Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Fox News Bill O Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn t Deserve To Die

So if this far right wingnut admits the truth, it just makes you wonder about the assholes on this board who are so far right they fell right off their flat earth with this one.

WOW! I never thought in a million years Bill O would EVER break from the GOP line! I have a little more respect for the man now than I did a few moments ago. Good for him.

He used to break from the GOP quite often, but that was a few years ago when I watched him.
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Fox News Bill O Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn t Deserve To Die

So if this far right wingnut admits the truth,

Bill O'Reilly is a registered Independent although his views do slant towards the right.

O'Reilly REFUSES to report nor give Sherif Joe or any of the of the birthers a soap box on the Factor because he knows they're radical and their claims are al BS

Bill O'Reilly has complimented Obama for the charitable work he's done for the Wounded Warriors and My Brother's Keeper program.

Bill O'Reilly SUPPORTS the raise in the minimal wages.

Bill O'Reilly SUPPORTS immigration reform provided the borders be sealed first rather than deprtation.

Bill O'Reilly has NEVER endorsed a political candidate on the Factor nor any other public platform .... unlike the cesspool of MSNBC.

To call O'ReIlly " far right wingnut " goes beyond preposterous and dishonest on your part.


it just makes you wonder about the assholes on this board who are so far right they fell right off their flat earth with this one.

Oh, is that how it is? Anyone that doesn't agree with you is a far right asshole?
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Fox News Bill O Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn t Deserve To Die

So if this far right wingnut admits the truth,

Bill O'Reilly is a registered Independent although his views do slant towards the right.

O'Reilly REFUSES to report nor give Sherif Joe or any of the of the birthers a soap box on the Factor because he knows they're radical and their claims are al BS

Bill O'Reilly has complimented Obama for the charitable work he's done for the Wounded Warriors and My Brother's Keeper program.

Bill O'Reilly SUPPORTS the raise in the minimal wages.

Bill O'Reilly SUPPORTS immigration reform provided the borders be sealed first rather than deprtation.

Bill O'Reilly has NEVER endorsed a political candidate on the Factor nor any other public platform .... unlike the cesspool of MSNBC.

To call O'ReIlly " far right wingnut " goes beyond preposterous and dishonest on your part.


it just makes you wonder about the assholes on this board who are so far right they fell right off their flat earth with this one.

Oh, is that how it is? Anyone that doesn't agree with you is a far right asshole?

NoTeaParty is a fucking idiot and you'd be better off debating with a small child, or perhaps a retarded monkey, they would both better grasp the conversation.
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Fox News Bill O Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn t Deserve To Die

So if this far right wingnut admits the truth,

Bill O'Reilly is a registered Independent although his views do slant towards the right.

O'Reilly REFUSES to report nor give Sherif Joe or any of the of the birthers a soap box on the Factor because he knows they're radical and their claims are al BS

Bill O'Reilly has complimented Obama for the charitable work he's done for the Wounded Warriors and My Brother's Keeper program.

Bill O'Reilly SUPPORTS the raise in the minimal wages.

Bill O'Reilly SUPPORTS immigration reform provided the borders be sealed first rather than deprtation.

Bill O'Reilly has NEVER endorsed a political candidate on the Factor nor any other public platform .... unlike the cesspool of MSNBC.

To call O'ReIlly " far right wingnut " goes beyond preposterous and dishonest on your part.

it just makes you wonder about the assholes on this board who are so far right they fell right off their flat earth with this one.

Oh, is that how it is? Anyone that doesn't agree with you is a far right asshole?

NoTeaP is an extreme leftwing nut. He thinks Pelosi is a conservative.

Those are Eric Garner's last words. When it comes right down to it, those of us who would rather be left alone to live our lives in peace without the interference of the Nanny State are All Eric Garners.

The Last Words of Eric Garner - Hit Run
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Fox News Bill O Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn t Deserve To Die

So if this far right wingnut admits the truth, it just makes you wonder about the assholes on this board who are so far right they fell right off their flat earth with this one.

WOW! I never thought in a million years Bill O would EVER break from the GOP line! I have a little more respect for the man now than I did a few moments ago. Good for him.

Republicans think Eric Garner was a hero because he was avoiding taxes. The death penalty for avoiding taxes does not fly in republican wheelhouse.
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Fox News Bill O Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn t Deserve To Die

So if this far right wingnut admits the truth, it just makes you wonder about the assholes on this board who are so far right they fell right off their flat earth with this one.

WOW! I never thought in a million years Bill O would EVER break from the GOP line! I have a little more respect for the man now than I did a few moments ago. Good for him.

Republicans think Eric Garner was a hero because he was avoiding taxes. The death penalty for avoiding taxes does not fly in republican wheelhouse.
You are one messed up nut job. You hate even when you agree.
Garner was held down forcefully even after he was unconscious. Garner's offense did NOT call for the amount of force they used on him once he was cuffed. The cops were wrong and their action directly contributed/caused his death. They didn't even uncuff him when he was laying on the ground unconscious!

“It was pretty obvious this patient was in distress,” a source said. “His body was limp and lifeless.”

Yet none of the workers — nor the eight cops on hand — can be seen in the video administering any aid to Garner. One medic at Garner’s side doesn’t even have any of the required equipment on her, such as an oxygen bag or a defibrillator, the source said.

“You can [only] hear her say, ‘Oh, he can’t walk to the bus?’ ” the source said.

Garner should have been immediately placed on a stretcher, and his airway, breathing and circulation checked, sources said. Instead, EMT Nicole Palmeri can be seen only checking for a pulse. She never uses a stethoscope to check his lungs for air movement, a source said, nor does she connect him to an oxygen mask.

“Maybe the EMT felt a pulse, but it was obvious this male was in serious distress and needed to be assisted with his breathing,” the source said.

Undercover Officer Daniel Pantaleo was caught on video putting him in a chokehold — a violation of NYPD procedure.

Pantaleo has been named in two civil-rights lawsuits, one of which was settled by the city for $30,000, the Staten Island Advance reported Sunday. Pantaleo and three other officers unlawfully stopped a vehicle and strip-searched two men."

4 EMS workers barred from duty after chokehold death New York Post

7 min vid of no one giving Garner medical assistance, not cops, not ems (other than checking his pulse).

Cops didn 8217 t give medical assistance after chokehold New York Post
Garner failed to comply with a sensible and reasonable arrest by a officer of the law half his size, I am nor feeling the pain here. Why did he resist arrest? WHY? His health issues were not the primary concern of the NYPD. Selling ciggys illegally was not worth dying for. Garner was a like an Elephant and the cops were like ants. His health issues and his obesity seem secondary to his RACE.
You keep saying he failed to comply with a lawful order, did the cops see Garner sale any cigarettes?
Here's the bottom line:

The crime rate has dropped drastically in New York City over the last 20 years. I mean it fell harder and faster than George Bush's economic fiasco in 2008.
Today, in an astonishing twist, New York is one of the safest cities in the country. Its current homicide rate is 18 percent of its 1990 total — its auto theft rate is 6 percent. The drop exceeded the wildest dreams of crime experts of the 1990s, and it’s a testament to this transformation that New Yorkers now seem more likely to complain about the city’s dullness than about its criminality....." What really cleaned up New York -

But the city still maintains an active plus retired police force of 50,000.

(The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the City of New York (NYC PBA), the largest municipal police union in the United States, represents over 50,000 active and retired NYC police officers.)

So you have a lot of bored cops with nothing to do except bust small-time misdemeanors like Eric Garner. And just like any pack mentality, and the cops are full of that, things go bad quickly.

The answer is: reduce the police force, lay a bunch of them off. But the police unions in this country are too powerful, so that ain't gonna happen.

Make them wear cop-cams? Ha. Eric Garner's death proved that doesn't mean shit.

255,000 other misdemeanor arrests did not result in deaths of the perp, so wholesale changes such as you suggest would be over reacting.

Republicans we need to stop defending the police on this. Whose next on the cross hair?

I am defending the institution of Law Enforcement and those who do it honorably while also stating that Garner said I can't breathe 11 times before he died.

At what point would any of us have relaxed that choke hold?

After the 3rd time?

Or the sixth?

Or the eighth, ninth or tenth time the man cried out for his life?

I stand with the Police and support them 100% unless they do wrong.

Then I call them on it but always I try to understand the situation as best I can before coming to a conclusion.

Usually that means after the legal system has done it's work.

Eric Garner should be alive today.
I'm sorry there was nothing honorable about this.Police when they are in the wrong should never be defended.

Take a deep breath. Re-read my post.

Then all will be well.
"I am defending the institution of Law Enforcement and those who do it honorably while also stating that Garner said I can't breathe 11 times before he died."

I'm sorry there was nothing honorable about this.Police when they are in the wrong should never be defended
Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Fox News Bill O Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn t Deserve To Die

So if this far right wingnut admits the truth, it just makes you wonder about the assholes on this board who are so far right they fell right off their flat earth with this one.

1. Bill O'Reilly is a CENTRIST, who has one of the most popular shows on cable news.

2. It's not a matter of "deserved to die." People die of heart attacks every day. Garner brought ALL of this on himself. He ate himself into the obese condition that made him a heart attack risk. He VOLUNTARILY resisted arrest.

What is it about LOGIC and THE TRUTH you far left liberals have so much trouble grasping?
He didn't deserve to die. And he wouldn't have if he hadn't resisted arrest.

So that's it....No other way to deal with someone who was selling cigarettes on the street.

My oh my, what then should happen to someone selling heroin on a school playground?

What is it about THE FACTS that you are having so much trouble grasping? The police were responding to a complaint. They were there to arrest the fat son of a bitch. When there is a warrant for your arrest, you don't have the option of bitching and moaning and maybe the cops will change their minds. Garner brought ALL of this on himself.

Complain about the law. Complain about the department that ORDERED those cops to arrest that spermwhale. Don't whine about the cops just doing their jobs.
My mother and father both died from lung cancer from smoking. Should THEY have died? I am over the hurt, my father also received a purple heart in WWII after being wounded in the war, its most probable his death was hastened by the industrial pollution he had to deal with after the war. Boo hoo. Nobody lives forever, that is a fact, we all have slings and arrows to deal with. Don't blame the NYPD.

Sorry for your loss.

You have just posted a fallacy of false comparison, a difference of kind not degree.
Here's the vid that captures the entire encounter.

Eric Garner Video Staten Island Police Chokehold Death

Here's the seven minute vid after Garner is down on the ground, cops nor emt offer any medical assistance despite Garner obviously being in medical distress.

Cops didn 8217 t give medical assistance after chokehold New York Post

In this case, the cops were wrong to keep Garner on the ground, wrong to pile on top of him, wrong to squash him and shove his head into the ground, and wrong to offer ZERO medical assistance. Watch the video ... Garner is hardly "fighting them off" while 'resisting' arrest. He backed up, put his arms in the air, and said leave me alone. He wasn't swinging at the cops, wasn't trying to run away, wasn't resisting very hard. The amount of and length of force used for the MINOR offense of selling loosies? It's like a high speed chase through the city for a guy who blew a stop sign. The guy was out cold and the cops didn't even roll him onto his back to assess him, they just kept looking at him. The emt did NOTHING besides take his pulse .... no checking of his airway, no stethoscope checking his breathing/lungs/heart, no further assessment at all. Garner claimed either 8 or 11 times (have heard both numbers) that he couldn't breath. He was likely in the process of having a heart attack at that point. Aren't cops trained to offer basic medical assistance? They did not do so in this case. Many failures here.

The cops claim that he was selling loosies. Okay. Where is the physical evidence because I didn't see it.
In the first video I posted, above .... note the cop on the left when they get Garner down onto the ground. That cop is so fat he is barely able to get into a kneeling position. Don't they have physical fitness standards that cops must adhere to? They should, 'cause that guy would be useless in a foot chase.
In the first video I posted, above .... note the cop on the left when they get Garner down onto the ground. That cop is so fat he is barely able to get into a kneeling position. Don't they have physical fitness standards that cops must adhere to? They should, 'cause that guy would be useless in a foot chase.

That "fat cop on the left" grabbed Pantaleo at least 6 times to pull him off Garners neck & head to try & stop him from killing Eric Garner.

Then another officer in a suit steps in pushing the guy taking video back while saying "it is now going to become a crime scene". The police knew Officer Pantaleo just committed a crime potentially killing Eric Garner.

That was in no way a "seat-belt take-down maneuver" as police have now been claiming it was. Officer Pantaleo applied a vascular neck restraint slipping into a direct choke hold, then put all his weight on Garners neck & head causing asthma & heart attack that killed him. They should have checked his pockets for asthma inhaler & administered a puff.
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Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Fox News Bill O Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn t Deserve To Die

So if this far right wingnut admits the truth, it just makes you wonder about the assholes on this board who are so far right they fell right off their flat earth with this one.

WOW! I never thought in a million years Bill O would EVER break from the GOP line! I have a little more respect for the man now than I did a few moments ago. Good for him.

Bill-O claims to be a registered Independent but he has also been a registered Republican in New York since 1994. At times he's claimed to be a conservative independent. So, exactly what is he? :confused-84:
Every once in awhile he breaks with the GOP. Does he do it just to make a point that he is an Independent? Or is he doing it for his audience, so they can say, "see, even independents agree with us!"
Prior to the days when I decided to completely ignore Fox-MSNBC, I came away with thinking he was a die-in-the-wool Republican,(but not really far, far right). That opinion is considering his rah-rah for the GOP ala more so cheer-leading. I also considered his voice fluctuations and his body language when addressing high profile topics.
But then, I could be wrong. :dunno:

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