Gay Marriage Ads Took Pounds of Flesh From Trump: 1st Time His Lead Shrank Almost By Half

The press of course is focusing on this maco-shark sized bite out of Trump's lead as "the confederate flag issue in SC". So of course, according to the scientific method, it should be tested in other states. Drop the confederate flag ads and run the gay marriage ads. See if just that ad makes a difference.

The MSM won't mind that of course because they "all know" Trump's wounds were inflicted by the flag issue... :popcorn: So, no harm running the other one since Trump's numbers will stay the same if it's known he's soft on the Kim Davis, kids legally-binding no mom or dad for life issue..
Buzzfeed begs to differ with the MSM:

CLEMSON, S.C. — A new robocall going out to South Carolina voters on the eve of the state’s Republican primary blasts Donald Trump as a culture war appeaser in the battle between gay rights and religious freedom — and urges listeners to support Ted Cruz “before it’s too late.”...A spokeswoman for Cruz told the Post and Courier newspaper Friday that the campaign did not condone the Confederate flag call. But she did not respond to requests for comment from BuzzFeed News Friday night about the new robocall, except to say that the campaign wasn’t associated with it.... Pro-Cruz Robocall Slams Trump Over Exchange With Lesbian Reporter

So to be clear, the Cruz campaign distanced themselves from the flag ad...but did not from the gay marriage/LGBT ad... And that panned out in numbers for them. Next time they should openly embrace their support of Kim Davis and the kids deprived by binding contract of even the hope of a mother or father for life (gay marriage)
Buzzfeed begs to differ with the MSM:

CLEMSON, S.C. — A new robocall going out to South Carolina voters on the eve of the state’s Republican primary blasts Donald Trump as a culture war appeaser in the battle between gay rights and religious freedom — and urges listeners to support Ted Cruz “before it’s too late.”...A spokeswoman for Cruz told the Post and Courier newspaper Friday that the campaign did not condone the Confederate flag call. But she did not respond to requests for comment from BuzzFeed News Friday night about the new robocall, except to say that the campaign wasn’t associated with it.... Pro-Cruz Robocall Slams Trump Over Exchange With Lesbian Reporter

So to be clear, the Cruz campaign distanced themselves from the flag ad...but did not from the gay marriage/LGBT ad... And that panned out in numbers for them. Next time they should openly embrace their support of Kim Davis and the kids deprived by binding contract of even the hope of a mother or father for life (gay marriage)

No one is denying the ads and robocalls existed. What I am denying is the claim you believe these ads are solely responsible for Trump's numbers slipping in SC.
No one is denying the ads and robocalls existed. What I am denying is the claim you believe these ads are solely responsible for Trump's numbers slipping in SC.

Well then listen to Donald Trump himself. And pay attention to his extremely subdued, even grieving demeanor here... he even says in this interview that he is now "fighting for his life" after he discussed Cruz's "tough...very tough" last minute robo-calls... Donald Trump himself in this interview alludes as to how fearful he is of the gay marriage topic and how damaging it is to his campaign given his recent past soft stance on it. Cue up to :44-1:12 The "fighting for my life" comment is cued at 2:38-2:53

The neat thing about the video here, mdk, is that people can watch it for themselves to see if your claims are true or not... vvvvvv
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No one is denying the ads and robocalls existed. What I am denying is the claim you believe these ads are solely responsible for Trump's numbers slipping in SC.

Well then listen to Donald Trump himself. And pay attention to his extremely subdued, even grieving demeanor here... he even says in this interview that he is now "fighting for his life" after he discussed Cruz's "tough...very tough" last minute robo-calls... Donald Trump himself in this interview alludes as to how fearful he is of the gay marriage topic and how damaging it is to his campaign given his recent past soft stance on it. Cue up to :44-1:12 The "fighting for my life" comment is cued at 2:38-2:53

That video you've post a handful of times in no way proves these ads about gay marriage were the reason Trump's numbers shrank in SC. Again, you're making shit up to neatly fit your anti-gay narrative.
How delusional is Silhouette about South Carolina- a place she has never been to, with a population she has never met?

First Silhouette told us that the Charleston Church shooter shot up the black church because he is gay- despite any evidence that he was gay- and despite the fact that he detailed his racial hatred.

Now Silhouette claims that Trump ignoring gay marriage in a Presidential campaign that is ignoring gay marriage, hurt him so badly in South Carolina- that he only won by a huge margin- instead of a huger margin...

Silhouette has no relationship with reality.
Look, I saw the numbers drop for Trump to a 5 point lead from 15 overnight, just like you did after that gay marriage video ad ran (not the robo calls, they came later). The only reason his numbers went back up just to 10 points was because of absentee ballots cast before the ads went out.

Watch the video Syriusly, Trump's interview with Fox yesterday..
Trump won, in rather comfortable fashion I might add. You haven't offered a single shred of evidence to confirm that the reason Trump didn't win as big was as a result of some gay marriage ads. This is just another one the lies you tell yourself b/c you can't face your own irrelevance when it comes to this issue.

Yet nothing even touched his numbers before the gay marriage ads went out...often issues the GOP were dead sure would destroy Trump, even made his numbers go UP! But not this issue. It was a machete to the Trump campaign..

BTW, why do you defend the Trump campaign? You are a far far far left uber liberal..
Trump won, in rather comfortable fashion I might add. You haven't offered a single shred of evidence to confirm that the reason Trump didn't win as big was as a result of some gay marriage ads. This is just another one the lies you tell yourself b/c you can't face your own irrelevance when it comes to this issue.

Yet nothing even touched his numbers before the gay marriage ads went out...often issues the GOP were dead sure would destroy Trump, even made his numbers go UP! But not this issue. It was a machete to the Trump campaign..

BTW, why do you defend the Trump campaign? You are a far far far left uber liberal..

Bullshit. I am not a far far far left uber liberal. That is just another lie you tell yourself so you can sleep better at night. I am not defending Trump, I am defending the truth and you have not offered a single shred of evidence that Trump's numbers shrank as a result of these gay marriage ads. You've done what you always have cited your imagination and insist it must be reality. Yeah, it isn't.
Trump won, in rather comfortable fashion I might add. You haven't offered a single shred of evidence to confirm that the reason Trump didn't win as big was as a result of some gay marriage ads. This is just another one the lies you tell yourself b/c you can't face your own irrelevance when it comes to this issue.

Yet nothing even touched his numbers before the gay marriage ads went out...often issues the GOP were dead sure would destroy Trump, even made his numbers go UP! But not this issue. It was a machete to the Trump campaign..

BTW, why do you defend the Trump campaign? You are a far far far left uber liberal..

Bullshit. I am not a far far far left uber liberal. That is just another lie you tell yourself so you can sleep better at night. I am not defending Trump, I am defending the truth and you have not offered a single shred of evidence that Trump's numbers shrank as a result of these gay marriage ads. You've done what you always have cited your imagination and insist it must be reality. Yeah, it isn't.

You have been one of the most aggressive, if not THE most aggressive pro-LGBT bloggers here at USMB for years...YEARS...

You're trying to run away from your posting record like Trump will now try to run away from telling the public they should consider the gay marriage legal challenges "dead"...and that the several gay weddings he attended he considers "beautiful"...
Trump won, in rather comfortable fashion I might add. You haven't offered a single shred of evidence to confirm that the reason Trump didn't win as big was as a result of some gay marriage ads. This is just another one the lies you tell yourself b/c you can't face your own irrelevance when it comes to this issue.

Yet nothing even touched his numbers before the gay marriage ads went out...often issues the GOP were dead sure would destroy Trump, even made his numbers go UP! But not this issue. It was a machete to the Trump campaign..

BTW, why do you defend the Trump campaign? You are a far far far left uber liberal..

Bullshit. I am not a far far far left uber liberal. That is just another lie you tell yourself so you can sleep better at night. I am not defending Trump, I am defending the truth and you have not offered a single shred of evidence that Trump's numbers shrank as a result of these gay marriage ads. You've done what you always have cited your imagination and insist it must be reality. Yeah, it isn't.

You have been one of the most aggressive, if not THE most aggressive pro-LGBT bloggers here at USMB for years...YEARS...

You're trying to run away from your posting record like Trump will now try to run away from telling the public they should consider the gay marriage legal challenges "dead"...and that the several gay weddings he attended he considers "beautiful"...

lol. The only blogger in this exchange is you. Remember, I've been to that morgue you call a forum.

I will always continue to point out your smears and lies when it comes to gays and their families. Tough shit if you don't like it.
lol. The only blogger in this exchange is you. Remember, I've been to that morgue you call a forum.

I will always continue to point out your smears and lies when it comes to gays and their families. Tough shit if you don't like it.
You're off topic, again. We're discussing how Trump is now fearful of the gay marriage ads..

Here, let me refresh your memory before your ad hominem addiction and distractions took over:
Listen to Donald Trump himself. And pay attention to his extremely subdued, even grieving demeanor here... he even says in this interview that he is now "fighting for his life" after he discussed Cruz's "tough...very tough" last minute robo-calls... Donald Trump himself in this interview alludes as to how fearful he is of the gay marriage topic and how damaging it is to his campaign given his recent past soft stance on it. Cue up to :44-1:12 The "fighting for my life" comment is cued at 2:38-2:53

The neat thing about the video here, mdk, is that people can watch it for themselves to see if your claims are true or not.

The neat thing about the video here, mdk, is that people can watch it for themselves to see if your claims are true or not.

Indeed. They can. Where in that video did Trump say his numbers decreased b/c of gay marriage? When these people reach the same conclusion that this video in no way proves your assertion you'll just spam it again claim it does regardless. Round and round we go...
The neat thing about the video here, mdk, is that people can watch it for themselves to see if your claims are true or not.

Indeed. They can. Where in that video did Trump say his numbers decreased b/c of gay marriage? When these people reach the same conclusion that this video in no way proves your assertion you'll just spam it again claim it does regardless. Round and round we go...
The cues tell you. The last ads Cruz ran, the ones Trump refers to, Trump called "tough..very tough"... Then later on Trump admitted he was now "fighting for his life" in this campaign. This is a new assessment by Trump of his own campaign. All before Trump was a blowhard on how "fantastic" he was doing riding a tidal wave of endless success. Stark contrast between a tidal wave of success and "fighting for his life" in the campaign against "tough, very tough.." last minute Cruz ads exposing how soft Trump is on gay marriage..

I like to think that circumstantial evidence like this doesn't get lost on Cruz etc. campaign strategists. You of course are hoping to muddy the clear cause/effect relationship because above all, you don't want this country discussing how from the least educated to the most in voters, two easy, clear bone-marrow issue points are 1. Children deserve a mother and father in marriage and 2. Christians shouldn't go to jail for resisting what is bad for children.

You don't need a degree in economics to understand those points. You don't need to have religion. You don't need to understand the nuances of foreign policy or immigration policy.. Anyone "gets it". Ask anyone who had contact with a mom and dad growing up, or did, or have friends who do attend church..

These same "bone marrow" folks BTW, spill over into Hillary's camp. And, that's something a strategist for the GOP might want to store in their cap getting ready eventually for the general election...

Syriusly vv The beta-boy Charleston Church shooter had a black boyfriend so... yeah..
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The neat thing about the video here, mdk, is that people can watch it for themselves to see if your claims are true or not.

Indeed. They can. Where in that video did Trump say his numbers decreased b/c of gay marriage? When these people reach the same conclusion that this video in no way proves your assertion you'll just spam it again claim it does regardless. Round and round we go...
The cues tell you. The last ads Cruz ran, the ones Trump refers to, Trump called "tough..very tough"... Then later on Trump admitted he was now "fighting for his life" in this campaign. This is a new assessment by Trump of his own campaign. All before Trump was a blowhard on how "fantastic" he was doing riding a tidal wave of endless success. Stark contrast..

I like to think that circumstantial evidence like this doesn't get lost on Cruz etc. campaign strategists. You of course are hoping to muddy the clear cause/effect relationship because above all, you don't want this country discussing how from the least educated to the most in voters, two easy, clear bone-marrow issue points are 1. Children deserve a mother and father in marriage and 2. Christians shouldn't go to jail for resisting what is bad for children.

You don't need a degree in economics to understand those points. You don't need to have religion. You don't need to understand the nuances of foreign policy or immigration policy.. Anyone "gets it". Ask anyone who had contact with a mom and dad growing up, or did, or have friends who do attend church..

We both know Trump never stated that gay marriage caused his numbers to shrink in that video. That, like most things, is purely a figment of your imagination.

Hell, one of the NOM ads you are claiming was so paramount to Trump's numbers shrinking only had 2,200 views in 10 days. It was so effective the candidate they support came in the third place. lol
I guess people can decipher which one of us is telling the truth by watching the video of Trump being interviewed, somberly...almost grieving the state of his campaign, newly, yesterday. Look for clues at which ads, which barbs from Trump's opponents found flesh. Let the folks decide for themselves.. I even cued up points for them to start their search.

Fair enough? :popcorn:
I am sure people are just champing at the bit to jump down another one of your delusional anti-gay rabbit holes.

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