Gay ‘cure’ therapy outlawed in Hawaii

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This isn't "protecting kids". It's denying people access to treatment. It is taking away their choice.
Oh, you mean like forcing a young woman to bear a child as a result of a rape? You mean those types of laws that are tested at the polls in a bunch of Red States?
Same sex rape does not result in pregnancy. You might benefit from some therapy, or at least some basic education. LOL
Same sex rape does not result in pregnancy. You might benefit from some therapy, or at least some basic education.
So how the fuck does a young woman get pregnant from a same sex rape, asswipe? You're pathetic attempt to get attention FAILED!

Do you really think playing stupid boosts your IQ or gives you a woody? The therapy indicated for you is a course of reading comprehension and a high, high colonic to clear you cranial passages, shit head!
Nice try, angry little leftist. You brought up rape and Red states.. It has nothing to do with the topic. You have nothing to say so you flail around tossing out insults.

Mind your own ass wipe.
This isn't "protecting kids". It's denying people access to treatment. It is taking away their choice.
Horseshit! Conversion therapy is child abuse. They are shamed, coerced and brain washed into believing that being gay is a disease and that they need to be , and can be cured. To believe otherwise is beyond stupid!
That is your opinion. Some people believe that aversion therapy to cure someone of fear of heights is abusive. That is opinion too. Meanwhile, those who wish to undergo that or any therapy should be permitted to do so. Your feeeelings on other people's business are not a factor.
It is not just my opinion. It is supported by science. All of the credible mental health organization have concluded that it is dangerous pseudoscience that endangers children who are impressionable and easily coerced. Why do you think that many states are banning it? What the fuck is wrong with you .? We are talking about children!
Science, eh? Psychology is an elastic science. How does this therapy endanger children? Helping them identify their sexual identity, perhaps? You aren't talking science or "credible mental health organization's" consensus, you are talking about your OPINION that when a person has the tiniest inkling that they are gay they should be ENCOURAGED to be gay. Not everybody wants to go that way.
meanwhile, we have people that are actually committing child abuse by raising kids to be gay and transgendered
That is simply idiotic! Where do you get that crap from? If you're referring to enlightened parents who give their children permission to be who they are and to find their own identity - it is a far cry from what your implying

Good, moral, sane, disciplined parents walk their children down a certain path teaching them right from wrong...etc.
A fundamental teaching in this very basic process includes making them understand they are male or female and that males ONLY mate with females. See how easy this shit is.
You don't raise somebody to be gay. You either are or you aren't.

You don’t honestly believe that do you?
What percentage of fags are ‘born’ gay and what percentage have made a conscience CHOICE to act on a weird, unnatural, deviant, sexual desire?
You don't honestly believe that do you? That gay is a choice? When did you chose to be straight? If gay is a choice, straight is a choice. It's just the other side of the same coin. Let's see if we can "cure " your heterosexuality.
Straight is a biological imperitive called survival of the species.

So you are entirely wrong. There is no coin.

And yet homosexuality is practiced by animals as well. So you are entirely wrong. There is no coin.
Animals exhibit homosexual behavior when deprived of an appropriate mate but there are no homosexual animals. Homosexuality does not exist among animals.

You keep pulling the crap out of your pie hole but can't seem to come up with any credible source your utterances. In any case , I don't really give a crap whether or not there ae truly homosexual animals or not. The fact is that there are human beings who are homosexual and you seek to invalidate them as sexual beings who have that preference for what ever reason. In fact, your bigotry won't even allow you to see them as human beings,
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You don’t honestly believe that do you?
What percentage of fags are ‘born’ gay and what percentage have made a conscience CHOICE to act on a weird, unnatural, deviant, sexual desire?
You don't honestly believe that do you? That gay is a choice? When did you chose to be straight? If gay is a choice, straight is a choice. It's just the other side of the same coin. Let's see if we can "cure " your heterosexuality.
Straight is a biological imperitive called survival of the species.

So you are entirely wrong. There is no coin.

And yet homosexuality is practiced by animals as well. So you are entirely wrong. There is no coin.
Animals exhibit homosexual behavior when deprived of an appropriate mate but there are no homosexual animals. Homosexuality does not exist among animals.

You keep pulling the crap out of your pie hole but can't seem to come up with any credible source your utterances. In any case , I don't really give a crap whether or not there ae truly homosexual animals or not. The fact is that there are human beings who are homosexual and seek ou invalidate them as sexual beings who have that preference for what ever reason. In fact, your bigotry won't even allow you to see them as human beings,
Ok, They are confused human beings....
I’m curious and hoping a Lefty can shed some LefTard parents teach their children how to tie their shoes and such but they don’t teach them where their penis belongs?
You don’t honestly believe that do you?
What percentage of fags are ‘born’ gay and what percentage have made a conscience CHOICE to act on a weird, unnatural, deviant, sexual desire?
You don't honestly believe that do you? That gay is a choice? When did you chose to be straight? If gay is a choice, straight is a choice. It's just the other side of the same coin. Let's see if we can "cure " your heterosexuality.
Straight is a biological imperitive called survival of the species.

So you are entirely wrong. There is no coin.

And yet homosexuality is practiced by animals as well. So you are entirely wrong. There is no coin.
Animals exhibit homosexual behavior when deprived of an appropriate mate but there are no homosexual animals. Homosexuality does not exist among animals.

You keep pulling the crap out of your pie hole but can't seem to come up with any credible source your utterances. In any case , I don't really give a crap whether or not there ae truly homosexual animals or not. The fact is that there are human beings who are homosexual and seek ou invalidate them as sexual beings who have that preference for what ever reason. In fact, your bigotry won't even allow you to see them as human beings,
They are human beings with a deviance. No different from those who want to have sex with children, animals, dead bodies or toasters.
This isn't "protecting kids". It's denying people access to treatment. It is taking away their choice.
I tend to agree with not liking the govt prohibiting people from seeking their choice of treatment, I will, however, draw the line with children. With children you'd have to prove to me that there is no harm and thus far the consensus is that such "treatments" aren't even remotely harmless. The threat of harm to the child versus the benefit to, I'm guessing the parents, iIs just too much, IMHO.
This isn't "protecting kids". It's denying people access to treatment. It is taking away their choice.
Horseshit! Conversion therapy is child abuse. They are shamed, coerced and brain washed into believing that being gay is a disease and that they need to be , and can be cured. To believe otherwise is beyond stupid!
That is your opinion. Some people believe that aversion therapy to cure someone of fear of heights is abusive. That is opinion too. Meanwhile, those who wish to undergo that or any therapy should be permitted to do so. Your feeeelings on other people's business are not a factor.
It is not just my opinion. It is supported by science. All of the credible mental health organization have concluded that it is dangerous pseudoscience that endangers children who are impressionable and easily coerced. Why do you think that many states are banning it? What the fuck is wrong with you .? We are talking about children!
Science, eh? Psychology is an elastic science. How does this therapy endanger children? Helping them identify their sexual identity, perhaps? You aren't talking science or "credible mental health organization's" consensus, you are talking about your OPINION that when a person has the tiniest inkling that they are gay they should be ENCOURAGED to be gay. Not everybody wants to go that way.

Willful ignorance! Have you looked at any of the scientific evidence? I don't think so. No one is encouraging children to be gay. That is as stupid as stupid gets. It's about giving children permission to be who they feel that they are without shame and condemnation so that the will not become self destructive and even kill themselves. Look at this and try to learn something if you can,

#BornPerfect: The Facts About Conversion Therapy

In the past some mental health professionals resorted to extreme measures such as institutionalization, castration, and electroconvulsive shock therapy to try to stop people from being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). Today, while some counselors still use physical treatments like aversive conditioning, the techniques most commonly used include a variety of behavioral, cognitive, psychoanalytic, and other practices that try to change or reduce same-sex attraction or alter a person’s gender identity. While these contemporary versions of conversion therapy are less shocking and extreme than some of those more frequently used in the past, they are equally devoid of scientific validity and pose serious dangers to patients—especially to minors, who are often forced to undergo them by their parents or legal guardians, and who are at especially high risk of being harmed.

According to a 2009 report of the American Psychological Association, the techniques therapists have used to try to change sexual orientation and gender identity include inducing nausea, vomiting, or paralysis while showing the patient homoerotic images; providing electric shocks; having the individual snap an elastic band around the wrist when aroused by same-sex erotic images or thoughts; using shame to create aversion to same-sex attractions; orgasmic reconditioning; and satiation therapy. Other techniques include trying to make patients’ behavior more stereotypically feminine or masculine, teaching heterosexual dating skills, using hypnosis to try to redirect desires and arousal, and other techniques—all based on the scientifically discredited premise that being LGBT is a defect or disorder.

Anyone who thinks that this is not cruelty to children or anyone else is either stupid or a sadist. Which are you?
You don’t honestly believe that do you?
What percentage of fags are ‘born’ gay and what percentage have made a conscience CHOICE to act on a weird, unnatural, deviant, sexual desire?
You don't honestly believe that do you? That gay is a choice? When did you chose to be straight? If gay is a choice, straight is a choice. It's just the other side of the same coin. Let's see if we can "cure " your heterosexuality.
Straight is a biological imperitive called survival of the species.

So you are entirely wrong. There is no coin.

And yet homosexuality is practiced by animals as well. So you are entirely wrong. There is no coin.
Animals exhibit homosexual behavior when deprived of an appropriate mate but there are no homosexual animals. Homosexuality does not exist among animals.

You keep pulling the crap out of your pie hole but can't seem to come up with any credible source your utterances. In any case , I don't really give a crap whether or not there ae truly homosexual animals or not. The fact is that there are human beings who are homosexual and you seek to invalidate them as sexual beings who have that preference for what ever reason. In fact, your bigotry won't even allow you to see them as human beings,

Of course they are human beings. They are human beings with a deviant compulsion.
This therapy is pure evil.

It is unneeded as there's nothing what so ever wrong with being LBGT.

The nazis would do shit like this and I'd hope our country could move away from this shit as fast as humanly possible
If they are stone cold born that way then any form of conversion therapy would never work. I think the big gay fear is that since it sometimes Does work then the practice needs to be prohibited. I am born white, no conversion attempts can change that.
That’s what being “born” some way really is.

Worth repeating
This isn't "protecting kids". It's denying people access to treatment. It is taking away their choice.
Horseshit! Conversion therapy is child abuse. They are shamed, coerced and brain washed into believing that being gay is a disease and that they need to be , and can be cured. To believe otherwise is beyond stupid!
That is your opinion. Some people believe that aversion therapy to cure someone of fear of heights is abusive. That is opinion too. Meanwhile, those who wish to undergo that or any therapy should be permitted to do so. Your feeeelings on other people's business are not a factor.
It is not just my opinion. It is supported by science. All of the credible mental health organization have concluded that it is dangerous pseudoscience that endangers children who are impressionable and easily coerced. Why do you think that many states are banning it? What the fuck is wrong with you .? We are talking about children!
Science, eh? Psychology is an elastic science. How does this therapy endanger children? Helping them identify their sexual identity, perhaps? You aren't talking science or "credible mental health organization's" consensus, you are talking about your OPINION that when a person has the tiniest inkling that they are gay they should be ENCOURAGED to be gay. Not everybody wants to go that way.

Willful ignorance! Have you looked at any of the scientific evidence? I don't think so. No one is encouraging children to be gay. That is as stupid as stupid gets. It's about giving children permission to be who they feel that they are without shame and condemnation so that the will not become self destructive and even kill themselves. Look at this and try to learn something if you can,

#BornPerfect: The Facts About Conversion Therapy

In the past some mental health professionals resorted to extreme measures such as institutionalization, castration, and electroconvulsive shock therapy to try to stop people from being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). Today, while some counselors still use physical treatments like aversive conditioning, the techniques most commonly used include a variety of behavioral, cognitive, psychoanalytic, and other practices that try to change or reduce same-sex attraction or alter a person’s gender identity. While these contemporary versions of conversion therapy are less shocking and extreme than some of those more frequently used in the past, they are equally devoid of scientific validity and pose serious dangers to patients—especially to minors, who are often forced to undergo them by their parents or legal guardians, and who are at especially high risk of being harmed.

According to a 2009 report of the American Psychological Association, the techniques therapists have used to try to change sexual orientation and gender identity include inducing nausea, vomiting, or paralysis while showing the patient homoerotic images; providing electric shocks; having the individual snap an elastic band around the wrist when aroused by same-sex erotic images or thoughts; using shame to create aversion to same-sex attractions; orgasmic reconditioning; and satiation therapy. Other techniques include trying to make patients’ behavior more stereotypically feminine or masculine, teaching heterosexual dating skills, using hypnosis to try to redirect desires and arousal, and other techniques—all based on the scientifically discredited premise that being LGBT is a defect or disorder.

Anyone who thinks that this is not cruelty to children or anyone else is either stupid or a sadist. Which are you?

Haha...when I told my children not to eat dog shit as toddlers they thought I was “shaming” them....SO FUCKING WHAT!
Good parents may sometimes “shame” their children into acting’s just part of the deal in being an engaged, disciplined parent.
Of three, I have one USC grad, honors with distinction, one attending USC on the Deans list and one 4.3 student poised to attend USC in a few years....guess I’m doing it all wrong.
This isn't "protecting kids". It's denying people access to treatment. It is taking away their choice.
I tend to agree with not liking the govt prohibiting people from seeking their choice of treatment, I will, however, draw the line with children. With children you'd have to prove to me that there is no harm and thus far the consensus is that such "treatments" aren't even remotely harmless. The threat of harm to the child versus the benefit to, I'm guessing the parents, iIs just too much, IMHO.
I'm curious. How would you have it proven to you that the treatments aren't harmless? What if failure to offer such treatment is the greater harm? Concern for children is all very well but unless there is actual proof (we have not seen any) that these treatments are harmful it is up to the parents.

You mention a "consensus" that the treatments are not harmless- specifically who/what has made that determination?
This shit needs to be banned and only someone like the guys below could freaking think they can experiment on innocent people.


Most of the time children only need to be left alone. They get no therapy not to be gay and no encouragement to be gay. Most cases resolve through puberty where hormones resolve sexual attraction issues.

Those who are homosexual don't need therapy. They need training in how not to impose their deviant compulsions on others.
If they are stone cold born that way then any form of conversion therapy would never work. I think the big gay fear is that since it sometimes Does work then the practice needs to be prohibited. I am born white, no conversion attempts can change that.
That’s what being “born” some way really is.

Worth repeating
There are people who have same sex attraction and DON'T want to act upon it. They don't want to be gay. So they look for help in overcoming the desires. Some go through therapy. How is it anybody's else business? Why do you care what their reasons are? You don't agree with what they choose to do so you think they should be prohibited from doing it! You sound intolerant.

Worth repeating. You sound intolerant.
This shit needs to be banned and only someone like the guys below could freaking think they can experiment on innocent people.



We need some guys like them to purge 12-40 million illegal wetbacks and all twisted, fucked up in the head LefTards from the U.S. in a hurry...don’t we?
This isn't "protecting kids". It's denying people access to treatment. It is taking away their choice.
I tend to agree with not liking the govt prohibiting people from seeking their choice of treatment, I will, however, draw the line with children. With children you'd have to prove to me that there is no harm and thus far the consensus is that such "treatments" aren't even remotely harmless. The threat of harm to the child versus the benefit to, I'm guessing the parents, iIs just too much, IMHO.
I'm curious. How would you have it proven to you that the treatments aren't harmless? What if failure to offer such treatment is the greater harm? Concern for children is all very well but unless there is actual proof (we have not seen any) that these treatments are harmful it is up to the parents.

You mention a "consensus" that the treatments are not harmless- specifically who/what has made that determination?
Strangely enough, I have a bit of history with the gay community. My older brother was gay and was an early victim of the Aids epidemic. Between my brother coming out in 1985 and the subsequent loss of him, I've paid a lot of attention to the subject. I'm by no means a psychology professional but I have yet to see any evidence that being gay is a defect. The "nature vs nurture" argument continues but I have never seen any evidence that suggests any form of therapy can change anything. The harm aspect is self evident, especially for a child. The simple fact that who they are is worthy of intervention can't be good.
Gay 'cure' therapy outlawed in Hawaii

The Governor of Hawaii has signed a law outlawing gay ‘cure’ therapy for minors.

The US state has become the latest to outlaw the use of so-called conversion therapy to attempt to change the sexuality of minors.

Performing gay ‘cure’ therapy on minors is already is illegal in 11 US states and counting, as well as Switzerland, Malta, Taiwan, two Canadian provinces, and the Australian state of Victoria.

Experts overwhelmingly agree that attempts to cure sexuality are futile, misguided, and often extremely harmful. Attempts to force teens to repress their sexuality has been linked to depression, self-harm and even suicide.

More good news but there is still a long way to go in protecting kids.
Do say? What divides broken sexuality like homosexuality from sociopathy? Gays just have fabulous lawyers and press agents, what eye shadow goes with pandering to PC causes? Silly us, we know you cant cure Homosexuality anymore than you can cure death. So, yay for lawyers that stand against the will of the majority and stand for a tiny bunch of wealthy perverted elitists. Wow, like that is a real plus for a democratic republic.
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