Former Bush Advisor Wants To Be Texas Lt. Gov?? Bawahahahahaha


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Matthew Dowd, the chief strategist for George W. Bush’s presidential reelection campaign who later split with the former president publicly, is running for lieutenant governor as a Democrat. Dowd also has worked for Bob Bullock, who in 1994 was the last Democrat elected as Texas lieutenant governor, and faces an uphill battle to unseat Republican Dan Patrick. Dowd said Patrick failed to lead on fixing the electric grid after millions of Texans lost power and has refused to take action to address the cost of health care in the state. Instead, Dowd said, Patrick pushed “culture war” issues such as an elections bill that disenfranchise voters of color and a near-total abortion ban in the state."

How desperate do you have to be as a party to nominate a former Bush guy as your Lt. Governor nominee? Even when the guy you are running against is Dan Patrick. Matt Dowd is the same guy who was having an affair with the wife of the guy he was campaign strategist for - during the damn campaign. You would think that alone would end a career, but not when you have the corporate owned beltway media to rehabilitate you. Whoever runs against Matt Dowd in the primaries should have a field day with this guy by doing one simple thing -- having a memory...and bringing up the past in every single debate.

Make him explain why he is clutching his pearls at the fact the Republican party pushes culture war issues instead of pushing ACTUAL policies that makes material improvements for their voters -- because that is the same shit Dowd has done for the past 20 or so years....Everyone should be able to see thru the bullshit folks like Dowd and so-called "former Republicans" are trying to push....they have been forced out of their own party and are now acting shocked that the Republican party has a bunch of Republicans in it.
A left wing Democrat isn't likely to win in Texas, outside of Austin.

So the Democrats are running a centrist. Makes sense to me.
A left wing Democrat isn't likely to win in Texas, outside of Austin.

So the Democrats are running a centrist. Makes sense to me.
Seems like folks describe left-wing as anyone who is willing to actually advocate, fight for and get policies passed that are popular with the majority of people...not just the privileged, powerful, well-connected few....

And Centrists are people who are willing to knock down every last one of those policies to satisfy the privileged class...

I live in Texas and I believe someone who can articulate these policies well enough to punch thru the fearmongering and disinformation could win....

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