Friday, Nov 11 Election Updates.

Decision Desk just called Arizona for Mark Kelly.

The good news is the run off in GA is going to be much tougher for Warlock as an incumbent, particularly since Governor Kemp is goin all in with imparting his ground game infrastructure to Walker.

So it may actually all come down to Nevada, as I predict the Commies are gonna have an uphill battle when it comes to the Peach State.
Because your OPINION means so little.

I have OWNED you tonight.
Do you care to continue the Battle?

Your Choice.
Its a curious runoff in Georgia.

On one hand, Walker underperformed Kemp by 200,000 votes. That means that 200,000 folks who went into the voting booths and voted for Kemp did not vote for Walker. Some probably voted for Warnock. During the runoff, do those voters who didn't vote for Walker the first time around even show up?

On the other hand, the 3rd party was, I think, a libertarian. He got 81,000 votes. Assume all of them go to Walker.
All excellent, insightful points. (You sure you belong here? haha)

That said, in 2020 Loeffler and Perdue did not have the support of Brian Kemp's magic machine. I honestly think that could put us over the top.

But I won't dispute the fact that there's no certainty predicting the future these days...
All excellent, insightful points. (You sure you belong here? haha)

That said, in 2020 Loeffler and Perdue did not have the support of Brian Kemp's magic machine. I honestly think that could put us over the top.
Well, with about 200,000 of the folks who voted for Kemp, they didn't bother to vote for Walker--about 3/4 of an inch down the ballot or on the next screen in the electronic booth--by either not voting for him or voting for Warnock.

I don't really see why you're putting so much faith into the "machine".

While it is true that "now" it comes down to Georgia for control of the US Senate, it's was pretty clear that the US Senate election in Georgia was pretty important. Not only in determining the control of the body itself but they could have avoided this run-off all together had they turned out for Walker and just checked one more box.
Well, with about 200,000 of the folks who voted for Kemp, they didn't bother to vote for Walker--about 3/4 of an inch down the ballot or on the next screen in the electronic booth--by either not voting for him or voting for Warnock.

I don't really see why you're putting so much faith into the "machine".

While it is true that "now" it comes down to Georgia for control of the US Senate, it's was pretty clear that the US Senate election in Georgia was pretty important. Not only in determining the control of the body itself but they could have avoided this run-off all together had they turned out for Walker and just checked one more box.

Fair enough.

My understanding is that Kemp was not "all in" on Walker's campaign due to the firewall partition dividing he (Kemp) and Trump.

With the stakes being (potentially) control of the Senate, I think it may be "all hands on deck".

Here's some details that even the FAKE NEWS is acknowledging:

I'll readily concede you could be correct, but I'm also quick to realize we'd both rather I be in the right on this one.
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Fair enough.

My understanding is that Kemp was not "all in" on Walker's campaign due to the firewall partition dividing he (Kemp) and Trump.

With the stakes being (potentially) control of the Senate, I think it may be "all hands on deck".

I'll readily concede you could be correct, but I'm also quick to realize we'd both rather I be in the right on this one.
Kemp may have not been "all in" but the voters?

We'll see what happens in a month....thankfully we don't have to wait until next year as we did in 2020
Kemp may have not been "all in" but the voters?

We'll see what happens in a month....thankfully we don't have to wait until next year as we did in 2020
As nauseating as it is, I really do recommend the Politico article.

I think Herschel is going to have resources at his disposal that Purdue/Loeffler never had.
As nauseating as it is, I really do recommend the Politico article.

I think Herschel is going to have resources at his disposal that Purdue/Loeffler never had.
I'll call it. Fully knowing that I may be wrong....

Here is my thesis. 200,000+ people who voted for Kemp didn't do the easiest thing in the world and vote for Walker:

Kemp got 2,109,218 votes according to politico.
Walker got 1,906,267 votes according to politico.

That is 202,951 people who voted for Kemp but decided for whatever reason they couldn't support Walker. Same ballot...same opportunity. But more importantly that is one out of every ten voters who voted for Kempt deciding not to vote for Walker. And you think they are going to show up for Walker when Kemp is not there to inspire them to show up?

Here is my prediction. Warnock +/-52, Walker +/-48. I think Warnock gets closer to 52 than 51 and Walker gets closer to 48 than 49.
(D) probably WILL lose control of the House. Great Job (R).
Now the fight over the leader.

Meanwhile, it's not decided yet, but I expect a (R) win...... Neat.

Senate.... different story....... I totally expect the (D) to remain the Senate.
You care to debate, or just cry FRAUD. Expected.
Hershel Walker(R) is seeking to unseat the incumbant Senator Raphael Warnock(D) in Georgia.

The Democrats had Chase Oliver run as a libertarian spoiler hoping to suck away votes from the Republican candidate. Sucked away a few votes from Walker. Kinda like Ross Perot split the vote leading to Bill Clinton getting in the whitehouse back in the 1990s.

That "Chase Oliver"(is that his real name?) fagboy will not be in the runoff election.

I predict a Walker win.

That would result in a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate.
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Stay tuned,
I'll post updates so no-one can claim a "midnight Ballot Drop"
like predicted they will do.
They dropped 80,000 ballots last night.

Your denials are worthless, it's on video.
(D) probably WILL lose control of the House. Great Job (R).
Now the fight over the leader.

Meanwhile, it's not decided yet, but I expect a (R) win...... Neat.

Senate.... different story....... I totally expect the (D) to remain the Senate.
You care to debate, or just cry FRAUD. Expected.


Fucking stupid leftie.

You're too stupid to talk about fraud.

Guess what, retard - it doesn't MATTER which party is in power.

As long as there's censorship, and monkey trials, and partisan application of the law, no one cares.

No one cares what LETTER the jackbooted thugs have after their name. Or no letter at all, doesn't matter.

If we have to clean house, they're ALL going. Every single fucking one of them.

Anyone who supports Stalinism is on my shit list. I don't care what party they're from, or claim to be from.

Fucking stupid leftie.

You're too stupid to talk about fraud.

Guess what, retard - it doesn't MATTER which party is in power.

As long as there's censorship, and monkey trials, and partisan application of the law, no one cares.

No one cares what LETTER the jackbooted thugs have after their name. Or no letter at all, doesn't matter.

If we have to clean house, they're ALL going. Every single fucking one of them.

Anyone who supports Stalinism is on my shit list. I don't care what party they're from, or claim to be from.
Don't get on Scruffy's naughty list. Not unless you're into ball gags and gimp suits. :whip:
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Good Guys.

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Good Guys.

You're entitled to gloat. A little. Go for it.

Meanwhile though, those of us who are genuinely concerned about election security are looking at the processes and procedures very carefully.

This - for example - is a glaring security hole.

Not Dominion. Someone you've never heard of. Someone who prints ballots, and then counts them.

This guy Kevin Runbeck, is too smart to donate to candidates directly. Look here:

The other guy Ellington isn't as smart. He donated money to an aggregator named Rodney B Glassman.

Rodney B Glassman aggregates funds for BOTH parties. He's a professional middleman.

Gee, what do you think this all means?

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