Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

Watch all the leftwing douchebags in this forum defend Mueller's behavior, which the ABA code specifically prohibits:

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.

Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”

Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference.

“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”

The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.

Hey fuckwad...Mueller is mot a prosecutor.

He's a private citizen

So he was a Special Private Citizen in this case? I thought his title was Special PROSECUTOR!
No...he was a Special Counsel....that was his title from the very beginning...and yes, they are different.
He WAS a Special Counsel. He is NOW a private citizen
ROFL! Spare us. There's no bigger fraud in Congress than Schiff for Brains.

It's astounding how almost every single thing you post is a lie.
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law? least Trump didn't send pallets of cash to Putin like your guy did with the Iranians.
Obama was just returning Iranian money that we were holding for decades, with interest.

By contrast:
  1. Putin’s Goal: Weaken and divide the transatlantic alliance.
    • Putin’s Payout:Trump undermines US relationships with European allies and calls the US’s commitment to NATO into question.
  2. Putin’s Goal: Degrade the European Union and foster pro-Russian political movements.
    • Putin’s Payout:Trump attacks the EU and actively supports anti-EU, Kremlin-backed parties.
  3. Putin’s Goal: Disrupt American leadership and dominance of the global economic order.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump is eagerly pushing for an all-out trade war with Europe
  4. Putin’s Goal: Build global resentment and distrust towards the US and stoke anti-American sentiment.
    • Putin’s Payout: America’s closest allies are explicitly suspicious and distrusting of the US because of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.
  5. Putin’s Goal: Relieve economic and domestic political pressure from US sanctions on Russia.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump tries to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of sanctions at every step.
  6. Putin’s Goal: Legitimize his regime in the eyes of the world.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump repeatedly praises and defends Putin, lending the credibility of the US presidency to Putin’s standing.
  7. Putin’s Goal: Revive Russia’s status as a great power and gain international recognition for its illegal seizure of Crimea.
    • Putin’s Payout:Trump publicly says that Crimea is part of Russia and calls for Russia to be welcomed back into the international community with no concessions.
  8. Putin’s Goal: Continue to sow discord in Western democracies and avoid repercussions for interfering in American and European elections.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump dismisses Russian interference and has done nothing to prevent future interference, putting him at odds with his own intelligence community.
  9. Putin’s Goal: Soften America’s adversarial stance toward Russia.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump is shifting the Republican Party’s generations-long hawkish views on Russia.
  10. Putin’s Goal: Destabilize the US from within.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks US institutions while driving divisive politics and eroding democratic norms.
  11. Putin’s goal: Advance the Kremlin’s narrative to shape global perceptions.
    • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly, and inexplicably, parroted Kremlin talking points across a range of global issues.
  12. Putin’s goal: Undermine international norms and democratic values abroad.
    • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly failed to respond to human rights violations or support democracy abroad, creating a more permissive environment for autocrats to crack down.
Democrats seem to be in lock-step with Putin.
I don't understand the republicans constant bashing of Comey He handed the election to Trump
You are really sounding desperate and shrill now. I wonder why that is.
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law? least Trump didn't send pallets of cash to Putin like your guy did with the Iranians.
Obama was just returning Iranian money that we were holding for decades, with interest.

By contrast:
  1. Putin’s Goal: Weaken and divide the transatlantic alliance.
    • Putin’s Payout:Trump undermines US relationships with European allies and calls the US’s commitment to NATO into question.
  2. Putin’s Goal: Degrade the European Union and foster pro-Russian political movements.
    • Putin’s Payout:Trump attacks the EU and actively supports anti-EU, Kremlin-backed parties.
  3. Putin’s Goal: Disrupt American leadership and dominance of the global economic order.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump is eagerly pushing for an all-out trade war with Europe
  4. Putin’s Goal: Build global resentment and distrust towards the US and stoke anti-American sentiment.
    • Putin’s Payout: America’s closest allies are explicitly suspicious and distrusting of the US because of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.
  5. Putin’s Goal: Relieve economic and domestic political pressure from US sanctions on Russia.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump tries to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of sanctions at every step.
  6. Putin’s Goal: Legitimize his regime in the eyes of the world.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump repeatedly praises and defends Putin, lending the credibility of the US presidency to Putin’s standing.
  7. Putin’s Goal: Revive Russia’s status as a great power and gain international recognition for its illegal seizure of Crimea.
    • Putin’s Payout:Trump publicly says that Crimea is part of Russia and calls for Russia to be welcomed back into the international community with no concessions.
  8. Putin’s Goal: Continue to sow discord in Western democracies and avoid repercussions for interfering in American and European elections.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump dismisses Russian interference and has done nothing to prevent future interference, putting him at odds with his own intelligence community.
  9. Putin’s Goal: Soften America’s adversarial stance toward Russia.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump is shifting the Republican Party’s generations-long hawkish views on Russia.
  10. Putin’s Goal: Destabilize the US from within.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks US institutions while driving divisive politics and eroding democratic norms.
  11. Putin’s goal: Advance the Kremlin’s narrative to shape global perceptions.
    • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly, and inexplicably, parroted Kremlin talking points across a range of global issues.
  12. Putin’s goal: Undermine international norms and democratic values abroad.
    • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly failed to respond to human rights violations or support democracy abroad, creating a more permissive environment for autocrats to crack down.
Democrats seem to be in lock-step with Putin.
Which means Trump is a democrat?
I don't understand the republicans constant bashing of Comey He handed the election to Trump

He did????

I thought it was the Russians. No, I thought it was the green party. No, I thought it was the free air time Trump got. No, I thought it was white women voting according to their dominating Republican husbands. No, I thought........
Because dog shit is more intelligent than the stuff between your ears?

Only a leftwing moron would advance the idea that a Republican is supposed to participate on the leftwing assault on the presidency.
We're talking about the friend of the enemy that wants us gone , who believes putin before our agencies. You think the weasel trump is above the law? least Trump didn't send pallets of cash to Putin like your guy did with the Iranians.
Obama was just returning Iranian money that we were holding for decades, with interest.

By contrast:
  1. Putin’s Goal: Weaken and divide the transatlantic alliance.
    • Putin’s Payout:Trump undermines US relationships with European allies and calls the US’s commitment to NATO into question.
  2. Putin’s Goal: Degrade the European Union and foster pro-Russian political movements.
    • Putin’s Payout:Trump attacks the EU and actively supports anti-EU, Kremlin-backed parties.
  3. Putin’s Goal: Disrupt American leadership and dominance of the global economic order.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump is eagerly pushing for an all-out trade war with Europe
  4. Putin’s Goal: Build global resentment and distrust towards the US and stoke anti-American sentiment.
    • Putin’s Payout: America’s closest allies are explicitly suspicious and distrusting of the US because of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.
  5. Putin’s Goal: Relieve economic and domestic political pressure from US sanctions on Russia.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump tries to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of sanctions at every step.
  6. Putin’s Goal: Legitimize his regime in the eyes of the world.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump repeatedly praises and defends Putin, lending the credibility of the US presidency to Putin’s standing.
  7. Putin’s Goal: Revive Russia’s status as a great power and gain international recognition for its illegal seizure of Crimea.
    • Putin’s Payout:Trump publicly says that Crimea is part of Russia and calls for Russia to be welcomed back into the international community with no concessions.
  8. Putin’s Goal: Continue to sow discord in Western democracies and avoid repercussions for interfering in American and European elections.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump dismisses Russian interference and has done nothing to prevent future interference, putting him at odds with his own intelligence community.
  9. Putin’s Goal: Soften America’s adversarial stance toward Russia.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump is shifting the Republican Party’s generations-long hawkish views on Russia.
  10. Putin’s Goal: Destabilize the US from within.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks US institutions while driving divisive politics and eroding democratic norms.
  11. Putin’s goal: Advance the Kremlin’s narrative to shape global perceptions.
    • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly, and inexplicably, parroted Kremlin talking points across a range of global issues.
  12. Putin’s goal: Undermine international norms and democratic values abroad.
    • Putin’s payout: Trump has repeatedly failed to respond to human rights violations or support democracy abroad, creating a more permissive environment for autocrats to crack down.
Democrats seem to be in lock-step with Putin.
Which means Trump is a democrat?
logic isn't your strength.
I don't understand the republicans constant bashing of Comey He handed the election to Trump

He did????

I thought it was the Russians. No, I thought it was the green party. No, I thought it was the free air time Trump got. No, I thought it was white women voting according to their dominating Republican husbands. No, I thought........
All of that too ,but you deny comey helped win election for trump?
I don't understand the republicans constant bashing of Comey He handed the election to Trump

He did????

I thought it was the Russians. No, I thought it was the green party. No, I thought it was the free air time Trump got. No, I thought it was white women voting according to their dominating Republican husbands. No, I thought........
All of that too ,but you deny comey helped win election for trump?

Of course I do. WTF made their decision on who to vote for because of Comey?

Hillary is a criminal and has been for years. If you are so inept to need Comey to point that out to you, you haven't been paying very much attention to politics.
I don't understand the republicans constant bashing of Comey He handed the election to Trump

He did????

I thought it was the Russians. No, I thought it was the green party. No, I thought it was the free air time Trump got. No, I thought it was white women voting according to their dominating Republican husbands. No, I thought........
All of that too ,but you deny comey helped win election for trump?

Of course I do. WTF made their decision on who to vote for because of Comey?

Hillary is a criminal and has been for years. If you are so inept to need Comey to point that out to you, you haven't been paying very much attention to politics.
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.
I don't understand the republicans constant bashing of Comey He handed the election to Trump

He did????

I thought it was the Russians. No, I thought it was the green party. No, I thought it was the free air time Trump got. No, I thought it was white women voting according to their dominating Republican husbands. No, I thought........
All of that too ,but you deny comey helped win election for trump?

Of course I do. WTF made their decision on who to vote for because of Comey?

Hillary is a criminal and has been for years. If you are so inept to need Comey to point that out to you, you haven't been paying very much attention to politics.
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.

Nobody is lying about anything. First off, there is no law that states US citizens or business people cannot deal with Russia. Mueller investigated this for over two years with nearly a dozen anti-Trump lawyers and you think you know more than them because what CNN told you.

Nothing Russia did changed our election anymore than anything Hussein did changed Israel's election. It's just something leaders of country's do to have a little fun. And I have expert testimony to back up my claim.

I don't understand the republicans constant bashing of Comey He handed the election to Trump

He did????

I thought it was the Russians. No, I thought it was the green party. No, I thought it was the free air time Trump got. No, I thought it was white women voting according to their dominating Republican husbands. No, I thought........
All of that too ,but you deny comey helped win election for trump?

Of course I do. WTF made their decision on who to vote for because of Comey?

Hillary is a criminal and has been for years. If you are so inept to need Comey to point that out to you, you haven't been paying very much attention to politics.
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.
There is no scandal more fake than the "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax. Your hero Mueller admitted it was a fake
I don't understand the republicans constant bashing of Comey He handed the election to Trump

He did????

I thought it was the Russians. No, I thought it was the green party. No, I thought it was the free air time Trump got. No, I thought it was white women voting according to their dominating Republican husbands. No, I thought........
All of that too ,but you deny comey helped win election for trump?

Of course I do. WTF made their decision on who to vote for because of Comey?

Hillary is a criminal and has been for years. If you are so inept to need Comey to point that out to you, you haven't been paying very much attention to politics.
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.
There is no scandal more fake than the "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax. Your hero Mueller admitted it was a fake
LOL yeah those 180 meetings with the russians were all about adoptions Can you be fooled that easily? # 1?
He did????

I thought it was the Russians. No, I thought it was the green party. No, I thought it was the free air time Trump got. No, I thought it was white women voting according to their dominating Republican husbands. No, I thought........
All of that too ,but you deny comey helped win election for trump?

Of course I do. WTF made their decision on who to vote for because of Comey?

Hillary is a criminal and has been for years. If you are so inept to need Comey to point that out to you, you haven't been paying very much attention to politics.
The usual stupid diversions... The Russians are a real Scandal and so is the Trumpers
meeting with them 180 times and lying about it.
There is no scandal more fake than the "Russia! Russia! Russia!" hoax. Your hero Mueller admitted it was a fake
LOL yeah those 180 meetings with the russians were all about adoptions Can you be fooled that easily? # 1?
There were no meetings, dumbass. Your 180 number is simply a lie.
Watch all the leftwing douchebags in this forum defend Mueller's behavior, which the ABA code specifically prohibits:

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.

Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”

Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference.

“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”

The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.
Isn't this where people just say, "they are all partisan hacks"? That seems to be your favorite tactic, after all.
Watch all the leftwing douchebags in this forum defend Mueller's behavior, which the ABA code specifically prohibits:

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.

Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”

Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference.

“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”

The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.
Isn't this where people just say, "they are all partisan hacks"? That seems to be your favorite tactic, after all.
It's not a "tactic," it's a fact.
Watch all the leftwing douchebags in this forum defend Mueller's behavior, which the ABA code specifically prohibits:

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.

Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”

Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference.

“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”

The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.
Isn't this where people just say, "they are all partisan hacks"? That seems to be your favorite tactic, after all.
It's not a "tactic," it's a fact.
Nah, it's the opinion of partisan hacks. And, like you, I have the magical ability to make this determination without reading a word of it. Don't be jealous.
Watch all the leftwing douchebags in this forum defend Mueller's behavior, which the ABA code specifically prohibits:

Former prosecutors say Mueller statement violated American Bar Association rule

His final report and a statement on May 29 by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller surrounded a key finding of “no Trump-Moscow conspiracy” with innuendo and loaded language, news analysts and prosecutors said.

Rule 3.8(f) of the American Bar Association’s rules of professional conduct states: “The prosecutor in a criminal case shall … refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused.”

Prosecutors and pundits alike said Robert Mueller shredded that rule at his May 29 press conference.

“I’d have been crucified under this rule for a ‘not innocent’ comment about an uncharged party,” a former federal prosecutor told The Federalist. “I literally cannot fathom holding a press conference to say that an uncharged person was not innocent.”

The Federalist reported that “multiple federal agents and prosecutors” expressed dismay at the former FBI director’s statement.
Isn't this where people just say, "they are all partisan hacks"? That seems to be your favorite tactic, after all.
It's not a "tactic," it's a fact.
Nah, it's the opinion of partisan hacks. And, like you, I have the magical ability to make this determination without reading a word of it. Don't be jealous.
It's a fact.

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