Zone1 Four Beliefs of Christian Doctrine - What If Any are Taken Away?

I've read the bible a lot, and asked God if it were true. When do you think he might be getting back to me with all the answers? Of course you also say I have to have faith first.
That brings us back to my remark in #10 about having to completely accept tenants of your cult before you get any reason to believe there is anything to it.
You are asking me to diagnose why you have not yet received an answer to your prayer. I can only offer you suggestions. First I would suggest that you be patient and continue in faith believing that you will receive an answer. If there is anything amiss in your life in regards to living according to the commandments of God, I would suggest repentance. Don't stand by the light switch ready to turn out the lights on God if He doesn't answer your prayer on your time table. Have an open heart and don't assume that all churches are a cult. Be patient and be believing and open your heart to your Father in Heaven. Believe in Jesus Christ and close your prayers in His name. Only God will decide when the timing is right to answer your prayer. God will answer in his own way and in his own time. He may try your faith before answering your prayer. Be persistent. Be patient, Be believing. Try applying the word of God to your life if you are not already doing so. Let Him know that you want Him in your life and not just giving Him an ultimatum. I'm praying for you Bulldog!
Did you miss the part where I was a deacon? I was perfectly happy accepting what my parents religion taught me as a child. It was only when I retired and had the time to actually study the bible and all the stories that I had been told that I realized it was mostly just bullshit. Seek God, Just accept it, you have to believe first, and you just refuse to believe are all just silly substitutes for actual answers.
Who did you study under or study with? Did the study include languages, histories, cultures, and anthropology of each region?
You are asking me to diagnose why you have not yet received an answer to your prayer. I can only offer you suggestions. First I would suggest that you be patient and continue in faith believing that you will receive an answer. If there is anything amiss in your life in regards to living according to the commandments of God, I would suggest repentance. Don't stand by the light switch ready to turn out the lights on God if He doesn't answer your prayer on your time table. Have an open heart and don't assume that all churches are a cult. Be patient and be believing and open your heart to your Father in Heaven. Believe in Jesus Christ and close your prayers in His name. Only God will decide when the timing is right to answer your prayer. God will answer in his own way and in his own time. He may try your faith before answering your prayer. Be persistent. Be patient, Be believing. Try applying the word of God to your life if you are not already doing so. Let Him know that you want Him in your life and not just giving Him an ultimatum. I'm praying for you Bulldog!
Nope. Just saying "take my word for it, because there is no logical reason for you to believe any of it." is petty weak. We both know "you gotta believe" is a terrible way to convince anyone of anything.
Who did you study under or study with? Did the study include languages, histories, cultures, and anthropology of each region?
I studied for more than a year before I had to admit it was mostly a scam. I wasn't trying to compare religions, I only wanted to find some justification for mine, so no other religions. I already told you it was valid research. Don't care if you believe that or not.
Doesn't require Christianity to appreciate the import of minutia, or to recognize and appreciate the difference between good and bad.
Not speaking of seeking Christianity, but of seeking God.
To be a Christian you believe Jesus is the Son of God. He was crucified and died for our sins. He was resurrected. If you don't believe these things you can be a lot of things. Christian isn't one of them. You can still be a wonderful person and perhaps believe in some Christian principles. You just don't believe in the bedrock of Christian doctrine.
Not speaking of seeking Christianity, but of seeking God.
Not really interested in founding my own personal religion for a god that I have no reason to believe exists. So far, you have put forward only catch phrases commonly used in Christianity, but you can't or won't give hard examples of what those phrases mean. If you have rational reason to believe in any god, even if it is not the Christian god, please present it.
Not really interested in founding my own personal religion for a god that I have no reason to believe exists. So far, you have put forward only catch phrases commonly used in Christianity, but you can't or won't give hard examples of what those phrases mean. If you have rational reason to believe in any god, even if it is not the Christian god, please present it.
I took seeking God to heart. And he was there. The Bible verse "Seek and you shall find" is truth. I presented where he was found. It wasn't in the home of a deacon. It wasn't in the Bible. Don't worry about it. You've reached your own conclusions. As I've written many times before: Argue for limitations and you get to keep them, including the limits people place on themselves when it comes to seeking God.
how could Jesus be a man if he didn't possess X Chromosomes?
Jesus was fully human and fully God. During his ministry they couldn't understand the latter. After his resurrection they couldn't understand the former.
To be a Christian you believe Jesus is the Son of God. He was crucified and died for our sins. He was resurrected. If you don't believe these things you can be a lot of things. Christian isn't one of them. You can still be a wonderful person and perhaps believe in some Christian principles. You just don't believe in the bedrock of Christian doctrine.

- and the point being is also not believed or ever mentioned by jesus themself who taught the opposite, liberation theology, self determination than christian servitude and denial ... what really do christians believe in.
I took seeking God to heart. And he was there. The Bible verse "Seek and you shall find" is truth. I presented where he was found. It wasn't in the home of a deacon. It wasn't in the Bible. Don't worry about it. You've reached your own conclusions. As I've written many times before: Argue for limitations and you get to keep them, including the limits people place on themselves when it comes to seeking God.
Consistent to the end, aren't you? I had hoped for something other than "it's great. Take my word for it.
Nope. Just saying "take my word for it, because there is no logical reason for you to believe any of it." is petty weak. We both know "you gotta believe" is a terrible way to convince anyone of anything.
So you are telling me that you don't believe in God and I am crazy for doing so myself. Just wondering why you were asking in the first place. I will still pray for you to find the faith you need to overcome your disbelief.
- and the point being is also not believed or ever mentioned by jesus themself who taught the opposite, liberation theology, self determination than christian servitude and denial ... what really do christians believe in.
Jesus never taught Christianity. He never mentioned Christianity. Christianity did not exist until after Jesus died and was resurrected.
So you are telling me that you don't believe in God and I am crazy for doing so myself. Just wondering why you were asking in the first place. I will still pray for you to find the faith you need to overcome your disbelief.
Faith is a gift.
So you are telling me that you don't believe in God and I am crazy for doing so myself. Just wondering why you were asking in the first place. I will still pray for you to find the faith you need to overcome your disbelief.
I have no concern either way what you believe. That's none of my business. When you reach the point that you want your religion to interfere with my rights, I will call you crazy. You might want to read the thread title to understand why I said what I said.

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