: Twitter free speech alternative...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Done with Twitter? There's something new on the

The biggest modern social networking platforms are rife with censorship, opacity and inscrutable rules governing harassment. Many conservatives feel unfairly targeted and believe their viewpoints are being suppressed.

Enter, a new social networking platform that hopes to be the answer to these pressing issues.

A beta version of the site, which is a lot like Twitter with hints of Reddit, was created in a remarkably short three weeks and has let in a few hundred users for testing. While the site currently only contains basic features, its founder holds lofty goals for the platform. As it stands, the site allows you to write 300-character “tweets,” but also upvote and downvote them like on Reddit.

Could Gab Finally Be the Free Speech Twitter Alternative?

I'm on the waiting list...

I recently got the chance to sit down and talk to Andrew Torba, CEO of, a new freedom of speech-focused social network. Though the Twitter-style network was only launched last Monday and is still very much in early beta, thousands of people are currently waiting in line for an invitation to the service, which aims to act as a shelter for freedom of speech and expression.

Read the interview here...Meet the CEO of Gab, The Free Speech Alternative to Twitter - Breitbart
Many conservatives feel unfairly targeted and believe their viewpoints are being suppressed.

Safe Spaces for conservative Snowflakes? Great idea :D
lol, the alt-right cretins are having their twitter accounts suspended in droves and are searching for their safe space where they can spew their hate.

It's just a matter of time before Instagram and Facebook bans these lowlifes, and Apple bans their shitty hate-fueled podcasts.

Go find your safe spaces, maggots -- they're gonna get harder and harder to find in the coming years.
Uhhh, you guys understand that THIS board, in the eight years I've been here, has ALWAYS has a right leaning administrator...but no one gets kicked off because Admin doesn't agree with your politics. We've had white racists and black racists, anarchists, antisemites, anti-Islamics, a borderline pedophile, socialists, communists, Holocaust deniers, fanatical Christians, fanatical Muslims, secessionists, Zionist, and an drama ridden Buddhist, political partisans of all stripes...and all had a platform constrained by only the loosest possible rules of order.

After the Firearms Forum was deleted, I left for awhile and looked for somewhere else to hang my digital hat...I believed (and still believe) that USMB had made a politically correct decision to fold the Firearms Forum as not to "rock the boat" with new members...perhaps they thought it made us look too right leaning. So I wandered around and saw how bad it really was out there with the censorship and partisan moderation...and eventually, I worked my way back here. I could have found an echo chamber free of all dissent from the left whose voices were silenced, their ideas quashed and their posts deleted, while those members who expressed them were unceremoniously shown the door. But where is the challenge in that? You sharpen the point of your best arguments against the stone of your opponents best argument...not by decree from on high.

We are here at USMB because we agree that freedom of speech is a right for all.

I'm not saying we should retreat from YOU...I'm saying we should all retreat from a digital entity that believes IT is the final arbitrator of what may be discussed and what may not.

Uhhh, you guys understand that THIS board, in the eight years I've been here, has ALWAYS has a right leaning administrator...but no one gets kicked off because Admin doesn't agree with your politics. We've had white racists and black racists, anarchists, antisemites, anti-Islamics, a borderline pedophile, socialists, communists, Holocaust deniers, fanatical Christians, fanatical Muslims, secessionists, Zionist, and an drama ridden Buddhist, political partisans of all stripes...and all had a platform constrained by only the loosest possible rules of order.

After the Firearms Forum was deleted, I left for awhile and looked for somewhere else to hang my digital hat...I believed (and still believe) that USMB had made a politically correct decision to fold the Firearms Forum as not to "rock the boat" with new members...perhaps they thought it made us look too right leaning. So I wandered around and saw how bad it really was out there with the censorship and partisan moderation...and eventually, I worked my way back here. I could have found an echo chamber free of all dissent from the left whose voices were silenced, their ideas quashed and their posts deleted, while those members who expressed them were unceremoniously shown the door. But where is the challenge in that? You sharpen the point of your best arguments against the stone of your opponents best argument...not by decree from on high.

We are here at USMB because we agree that freedom of speech is a right for all.

I'm not saying we should retreat from YOU...I'm saying we should all retreat from a digital entity that believes IT is the final arbitrator of what may be discussed and what may not.

Hate speech is not the same as a political opinion, the right to hate speech isn't the same as the right to free speech, you certainly wouldn't care if ISIS was banned from twitter, the only reason you care now is because your being affected. Your phony pleas for equal rights, and respect for people's rights is obvious. Nobody is arresting you nazi brownshirts for speaking badly about the president, nobody is arresting you for denying the holocaust (or whatever you people do all day).

There's a million websites you can go to do that. One private website banning hate speech, doesn't infringe on anyones rights. Your demanding the right to insult and troll other people and call children ****** (notice this word is censored even here) is ridiculous. If you want to discuss why white men should rule the world, go do it on stormfront. There's no reason any website should be forced to allow you to spread your nazi propaganda, especially one created by a jew.
Many conservatives feel unfairly targeted and believe their viewpoints are being suppressed.

Safe Spaces for conservative Snowflakes? Great idea :D
Actually banning speech libs dont like is building a safe space for libs......see you have it backwards..........Anybody using facebook and twitter steps right into a big brother playground bonanza.....I dont get it but hey feel free
Uhhh, you guys understand that THIS board, in the eight years I've been here, has ALWAYS has a right leaning administrator...but no one gets kicked off because Admin doesn't agree with your politics. We've had white racists and black racists, anarchists, antisemites, anti-Islamics, a borderline pedophile, socialists, communists, Holocaust deniers, fanatical Christians, fanatical Muslims, secessionists, Zionist, and an drama ridden Buddhist, political partisans of all stripes...and all had a platform constrained by only the loosest possible rules of order.

After the Firearms Forum was deleted, I left for awhile and looked for somewhere else to hang my digital hat...I believed (and still believe) that USMB had made a politically correct decision to fold the Firearms Forum as not to "rock the boat" with new members...perhaps they thought it made us look too right leaning. So I wandered around and saw how bad it really was out there with the censorship and partisan moderation...and eventually, I worked my way back here. I could have found an echo chamber free of all dissent from the left whose voices were silenced, their ideas quashed and their posts deleted, while those members who expressed them were unceremoniously shown the door. But where is the challenge in that? You sharpen the point of your best arguments against the stone of your opponents best argument...not by decree from on high.

We are here at USMB because we agree that freedom of speech is a right for all.

I'm not saying we should retreat from YOU...I'm saying we should all retreat from a digital entity that believes IT is the final arbitrator of what may be discussed and what may not.

Hate speech is not the same as a political opinion, the right to hate speech isn't the same as the right to free speech, you certainly wouldn't care if ISIS was banned from twitter, the only reason you care now is because your being affected. Your phony pleas for equal rights, and respect for people's rights is obvious. Nobody is arresting you nazi brownshirts for speaking badly about the president, nobody is arresting you for denying the holocaust (or whatever you people do all day).

There's a million websites you can go to do that. One private website banning hate speech, doesn't infringe on anyones rights. Your demanding the right to insult and troll other people and call children ****** (notice this word is censored even here) is ridiculous. If you want to discuss why white men should rule the world, go do it on stormfront. There's no reason any website should be forced to allow you to spread your nazi propaganda, especially one created by a jew.

As I said, I've been here eight years with 16,000+ posts. Go find my Nazi Propaganda...I'll wait.
Uhhh, you guys understand that THIS board, in the eight years I've been here, has ALWAYS has a right leaning administrator...but no one gets kicked off because Admin doesn't agree with your politics. We've had white racists and black racists, anarchists, antisemites, anti-Islamics, a borderline pedophile, socialists, communists, Holocaust deniers, fanatical Christians, fanatical Muslims, secessionists, Zionist, and an drama ridden Buddhist, political partisans of all stripes...and all had a platform constrained by only the loosest possible rules of order.

After the Firearms Forum was deleted, I left for awhile and looked for somewhere else to hang my digital hat...I believed (and still believe) that USMB had made a politically correct decision to fold the Firearms Forum as not to "rock the boat" with new members...perhaps they thought it made us look too right leaning. So I wandered around and saw how bad it really was out there with the censorship and partisan moderation...and eventually, I worked my way back here. I could have found an echo chamber free of all dissent from the left whose voices were silenced, their ideas quashed and their posts deleted, while those members who expressed them were unceremoniously shown the door. But where is the challenge in that? You sharpen the point of your best arguments against the stone of your opponents best argument...not by decree from on high.

We are here at USMB because we agree that freedom of speech is a right for all.

I'm not saying we should retreat from YOU...I'm saying we should all retreat from a digital entity that believes IT is the final arbitrator of what may be discussed and what may not.

Hate speech is not the same as a political opinion, the right to hate speech isn't the same as the right to free speech, you certainly wouldn't care if ISIS was banned from twitter, the only reason you care now is because your being affected. Your phony pleas for equal rights, and respect for people's rights is obvious. Nobody is arresting you nazi brownshirts for speaking badly about the president, nobody is arresting you for denying the holocaust (or whatever you people do all day).

There's a million websites you can go to do that. One private website banning hate speech, doesn't infringe on anyones rights. Your demanding the right to insult and troll other people and call children ****** (notice this word is censored even here) is ridiculous. If you want to discuss why white men should rule the world, go do it on stormfront. There's no reason any website should be forced to allow you to spread your nazi propaganda, especially one created by a jew.

As I said, I've been here eight years with 16,000+ posts. Go find my Nazi Propaganda...I'll wait.

lol what?
Uhhh, you guys understand that THIS board, in the eight years I've been here, has ALWAYS has a right leaning administrator...but no one gets kicked off because Admin doesn't agree with your politics. We've had white racists and black racists, anarchists, antisemites, anti-Islamics, a borderline pedophile, socialists, communists, Holocaust deniers, fanatical Christians, fanatical Muslims, secessionists, Zionist, and an drama ridden Buddhist, political partisans of all stripes...and all had a platform constrained by only the loosest possible rules of order.

After the Firearms Forum was deleted, I left for awhile and looked for somewhere else to hang my digital hat...I believed (and still believe) that USMB had made a politically correct decision to fold the Firearms Forum as not to "rock the boat" with new members...perhaps they thought it made us look too right leaning. So I wandered around and saw how bad it really was out there with the censorship and partisan moderation...and eventually, I worked my way back here. I could have found an echo chamber free of all dissent from the left whose voices were silenced, their ideas quashed and their posts deleted, while those members who expressed them were unceremoniously shown the door. But where is the challenge in that? You sharpen the point of your best arguments against the stone of your opponents best argument...not by decree from on high.

We are here at USMB because we agree that freedom of speech is a right for all.

I'm not saying we should retreat from YOU...I'm saying we should all retreat from a digital entity that believes IT is the final arbitrator of what may be discussed and what may not.

Hate speech is not the same as a political opinion, the right to hate speech isn't the same as the right to free speech, you certainly wouldn't care if ISIS was banned from twitter, the only reason you care now is because your being affected. Your phony pleas for equal rights, and respect for people's rights is obvious. Nobody is arresting you nazi brownshirts for speaking badly about the president, nobody is arresting you for denying the holocaust (or whatever you people do all day).

There's a million websites you can go to do that. One private website banning hate speech, doesn't infringe on anyones rights. Your demanding the right to insult and troll other people and call children ****** (notice this word is censored even here) is ridiculous. If you want to discuss why white men should rule the world, go do it on stormfront. There's no reason any website should be forced to allow you to spread your nazi propaganda, especially one created by a jew.

As I said, I've been here eight years with 16,000+ posts. Go find my Nazi Propaganda...I'll wait.

lol what?

dumbass doesnt even know what they posted LLMMAAOOOOO
Many conservatives feel unfairly targeted and believe their viewpoints are being suppressed.

Safe Spaces for conservative Snowflakes? Great idea :D
Actually banning speech libs dont like is building a safe space for libs......see you have it backwards..........Anybody using facebook and twitter steps right into a big brother playground bonanza.....I dont get it but hey feel free
why do you think only "libs" dont like your nazi hate speech and racist insults?

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