Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.

When is Fox News going to apologize to its viewers for mocking and minimizing Coronavirus?
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.

When is Fox News going to apologize to its viewers for mocking and minimizing Coronavirus?
Lol, yeah like cnn and msnbc did when the minimized it when Trump closed us to China.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.
Why do you believe the news has to be about the Wuhan Flu 100% of the time? I understand that you don't like having the dirt in your filthy party exposed
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.

When is Fox News going to apologize to its viewers for mocking and minimizing Coronavirus?
Bwa ha ha ha, they quickly did a Don and initiated another shitstorm of distraction by rolling out the "it's a China virus plot" shtick. Off and running with another shitstorm to avoid cleaning up the last. Rinse, repeat.
How about that...the media created 'Post Zombie-Apocalypse' coverage of COVID-19 (whose world-wide 'infected' and 'deceased' rate pales in comparison to those of AMERICANS infected by and killed by the FLU) has not distracted everyone from Joe's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM - with Barry's knowledge and blessing, as confirmed by both Joe and Nadler - and Hunter's influence-peddling gig with a corrupt Ukraine energy company run by a notoriously criminal Ukrainian who had a history working with Putin....

Sorry, Democrats / Fake News Trump-Hating media / didn't think it would be THAT easy to protect the self-confessed extorting, dementia-suffering winner of the 2020 Rigged Primary DNC Nomination, did you?

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.
Why do you believe the news has to be about the Wuhan Flu 100% of the time? I understand that you don't like having the dirt in your filthy party exposed

If we could go at all the filth that would be nice. Don Jr is aghast that an entitled deadbeat trust fund baby would skate thru life on his daddy's name. Status Quo Joe/Hunter and Don/Ivanka/Don Jr/Erik (but not Tiffany and we'll see about the slowest of the slow ones, Barron) are all the same; utterly corrupt, but to be fair, that's what our system selects for.

Did Status Quo Joe ever bring Hunter into elected office with him?
How about that...the media created 'Post Zombie-Apocalypse' coverage of COVID-19 (whose world-wide 'infected' and 'deceased' rate pales in comparison to those of AMERICANS infected by and killed by the FLU) has not distracted everyone from Joe's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM - with Barry's knowledge and blessing, as confirmed by both Joe and Nadler - and Hunter's influence-peddling gig with a corrupt Ukraine energy company run by a notoriously criminal Ukrainian who had a history working with Putin....

Sorry, Democrats / Fake News Trump-Hating media / didn't think it would be THAT easy to protect the self-confessed extorting, dementia-suffering winner of the 2020 Rigged Primary DNC Nomination, did you?

Emerging, look up the term, you may get the numbers you want in time.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.

When is Fox News going to apologize to its viewers for mocking and minimizing Coronavirus?
You want them to apologize for telling the truth? Typical democrat.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.

WTF!? It says "during" the coronavirus crisis. Can't you idiots read?
Will China Joe be in it?....or Kung pao Biden?....
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.
Well did you think that the MSM would do an expose' on the Biden Family Crimes?
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.

When is Fox News going to apologize to its viewers for mocking and minimizing Coronavirus?
Never, In Fauxworld like in Trumpworld an admission of error is a sign of weakness.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.

When is Fox News going to apologize to its viewers for mocking and minimizing Coronavirus?

don't they care their biggest demographic is the biggest target for death?
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Determined to address the “No. 1 concern of the American people during the coronavirus crisis,” Fox News Channel announced on Thursday that it would air a three-part prime-time series on Hunter Biden.

The series, to be he co-hosted by Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Rudy Giuliani, will attempt to soothe the anxieties of Fox viewers who have suddenly been plunged into uncertainty about the activities of Joe Biden’s son.

Fox to Address Coronavirus Crisis with Three-Part Series on Hunter Biden
The real value of Borowitz's satire is it is never far from the truth.

When is Fox News going to apologize to its viewers for mocking and minimizing Coronavirus?
Bwa ha ha ha, they quickly did a Don and initiated another shitstorm of distraction by rolling out the "it's a China virus plot" shtick. Off and running with another shitstorm to avoid cleaning up the last. Rinse, repeat.
Leftwing turds all believe that truth and facts are a "distraction."

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