From a Biblical point of view is race mixing good or bad?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I try to think of some arguments why it is good...

Argument: All humans descendt from Adam and Eve, they diversified because they did something bad, the Flood Noah and his Sons, The disperse after the fall of the tower of Babylon etc. initially they were all the same. So should not be aim to unity, instead of seperation?

You can now tell me why it is bad from a Biblical perspective, and I will try to refute it, or think about it, and if you are right I will acknowledge it and leave you to have won the argument.
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It's not wrong from a biblical perspective. The thing that God warned against was mixing with people who worship false gods. There are plenty of reasons for that, but that's a topic in and of itself. So the bottom line is race doesn't matter... what matters, biblically speaking, is what a person believes and does.
I try to think of some arguments why it is good...

Argument: All humans descendt from Adam and Eve, they diversified because they did something bad, the Flood Noah and his Sons, The disperse after the fall of the tower of Babylon etc. initially they were all the same. So should not be aim to unity, instead of seperation?

You can now tell me why it is bad from a Biblical perspective, and I will try to refute it, or think about it, and if you are right I will acknowledge it and leave you to have won the argument.
Moses married a black woman and when Aaron objected God punished Aaron. (Numbers 12:1-16).

The Bible has no problem w/ interracial marriage. Now, same-sex marriage is a different story...
Moses married a black woman and when Aaron objected God punished Aaron. (Numbers 12:1-16).

The Bible has no problem w/ interracial marriage. Now, same-sex marriage is a different story...
Moses very well could have been black. But you are right about male-female marriage.
Moses very well could have been black. But you are right about male-female marriage.
huh, somehow I just don't remember anywhere where the Bible says that Moses was "black" or "Ethiopian" or "Cushian". While I understand that he was in fact "African" (tho the name did not exist at the time) he was born on the continent of Africa, but it was in Egypt. Kind of like John Kerry's wife saying that since she'd been born on the island of Mauritius that made her an "African-American".

So, Moses could have been black, or maybe he was a being from outer space, or maybe...
Adam and Eve lol

You never heard of F evolution??

Humans are direct descendants of the great apes
Maybe that's why kids love to climb trees. Heck I still climb trees and I'm 81.
Mixing of races has caused nearly every problem.

A nation is a FAMILY grown great. A national family shares a common history and culture and, of course, race.
You sure as hell don't understand MY nation.
Moses married a black woman and when Aaron objected God punished Aaron. (Numbers 12:1-16).

The Bible has no problem w/ interracial marriage. Now, same-sex marriage is a different story...
It nowhere says she was black. She WAS a gentile. Cush was similar to Egypt in that day, and they were not black

  • The race of the ancient Egyptians has long been a controversial subject of debate.
  • Researchers used genetic information derived from mummies to shed light on the ancestry of the ancient Egyptians.
  • The results suggest that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant
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This is the problem with the offspring of interracial marriage -- or just recreational sex. It is the beginning of the end of a national identity
But like the comedian Paul Rodrigez on the subject of interracial marriage quipped,
"The sooner we all look like Filipinos the happier we'll be." :auiqs.jpg:

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