Gaslighting: “Conspiracy Theories” Already Proven True in 2023


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
I put this in media because the media accuses people of being conspiracy nuts. We are finding out the real conspiracies are between the government and the media and aimed at dividing people. There is no doubt in my mind that is a fact.

"Preppers get called conspiracy theorists a lot. It’s supposed to be demeaning, but considering how many conspiracy theories have been proven correct lately, I no longer consider it an insult. The more time goes by, the more “conspiracy theorists” just seem ahead of the game.

Quite a few “conspiracy theories” have recently come to light as actual facts in 2023 already. And it’s only the beginning of March.

Let’s look at a recent batch of “conspiracy theories” that aren’t really theories any more. "


I put this in media because the media accuses people of being conspiracy nuts. We are finding out the real conspiracies are between the government and the media and aimed at dividing people. There is no doubt in my mind that is a fact.

"Preppers get called conspiracy theorists a lot. It’s supposed to be demeaning, but considering how many conspiracy theories have been proven correct lately, I no longer consider it an insult. The more time goes by, the more “conspiracy theorists” just seem ahead of the game.

Quite a few “conspiracy theories” have recently come to light as actual facts in 2023 already. And it’s only the beginning of March.

Let’s look at a recent batch of “conspiracy theories” that aren’t really theories any more. "


OK, well gas stoves...why would preppers care what happens to them? They're gonna grow their own food and live off the land. The "Twitter" files?? Why would preppers care? They should be ready to live without electronic media....btw, the eye in the sky has been watching your every move for YEARS now. There is no such thing as "off the grid" anymore. :) How many of these "preppers" live in the town of East Palestine??? As far as all the COVID conspiracy theory points...seen em. Old ground.

You see, THIS is why we call preppers conspiracy theorists. And it's not because we are insulting them, it's because we think they are bat shit crazy!!! What does it take to dwell in a root cellar in darkness surrounded with only your greatest fears...and maybe some hallucinogenics you grew yourself. :)
OK, well gas stoves...why would preppers care what happens to them? They're gonna grow their own food and live off the land. The "Twitter" files?? Why would preppers care? They should be ready to live without electronic media....btw, the eye in the sky has been watching your every move for YEARS now. There is no such thing as "off the grid" anymore. :) How many of these "preppers" live in the town of East Palestine??? As far as all the COVID conspiracy theory points...seen em. Old ground.

You see, THIS is why we call preppers conspiracy theorists. And it's not because we are insulting them, it's because we think they are bat shit crazy!!! What does it take to dwell in a root cellar in darkness surrounded with only your greatest fears...and maybe some hallucinogenics you grew yourself. :)
Triggered because the lies you believed are just not true? Sucks for you. :mm:
Here's on to haul up the flagpole to see if anybody salutes it.

Rachel Maddow is employed by the Biden government as a propagandist. She's fed for six days of the week and then puts out a much more effective message on MSNBC on Mondays.

Government saw the potential in Maddow's great ability to get the message across on the war, to people of lower to average intelligence who make up the bulk of the masses.

Take in 15 minutes of her tirade and you'll likely get stirred up to hearing more of the same for the full hour!

How's that for a conspiracy theory?
Triggered because the lies you believed are just not true? Sucks for you. :mm:
None of what was printed in that article has been shown to be true. Just some nut jobs "opinion". Marie should probably stick to making apple pies.
Figures you'd swallow it all whole, though. :auiqs.jpg:
None of what was printed in that article has been shown to be true. Just some nut jobs "opinion". Marie should probably stick to making apple pies.
Figures you'd swallow it all whole, though. :auiqs.jpg:
Look at what you have swallowed. Please.
OK, well gas stoves...why would preppers care what happens to them? They're gonna grow their own food and live off the land. The "Twitter" files?? Why would preppers care? They should be ready to live without electronic media....btw, the eye in the sky has been watching your every move for YEARS now. There is no such thing as "off the grid" anymore. :) How many of these "preppers" live in the town of East Palestine??? As far as all the COVID conspiracy theory points...seen em. Old ground.

You see, THIS is why we call preppers conspiracy theorists. And it's not because we are insulting them, it's because we think they are bat shit crazy!!! What does it take to dwell in a root cellar in darkness surrounded with only your greatest fears...and maybe some hallucinogenics you grew yourself. :)
Here's on to haul up the flagpole to see if anybody salutes it.

Rachel Maddow is employed by the Biden government as a propagandist. She's fed for six days of the week and then puts out a much more effective message on MSNBC on Mondays.

Government saw the potential in Maddow's great ability to get the message across on the war, to people of lower to average intelligence who make up the bulk of the masses.

Take in 15 minutes of her tirade and you'll likely get stirred up to hearing more of the same for the full hour!

How's that for a conspiracy theory?
I think a better conspiracy theory involves why you are sympathetic to Russia?

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