CDZ Free Speech Threatened by Censorship Extremists |


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
Found an article published on today on the title subject, thought it was interesting. Always been a fan of civilized discussion, hoping we can get some going here on it. Here's their "story at a glance" version...

  • A number of elected government officials are using their positions of power to pressure tech platforms into silencing voices of the opposition, or simply those whose speech they don’t agree with
  • In less than a year, we’ve gone from massively censoring COVID-19 treatment information, the origin of the virus and COVID-19 vaccine information, to censoring election disputes and conservative news networks, to now calling for the censoring of climate information
  • Censorship will continue to expand until all bases of human thought are covered. Our speech is the expression of our thoughts. To end free speech is to end the individual, which is the totalitarian end-game
  • Twelve state attorneys general, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — which recently warned me to stop writing about vitamin D for COVID-19 prevention — and elected officials in Congress who are calling for censorship are all breaking the law
  • According to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press …”

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:
Found an article published on today on the title subject, thought it was interesting. Always been a fan of civilized discussion, hoping we can get some going here on it. Here's their "story at a glance" version...

  • A number of elected government officials are using their positions of power to pressure tech platforms into silencing voices of the opposition, or simply those whose speech they don’t agree with
  • In less than a year, we’ve gone from massively censoring COVID-19 treatment information, the origin of the virus and COVID-19 vaccine information, to censoring election disputes and conservative news networks, to now calling for the censoring of climate information
  • Censorship will continue to expand until all bases of human thought are covered. Our speech is the expression of our thoughts. To end free speech is to end the individual, which is the totalitarian end-game
  • Twelve state attorneys general, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — which recently warned me to stop writing about vitamin D for COVID-19 prevention — and elected officials in Congress who are calling for censorship are all breaking the law
  • According to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press …”

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:
Twitter and Facebook are really a bunch of fascists,they ban trump supporters who are banned in a heartbeat if they mention they liked trump or even if you are not a trump supporter and you come on and just question if there was vote fraud,doctors have said as well they have been deplatformed st YouTube and have had all their videos deleted there for exposing the virus hoax, I plan on ordering that book the truth about covid 19.
Found an article published on today on the title subject, thought it was interesting. Always been a fan of civilized discussion, hoping we can get some going here on it. Here's their "story at a glance" version...

  • A number of elected government officials are using their positions of power to pressure tech platforms into silencing voices of the opposition, or simply those whose speech they don’t agree with
  • In less than a year, we’ve gone from massively censoring COVID-19 treatment information, the origin of the virus and COVID-19 vaccine information, to censoring election disputes and conservative news networks, to now calling for the censoring of climate information
  • Censorship will continue to expand until all bases of human thought are covered. Our speech is the expression of our thoughts. To end free speech is to end the individual, which is the totalitarian end-game
  • Twelve state attorneys general, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — which recently warned me to stop writing about vitamin D for COVID-19 prevention — and elected officials in Congress who are calling for censorship are all breaking the law
  • According to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press …”

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:

Fundamentally, it is spiritual. Please read:

Matthew 13:24-30

New King James Version

24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”
There are two types of people, those that are of God and those that are of Satan. The Democratic Party and its supporters belong to the latter. That includes Hollywood, mainstream media, social-media giants, and many major corporations.

For that support, the Democratic Party protects the market interests of companies such as AT&T (which owns CNN) and Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., etc., etc. And for that protection, those corporations serve Democratic interests.

Of course, the big losers in all of this collusion are the American people. And if you haven't discovered this already, any responding leftists will demonstrate to you that none of them care about God or about freedom of expression or about truth or about their fellow man. No, all that matters to them is the party, namely, the Democratic Party.

Please read my signature which comes from Benito Mussolini. That tenet of Mussolini resonates with modern, American, leftists. The American left supports your individual "rights" only as long as those rights coincide with the interests of the party. Therefore, no leftists here will argue on behalf of the concept of freedom of expression.
Found an article published on today on the title subject, thought it was interesting. Always been a fan of civilized discussion, hoping we can get some going here on it. Here's their "story at a glance" version...

  • A number of elected government officials are using their positions of power to pressure tech platforms into silencing voices of the opposition, or simply those whose speech they don’t agree with
  • In less than a year, we’ve gone from massively censoring COVID-19 treatment information, the origin of the virus and COVID-19 vaccine information, to censoring election disputes and conservative news networks, to now calling for the censoring of climate information
  • Censorship will continue to expand until all bases of human thought are covered. Our speech is the expression of our thoughts. To end free speech is to end the individual, which is the totalitarian end-game
  • Twelve state attorneys general, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — which recently warned me to stop writing about vitamin D for COVID-19 prevention — and elected officials in Congress who are calling for censorship are all breaking the law
  • According to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press …”

Full article available upon creation of a free account here:
Twitter and Facebook are really a bunch of fascists,they ban trump supporters who are banned in a heartbeat if they mention they liked trump or even if you are not a trump supporter and you come on and just question if there was vote fraud,doctors have said as well they have been deplatformed st YouTube and have had all their videos deleted there for exposing the virus hoax, I plan on ordering that book the truth about covid 19.

I'm also considering buying The Truth About Covid, don't want to pre order it though, what if I pay for a pre order and it gets banned type deal. And yep, heard of a lot of unjust censorship on YouTube and Facebook.
There are two types of people, those that are of God and those that are of Satan. The Democratic Party and its supporters belong to the latter.

Whoa, I think that's far too drastic. I should probably point out that I'm generally left wing. Just listening to the audio book version of "Consequences of Capitalism", one of the authors being Noam Chomsky. I do believe in a fair amount of freedom to own guns though and I'm also against vaccines, which is something that is more associated with those on the right than the left.
A link where one must register to open it is as useless as a précis which gives no sources for the article's accusations.

Not true. First of all, you might considering registering for a free account. But if you don't want to do that for whatever reason, you can always ask me for evidence of any of the 'story at a glance' points and I can go digging in the article itself for said evidence.
And yep, heard of a lot of unjust censorship on YouTube and Facebook.
How can a private entity be unjust in regards to what it wants/permits on its platform? Have the laws of private property been held in abeyance?

You are confusing fairness with legality. They are not the same thing.
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How can a private entity be unjust in regards to what it wants on its platform?

A private corporation is absolutely permitted to censor speech on its platform just like we're permitted to note their censorship.

You see, OP, I told you these leftists would be here supporting the suppression of speech.
How can a private entity be unjust in regards to what it wants on its platform?

A private corporation is absolutely permitted to censor speech on its platform just like we're permitted to note their censorship.

You see, OP, I told you these leftists would be here supporting the suppression of speech.

I'm a leftist myself- we're not all alike. Also, as I pointed out to cnm, what is just and what is legal are not always the same thing.
No, I'm a Pantheist.


Haven't you noticed how leftists support everything that Satan supports?

The Godless left serves Satan through its support of the Democratic Party. Most of the world also supports Satan. You simply need to open your eyes and your mind to realize it.
I'm a leftist myself- we're not all alike. Also, as I pointed out to cnm, what is just and what is legal are not always the same thing.

Well, if you're a leftist that supports freedom of expression, then you are a rare leftist indeed!
I have not. What evidence do you have to support this assertion?

The left, like Satan, supports abortion, transgender lifestyles, same-sex marriage, illicit drug use, corrupt government officials, lying, cheating and more.

As well, the biggest mass murderers of the 20th century were ALL leftists, such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc., etc., etc.

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