Gay Marriage Ads Took Pounds of Flesh From Trump: 1st Time His Lead Shrank Almost By Half

Doubtful... nobody gives a shit what homosexuals have to say, now that their dominance over the other 97% of the country is about to come to an end...

What is that supposed to mean? Also, did you recently get your hands on a Monkey's Paw? Don't use up all your wishes on the queers. :lol:
To quote amateur Volemort impersonator and strategist, Jame Carville; "It's the economy, stupid." That is what people care about. Not some some loon gassing on about artificial pussies. lol
And yet oddly, the economy issues didn't affect his lead...only the gay marriage ads took it down...hard...
In what way does this nosy and whiny rant prove that gay marriage caused Trump's lead to shrink?

The polls before the ads ran, even after all the other gaffs Trump made showed him ahead by 15 points. Immediately after the gay marriage ads ran, his lead shrank to around 5 points. It bumped back up to just 10 points because of absentee ballots who didn't have time to see the ads.

After the multiple attempts of the GOP to find a weak scale and nothing stuck to Teflon-Trump....this one took out the main engines on his starboard flank..

It couldn't have been all the other gaffs you claimed Trump made. No, siree! It must be those gay marriage ads. That was why Trump only won the state by 10% instead. This issue is clearly hurting his campaign.

You should send him The Prince's Trust! That will sway him once and for all about the evils of gay marriage. lol
To quote amateur Volemort impersonator and strategist, Jame Carville; "It's the economy, stupid." That is what people care about. Not some some loon gassing on about artificial pussies. lol
And yet oddly, the economy issues didn't affect his lead...only the gay marriage ads took it down...hard...

I am quite certain that is exactly how it occurred in your imagination.
To quote amateur Volemort impersonator and strategist, Jame Carville; "It's the economy, stupid." That is what people care about. Not some some loon gassing on about artificial pussies. lol
And yet oddly, the economy issues didn't affect his lead...only the gay marriage ads took it down...hard...

I am quite certain that is exactly how it occurred in your imagination.

And polling results...
To quote amateur Volemort impersonator and strategist, Jame Carville; "It's the economy, stupid." That is what people care about. Not some some loon gassing on about artificial pussies. lol
And yet oddly, the economy issues didn't affect his lead...only the gay marriage ads took it down...hard...

I am quite certain that is exactly how it occurred in your imagination.

And polling results...

Trump won, in rather comfortable fashion I might add. You haven't offered a single shred of evidence to confirm that the reason Trump didn't win as big was as a result of some gay marriage ads. This is just another one the lies you tell yourself b/c you can't face your own irrelevance when it comes to this issue.
February 16, 2016
...thanks to a new poll from MSNBC's parent company, NBC, in partnership with the Wall Street Journal...That poll shows Trump in second place nationally, two points behind Ted Cruz. This is the first major poll in which Trump hasn't led the field nationally since October....NBC and the Journal also polled in January, shortly before the actual voting began. Since then, Trump has fallen 7 percentage points and Cruz has gained 8, with a margin of error of 4.9. Donald Trump trails in a national poll for the first time in four months

^^ This was polling results after this ad was uploaded to youtube February 11, 2016

Fox News today where Trump refers to the gay marriage robo calls Feb. 20, 2016. Called them ambiguously "tough calls...very tough calls".. cue :44-1:12

Transcripts of audio:

The announcer says, "Stop! What does she mean by forward motion? What's he agreeing to? It's not about tolerance anymore. It's about mandatory celebration. It's about forcing people to bake cakes and forcing people to photograph gay weddings. Forcing clergy to officiate. It's about transgender bathrooms in your child's school. It's about tearing down our Judeo-Christian values. It's about tearing down our America. " Pro-Cruz SuperPAC Slams Trump For Confederate Flag Removal, Gay Rights
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February 16, 2016
...thanks to a new poll from MSNBC's parent company, NBC, in partnership with the Wall Street Journal...That poll shows Trump in second place nationally, two points behind Ted Cruz. This is the first major poll in which Trump hasn't led the field nationally since October....NBC and the Journal also polled in January, shortly before the actual voting began. Since then, Trump has fallen 7 percentage points and Cruz has gained 8, with a margin of error of 4.9. Donald Trump trails in a national poll for the first time in four months

^^ This was polling results after this ad was uploaded to youtube February 11, 2016

And in ten days on YouTube a little over 2,200 people viewed this ad. Wow! What an impact! lol
And that was when they scrambled it together at the 11th hour. No other issue touched him. Only made him more popular. This one shrunk his lead to almost single digits, literally over night. If absentee evangelist and other common sense groups ballots had been cast after the ads went out, Trump's numbers would've been even lower.

I think before the ads ran, even after all the other typical teflon Trump-gaffs, his lead was around 15 points. After the ads, it shrunk down to 5 points in polling; but since absentee ballots were already in, the bump went back up. Won't be the same next time. Effectively, the gay marriage/Kim Davis issue shaved 10 points off the Trump lead for the first time on any issue ever.

How To Defeat Trumpsters' Worship....Ask Him About His Spine on Gay Marriage..

TV ad:

Radio Ad:

Pro-Cruz SuperPAC Slams Trump For Confederate Flag Removal, Gay Rights
The other ad, from the same group, highlights a questioner at a Trump event, who identifies herself as lesbian and asking if under a Trump presidency there would be "more forward motion on equality for gays and lesbians." Trump says in response, "Well, you can, and look that's your thing and other people have their thing. We have to bring all people together."...The announcer says, "Stop! What does she mean by forward motion? What's he agreeing to? It's not about tolerance anymore. It's about mandatory celebration. It's about forcing people to bake cakes and forcing people to photograph gay weddings. Forcing clergy to officiate. It's about transgender bathrooms in your child's school. It's about tearing down our Judeo-Christian values. It's about tearing down our America. "

This topic will cut into even Hillary's supporters. From faith to factory workers, all agree: children should have both a mother and father; and Kim Davis should not have been jailed.

Congratulations candidates, you finally found Trump's weak scale. If you polish up the ads and release them earlier this time; well in advance of absentee voting, Trump will get taken to the woodshed on Super Tuesday..

Trump said that gay marriage is the law of the land and we have to go with it (implying until it is changed).

Trump also favors an Article V States Amendment to the Constitution Convention where the states could reverse the gay marriage decision, if the delegates want to.

So where did Trump get this wrong? The facts are on his side and he supports the only solution, Article V Convention.

OR is gay marriage going to turn into one of those perennial issues where there is a demand for a Constitutional Amendment but no one ever actually gets the ball rolling on it? Of course, mean time, since this legislative and legal battle will cost money, please send us donations?
Trump just did what he always does, states the reality. The gay marriage thing is part of a cumulative effect of the culture being eroded. It is not a singular issue high on the list of people's concerns. On the other hand Sil, you have to be consistent. If the law says that gays can marry at least at this time citizens must comply, but by the same token, the law states specifically that sanctuary cities are illegal so they must,comply too.

A nonissue.
February 16, 2016
...thanks to a new poll from MSNBC's parent company, NBC, in partnership with the Wall Street Journal...That poll shows Trump in second place nationally, two points behind Ted Cruz. This is the first major poll in which Trump hasn't led the field nationally since October....NBC and the Journal also polled in January, shortly before the actual voting began. Since then, Trump has fallen 7 percentage points and Cruz has gained 8, with a margin of error of 4.9. Donald Trump trails in a national poll for the first time in four months

^^ This was polling results after this ad was uploaded to youtube February 11, 2016

Fox News today where Trump refers to the gay marriage robo calls Feb. 20, 2016. Called them ambiguously "tough calls...very tough calls".. cue :44-1:12

Transcripts of audio:

The announcer says, "Stop! What does she mean by forward motion? What's he agreeing to? It's not about tolerance anymore. It's about mandatory celebration. It's about forcing people to bake cakes and forcing people to photograph gay weddings. Forcing clergy to officiate. It's about transgender bathrooms in your child's school. It's about tearing down our Judeo-Christian values. It's about tearing down our America. " Pro-Cruz SuperPAC Slams Trump For Confederate Flag Removal, Gay Rights

And in ten days on YouTube a little over 2,200 people viewed this ad. Wow! What an impact! lol

It depends on what new ads like it come out prior to the voting in the next states, doesn't it?

Trump in the second video (I notice you didn't include both in your quote last page), even describes his campaign after the "tough ads" Cruz ran robo calls on the day of SC primary, as "fighting for his life" in this campaign.. Quite a different stance from "I'm on top of the world!".

This fits with that type of persona where any defeat or setback is so highly intolerable to their grandiose self-perception that it makes them feel like they're dying.. Watch his demeanor throughout the interview after SC vote and it looks not at all like any of the previous ones. Trump appears humbled greatly...even on the verge of grieving.. Those robo calls got to him.
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It depends on what new ads like it come out prior to the voting in the next states, doesn't it?

Trump in the second video (I notice you didn't include both in your quote last page), even describes his campaign after the "tough ads" Cruz ran robo calls on the day of SC primary, as "fighting for his life" in this campaign.. Quite a different stance from "I'm on top of the world!".

This fits with that type of persona where any defeat or setback is so highly intolerable to their grandiose self-perception that it makes them feel like they're dying.. Watch his demeanor throughout the interview after SC vote and it looks not at all like any of the previous ones. Trump appears humbled greatly...even on the verge of grieving.. Those robo calls got to him.

I didn't include it in the last b/c you keep editing your post after I start responding to your bullshit.

Trump wins by 10% and you pretend some video with 2,200 views is the reason he didn't win big in SC. Just b/c gay marriage is the center of your universe doesn't mean the electorate will follow suit.

By the way, gay marriage is still legal in every state and you still can't do shit about it. lol
By the way, gay marriage is still legal in every state and you still can't do shit about it. lol

Except tap the electorate seething in quiet rage that their votes to keep children with mothers and fathers was attempted to be overthrown by 5 people...
By the way, gay marriage is still legal in every state and you still can't do shit about it. lol

Except tap the electorate seething in quiet rage that their votes to keep children with mothers and fathers was attempted to be overthrown by 5 people...

All .05% of the electorate that believes gays issues are of any importance this election. Impotent rage is all you and those people have left. Perhaps if you start another whiny thread about queers that number will climb to a full percent. lol

You've got the Mrs. Kravitz voters all wrapped up.

The Mrs. Kravitz voters took Trump down 10 points in SC...before the absentee ballots came in and saved him JUST back into double digits. Pulling out at 10 above Rubio. If the absentee evangelicals and common Joes had heard the same ads the rest did, Trump would have stayed in single digits or maybe even worse if the ads had been done talking about the mother/father for kids issue &/or the Kim Davis issue..

Anyone who had contact with a mother and father or anyone who spent any time going to church in their life would feel VISCERALLY about either issue.
The Mrs. Kravitz voters took Trump down 10 points in SC...before the absentee ballots came in and saved him JUST back into double digits. Pulling out at 10 above Rubio. If the absentee evangelicals and common Joes had heard the same ads the rest did, Trump would have stayed in single digits or maybe even worse if the ads had been done talking about the mother/father for kids issue &/or the Kim Davis issue..

Anyone who had contact with a mother and father or anyone who spent any time going to church in their life would feel VISCERALLY about either issue.

No doubt that is the delusion you're telling yourself today so you can pretend that your anti-gay crusade and life's work hasn't been an utter failure. Trump likely would have lost SC if only another 2,000 voters viewed that ad. :lol:

2,200 views in 10 days pretty much tells you how much the people in SC give a shit about queers getting hitched.
Homophobia is still a big thing in the south.

Why are they always the backwards states?

1. Wanting kids to have both a mother and father and

2. Wanting Christians to not be jailed

are not "homophobia". Moreover, there is bleedover of the visceral issues around those points all the way from the far right clear into the working class/ moderate Hillary supporters who grew up attending church and having a father and mother. Anyone who had contact with a father and mother growing up will viscerally support this issue.

So if a child is in a single parent household, They didn't have a father or a mother?????

So if a child is in a single parent household, They didn't have a father or a mother?????
Everyone has a father and a mother, everyone.

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