Franklin Graham: Obama is a Muslim!

This is a good article and makes some precise points. Don't read it unless you're honest. That leaves you out, Jake.

American Thinker: Now, why would 20% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim?

Hey, Jackass Fake, wanna explain how this opinion piece (which is obviously slanted to the right, and uses talking points from FAUX Noise) is accurate?

You probably think Sarah Palin is smart, and Orly Taitz has Obama's birth certificate from Kenya as well, don't ya?

If you could post something credible from an actual news source, maybe people would believe you.

Wanna know why so many think Obama is a Muslim? It's simple.......the GOP is trying to scare the people into believing it. They think if you repeat a lie long enough, then it becomes true.

Try again asshole........for a supposed internet warrior, you're showing yourself to be some punk ass bitch that don't know shit from shinola.

Like I said you colon jousting idiot, welcome to the boards, your ass is gonna be fun to punt all over the place.
Jack Fate merely trolls along. He has no evidence on birtherism, etc. Merely squawks like a parrot.
This is a good article and makes some precise points. Don't read it unless you're honest. That leaves you out, Jake.

American Thinker: Now, why would 20% of Americans think Obama is a Muslim?

Hey, Jackass Fake, wanna explain how this opinion piece (which is obviously slanted to the right, and uses talking points from FAUX Noise) is accurate?

You probably think Sarah Palin is smart, and Orly Taitz has Obama's birth certificate from Kenya as well, don't ya?

If you could post something credible from an actual news source, maybe people would believe you.

Wanna know why so many think Obama is a Muslim? It's simple.......the GOP is trying to scare the people into believing it. They think if you repeat a lie long enough, then it becomes true.

Try again asshole........for a supposed internet warrior, you're showing yourself to be some punk ass bitch that don't know shit from shinola.

Like I said you colon jousting idiot, welcome to the boards, your ass is gonna be fun to punt all over the place.

Well, I wouldn't mind seeing Obama's birth cert. but I'm not holding my breath.
I told Orly last year she was a loon and she tried to spit on me. What a crazy gal.
You don't have a "right" to see it. Those who certify records do that, that has been done, and the matter is closed.
You know Jake, they're gonna keep screaming that right up until November, hoping to get the Dems to lose seats.

Too bad they don't see how bad it's going to backfire.................
You know Jake, they're gonna keep screaming that right up until November, hoping to get the Dems to lose seats.

Too bad they don't see how bad it's going to backfire.................

I would say "Aren't they cute trying to act human?", but trolls aren't cute, you know. They all live under Orly Taitz' bridge.

Their behavior is pathological according to the standards. Ask for evidence: they wet their pants. Point out that assertion is not evidence: they shit their pants.

The fun thing the day after elections will be, metaphorically, our wonderful, intelligent visages smiling at them and their idiocies.
You know Jake, they're gonna keep screaming that right up until November, hoping to get the Dems to lose seats.

Too bad they don't see how bad it's going to backfire.................

Noted. ;)

We agree. You and Jack Fate are going to look like the Muslim poseurs you are actually. We will have no need to laugh at you, because you will have earned the disdain with which you will be held. But we will laugh at you anyway, because of what you pretend to be: solid caring Americans.

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