Free college for all? Or massive debt for all?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Betsy DeVos: Student Loan Debt Is Now A 'Crisis'

Right now we have kids going into massive debt for useless degrees. They can't pay back their loans because their education doesn't match the needs of the job market.

Yet the left wants to transfer their mistakes and financial burden to EVERY AMERICAN via taxation so that anyone and everyone can attain the same level of useless education on the tax payers dime.

No talk about restructuring our faulty education system so that it actually trains young adults for a future career. These kids spend tens of thousands of dollars on classes that, while educational, serve no purpose in real world applications and careers.

There are welders making 6 figures with only a few years of technical school training. Training that didnt include a bunch of superfluous bullshit classes.
Meanwhile there are kids with 10's of thousands of dollars of debt, useless degrees and they are waiting tables or working phone centers.

This mess is what the Democrats want to push on everyone. Now we can all pay for someone elses USELESS LIBERAL ARTS degree while they wait tables at Applebees.

One other question for the left. If the people getting these degrees can't even pay them back after school is finished what the hell makes you think it is a viable system to make it "free"?
The federal government has nothing. It has nothing because it doesn't produce anything. All it does is steal from those who do produce and then redistribute it arbitrarily. The federal government acts like it owns and controls 100% of our income and that it alone sets and controls the terms for which we may keep a certain percentage.

To that extent, the federal government is the most biased entity on planet Earth.
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Well, I guess if it's free I'll be going back to school & getting my PhD
One other question for the left. If the people getting these degrees can't even pay them back after school is finished what the hell makes you think it is a viable system to make it "free"?

The problem is that the colleges have been allowed to jack up the prices because government is no longer subsidizing college.

When I went to UIC in the 1980's, tuition was about $1500 a year. I could pay that working 10 hours a week with a minimum wage job. Didn't have to because the Army was kind enough to pick that up for me, but I could have and that's the point.

Today, because the State and Feds have cut back so much, that same tuition is close to $18,000 a year. You couldn't pay that off with a min wage job if you worked 40 hours a week. And not surprisingly, the campus that was initially intended for inner city youth is now predominately white.

That said, even a worthless "liberal arts" degree puts you in a vastly better position than not having one.

I know that when I got let go from that job in 2008 that changed my mind about... everything... I was able to find a new gig within a few weeks. Other people without degrees but a ton of experience were out for months.

Could we do a lot of things better? Yup. Making it less accessible isn't one of them.
TN offers free community college and tech school paid for by the lottery
I love that idea. No one is forced to subsidize anyone.
Betsy DeVos: Student Loan Debt Is Now A 'Crisis'

Right now we have kids going into massive debt for useless degrees. They can't pay back their loans because their education doesn't match the needs of the job market.

Yet the left wants to transfer their mistakes and financial burden to EVERY AMERICAN via taxation so that anyone and everyone can attain the same level of useless education on the tax payers dime.

No talk about restructuring our faulty education system so that it actually trains young adults for a future career. These kids spend tens of thousands of dollars on classes that, while educational, serve no purpose in real world applications and careers.

There are welders making 6 figures with only a few years of technical school training. Training that didnt include a bunch of superfluous bullshit classes.
Meanwhile there are kids with 10's of thousands of dollars of debt, useless degrees and they are waiting tables or working phone centers.

This mess is what the Democrats want to push on everyone. Now we can all pay for someone elses USELESS LIBERAL ARTS degree while they wait tables at Applebees.

One other question for the left. If the people getting these degrees can't even pay them back after school is finished what the hell makes you think it is a viable system to make it "free"?
What if people go to college for 1 semester then decide that college isnt for them? Does the money go back to the pot, or stay with the school, it was intended for? Seems to me that college is a waste of time and money, yet the public education of higher learning doesnt want to give it as free. Why should the tax payer pick up the tab is liberals and their teachers unions want to give it free? Then make it FREE. Dont charge a dime....
One other question for the left. If the people getting these degrees can't even pay them back after school is finished what the hell makes you think it is a viable system to make it "free"?

The problem is that the colleges have been allowed to jack up the prices because government is no longer subsidizing college.

When I went to UIC in the 1980's, tuition was about $1500 a year. I could pay that working 10 hours a week with a minimum wage job. Didn't have to because the Army was kind enough to pick that up for me, but I could have and that's the point.

Today, because the State and Feds have cut back so much, that same tuition is close to $18,000 a year. You couldn't pay that off with a min wage job if you worked 40 hours a week. And not surprisingly, the campus that was initially intended for inner city youth is now predominately white.

That said, even a worthless "liberal arts" degree puts you in a vastly better position than not having one.

I know that when I got let go from that job in 2008 that changed my mind about... everything... I was able to find a new gig within a few weeks. Other people without degrees but a ton of experience were out for months.

Could we do a lot of things better? Yup. Making it less accessible isn't one of them.

Didn't bother reading the article that was linked in the OP did ya?

According to DeVos, student loan debt has tripled since 2007 and has by risen $500 billion since 2013.

She cites the Obama Administration's 2010 decision to have all federal student loans issued by the federal government, rather than have a portion issued by private banks, as a turning point.

You never took a basic economics course did ya?

Anything that government gets involved in, the cost goes up. This is elementary economics. . . . .

It is also why health-care has skyrocketed, and why the defense industry is riddled with waste and corruption. If folks know that they don't have to compete and can charge what ever they want? They will.

derp derp derp. . . . .
Betsy DeVos: Student Loan Debt Is Now A 'Crisis'

Right now we have kids going into massive debt for useless degrees. They can't pay back their loans because their education doesn't match the needs of the job market.

Yet the left wants to transfer their mistakes and financial burden to EVERY AMERICAN via taxation so that anyone and everyone can attain the same level of useless education on the tax payers dime.

No talk about restructuring our faulty education system so that it actually trains young adults for a future career. These kids spend tens of thousands of dollars on classes that, while educational, serve no purpose in real world applications and careers.

There are welders making 6 figures with only a few years of technical school training. Training that didnt include a bunch of superfluous bullshit classes.
Meanwhile there are kids with 10's of thousands of dollars of debt, useless degrees and they are waiting tables or working phone centers.

This mess is what the Democrats want to push on everyone. Now we can all pay for someone elses USELESS LIBERAL ARTS degree while they wait tables at Applebees.

One other question for the left. If the people getting these degrees can't even pay them back after school is finished what the hell makes you think it is a viable system to make it "free"?
What if people go to college for 1 semester then decide that college isnt for them? Does the money go back to the pot, or stay with the school, it was intended for? Seems to me that college is a waste of time and money, yet the public education of higher learning doesnt want to give it as free. Why should the tax payer pick up the tab is liberals and their teachers unions want to give it free? Then make it FREE. Dont charge a dime....

(information is a bit dated, made in 2012. Inflation and cost of college has made it go WAY up.)
The massive debt for all paradigm that we already have is intentional, and it's not just college kids. Your entire working class is in debt WITH the "proper" jobs. Privatize everything, feudalism is the way forward, fuck the people, fuck a globally competitive nation, capital has no nation.
The problem is that the colleges have been allowed to jack up the prices because government is no longer subsidizing college.

When I went to UIC in the 1980's, tuition was about $1500 a year. I could pay that working 10 hours a week with a minimum wage job. Didn't have to because the Army was kind enough to pick that up for me, but I could have and that's the point.

Today, because the State and Feds have cut back so much, that same tuition is close to $18,000 a year. You couldn't pay that off with a min wage job if you worked 40 hours a week. And not surprisingly, the campus that was initially intended for inner city youth is now predominately white.

That said, even a worthless "liberal arts" degree puts you in a vastly better position than not having one.

I know that when I got let go from that job in 2008 that changed my mind about... everything... I was able to find a new gig within a few weeks. Other people without degrees but a ton of experience were out for months.

Could we do a lot of things better? Yup. Making it less accessible isn't one of them.
This is a level of economic ignorance and pure partisan stupidity usually reserved for rDerp.

The costs have been jacked up because the student loan program has become a blank check for colleges... A bottomless pit of debt creation to pay for college is a defacto subsidy...And since the supply of colleges is relatively fixed, the seemingly limitless supply of money will assure that prices escalate.

Day one, hour one, econ 101.

The massive debt for all paradigm that we already have is intentional, and it's not just college kids. Yopur entire working class in in debt WITH the "proper" jobs. Privatize everything, feudalism is the way forward, fuck the people, fuck a globally competitive nation, capital has no nation.

They WILL crash the dollar and create a global-crypto that is biometrically attached to folks DNA, making all other trade and currencies illegal.

Liberal Elite Still Luring Us Towards the Abyss
Liberal Elite Still Luring Us Towards the Abyss
The problem is that the colleges have been allowed to jack up the prices because government is no longer subsidizing college.

When I went to UIC in the 1980's, tuition was about $1500 a year. I could pay that working 10 hours a week with a minimum wage job. Didn't have to because the Army was kind enough to pick that up for me, but I could have and that's the point.

Today, because the State and Feds have cut back so much, that same tuition is close to $18,000 a year. You couldn't pay that off with a min wage job if you worked 40 hours a week. And not surprisingly, the campus that was initially intended for inner city youth is now predominately white.

That said, even a worthless "liberal arts" degree puts you in a vastly better position than not having one.

I know that when I got let go from that job in 2008 that changed my mind about... everything... I was able to find a new gig within a few weeks. Other people without degrees but a ton of experience were out for months.

Could we do a lot of things better? Yup. Making it less accessible isn't one of them.
This is a level of economic ignorance and pure partisan stupidity usually reserved for rDerp.

The costs have been jacked up because the student loan program has become a blank check for colleges... A bottomless pit of debt creation to pay for college is a defacto subsidy...And since the supply of colleges is relatively fixed, the seemingly limitless supply of money will assure that prices escalate.

Day one, hour one, econ 101.
Americans pay way more for college (2x in many cases) than any other advanced nation on the planet.
a. There is no reason college must cost so much.
b. We’re turning generations into debt peons.
c. Public college expenses have risen 213% since the late 1980s.
d. Not to fund faculty wages/benefits/healthcare, but to fund non-productive administrative bureaucrats, outside consultants, travel expenses, top officials and “undisclosed expenses”.
The massive debt for all paradigm that we already have is intentional, and it's not just college kids. Yopur entire working class in in debt WITH the "proper" jobs. Privatize everything, feudalism is the way forward, fuck the people, fuck a globally competitive nation, capital has no nation.

They WILL crash the dollar and create a global-crypto that is biometrically attached to folks DNA, making all other trade and currencies illegal.
It's interesting isn't it. Just look at what we use our military for these days. Any 1 of the 3 of these will get you invaded by the empire:

1) Have a socialist economic system
2) Have a resource our capitalists/bankers want to take from you
3) Go off of the dollar

And of course Venezuela has the holy trinity of these. And empires in decline always at some point bring the plunder right back home.
The massive debt for all paradigm that we already have is intentional, and it's not just college kids. Yopur entire working class in in debt WITH the "proper" jobs. Privatize everything, feudalism is the way forward, fuck the people, fuck a globally competitive nation, capital has no nation.

They WILL crash the dollar and create a global-crypto that is biometrically attached to folks DNA, making all other trade and currencies illegal.
It's interesting isn't it. Just look at what we use our military for these days. Any 1 of the 3 of these will get you invaded by the empire:

1) Have a socialist economic system
2) Have a resource our capitalists/bankers want to take from you
3) Go off of the dollar

And of course Venezuela has the holy trinity of these. And empires in decline always at some point bring the plunder right back home.

IMO most of the news we hear at home about Venezuela are probably slanted.

No doubt, things are bad, but what I am hearing it is filled with propaganda and lies as well.

The Making of Juan Guaidó: US Regime-Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader
Free college for all? Or massive debt for all?

Venezuela: Guardian sparing neocon blushes
Venezuela: Guardian sparing neocon blushes

Venezuela: a study in opinion manufacture
Venezuela: a study in opinion manufacture
Betsy DeVos: Student Loan Debt Is Now A 'Crisis'

Right now we have kids going into massive debt for useless degrees. They can't pay back their loans because their education doesn't match the needs of the job market.

Yet the left wants to transfer their mistakes and financial burden to EVERY AMERICAN via taxation so that anyone and everyone can attain the same level of useless education on the tax payers dime.

No talk about restructuring our faulty education system so that it actually trains young adults for a future career. These kids spend tens of thousands of dollars on classes that, while educational, serve no purpose in real world applications and careers.

There are welders making 6 figures with only a few years of technical school training. Training that didnt include a bunch of superfluous bullshit classes.
Meanwhile there are kids with 10's of thousands of dollars of debt, useless degrees and they are waiting tables or working phone centers.

This mess is what the Democrats want to push on everyone. Now we can all pay for someone elses USELESS LIBERAL ARTS degree while they wait tables at Applebees.

One other question for the left. If the people getting these degrees can't even pay them back after school is finished what the hell makes you think it is a viable system to make it "free"?

In 1957 when I graduated HS, tuition at U of Maryland was approx $1000 a year.
2019-2020 proposed fees: In State student $42,000; Out Of State student $84,000.
Betsy DeVos: Student Loan Debt Is Now A 'Crisis'

Right now we have kids going into massive debt for useless degrees. They can't pay back their loans because their education doesn't match the needs of the job market.

Yet the left wants to transfer their mistakes and financial burden to EVERY AMERICAN via taxation so that anyone and everyone can attain the same level of useless education on the tax payers dime.

No talk about restructuring our faulty education system so that it actually trains young adults for a future career. These kids spend tens of thousands of dollars on classes that, while educational, serve no purpose in real world applications and careers.

There are welders making 6 figures with only a few years of technical school training. Training that didnt include a bunch of superfluous bullshit classes.
Meanwhile there are kids with 10's of thousands of dollars of debt, useless degrees and they are waiting tables or working phone centers.

This mess is what the Democrats want to push on everyone. Now we can all pay for someone elses USELESS LIBERAL ARTS degree while they wait tables at Applebees.

One other question for the left. If the people getting these degrees can't even pay them back after school is finished what the hell makes you think it is a viable system to make it "free"?

About half the nation is the political right (about half is the political left). I doubt there is any monopoly on debt assumption based on politics.

The winning position is to pay for college the same way we fund social security. If you wish to enroll (unlike SS), you go to college for free and pay back your tuition (with a small interest rate) deducted from your paychecks, post-tax over your working life.
The massive debt for all paradigm that we already have is intentional, and it's not just college kids. Yopur entire working class in in debt WITH the "proper" jobs. Privatize everything, feudalism is the way forward, fuck the people, fuck a globally competitive nation, capital has no nation.

They WILL crash the dollar and create a global-crypto that is biometrically attached to folks DNA, making all other trade and currencies illegal.
It's interesting isn't it. Just look at what we use our military for these days. Any 1 of the 3 of these will get you invaded by the empire:

1) Have a socialist economic system
2) Have a resource our capitalists/bankers want to take from you
3) Go off of the dollar

And of course Venezuela has the holy trinity of these. And empires in decline always at some point bring the plunder right back home.

IMO most of the news we hear at home about Venezuela are probably slanted.

No doubt, things are bad, but what I am hearing it is filled with propaganda and lies as well.

The Making of Juan Guaidó: US Regime-Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader
Free college for all? Or massive debt for all?

Venezuela: Guardian sparing neocon blushes
Venezuela: Guardian sparing neocon blushes

Venezuela: a study in opinion manufacture
Venezuela: a study in opinion manufacture

Our "news" is managed by a half dozen multinational corporate conglomerate, deregulating the FCC was a serious mistake.

Edward Bernays - Wikipedia

The tech has only gotten more sophisticated and the people, speaking in broad brush terms, have become less sophisticated and less coherent. We are to believe, not to think.
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Betsy DeVos: Student Loan Debt Is Now A 'Crisis'

Right now we have kids going into massive debt for useless degrees. They can't pay back their loans because their education doesn't match the needs of the job market.

Yet the left wants to transfer their mistakes and financial burden to EVERY AMERICAN via taxation so that anyone and everyone can attain the same level of useless education on the tax payers dime.

No talk about restructuring our faulty education system so that it actually trains young adults for a future career. These kids spend tens of thousands of dollars on classes that, while educational, serve no purpose in real world applications and careers.

There are welders making 6 figures with only a few years of technical school training. Training that didnt include a bunch of superfluous bullshit classes.
Meanwhile there are kids with 10's of thousands of dollars of debt, useless degrees and they are waiting tables or working phone centers.

This mess is what the Democrats want to push on everyone. Now we can all pay for someone elses USELESS LIBERAL ARTS degree while they wait tables at Applebees.

One other question for the left. If the people getting these degrees can't even pay them back after school is finished what the hell makes you think it is a viable system to make it "free"?

About half the nation is the political right (about half is the political left). I doubt there is any monopoly on debt assumption based on politics.

The winning position is to pay for college the same way we fund social security. If you wish to enroll (unlike SS), you go to college for free and pay back your tuition (with a small interest rate) deducted from your paychecks, post-tax over your working life.

Other advanced nations invest in their societies, infrastructure and people. We operate under that silly "original sin" concept. You're fucked up for being born and you will pay for that for the rest of your life. No common purpose, no community, no communion, no unity, no cooperation, no civility. A society of predators and competition; in essence, a high tech jungle of a society.

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