages between Strzok and Page and the actual notes taken by the agents the day that they met with Flynn at the White House. Her argument suggests Flynn was framed from the onset.

Powell also notes in reference to the 302 that agents added: “or if Kislyak described any Russian response to a request by Flynn.”

That question and answer does not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense,” Powell wrote. “The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

The FBI agents who did this should be executed by firing squad.
And further investigation determined that he DID lie.

Is that why the FBI admitted it lied about Flynn’s 302?

The ones that lied were the Obama freaks in the FBI railroading this guy.
What was the lie on the 302?

Everything, it was fabricated. They couldn’t even get their story on who took the notes. The notes were written in a manner not consistent with an interview dialogue.
That is simply not true. :rolleyes:
Uh-huh. Click your heels three times, and repeat “that’s simply not true, that’s simply not true, that’s simply not true..”
well, it is not true... so what else can I say to someone who does not even know that....? when all the facts, are at your fingertips?

Flynn lied about talking to the Ambassador about the new sanctions put on them by Obama that day. They do have him on tape, doing just that... he lied about other conversations with the Ambassador as well, of which they also have on tape, and he lied to Pence and Preibus, who then passed that lie, on to the American people....

And he swore, under oath, that he did lie to the official investigators....

Signed, sealed and delivered.... he did lie.

what i wanna know IS, WHY?
Comey, Clapper, Strzok................their manipulation and tampering with evidence and testimony is about to get exposed.

An explosive new court filing from Michael Flynn’s legal team alleges that FBI agents manipulated official records of the former national security adviser’s 2017 interview that led to him being charged with lying to investigators. It's Flynn's lawyers latest attempt to get the case thrown out.

Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney, filed a 37-page motion on Thursday, outlining several big allegations, once again requesting the government produce all evidence as it relates to Flynn — urging the court to “dismiss the entire prosecution for outrageous government misconduct” and hold the prosecutors in contempt.


The entire case stemmed from that FBI interview where Flynn was asked about his conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn ultimately pleaded guilty to making false statements regarding those conversations during his interview, as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

But as his legal team goes on offense in the long-running and still unresolved court proceedings, Powell alleged that FBI officials manipulated Flynn’s FBI 302 — a form used by agents to report or summarize interviews. It's not clear who may have done the alleged editing, though ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok was involved in the original interview.

“Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘Flynn stated he did not’ — in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote [on sanctions],” Powell wrote. “This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on the issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

Powell also alleged that agents added: “or if Kislyak described any Russian response to a request by Flynn.”

“That question and answer does not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense,” Powell wrote. “The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

Powell also raised concerns about text messages between Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page days following the publication of the salacious anti-Trump dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through law firm Perkins Coie.

As the coverage of the dossier spread in the media, the filing said, "Strzok wrote to Page: ‘Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out…We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we can use it as a pretext to go interview some people.’”

“In the next two weeks, there were ‘many meetings’ between Strzok and [former Deputy FBI Director Andrew] McCabe to discuss ‘whether to interview National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and if so, what interview strategies to use,’” the document continued.

Powell alleged that on Jan. 23, 2017 – the day before the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House – “the upper echelon of the FBI met to orchestrate” strategies that would have Flynn talk “in such a way as to keep from alerting him from understanding that he was being interviewed in a criminal investigation of which he was the target.”

“In short, they planned to deceive him about the entire scenario, and keep him ‘unguarded,’” Powell claimed.

Powell went on to allege that, at former FBI Director James Comey’s direction, McCabe “personally called Flynn to pave the way for the uncounseled conversation.”

While saying "Comey and McCabe were executing their own agenda—not investigating a crime," she continued to claim the government is hiding evidence "of the original 302, other exculpatory texts, and other forms of information completely.”

Whether the combative filings will persuade the court in a case where Flynn has already pleaded guilty remains to be seen.

Prosecutors have strongly rejected claims they're hiding evidence, saying "the government has exceeded its discovery and disclosure obligations in this matter," including by providing Flynn with thousands of pages of documents.

Federal prosecutors earlier this month called the defense's filings a “fishing expedition.”

“Since the beginning of their involvement, the defendant’s new counsel, have sought to get the charges dropped, professed their client’s actual innocence, and perpetuated conspiracy theories, all while stating that the defendant does not intend to withdraw his guilty plea,” they wrote.

But Powell is also hammering the FBI and DOJ over media leaks, citing a text message from Strzok to Page in April 2017: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”

Powell also referenced a purported conversation between former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, claiming Clapper told the reporter “words to the effect of 'take the kill shot on Flynn,'” after he reportedly obtained the transcript of Flynn’s phone calls.

A spokesman for Clapper, though, told Fox News that he "absolutely did not say those words to David Ignatius."

"It's absolutely false," the spokesman said. "It's absurd."

Ignatius did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell also claims that the official who leaked the transcripts of the calls to Ignatius was a Pentagon official who was Stefan Halper’s “handler.”

Halper, an American professor, has been widely reported as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Halper, in 2016, contacted several members of the Trump campaign including former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and former aides Carter Page and Sam Clovis.

“The evidence the defense requests will eviscerate any factual basis for the plea and reveal the conduct so outrageous—if there is not enough already—to mandate dismissal of this prosecution for egregious government misconduct,” Powell wrote.

Also in the filing, Powell referenced U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras, who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea just days before he was “suddenly and inexplicably recused.”

Fox News reported last year that Contreras and Strzok had a personal relationship, according to text messages obtained.

“The government knew that well in advance of Mr. Flynn’s plea that Judge Contreras was a friend of Peter Strzok and his recusal was even discussed in an exchange of multiple texts,” Powell wrote, referencing text messages between Strzok and Page where they discussed Strzok and Contreras speaking “in detail” on anything “meaningful enough to warrant recusal.”

Representatives for Strzok and Page did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell’s filing is just the latest in a series of motions brought to the court on behalf of Flynn. Last week, Powell demanded federal prosecutors turn over two cellphones used by Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, whose role in the Trump-Russia investigation has long been shrouded in mystery.

Powell’s defense of Flynn has caused an escalating battle with the government, with Flynn’s sentencing still up in the air for his guilty plea. The government said in late August that the case was ready for sentencing, after months of delay. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan has set a Dec. 18 sentencing date, though it’s unclear whether it could be pushed off again.

FBI agents manipulated Flynn file, as Clapper allegedly urged ‘kill shot’: court filing
So, I heard he's about to get prison time. Is that "blowing up"?
Comey, Clapper, Strzok................their manipulation and tampering with evidence and testimony is about to get exposed.

An explosive new court filing from Michael Flynn’s legal team alleges that FBI agents manipulated official records of the former national security adviser’s 2017 interview that led to him being charged with lying to investigators. It's Flynn's lawyers latest attempt to get the case thrown out.

Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney, filed a 37-page motion on Thursday, outlining several big allegations, once again requesting the government produce all evidence as it relates to Flynn — urging the court to “dismiss the entire prosecution for outrageous government misconduct” and hold the prosecutors in contempt.


The entire case stemmed from that FBI interview where Flynn was asked about his conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn ultimately pleaded guilty to making false statements regarding those conversations during his interview, as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

But as his legal team goes on offense in the long-running and still unresolved court proceedings, Powell alleged that FBI officials manipulated Flynn’s FBI 302 — a form used by agents to report or summarize interviews. It's not clear who may have done the alleged editing, though ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok was involved in the original interview.

“Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘Flynn stated he did not’ — in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote [on sanctions],” Powell wrote. “This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on the issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

Powell also alleged that agents added: “or if Kislyak described any Russian response to a request by Flynn.”

“That question and answer does not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense,” Powell wrote. “The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

Powell also raised concerns about text messages between Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page days following the publication of the salacious anti-Trump dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through law firm Perkins Coie.

As the coverage of the dossier spread in the media, the filing said, "Strzok wrote to Page: ‘Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out…We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we can use it as a pretext to go interview some people.’”

“In the next two weeks, there were ‘many meetings’ between Strzok and [former Deputy FBI Director Andrew] McCabe to discuss ‘whether to interview National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and if so, what interview strategies to use,’” the document continued.

Powell alleged that on Jan. 23, 2017 – the day before the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House – “the upper echelon of the FBI met to orchestrate” strategies that would have Flynn talk “in such a way as to keep from alerting him from understanding that he was being interviewed in a criminal investigation of which he was the target.”

“In short, they planned to deceive him about the entire scenario, and keep him ‘unguarded,’” Powell claimed.

Powell went on to allege that, at former FBI Director James Comey’s direction, McCabe “personally called Flynn to pave the way for the uncounseled conversation.”

While saying "Comey and McCabe were executing their own agenda—not investigating a crime," she continued to claim the government is hiding evidence "of the original 302, other exculpatory texts, and other forms of information completely.”

Whether the combative filings will persuade the court in a case where Flynn has already pleaded guilty remains to be seen.

Prosecutors have strongly rejected claims they're hiding evidence, saying "the government has exceeded its discovery and disclosure obligations in this matter," including by providing Flynn with thousands of pages of documents.

Federal prosecutors earlier this month called the defense's filings a “fishing expedition.”

“Since the beginning of their involvement, the defendant’s new counsel, have sought to get the charges dropped, professed their client’s actual innocence, and perpetuated conspiracy theories, all while stating that the defendant does not intend to withdraw his guilty plea,” they wrote.

But Powell is also hammering the FBI and DOJ over media leaks, citing a text message from Strzok to Page in April 2017: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”

Powell also referenced a purported conversation between former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, claiming Clapper told the reporter “words to the effect of 'take the kill shot on Flynn,'” after he reportedly obtained the transcript of Flynn’s phone calls.

A spokesman for Clapper, though, told Fox News that he "absolutely did not say those words to David Ignatius."

"It's absolutely false," the spokesman said. "It's absurd."

Ignatius did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell also claims that the official who leaked the transcripts of the calls to Ignatius was a Pentagon official who was Stefan Halper’s “handler.”

Halper, an American professor, has been widely reported as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Halper, in 2016, contacted several members of the Trump campaign including former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and former aides Carter Page and Sam Clovis.

“The evidence the defense requests will eviscerate any factual basis for the plea and reveal the conduct so outrageous—if there is not enough already—to mandate dismissal of this prosecution for egregious government misconduct,” Powell wrote.

Also in the filing, Powell referenced U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras, who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea just days before he was “suddenly and inexplicably recused.”

Fox News reported last year that Contreras and Strzok had a personal relationship, according to text messages obtained.

“The government knew that well in advance of Mr. Flynn’s plea that Judge Contreras was a friend of Peter Strzok and his recusal was even discussed in an exchange of multiple texts,” Powell wrote, referencing text messages between Strzok and Page where they discussed Strzok and Contreras speaking “in detail” on anything “meaningful enough to warrant recusal.”

Representatives for Strzok and Page did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell’s filing is just the latest in a series of motions brought to the court on behalf of Flynn. Last week, Powell demanded federal prosecutors turn over two cellphones used by Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, whose role in the Trump-Russia investigation has long been shrouded in mystery.

Powell’s defense of Flynn has caused an escalating battle with the government, with Flynn’s sentencing still up in the air for his guilty plea. The government said in late August that the case was ready for sentencing, after months of delay. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan has set a Dec. 18 sentencing date, though it’s unclear whether it could be pushed off again.

FBI agents manipulated Flynn file, as Clapper allegedly urged ‘kill shot’: court filing
So, I heard he's about to get prison time. Is that "blowing up"?
No, at least the investigators think he helped them greatly, and should not get time... now the Judge, well he and his lawyers have agitated to no end, the judge... so we will see ?
Comey, Clapper, Strzok................their manipulation and tampering with evidence and testimony is about to get exposed.

An explosive new court filing from Michael Flynn’s legal team alleges that FBI agents manipulated official records of the former national security adviser’s 2017 interview that led to him being charged with lying to investigators. It's Flynn's lawyers latest attempt to get the case thrown out.

Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney, filed a 37-page motion on Thursday, outlining several big allegations, once again requesting the government produce all evidence as it relates to Flynn — urging the court to “dismiss the entire prosecution for outrageous government misconduct” and hold the prosecutors in contempt.


The entire case stemmed from that FBI interview where Flynn was asked about his conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn ultimately pleaded guilty to making false statements regarding those conversations during his interview, as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

But as his legal team goes on offense in the long-running and still unresolved court proceedings, Powell alleged that FBI officials manipulated Flynn’s FBI 302 — a form used by agents to report or summarize interviews. It's not clear who may have done the alleged editing, though ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok was involved in the original interview.

“Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘Flynn stated he did not’ — in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote [on sanctions],” Powell wrote. “This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on the issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

Powell also alleged that agents added: “or if Kislyak described any Russian response to a request by Flynn.”

“That question and answer does not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense,” Powell wrote. “The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

Powell also raised concerns about text messages between Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page days following the publication of the salacious anti-Trump dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through law firm Perkins Coie.

As the coverage of the dossier spread in the media, the filing said, "Strzok wrote to Page: ‘Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out…We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we can use it as a pretext to go interview some people.’”

“In the next two weeks, there were ‘many meetings’ between Strzok and [former Deputy FBI Director Andrew] McCabe to discuss ‘whether to interview National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and if so, what interview strategies to use,’” the document continued.

Powell alleged that on Jan. 23, 2017 – the day before the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House – “the upper echelon of the FBI met to orchestrate” strategies that would have Flynn talk “in such a way as to keep from alerting him from understanding that he was being interviewed in a criminal investigation of which he was the target.”

“In short, they planned to deceive him about the entire scenario, and keep him ‘unguarded,’” Powell claimed.

Powell went on to allege that, at former FBI Director James Comey’s direction, McCabe “personally called Flynn to pave the way for the uncounseled conversation.”

While saying "Comey and McCabe were executing their own agenda—not investigating a crime," she continued to claim the government is hiding evidence "of the original 302, other exculpatory texts, and other forms of information completely.”

Whether the combative filings will persuade the court in a case where Flynn has already pleaded guilty remains to be seen.

Prosecutors have strongly rejected claims they're hiding evidence, saying "the government has exceeded its discovery and disclosure obligations in this matter," including by providing Flynn with thousands of pages of documents.

Federal prosecutors earlier this month called the defense's filings a “fishing expedition.”

“Since the beginning of their involvement, the defendant’s new counsel, have sought to get the charges dropped, professed their client’s actual innocence, and perpetuated conspiracy theories, all while stating that the defendant does not intend to withdraw his guilty plea,” they wrote.

But Powell is also hammering the FBI and DOJ over media leaks, citing a text message from Strzok to Page in April 2017: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”

Powell also referenced a purported conversation between former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, claiming Clapper told the reporter “words to the effect of 'take the kill shot on Flynn,'” after he reportedly obtained the transcript of Flynn’s phone calls.

A spokesman for Clapper, though, told Fox News that he "absolutely did not say those words to David Ignatius."

"It's absolutely false," the spokesman said. "It's absurd."

Ignatius did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell also claims that the official who leaked the transcripts of the calls to Ignatius was a Pentagon official who was Stefan Halper’s “handler.”

Halper, an American professor, has been widely reported as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Halper, in 2016, contacted several members of the Trump campaign including former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and former aides Carter Page and Sam Clovis.

“The evidence the defense requests will eviscerate any factual basis for the plea and reveal the conduct so outrageous—if there is not enough already—to mandate dismissal of this prosecution for egregious government misconduct,” Powell wrote.

Also in the filing, Powell referenced U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras, who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea just days before he was “suddenly and inexplicably recused.”

Fox News reported last year that Contreras and Strzok had a personal relationship, according to text messages obtained.

“The government knew that well in advance of Mr. Flynn’s plea that Judge Contreras was a friend of Peter Strzok and his recusal was even discussed in an exchange of multiple texts,” Powell wrote, referencing text messages between Strzok and Page where they discussed Strzok and Contreras speaking “in detail” on anything “meaningful enough to warrant recusal.”

Representatives for Strzok and Page did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell’s filing is just the latest in a series of motions brought to the court on behalf of Flynn. Last week, Powell demanded federal prosecutors turn over two cellphones used by Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, whose role in the Trump-Russia investigation has long been shrouded in mystery.

Powell’s defense of Flynn has caused an escalating battle with the government, with Flynn’s sentencing still up in the air for his guilty plea. The government said in late August that the case was ready for sentencing, after months of delay. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan has set a Dec. 18 sentencing date, though it’s unclear whether it could be pushed off again.

FBI agents manipulated Flynn file, as Clapper allegedly urged ‘kill shot’: court filing
So, I heard he's about to get prison time. Is that "blowing up"?
No, at least the investigators think he helped them greatly, and should not get time... now the Judge, well he and his lawyers have agitated to no end, the judge... so we will see ?

Nope. The investigators recently told the judge that he lied even after they made a deal, and nothing he did deserves leniency.
Feds Seek Prison for Michael Flynn, Reversing Earlier Support for Leniency | National Law Journal
Is that why the FBI admitted it lied about Flynn’s 302?
The ones that lied were the Obama freaks in the FBI railroading this guy.
What was the lie on the 302?
Lol, will you actually read the answer or just go back into your hiding hole?

FBI Agents Manipulated Flynn 302 Interview. His Case Must Be Dismissed. It Was A Setup.
The most significant evidence against the FBI validated in Powell’s brief was the circumstances surrounding Flynn’s first interview with the FBI on Jan. 24, 2017 and the manipulation of the interview report, known as a 302, from that interview. The interview was conducted by now fired FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, whose texts messages later revealed he was vehemently anti-Trump and current FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka, who has never spoken publicly on the matter. In December, 2017 this reporter revealed that it was Strzok who had interviewed Flynn and that the interview itself was a set-up.

Powell noted that “on February 10, 2017, the news broke—attributed to ‘senior intelligence officials’—that Mr. Flynn had discussed sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, contrary to what Vice President Pence had said on television previously.”

Then, according to documents, “overnight, the most important substantive changes were made to the Flynn 302.”

“Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘FLYNN stated he did not’—in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote. This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on this issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

On Feb. 13, 2017 Flynn resigned as National Security Advisor.....

The interview regarded Flynn’s conversation with with then Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, which occurred in December, 2016, as previously published by this reporter. His private conversation was being monitored by the FBI, which had a FISA warrant on the Russian ambassador. The contents of conversation, from highly classified transcripts, were leaked to David Ignatius with the Washington Post, and he published the story in early January.

Powell reveals in her filing that she has requested the records of FBI spy Stefan Halper, who worked as a contractor for the Pentagon Office of Net Assessment (ONA) and director James Baker. Halper, who is a professor had and spied on several of Trump’s campaign aids, may have information.

According to Powell “ONA Director Baker regular lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius.Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius.”

Flynn Was Tricked
Flynn was also tricked into the interview with the FBI. It’s no exaggeration. Former FBI Director James Comey admitted it whole heartedly with a smile on his face and a satisfaction that comes from a man who truly is a narcissist. Flynn’s interview with Strzok and Pientka occurred at a chaotic time when the Trump White House was still settling in and very disorganized, as Comey suggested in an interview.

Interestingly, Comey admitted to Congress later during a hearing that the agents at the time didn’t believe that Flynn lied in his interview. None of it mattered. They were setting him up. They already had the transcripts of his phone conversations but chose not to tell him, hoping they’d trip him up in the interview. When they couldn’t trip him up, somebody manipulated the 302 report of their interview with him. Even though they had no evidence Flynn had lied, they didn’t care. The prosecutors and FBI have the power of the purse and the ability to threaten and strong arm those they want to prosecute. That’s what they did.

The prosecutors threatened that they would drag his son Michael Flynn Jr., whose wife had just given birth to their first child, into a major legal mess, several sources with direct knowledge told me. Further, Flynn had already paid his previously high priced attorneys an substantial amount of money and his finances were depleted. He eventually had to sell his home and ended up spending more than $1 million for his defense that has left him in debt....

In her brief Powell reveals that the FBI has never granted access to the original 302. She also lists serious discrepancies with the 302 that was submitted by the agents, text messages that reveal the 302 was more than likely altered and more importantly the revelation that numerous text messages between Strzok and his paramour FBI lawyer Lisa Page have still not been released by the FBI or Justice Department. Page worked directly for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. McCabe is currently under a criminal probe.

“This was the most important interview the FBI did—carefully orchestrated by the Director (James Comey) and Deputy Director (McCabe) after many internal discussions, and extensive meeting of the upper crust of the FBI for no valid purpose,” Powell’s brief states. “The original 302 is not ‘missing.’ If the government will not produce it, it could only have been deliberately destroyed, and this prosecution should be dismissed on that basis alone.”

Powell alleges that the manipulation of the 302s by FBI officials is compounded by evidence in text messages between Strzok and Page and the actual notes taken by the agents the day that they met with Flynn at the White House. Her argument suggests Flynn was framed from the onset.

Powell also notes in reference to the 302 that agents added: “or if Kislyak described any Russian response to a request by Flynn.”

That question and answer does not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense,” Powell wrote. “The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

The FBI agents who did this should be executed by firing squad.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Tell me Jim, why did Flynn lie about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador, especially when he KNEW the Ambassador was under or would be under surveillance? They have him on tape Jim, he lied about it.... WHY WOULD HE DO something so foolish? WHAT was his purpose in lying? Seriously? Doesn't it seem just bonkers that he would do that... someone with his experience and knowledge of our govt and intel gathering....

What was he trying to cover up? President elect Trump's involvement or somethin'? Why would he want to cover up something that may not have been illegal?
Comey, Clapper, Strzok................their manipulation and tampering with evidence and testimony is about to get exposed.

An explosive new court filing from Michael Flynn’s legal team alleges that FBI agents manipulated official records of the former national security adviser’s 2017 interview that led to him being charged with lying to investigators. It's Flynn's lawyers latest attempt to get the case thrown out.

Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney, filed a 37-page motion on Thursday, outlining several big allegations, once again requesting the government produce all evidence as it relates to Flynn — urging the court to “dismiss the entire prosecution for outrageous government misconduct” and hold the prosecutors in contempt.


The entire case stemmed from that FBI interview where Flynn was asked about his conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn ultimately pleaded guilty to making false statements regarding those conversations during his interview, as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

But as his legal team goes on offense in the long-running and still unresolved court proceedings, Powell alleged that FBI officials manipulated Flynn’s FBI 302 — a form used by agents to report or summarize interviews. It's not clear who may have done the alleged editing, though ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok was involved in the original interview.

“Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘Flynn stated he did not’ — in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote [on sanctions],” Powell wrote. “This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on the issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

Powell also alleged that agents added: “or if Kislyak described any Russian response to a request by Flynn.”

“That question and answer does not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense,” Powell wrote. “The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

Powell also raised concerns about text messages between Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page days following the publication of the salacious anti-Trump dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through law firm Perkins Coie.

As the coverage of the dossier spread in the media, the filing said, "Strzok wrote to Page: ‘Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out…We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we can use it as a pretext to go interview some people.’”

“In the next two weeks, there were ‘many meetings’ between Strzok and [former Deputy FBI Director Andrew] McCabe to discuss ‘whether to interview National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and if so, what interview strategies to use,’” the document continued.

Powell alleged that on Jan. 23, 2017 – the day before the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House – “the upper echelon of the FBI met to orchestrate” strategies that would have Flynn talk “in such a way as to keep from alerting him from understanding that he was being interviewed in a criminal investigation of which he was the target.”

“In short, they planned to deceive him about the entire scenario, and keep him ‘unguarded,’” Powell claimed.

Powell went on to allege that, at former FBI Director James Comey’s direction, McCabe “personally called Flynn to pave the way for the uncounseled conversation.”

While saying "Comey and McCabe were executing their own agenda—not investigating a crime," she continued to claim the government is hiding evidence "of the original 302, other exculpatory texts, and other forms of information completely.”

Whether the combative filings will persuade the court in a case where Flynn has already pleaded guilty remains to be seen.

Prosecutors have strongly rejected claims they're hiding evidence, saying "the government has exceeded its discovery and disclosure obligations in this matter," including by providing Flynn with thousands of pages of documents.

Federal prosecutors earlier this month called the defense's filings a “fishing expedition.”

“Since the beginning of their involvement, the defendant’s new counsel, have sought to get the charges dropped, professed their client’s actual innocence, and perpetuated conspiracy theories, all while stating that the defendant does not intend to withdraw his guilty plea,” they wrote.

But Powell is also hammering the FBI and DOJ over media leaks, citing a text message from Strzok to Page in April 2017: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”

Powell also referenced a purported conversation between former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, claiming Clapper told the reporter “words to the effect of 'take the kill shot on Flynn,'” after he reportedly obtained the transcript of Flynn’s phone calls.

A spokesman for Clapper, though, told Fox News that he "absolutely did not say those words to David Ignatius."

"It's absolutely false," the spokesman said. "It's absurd."

Ignatius did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell also claims that the official who leaked the transcripts of the calls to Ignatius was a Pentagon official who was Stefan Halper’s “handler.”

Halper, an American professor, has been widely reported as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Halper, in 2016, contacted several members of the Trump campaign including former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and former aides Carter Page and Sam Clovis.

“The evidence the defense requests will eviscerate any factual basis for the plea and reveal the conduct so outrageous—if there is not enough already—to mandate dismissal of this prosecution for egregious government misconduct,” Powell wrote.

Also in the filing, Powell referenced U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras, who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea just days before he was “suddenly and inexplicably recused.”

Fox News reported last year that Contreras and Strzok had a personal relationship, according to text messages obtained.

“The government knew that well in advance of Mr. Flynn’s plea that Judge Contreras was a friend of Peter Strzok and his recusal was even discussed in an exchange of multiple texts,” Powell wrote, referencing text messages between Strzok and Page where they discussed Strzok and Contreras speaking “in detail” on anything “meaningful enough to warrant recusal.”

Representatives for Strzok and Page did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell’s filing is just the latest in a series of motions brought to the court on behalf of Flynn. Last week, Powell demanded federal prosecutors turn over two cellphones used by Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, whose role in the Trump-Russia investigation has long been shrouded in mystery.

Powell’s defense of Flynn has caused an escalating battle with the government, with Flynn’s sentencing still up in the air for his guilty plea. The government said in late August that the case was ready for sentencing, after months of delay. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan has set a Dec. 18 sentencing date, though it’s unclear whether it could be pushed off again.

FBI agents manipulated Flynn file, as Clapper allegedly urged ‘kill shot’: court filing
So, I heard he's about to get prison time. Is that "blowing up"?
No, at least the investigators think he helped them greatly, and should not get time... now the Judge, well he and his lawyers have agitated to no end, the judge... so we will see ?

Nope. The investigators recently told the judge that he lied even after they made a deal, and nothing he did deserves leniency.
Feds Seek Prison for Michael Flynn, Reversing Earlier Support for Leniency | National Law Journal
i didn't know that, thanks!
Is that why the FBI admitted it lied about Flynn’s 302?

The ones that lied were the Obama freaks in the FBI railroading this guy.
What was the lie on the 302?

Everything, it was fabricated. They couldn’t even get their story on who took the notes. The notes were written in a manner not consistent with an interview dialogue.
That is simply not true. :rolleyes:
Uh-huh. Click your heels three times, and repeat “that’s simply not true, that’s simply not true, that’s simply not true..”
well, it is not true... so what else can I say to someone who does not even know that....? when all the facts, are at your fingertips?

Flynn lied about talking to the Ambassador about the new sanctions put on them by Obama that day. They do have him on tape, doing just that... he lied about other conversations with the Ambassador as well, of which they also have on tape, and he lied to Pence and Preibus, who then passed that lie, on to the American people....

And he swore, under oath, that he did lie to the official investigators....

Signed, sealed and delivered.... he did lie.

what i wanna know IS, WHY?
Flynn did not lie, cant you freaking read?


Now they are going to send him to prison for THEIR LIE, not his, and Dimocrats are just peachy keen with it because it is not one of theirs going to the Big House.
Comey, Clapper, Strzok................their manipulation and tampering with evidence and testimony is about to get exposed.

An explosive new court filing from Michael Flynn’s legal team alleges that FBI agents manipulated official records of the former national security adviser’s 2017 interview that led to him being charged with lying to investigators. It's Flynn's lawyers latest attempt to get the case thrown out.

Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney, filed a 37-page motion on Thursday, outlining several big allegations, once again requesting the government produce all evidence as it relates to Flynn — urging the court to “dismiss the entire prosecution for outrageous government misconduct” and hold the prosecutors in contempt.


The entire case stemmed from that FBI interview where Flynn was asked about his conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn ultimately pleaded guilty to making false statements regarding those conversations during his interview, as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

But as his legal team goes on offense in the long-running and still unresolved court proceedings, Powell alleged that FBI officials manipulated Flynn’s FBI 302 — a form used by agents to report or summarize interviews. It's not clear who may have done the alleged editing, though ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok was involved in the original interview.

“Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘Flynn stated he did not’ — in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote [on sanctions],” Powell wrote. “This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on the issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

Powell also alleged that agents added: “or if Kislyak described any Russian response to a request by Flynn.”

“That question and answer does not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense,” Powell wrote. “The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

Powell also raised concerns about text messages between Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page days following the publication of the salacious anti-Trump dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through law firm Perkins Coie.

As the coverage of the dossier spread in the media, the filing said, "Strzok wrote to Page: ‘Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out…We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we can use it as a pretext to go interview some people.’”

“In the next two weeks, there were ‘many meetings’ between Strzok and [former Deputy FBI Director Andrew] McCabe to discuss ‘whether to interview National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and if so, what interview strategies to use,’” the document continued.

Powell alleged that on Jan. 23, 2017 – the day before the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House – “the upper echelon of the FBI met to orchestrate” strategies that would have Flynn talk “in such a way as to keep from alerting him from understanding that he was being interviewed in a criminal investigation of which he was the target.”

“In short, they planned to deceive him about the entire scenario, and keep him ‘unguarded,’” Powell claimed.

Powell went on to allege that, at former FBI Director James Comey’s direction, McCabe “personally called Flynn to pave the way for the uncounseled conversation.”

While saying "Comey and McCabe were executing their own agenda—not investigating a crime," she continued to claim the government is hiding evidence "of the original 302, other exculpatory texts, and other forms of information completely.”

Whether the combative filings will persuade the court in a case where Flynn has already pleaded guilty remains to be seen.

Prosecutors have strongly rejected claims they're hiding evidence, saying "the government has exceeded its discovery and disclosure obligations in this matter," including by providing Flynn with thousands of pages of documents.

Federal prosecutors earlier this month called the defense's filings a “fishing expedition.”

“Since the beginning of their involvement, the defendant’s new counsel, have sought to get the charges dropped, professed their client’s actual innocence, and perpetuated conspiracy theories, all while stating that the defendant does not intend to withdraw his guilty plea,” they wrote.

But Powell is also hammering the FBI and DOJ over media leaks, citing a text message from Strzok to Page in April 2017: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”

Powell also referenced a purported conversation between former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, claiming Clapper told the reporter “words to the effect of 'take the kill shot on Flynn,'” after he reportedly obtained the transcript of Flynn’s phone calls.

A spokesman for Clapper, though, told Fox News that he "absolutely did not say those words to David Ignatius."

"It's absolutely false," the spokesman said. "It's absurd."

Ignatius did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell also claims that the official who leaked the transcripts of the calls to Ignatius was a Pentagon official who was Stefan Halper’s “handler.”

Halper, an American professor, has been widely reported as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Halper, in 2016, contacted several members of the Trump campaign including former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and former aides Carter Page and Sam Clovis.

“The evidence the defense requests will eviscerate any factual basis for the plea and reveal the conduct so outrageous—if there is not enough already—to mandate dismissal of this prosecution for egregious government misconduct,” Powell wrote.

Also in the filing, Powell referenced U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras, who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea just days before he was “suddenly and inexplicably recused.”

Fox News reported last year that Contreras and Strzok had a personal relationship, according to text messages obtained.

“The government knew that well in advance of Mr. Flynn’s plea that Judge Contreras was a friend of Peter Strzok and his recusal was even discussed in an exchange of multiple texts,” Powell wrote, referencing text messages between Strzok and Page where they discussed Strzok and Contreras speaking “in detail” on anything “meaningful enough to warrant recusal.”

Representatives for Strzok and Page did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell’s filing is just the latest in a series of motions brought to the court on behalf of Flynn. Last week, Powell demanded federal prosecutors turn over two cellphones used by Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, whose role in the Trump-Russia investigation has long been shrouded in mystery.

Powell’s defense of Flynn has caused an escalating battle with the government, with Flynn’s sentencing still up in the air for his guilty plea. The government said in late August that the case was ready for sentencing, after months of delay. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan has set a Dec. 18 sentencing date, though it’s unclear whether it could be pushed off again.

FBI agents manipulated Flynn file, as Clapper allegedly urged ‘kill shot’: court filing
So, I heard he's about to get prison time. Is that "blowing up"?
No, at least the investigators think he helped them greatly, and should not get time... now the Judge, well he and his lawyers have agitated to no end, the judge... so we will see ?

Nope. The investigators recently told the judge that he lied even after they made a deal, and nothing he did deserves leniency.
Feds Seek Prison for Michael Flynn, Reversing Earlier Support for Leniency | National Law Journal
i didn't know that, thanks!
The FBI and DoJ are just lying about that too.

What specifically did Flynn say that was a lie?

Show me.

He NEVER said that he did not speak to the Russians, he said he could not recall. the FBI changed his 302 report to say he denied meeting with the Russians at all.

What was the lie on the 302?

Everything, it was fabricated. They couldn’t even get their story on who took the notes. The notes were written in a manner not consistent with an interview dialogue.
That is simply not true. :rolleyes:
Uh-huh. Click your heels three times, and repeat “that’s simply not true, that’s simply not true, that’s simply not true..”
well, it is not true... so what else can I say to someone who does not even know that....? when all the facts, are at your fingertips?

Flynn lied about talking to the Ambassador about the new sanctions put on them by Obama that day. They do have him on tape, doing just that... he lied about other conversations with the Ambassador as well, of which they also have on tape, and he lied to Pence and Preibus, who then passed that lie, on to the American people....

And he swore, under oath, that he did lie to the official investigators....

Signed, sealed and delivered.... he did lie.

what i wanna know IS, WHY?
Flynn did not lie, cant you freaking read?


Now they are going to send him to prison for THEIR LIE, not his, and Dimocrats are just peachy keen with it because it is not one of theirs going to the Big House.

You should tell the judge. I don't know if he knows that.
Tell me Jim, why did Flynn lie about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador, especially when he KNEW the Ambassador was under or would be under surveillance?
For the thousandth time, Flynn did not lie.

The FBI altered the 302 report because the FBI is scum.

You could read the material spoon f3e4d to you but I guess you just want to repeat convenient lies too like the rest of the partisan hypocrits here do.
Comey, Clapper, Strzok................their manipulation and tampering with evidence and testimony is about to get exposed.

An explosive new court filing from Michael Flynn’s legal team alleges that FBI agents manipulated official records of the former national security adviser’s 2017 interview that led to him being charged with lying to investigators. It's Flynn's lawyers latest attempt to get the case thrown out.

Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney, filed a 37-page motion on Thursday, outlining several big allegations, once again requesting the government produce all evidence as it relates to Flynn — urging the court to “dismiss the entire prosecution for outrageous government misconduct” and hold the prosecutors in contempt.


The entire case stemmed from that FBI interview where Flynn was asked about his conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn ultimately pleaded guilty to making false statements regarding those conversations during his interview, as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

But as his legal team goes on offense in the long-running and still unresolved court proceedings, Powell alleged that FBI officials manipulated Flynn’s FBI 302 — a form used by agents to report or summarize interviews. It's not clear who may have done the alleged editing, though ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok was involved in the original interview.

“Those changes added an unequivocal statement that ‘Flynn stated he did not’ — in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote [on sanctions],” Powell wrote. “This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on the issue. He had talked to dozens of countries.”

Powell also alleged that agents added: “or if Kislyak described any Russian response to a request by Flynn.”

“That question and answer does not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense,” Powell wrote. “The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

Powell also raised concerns about text messages between Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page days following the publication of the salacious anti-Trump dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through law firm Perkins Coie.

As the coverage of the dossier spread in the media, the filing said, "Strzok wrote to Page: ‘Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out…We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we can use it as a pretext to go interview some people.’”

“In the next two weeks, there were ‘many meetings’ between Strzok and [former Deputy FBI Director Andrew] McCabe to discuss ‘whether to interview National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and if so, what interview strategies to use,’” the document continued.

Powell alleged that on Jan. 23, 2017 – the day before the FBI interviewed Flynn at the White House – “the upper echelon of the FBI met to orchestrate” strategies that would have Flynn talk “in such a way as to keep from alerting him from understanding that he was being interviewed in a criminal investigation of which he was the target.”

“In short, they planned to deceive him about the entire scenario, and keep him ‘unguarded,’” Powell claimed.

Powell went on to allege that, at former FBI Director James Comey’s direction, McCabe “personally called Flynn to pave the way for the uncounseled conversation.”

While saying "Comey and McCabe were executing their own agenda—not investigating a crime," she continued to claim the government is hiding evidence "of the original 302, other exculpatory texts, and other forms of information completely.”

Whether the combative filings will persuade the court in a case where Flynn has already pleaded guilty remains to be seen.

Prosecutors have strongly rejected claims they're hiding evidence, saying "the government has exceeded its discovery and disclosure obligations in this matter," including by providing Flynn with thousands of pages of documents.

Federal prosecutors earlier this month called the defense's filings a “fishing expedition.”

“Since the beginning of their involvement, the defendant’s new counsel, have sought to get the charges dropped, professed their client’s actual innocence, and perpetuated conspiracy theories, all while stating that the defendant does not intend to withdraw his guilty plea,” they wrote.

But Powell is also hammering the FBI and DOJ over media leaks, citing a text message from Strzok to Page in April 2017: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”

Powell also referenced a purported conversation between former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, claiming Clapper told the reporter “words to the effect of 'take the kill shot on Flynn,'” after he reportedly obtained the transcript of Flynn’s phone calls.

A spokesman for Clapper, though, told Fox News that he "absolutely did not say those words to David Ignatius."

"It's absolutely false," the spokesman said. "It's absurd."

Ignatius did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell also claims that the official who leaked the transcripts of the calls to Ignatius was a Pentagon official who was Stefan Halper’s “handler.”

Halper, an American professor, has been widely reported as a confidential source for the FBI during the bureau’s original investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Halper, in 2016, contacted several members of the Trump campaign including former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and former aides Carter Page and Sam Clovis.

“The evidence the defense requests will eviscerate any factual basis for the plea and reveal the conduct so outrageous—if there is not enough already—to mandate dismissal of this prosecution for egregious government misconduct,” Powell wrote.

Also in the filing, Powell referenced U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras, who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea just days before he was “suddenly and inexplicably recused.”

Fox News reported last year that Contreras and Strzok had a personal relationship, according to text messages obtained.

“The government knew that well in advance of Mr. Flynn’s plea that Judge Contreras was a friend of Peter Strzok and his recusal was even discussed in an exchange of multiple texts,” Powell wrote, referencing text messages between Strzok and Page where they discussed Strzok and Contreras speaking “in detail” on anything “meaningful enough to warrant recusal.”

Representatives for Strzok and Page did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Powell’s filing is just the latest in a series of motions brought to the court on behalf of Flynn. Last week, Powell demanded federal prosecutors turn over two cellphones used by Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, whose role in the Trump-Russia investigation has long been shrouded in mystery.

Powell’s defense of Flynn has caused an escalating battle with the government, with Flynn’s sentencing still up in the air for his guilty plea. The government said in late August that the case was ready for sentencing, after months of delay. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan has set a Dec. 18 sentencing date, though it’s unclear whether it could be pushed off again.

FBI agents manipulated Flynn file, as Clapper allegedly urged ‘kill shot’: court filing
So, I heard he's about to get prison time. Is that "blowing up"?
No, at least the investigators think he helped them greatly, and should not get time... now the Judge, well he and his lawyers have agitated to no end, the judge... so we will see ?

Nope. The investigators recently told the judge that he lied even after they made a deal, and nothing he did deserves leniency.
Feds Seek Prison for Michael Flynn, Reversing Earlier Support for Leniency | National Law Journal
i didn't know that, thanks!
The FBI and DoJ are just lying about that too.

What specifically did Flynn say that was a lie?

Show me.

He NEVER said that he did not speak to the Russians, he said he could not recall. the FBI changed his 302 report to say he denied meeting with the Russians at all.


No need to show you anything. They already showed everything to the judge. If you don't like his decision, fuss at him.

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