GE owns MSNBC, MSNBC gets Obama Elected, GE doesnt pay Taxes

Have you people forgotten the vast majority of Obama's funds came from regular joes?

You people want the dems to take no corporate money because you are owned by the corps?
Everyone knows GE runs the show in this White House. Only the loyal sycophants conveniently ignore this reality. And what does the other Rachel Madcow chick have to say about this? Jeffrey Immelt Hopey Changey's "Jobs Czar?" Still LMFAO over that one.
Have you people forgotten the vast majority of Obama's funds came from regular joes?

You people want the dems to take no corporate money because you are owned by the corps?

For someone who supposedly believes in truth, you sure do like to ignore it.
5th post
And don't forget about Jeffrey Immelt? Hopey Changey's "Jobs Czar?" What a bleepin scam. GE & NBC Execs meet with this White House regularly. Why would they have to meet so often? And where are those screeching "Evil Corporation" Lefty Wingers on this? How much Taxes does GE pay? Man if a Republican was in there right now,these kooky Lefty Wingers would be screeching for Impeachment over this. What a bunch of dishonest douchebags.

Yeah we have secret communist sympathizing meeting with Obama every week. He flys all democrats first class with $10,000 expense accounts a day to talk about his plan to turn us into a communist country.

True story.
GE not only doesn't pay Taxes,they also Outsource 50% of their Work-Force to foreign countries. Double Whammy Evil for sure. :(
So you're against corporate breaks? Good for you. Link me to the thread where you were upset about these other corporations paying no taxes.

Ten giant U.S. companies avoiding income taxes

Here's my favorite part of your link.

3) Over the past five years, while General Electric made $26 billion in profits in the United States, it received a $4.1 billion refund from the IRS.

One more partisan attack exposed. This is getting kind of tedious. I've only been here a few days, but I seem to see a lot of random bullshit being thrown around. I'm considering finding another website.
It's just like them cheerleading for bombing the shit out of Libya. You just can't trust the Left. As long as it's their D's doing the bombing,killing,and looting,everything is just fine. You can bet if an R was in there right now,these same people would be screeching for Impeachment over this stuff. It's just a sad scam.
So youre not upset about corporations being let off the hook for paying taxes then? Well good, no need to argue anymore.


I think what the OP is pointing out is the hippocrisy of many democrats that many large profitable companies dont pay taxes, but GE is given a pass because of who the support. Just more of the same from the Republicrats. Both sides with defend the letter beside the name before they defend their political philosophy. Thats us commoners out here. The politicians all defend whatever makes them money and gets them elected first.

What I and others are pointing out is the hypocrisy of people who bitch about something that started five years ago like it was something that Obama did.

I think you'll find that many liberals are outraged that GE pays no taxes. They're just not blaming it on Obama.

Obama's corporate taxation plan would end the gravy train for GE. The idea is to lower the corporate tax, and make up for it by flattening it and removing most non-capital-investment deductions. This will stop the looting by GE and others, while continuing to promote growth by encourage capital investment.
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So you're against corporate breaks? Good for you. Link me to the thread where you were upset about these other corporations paying no taxes.

Ten giant U.S. companies avoiding income taxes

Here's my favorite part of your link.

3) Over the past five years, while General Electric made $26 billion in profits in the United States, it received a $4.1 billion refund from the IRS.

One more partisan attack exposed. This is getting kind of tedious. I've only been here a few days, but I seem to see a lot of random bullshit being thrown around. I'm considering finding another website.

Yeah, this site is chock full of uneducated, hypocritical idiots. I wouldn't blame any sane person for not staying around.
First off, Who's giving GE a pass? Certainly not me, or any other progressive I know. This is just yet another made up argument to make Conservatives feel better about themselves.

The simple truth is, Progressives hate corporate welfare... period. Another one is this stupid "Obama is the Messiah" crap that Conservatives continually spew. The only ones that believed that were the most ignorant of us. Obama is a politician, just like any other.
^^ I dunno. I think I'll stick around for a bit longer and see how things go. I managed to have a pretty good discussion about race relations last night, and that doesn't happen too often.

You think maybe the site owner would let us start an adults only forum? Where we can black list people who don't fight fair?
Wonder what the other Rachel Madcow chick has to say about this? Probably not much. She's owned by GE & NBC too. Put an R by this guy's name and she would be screeching Impeachment 24/7. I mean come on,Jeffrey Immelt "Jobs Czar?" Corrupt cronyism at its worst.
^^ I dunno. I think I'll stick around for a bit longer and see how things go. I managed to have a pretty good discussion about race relations last night, and that doesn't happen too often.

You think maybe the site owner would let us start an adults only forum? Where we can black list people who don't fight fair?

Dare to dream.

Notice in this thread alone, I asked Robert to state his position on the topic and he refuses to do so. Why? because he doesn't want to expose his hypocrisy. No lie, it's about 75% of this site that acts like him. It's a real shame.

I think what the OP is pointing out is the hippocrisy of many democrats that many large profitable companies dont pay taxes, but GE is given a pass because of who the support. Just more of the same from the Republicrats. Both sides with defend the letter beside the name before they defend their political philosophy. Thats us commoners out here. The politicians all defend whatever makes them money and gets them elected first.

What I and others are pointing out is the hypocrisy of people who bitch about something that started five years ago like it was something that Obama did.

I think you'll find that many liberals are outraged that GE pays no taxes. They're just not blaming it on Obama.

Obama's corporate taxation plan would end the gravy train for GE. The idea is to lower the corporate tax, and make up for it by flattening it and removing most non-capital-investment deductions. This will stop the looting by GE and others, while continuing to promote growth by encourage capital investment.

What we are pointing out is the very obvious hypocrisy of the sudden silence by the left after all the screeching that has been done over what the perceives to have been the previous administrations fault in addition to the hate filled rhetoric against all those Evil "rich" people and Horrible Rich Corporations.

Its a little hard to ignore. I have to laugh at your statement
They're just not blaming it on Obama.
ya were all very sure they are not but thank you for pointing that out.
It's just like them cheerleading for bombing the shit out of Libya. You just can't trust the Left. As long as it's their D's doing the bombing,killing,and looting,everything is just fine. You can bet if an R was in there right now,these same people would be screeching for Impeachment over this stuff. It's just a sad scam.

I know, weird right? And what do you think the R's would be saying if there was an R in office? Think they'd be bashing the intervention in Libya?

It's almost like people will say things that they don't really believe, or pretend to care about something that they don't really care about, in order to help an ally or take a cheap shot at an enemy. I'm sure that's one thing you can agree with me is very disgraceful behavior. You know all about it, don't you? Don't you?
Didn't the NYT break the story? Doesn't everyone call them liberal? Hold on. I'm gonna go find a bunch of links of liberals bitching about it.

I find it interesting that GE pays no taxes, and liberals bitch about it, but conservatives just bitch about liberals not bitching about it, without actually bitching about it!

Here's Jon Stewart

Here's Amy Goodman


Naked Capitalism? never heard of them, but that sounds pretty liberal

Is that enough yet? I could find a dozen more easily. But I'd say let you do it yourself, I'm done doing your homework for you. The next time you want to tell people what liberals are or are not bitching about, try asking some liberals what they think before you ask what conservatives say liberals think.
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It's just like them cheerleading for bombing the shit out of Libya. You just can't trust the Left. As long as it's their D's doing the bombing,killing,and looting,everything is just fine. You can bet if an R was in there right now,these same people would be screeching for Impeachment over this stuff. It's just a sad scam.

I know, weird right? And what do you think the R's would be saying if there was an R in office? Think they'd be bashing the intervention in Libya?

It's almost like people will say things that they don't really believe, or pretend to care about something that they don't really care about, in order to help an ally or take a cheap shot at an enemy. I'm sure that's one thing you can agree with me is very disgraceful behavior. You know all about it, don't you? Don't you?

See Libocalyspe Now is very into "Democrats are the devil" Even if they do something he agrees with. He is a funny guy. I like him

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